Xinhua Finance, Beijing, June 1 (Ji Chao, Wang Weijian, Chen Yungang) In this issue, the Xinhua Hainan Farm Reclamation-Natural Rubber Series price index showed a concussive downward trend. The intensification of the COVID-19 epidemic in Southeast Asian production areas has affec

Demand decreased, and the price of natural rubber fluctuated and fell. According to

data, the natural rubber price index showed an overall downward trend in shock during the week from May 25 to May 31. On May 31, the price index of standard rubber (TSR20) reported 1159.80 points, down 0.34% from (May 24, the same below); the price index of mixed rubber (20#) reported 1137.95 points, down 0.51%; the price index of concentrated milk It was reported at 1035.05 points, down 3.44%; the natural rubber latex price index was reported at 1021.61 points, down 1.93%.

Xinhua·Hainan Farm Reclamation-Natural Rubber Series Price Index Operation Chart

In terms of prices, the average prices of standard rubber, mixed rubber, concentrated latex, and natural rubber latex fluctuated downward as a whole. The average price of standard rubber (TSR20) fluctuates in the range of 1719.08-1734.72 US dollars/ton; the average price of mixed rubber (20#) fluctuates in the range of 1712.43-1732.43 US dollars/ton; the average price of concentrated milk remains in the range of 9270-9730 yuan/ton; The average price of natural rubber latex (dry basis) remains within the range of 12986.25-13702.5 yuan/ton.

On the supply side, Cyclone Yasi landed in Thailand, causing heavy rainfall in many places, but the duration was short and had little impact on natural rubber production. At the same time, the COVID-19 epidemic in Southeast Asia is becoming increasingly serious, which may affect the supply of raw materials in the future. In terms of domestic production areas, the high temperature in Hainan continues, and the recovery of output in the Banna production area in Yunnan is slow, hindering the increase in raw material production.

On the demand side, due to slow domestic shipments and export sales being affected by rising international shipping costs and container shortages, the operating load of tire plants continued to decline in this period. As of May 27, the operating load of all-steel tires by tire companies in Shandong was 55.36%, down 7.16 percentage points from the previous week and 10.86 percentage points from the same period last year. The operating load of semi-steel tires by domestic tire companies was 56.22%, down from the previous week. It fell by 4.76 percentage points and dropped by 4.79 percentage points from the same period last year.

In terms of automobiles, according to the latest data released by the Passenger Car Association, the auto market retail sales in the third week reached an average of 42,000 units per day, a slight increase of 0.1% year-on-year in the third week of May 2020, but a 5% decrease compared with the third week of May 2019. , the performance is relatively weak.

The expected tightening at the macro level will have an impact on commodities, coupled with the continued decline in downstream tire construction, raising market concerns, the price of natural rubber futures has shown a volatile trend. Comprehensive analysis by

shows that on the supply side, as the COVID-19 epidemic intensifies in the main production areas of Southeast Asia, it may have an impact on the supply of natural rubber; on the demand side, the tire load continues to decline, the growth rate of automobile production and sales slows down, and downstream demand may decline to a certain extent. Natural rubber The fundamentals of rubber are in a weak supply and demand situation, and it is expected that natural rubber prices will still mainly fluctuate in a range in the short term.

Xinhua Hainan Nongken-Natural Rubber Series Price Index is jointly compiled and released by China Economic Information Service and Hainan Nongken Investment Holding Group, including standard rubber (TSR20), mixed rubber (20#), thick latex and natural rubber latex. index. The index is updated every working day, and the sample area covers Hainan, Yunnan, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Source: Xinhua News Agency