On August 7 this year, Nong, the legal representative of the company who had fled overseas, was escorted back to Shanghai by the Shanghai police. The Shanghai police fugitive pursuit team worked closely with overseas law enforcement agencies, directly contacted the captain throug

Caption: The suspect in the "Lianbi Financial" case was escorted back to Shanghai Source: Photo provided by the police (the same below)

[Xinmin Evening News·Xinmin.com] The case of "Lianbi Financial" illegally absorbing public deposits once attracted widespread social attention. On August 7 this year, Nong, the legal representative of the company who had fled overseas, was escorted back to Shanghai by the Shanghai police. Few people know that Nong had been sailing on a fishing boat for three days and nights. The Shanghai police escape team worked closely with overseas law enforcement agencies and directly contacted the captain through high-tech means to sail the ship back to the port of departure and take Nong away. handed it over to the Shanghai police.

This is just a story about the Shanghai police’s pursuit of illegal fund-raising suspects. The reporter learned from the police that since June this year, the Shanghai police have stepped up their crackdown on illegal fund-raising cases. Since June, a total of 58 fugitives have been reported and investigated in illegal fund-raising cases. As of press time, 48 people have been arrested, with a capture rate of over 80%.

According to Zhou Haifeng, leader of the Economic Investigation Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, currently, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau has established a leading group for pursuit of fugitives. All member units and public security bureaus, under the unified deployment of the municipal bureau, will arrest the fugitives at each level. We should implement it at all levels, fully integrate all police resources, and go all out to promote the pursuit of fugitives.

"We adhere to the principle of 'pursuing fugitives and pursuing them to the fullest', establishing 'one person, one file' for every fugitive who has not been captured and brought to justice, clarifying 'one person, one policy', and implementing 'one person, one dedicated team' to integrate and utilize multiple police officers." The police, multi-department resources and domestic and international law enforcement cooperation resources will analyze the relevant information and activity trajectories of fugitives, and take a variety of measures to improve the effect of chasing fugitives. "According to Zhou Haifeng, in order to improve the effect of chasing fugitives, the Municipal Bureau Police officers with excellent qualities and strong professional abilities in investigation and arrest, data analysis, foreign language communication, etc. have been specially selected.

"Criminal suspects who illegally raise funds often foresee their own fate, so most of them make full preparations before fleeing." The chasing police told reporters that some fleeing criminal suspects even made false arrangements. Cover up your true escape goal.

Caption: The suspect in the "Wynn Baohuo Financial Management" case was escorted back to Shanghai

On July 19 this year, the Fengxian Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, based on reports from the masses, launched an investigation into Shanghai Yuqian Financial Information Services Co., Ltd. ("Jucaimao" ) was investigated on suspicion of illegally absorbing public deposits. The legal representative of the company, Xue, had just returned from traveling abroad. On July 18, he promised investors through the live broadcast platform that he would "not run away and never lose contact." However, he suddenly disappeared on July 19.

In fact, Xue had already made an escape plan before, and the so-called public commitment was just to buy time for his escape. The task force immediately mobilized police forces to conduct interception and set up barriers at Shanghai's two major airports. The cunning Xue was indeed not simple. He used various signs to leave clues for his escape to the southwest, southeast, northeast and other routes and directions. , to create suspicion and confuse the chasing police officers. However, through analysis, the police chasing the fugitive judged that he, who came from the Northeast, would probably choose a familiar route at a critical moment.

Sure enough, in the early morning of July 23, Xue arrived in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province and went into hiding. On the same day, the pursuit team rushed to Yichun to wait for the ambush. On July 23rd and 24th, Yichun City experienced heavy rain that had not been seen in decades. The pursuit team stayed overnight in the heavy rain. On the morning of July 24th, the police discovered that Mr. Xue had received 3.5 million in cash from the bank—— The fox finally showed its tail, which meant that Xue would continue to abscond. Instead of alerting the snake, the police tracked him all the way to where he was hiding and captured him in one fell swoop. Xue never expected that his carefully prepared escape plan would be easily seen through, and he would be caught by the law in less than a week.

Picture caption: The suspect in the "Fuxing Case" was escorted back to Shanghai

The same is true for the "Lianbi Financial" case mentioned earlier. On June 21 this year, based on reports from the masses, the Songjiang Public Security Bureau launched an investigation into Shanghai Lianbi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. for suspected illegal absorption of public deposits. At that time, Nong, the legal representative of the company, had already fled abroad in the early morning of June 20.The

task force immediately launched the international law enforcement cooperation mechanism, immediately requested overseas law enforcement agencies to assist in the arrest of Nong, and quickly clarified the direction of Nong's escape. The task force immediately requested Interpol to issue an Interpol red notice against Nong and launch a global wanted search. The

task force determined that Nong was unlikely to stay in one country for a long time and was likely to flee to different countries to avoid arrest. Under the unified command of the Ministry of Public Security, the task force traced Nong's trace step by step through the police liaison officers of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. Sure enough, Nong had already escaped from his first destination and smuggled himself to a third country.

The criminal suspect was smuggled into the country illegally, but the pursuit team had to follow procedures in accordance with the laws of the local country. Although the procedures were cumbersome, the pursuit team was always in hot pursuit after continuously crossing the border without stopping, making Nong's living space hidden abroad even narrower. On August 4, Nong, who was in a panic, escaped again by smuggling on a fishing boat from a third country. The fugitive pursuit team was in close contact with overseas law enforcement agencies and quickly located his traces, which led to the scene at the beginning of the article.

The police said that the current pursuit of suspects involved in illegal fund-raising is still continuing, especially for those suspects who have fled abroad. The police will also work hard to pass extradition regulations to return them to the country for trial.

The police promised that without affecting the investigation of the case, they will promptly release the case report to the public through the official Weibo and WeChat and through the news media to let investors understand the police's efforts in recovering the stolen goods and reversing the losses. "We sympathize with the plight of investors and will do our best to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests."

The police also reminded citizens that investment is risky. It is hoped that the general public will improve their screening capabilities, recognize the characteristics of illegal fund-raising, such as "without state approval", "guaranteed principal and interest", "high interest rates", and "raising funds from unspecified members of society", and enhance their awareness of self-protection and prevention of investment risks. , consciously stay away from illegal fund-raising activities.

Chief reporter of Xinmin Evening News Pan Gaofeng