This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening

2021/09/3020:59:02 housepet 1561

There are more and more dog owners, but not everyone who raises a dog will raise a dog. The following method of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening! I hope you haven't done it!

This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening - DayDayNews

Don't stop it from picking up food

I believe everyone knows that a dog's curiosity is very heavy. When you take it out, you will look, smell, and lick it everywhere.

If the owner finds that it is picking up food and does not stop it, it is easy to cause the dog to get sick or even life-threatening.

If you want your dog to grow up healthy, train it not to pick up food, so as to ensure its health.

This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening - DayDayNews

Do not take it out to exercise

Dogs yearn for freedom. You must know that raising a dog requires walking the dog.

If you don't take it out to exercise, then its energy has not vented, and there will be destructive behaviors such as demolition of the house.

Dogs who have not exercised for a long time can easily get sick and even threaten their lives. I hope everyone has never done it!

This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening - DayDayNews

Take a bath often

Perhaps some novice pet owners think that the cleaner the dog is, the better. If you see a little dirty on its body, you should give it a bath.

In fact, this way of raising a dog is the easiest way to make the dog sick and even threaten its life.

After all, dogs who often bathe can easily damage the natural oil protective layer on the skin's surface, causing skin diseases and other problems.

This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening - DayDayNews

often let it climb stairs

Senior dog owners may know that the body structure of a dog is not suitable for standing and climbing stairs.

Frequently letting the dog climb stairs and stand will increase the burden on his lumbar spine, leading to difficulty in walking and even paralysis of the hind limbs.

So this way of raising dogs,The pet owners must not adopt it! Especially dogs like and corgi , it's useless if you don't regret it!

In addition, some dogs with fragile bones should be raised. Usually, we need to pay attention to supplementing calcium to strengthen their bones. This way, fractures will not occur frequently. How should we supplement calcium? These are things that need to be understood by the owner. Interested pet owners can click on the blue letters to see: This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening - DayDayNews

Give him a lot of food

Don’t think that you give your dog a lot of food, just treat him well. In fact, this way of raising a dog is the most harmful to the dog.

can easily aggravate a dog's gastrointestinal burden, causing indigestion, and even gastroenteritis, obesity and other problems.

The best way to feed your dog is to eat less and more meals, regularly and quantitatively, and it is enough to be full every eighth.

This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening - DayDayNews

The owner must know the importance of choosing dog food. You can't choose a dog food casually. The most important thing is the right one, but how should you choose? Interested pet owners can click on the blue letters to understand: This way of raising a dog can make your dog sick and even life-threatening - DayDayNews


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