First go to my Dahuang townhouse. This puppy we picked up on the street has been with us for 14 and a half years. I have never bought dog food for it, and it still gets fat from leftovers. It has never been vaccinated and has always been healthy. During the Qingming Festival last

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Go to my Dahuang townhouse first.

First go to my Dahuang townhouse. This puppy we picked up on the street has been with us for 14 and a half years. I have never bought dog food for it, and it still gets fat from leftovers. It has never been vaccinated and has always been healthy. During the Qingming Festival last - DayDayNews

This puppy we picked up on the street has been with us for 14 and a half years.

I have never bought dog food for it. It still gets fat from the leftovers. It has not received any vaccinations and has always been healthy. During the Qingming Festival last year, it experienced a disaster - dog It was plagued with , but it survived in the end. Although it left the habitual shaking of its upper and lower jaws, and the sequelae of poor balance of its two hind legs, it was otherwise normal.

is still so fearless, and still so dedicated to protecting its territory-our home.

Don’t look at Dahuang, who is small in stature and has short legs. It doesn’t matter whether you are a human or a dog, it will not be frightened.

To it, there are only three members of my family, my parents-in-law, and my mother who has been to my house several times. They are their own, and the others are strangers.

As long as you step into the door of my house, you are infringing on its territory. It will bark a few times to declare its sovereignty. If the other party despises it and thinks it is just a puppy, and still rushes in, it will go straight down. I bit my mouth, and even though it was just a small scratch, I still had to pay for it. Over the years, I have lost about 7,000 yuan. When I lose money, I comfort myself: "If you lose money, you will avoid disaster! If you lose money, you will avoid disaster!"

The dog is not wrong, it is just fulfilling its responsibilities. It was the person who was negligent and failed to stop the loss in time.

Because it bites people, my husband once used a wooden stick to try to tame it. Although Dahuang kept dodging, when the stick hit him, he bared his teeth at my husband and tried to bite the stick, which made my husband beat him even harder. Although it was wailing and its mouth was full of blood, it still had its eyes wide open and bared its teeth. When I saw this posture of preferring death to surrender, I quickly asked my husband to stop. I didn't want it to die heroically.

I once put such a thick chain on it.

First go to my Dahuang townhouse. This puppy we picked up on the street has been with us for 14 and a half years. I have never bought dog food for it, and it still gets fat from leftovers. It has never been vaccinated and has always been healthy. During the Qingming Festival last - DayDayNews

Until one day I found blood streaks on its neck. When I looked carefully, I saw that there was no hair on the neck. Scarred. Isn’t this just the disadvantage of not being able to speak? Tell me how painful this dog is!

I quickly untied this heavy chain, and the dog was finally freed. From then on, whenever someone came to the house, we would lock the dog in the east hut in advance. After getting familiar with it, every time we opened the door of the hut and shouted "come in", he would immediately go in.

Sometimes the door is forgotten to be closed, and it will sneak out to have fun and come back soon. If the door happens to be closed when it comes back, it will dig at the door with its paws and call loudly until we open the door for it. Then he ran in shaking his head.

I stopped tying it and it never bit anyone again.

I feel like this guy doesn’t treat himself like a dog. We were eating in the main room, and he barked loudly through the screen door. I just want you to eat it, I want to eat it too. I replied to it: "Wait a minute, I'll feed you after I finish eating." It didn't say anything.

When it was eating, if my son passed by it, it would immediately turn its head and bare its teeth at him and growl, scaring my son so much that he didn't dare to go by. We, the two of us, would be fine. Probably in its eyes, this child of the same age as it is inferior to it. Although the son is now over 1.7 meters tall, he still does not dare to get even half a step closer to the dog when Dahuang is eating.

Rhubarb doesn’t like steamed buns, not even steamed buns soaked in vegetable soup. If I scold it for being pretentious, it will lower its head and droop its eyes without saying a word, but it loves to eat rice, watermelon, apples, and melon seeds. Peanuts, everything I love to eat, he loves to eat.

Before, I threw it high and it jumped up and caught it. After the serious illness, he couldn't jump anymore. Now I can no longer chew pork and chicken bones like before. My husband said it was old, and I suspected it was because of the serious illness.

Think about the dog plague. In the later stage, the dog would lie on the ground, twitching and wailing in pain every now and then. My eyes were so cloudy that I couldn't see my eyeballs, my nose was so dry and cracked, and my mouth was so ulcerated that the skin was rotten. The claws were also rotten, with feces and urine all over his body. I could only treat it as a doctor and use disposable syringes to give it medicine. After biting 13 syringes, thank God, it finally survived.

is okay, I haven't given up on it.

Fortunately, it doesn’t want to leave us.

If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. I believe it will last longer.

If you faithfully look after my home and care for me,

I will promise you a comfortable old age.

First go to my Dahuang townhouse. This puppy we picked up on the street has been with us for 14 and a half years. I have never bought dog food for it, and it still gets fat from leftovers. It has never been vaccinated and has always been healthy. During the Qingming Festival last - DayDayNews

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