When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I got a native dog from my classmate's house. This native dog was very fluffy and cute. It was winter and the puppy was just one month old, so I put it next to the stove to keep warm. My mother hated having dogs very much and wa

2024/05/1622:42:32 housepet 1933

was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I got a native dog from a classmate's house. This native dog was very fluffy and cute.

It was winter and the puppy was just one month old, so I put it next to the stove to keep warm.

When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I got a native dog from my classmate's house. This native dog was very fluffy and cute. It was winter and the puppy was just one month old, so I put it next to the stove to keep warm. My mother hated having dogs very much and wa - DayDayNews

My mother hated having a dog and was afraid that it would get lice, so she threw the dog on the road one night.

It snowed heavily that day. I searched like crazy and finally found it in the snow nest. I put it on the stove when I got home because it was warm in the stove.

Since then, because the puppy couldn't stretch its head, it turned into a tilted dog.

But my love for dogs has never weakened. Sometimes I will secretly take out eggs from the chicken coop to feed it, or I will cut a piece of meat for it if I buy it at home. After

went to junior high school, he rode to school one morning. It was about ten miles away. It was dark in the morning. When he got to the school gate, he found that he was following him.

Every time when I come back from school, it will get close to me crazily and lick my face with its warm tongue.

Later, my uncle's factory needed a guard dog, so he took it away. Originally, I thought that I would never see it again, but I didn’t expect that it would come back a year later. My uncle said: It bites people and refuses to change despite repeated admonitions. It only hurts people!

When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I got a native dog from my classmate's house. This native dog was very fluffy and cute. It was winter and the puppy was just one month old, so I put it next to the stove to keep warm. My mother hated having dogs very much and wa - DayDayNews

When I was in the third grade of junior high school, this dog was still at home diligently. One time I didn't see it when I came back. My mother said that a dog collector came and sold it for a total of eight yuan.

From then on, I never saw that dog again.

even sometimes think, suddenly it will appear again.

Since then, I have no interest in raising dogs. Because there are some things that you don’t want to lose when you have feelings. It is better not to own


(I am Zuo Qiqi, a novice, and I will accompany you to see all the wind, flowers, snow, moon and warmth in the world)

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