Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog

2021/10/0723:57:02 housepet 1989

The way dogs express their feelings is very direct. If your dog doesn't like you, you can tell from his daily behavior. Observe carefully, if your dog has the following behaviors, it proves that your dog raising is really a failure!

Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog - DayDayNews

The process of raising a dog is a process of interaction between the owner and the dog. When the dog has been kept by the owner for a period of time, he will be very loyal and dependent on the owner.

Therefore, it is generally believed that a dog is unconditionally obedient to its owner. No matter how the owner beats or scolds it, it will follow the owner with all his heart. But dogs also have their own ideas, and when they are dissatisfied with their owners, they will behave.

Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog - DayDayNews

For example, a dog who has learned to go to the toilet at a fixed point, suddenly urinates at home , it may be that the owner has beaten and scolded the dog before and has done things that make the dog dissatisfied , Let the dog bear the hate, it will try to retaliate against the owner by pulling messy urine.

It can be seen that the dog is not convinced of the owner in his heart, and he is not absolutely obedient to the owner. The owner's method of raising a dog is really a failure.

Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog - DayDayNews

There are also dogs that have been trained since childhood, that is, refuses to listen to the owner's words , when the owner calls it, it will pretend that it cannot hear or understand. If the dog likes the owner, he will run over as soon as he hears the owner's command.

If the dog has been raised for so long and the obedience is still so bad, it can be seen that the training method of the owner is very failed, and the training method should be adjusted in time.

Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog - DayDayNews

Training dogs should pay attention to methods, not blindly aggressive dogs, forcing the dog to do things according to the owner's wishes, it is best to be able to guide it to take the initiative to do what the owner wants it to do.

When training, you can prepare some small snacks for induction. When the dog sees a snack, he will be more willing to cooperate with the owner.

Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog - DayDayNews

The owner’s failure to raise dogs is also manifested in . Dogs have serious feeding behaviors . Although dog food protection is a natural response to survival, well-educated dogs not only don’t know how to protect food, but they also know how to share with their owners.

When a dog who can protect food is eating, if the owner is close to it, it will stop, behave very vigilantly, and make a low growl. As long as the owner takes further action, it will immediately take a bite at you. The dog is terrible.

Once the pet owner finds that the dog has the behavior of protecting food, he must immediately correct it and give it relevant training. When the dog understands that the food is given by the owner and cannot compete with the owner for food, he knows how to protect the food it's wrong.

Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog - DayDayNews

In addition, when the pet owner prepares food for the dog, it is best to choose a nutritious and high-quality dog ​​food as the staple food , because we must not only learn to train the dog, but also take care of the dog. The dog’s daily diet allows it to eat healthily, and it will stay with us longer.

For those who don't know how to choose dog food, you can read this article recommended by the editor and choose a suitable dog food to let your dog grow up healthily.

[Recommended by the editor] Dogs have these behaviors, it proves that you really failed to raise a dog - DayDayNews

Conclusion: Will your dog be available on call?

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