On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i

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On July 3, 1993, a group of dinosaur eggs and fossils were discovered in Henan.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang District, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration is on the west slope of Tian Village, Danshui Town, Xixia County. In addition to a large number of dinosaur egg fossils, dinosaur bone fossils were also found in the Cretaceous strata southwest of Zhaoying Village, Yangcheng Township, this county. Experts revealed that the characteristics of the dinosaur egg fossil group discovered in the basin are: first, they are distributed over a large area, covering an area of ​​nearly 40 square kilometers in Danshui Town, Yangcheng Township, and Neixiang County, Danshui Town, Xixia County, and Chimei Township, Neixiang County. Traces of dinosaur activities can be found inside. Second, the burial is concentrated. Three fossil layers can be observed from the section. The egg fossils are distributed in nests and arranged in an orderly manner, with each nest containing more than ten to thirty eggs. Third, they are abundant in quantity. Thousands of them have been discovered so far, and it is estimated that the total number of buried ones is no less than tens of thousands. Their richness is rare in the world. Fourth, the original state is well preserved, and the fossils have basically not been disturbed or broken in the later period. Except for a small amount of eggshells that were slightly dented by the pressure of the rock formations, most of them are intact as before, which is unique in the world.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

On July 3, 2003, the Ming Tombs were included in the United Nations' World Heritage List.

The Ming Tombs are the tomb complex of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty in China. They are located in a small basin of 40 square kilometers under Tianshou Mountain in Changping District, Beijing, about 50 kilometers away from the capital. They were used from the May of the seventh year of Yongle (1409) until their burial. After the end of the Chongzhen Emperor's reign, which lasted for more than 230 years, a total of 13 Ming Dynasty emperors, 23 queens, 2 princes, more than 30 concubines, and 1 eunuch were buried. It is one of the best-preserved imperial tombs in the world. In 2003 Listed as a world cultural heritage.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

On July 3, 1980, the founding general Deng Hua passed away.

Deng Hua: (1910-1980), whose original name was Duohua and whose courtesy name was Shiqiu. Born on April 28, 1910 in Pifu Village, Yongning Township, Chenzhou County, Hunan Province (now Chenxian County), into a scholarly family. In the autumn of 1925, he went to Changsha to study at Yueyun Middle School and participated in the patriotic student movement. In the spring of 1927, he entered the political class of Nanhua School and joined the Communist Party of China in March of the same year. In January 1928, he participated in the Shonan Uprising of 1928 and served as the organizational officer of the Political Department of the 7th Division of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army. After arriving in Jinggangshan, he served as squadron leader of the Propaganda Team of the 33rd Regiment of the 11th Division of the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, company party representative, and party committee officer of the 31st Regiment. He participated in the Battle of Longyuankou and the Defense of Huangyangjie. . In 1929, he served as the chief of the Organization Section of the Political Department of the Third Column of the Fourth Red Army. He attended the Ninth Congress of the Fourth Army of the Communist Party of China ( Gutian Conference ). In 1930, he served as political commissar of the teaching team of the 12th Red Army and political commissar of the third detachment of the first column. In October of the same year, he served as political commissar of the 36th Red Army Division. In the summer of 1933, he served as political commissar of the third regiment of the first division of the Red Army. In January 1934, he was appointed political commissar of the Second Regiment. Participated in the first to fifth counter-campaigns against "encirclement and suppression" in the Central Revolutionary Base Area. Later, he studied in the Advanced Command Department of Red Army University.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

On July 3, 1958, the ALGOL language was founded.

On July 3, 1958, the American ACM group created a new language, and then a committee of European commercial and academic computer scientists met in Zurich, Switzerland, to discuss how to improve FORTRAN and design a standardized computer language. In 1960, the committee defined a new language version, the International Algebraic Language ALGOL 60, based on the design of the American ACM group in 1958, which introduced the concepts of local variables and recursion for the first time. The ALGOL language was not widely used, but it evolved into the conceptual basis for other programming languages.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

On July 3, 1940, "Unit 731" conducted germ warfare against China.

In July 1940, Shiro Ishii, captain of the "731 Unit" of the Japanese invaders, personally led an expedition team, carrying 70 kilograms of typhoid bacteria, 50 kilograms of cholera bacteria, and 5 kilograms of infected with plague bacteria. Flea went to the Ningbo area of ​​the Central China War Zone to conduct germ warfare. The Japanese army put the bacteria they carried into reservoirs and residential areas, causing the spread of infectious diseases such as plague and plague in Ningbo.At the same time, another expedition team of the Japanese Army's "731 Troop", with the cooperation of the Nanjing "Rong" 1644 Troop, carried 130 kilograms of anthrax, paratyphoid and plague bacteria to Chongqing and Zhejiang and Jiangxi. Bacterial warfare was carried out on the main railway lines of , Jinhua, , Longyou, Quxian, Yushan, and Pujiang, resulting in the spread of infectious diseases in the contaminated areas, killing a large number of residents, and the entire families of many families. What is even more cruel and inhumane is that the Japanese army also distributed flatbreads injected with typhoid and paratyphoid bacteria to 3,000 prisoners of war in the Nanjing prisoner of war camp, and then released the prisoners of war to spread the disease.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

The bomb that could spread the plague was developed and used by Shiro Ishii, the captain of the 731st Army of the Japanese Army. On July 3, 1904, Weng Tonghe, the emperor of the late Qing Dynasty, died of illness.

On July 3, 1904, Weng Tonghe, the teacher of Emperor Tongzhi and Guangxu, died of illness.

How do you evaluate such a character? Historian Dai Yi wrote in his "The Biography of Weng Tonghe":

Weng Tonghe was an important figure in the political arena of the late Qing Dynasty. During the Sino-Japanese War of 1898, he insisted on resisting Japan and opposed surrender, and the Movement of 1898 He strived for self-improvement, promoted reforms, and made contributions to the country and nation. Weng Tonghe came from an official family, and his father and brother were both court ministers. He received traditional Confucian education in his early years, was well-read in classics and history, and was proficient in poetry, especially calligraphy. The era he lived in was almost similar to the modern history of China.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

On July 3, 1904, Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement , died of illness.

On July 3, 1904, Theodor Herzl passed away at the age of 44. He founded the Zionist movement and was committed to establishing a Jewish state in Palestine . Herzl was born in Budapest and attended school in Vienna. From 1891 he became a reporter for the Vienna newspaper Neue Freie Zeitung. "New Free Press" is one of Europe's leading newspapers. In France, Herzl, as a reporter, reported in detail the Dreyfus incident. In 1896, Herzl published the pamphlet "The Jewish State".

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

Zionist pioneer Herzl

On July 3, 1898, Peking University ’s predecessor, Beijing University Hall, was established.

Jingshi University Hall is the predecessor of Peking University and the earliest university in modern China. It was founded on July 3, 1898, and was one of the "New Deals" of the Reform Movement of 1898. After the Revolution of 1911, it was renamed Peking University.

In 1862, the Qing government established the Capital Tongwen Hall in the Prime Minister's Office. After that, the Qing government decided to set up an arithmetic center to study astronomical arithmetic. The establishment of Tongwenkan was the beginning of new-style schools in our country. Tongwenkan was the earliest public junior college established in my country. Later it was merged into the Capital University and was the earliest component of the Capital University.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

On July 3, 1890, Chinese historian Chen Yinke was born.

Chen Yinke (July 3, 1890 - October 7, 1969) was the most famous historian, classical literature researcher, and linguist in modern China. He was a native of Yining, Jiangxi (now Xiushui County). The son of the famous poet Chen Sanli, the grandson of Hunan governor Chen Baozhen (an enlightened governor who supported the reform). Mrs. Tang Yun is the granddaughter of Taiwan Governor Tang Jingsong and a female teacher. She met in Tsinghua University. The two had similar interests and got married in Shanghai in 1928 at the age of 37. Chen Yinke attended a private school in Nanjing when he was young. Under the influence of his family environment, he was able to recite the Four Books and Five Classics from an early age and read extensively historical and philosophical classics.

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

html On July 3, 1062, Bao Zheng, an official of the Northern Song Dynasty in China, passed away.

On July 3, 11062 (the 24th day of the fifth lunar month), Bao Zheng, an official of the Northern Song Dynasty in China, passed away.

Bao Zheng, courtesy name Xiren, was born in Hefei, Luzhou. Finally, he passed the Jinshi examination, was awarded the title of Dali judge, and served as the magistrate of Jianchang County. Because his parents were old, Bao Zheng resigned and did not take up his post. After getting the official position of prisoner and state tax collector, but his parents did not want him to leave, Bao Zheng resigned from the official position and went home to support the elderly.A few years later, his parents died one after another. Bao Zheng built a thatched cottage next to his parents' graves. Until the mourning period was over, he still hesitated and couldn't bear to leave. Elders from the same town came to comfort and encourage him many times.

Bao Zheng was honest and just, resolute in establishing the government, not attached to powerful people, selfless, wise and decisive, and dared to appeal for the injustice of the people. Therefore, he was known as " Bao Qingtian" and " Bao Gong". The capital had the reputation of "if the joints are not reached, there are The saying "Yam Luo Bao Lao". Later generations worshiped him as a god and believed that he was the reincarnation of Kuixing. Due to his black-faced image among the people, he was also called "Bao Qingtian".

On July 3, 1993, a rare group of dinosaur egg fossils in the world was discovered in the Xixia Basin in Nanyang, Henan Province. Relevant experts have recently confirmed seven burial locations of dinosaur egg fossils after on-site inspections, of which the highest concentration i - DayDayNews

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