Quote: Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work", all the playlists revealed! Netizen: After all, Jay Chou is actually very admirable in terms of music. Every time he releases an album, he attracts a lot of people's love, so many people have been looking forward to his album. But

Quote: Jay Chou 's new album "'s greatest work ", all the playlists are revealed! Netizen: It’s time to wait.

Jay Chou is actually very admirable in terms of music. Every time he releases an album, he attracts the love of many people, so many people have been looking forward to his album. But after waiting for 6 years, there has been no result, and and Jay Chou were also pushed again and again. I didn't expect that it would take 6 years.

Actually, it is very understandable when you think about it. After all, in the past few years, Jay Chou has used his time to give birth to three children in total. His little daughter was just born this year. He has a son and two daughters. He is also a very happy dad. Therefore, the company of family members is also very important.

After waiting for 6 years, we finally waited for Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work". And all the song lists in his album have been exposed. Which one do you think is the title song in your heart?

1, Intro

2, The Greatest Work

3, Still Wandering

4, Say Goodbye Not to Cry

5, Beauty as Frost

6, If You Don’t Love Me, Pull Me Down

7, Mojito

8, Missed Fireworks

9, Waiting for You After Class

10, Pink Ocean

11, Reflection

12 , I believe so much

Many netizens were very excited after seeing it. After all, they had waited for 6 years to finally get Jay Chou's album and his new song. Just after midnight on July 8, Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work" went on pre-sale on multiple authorized platforms. Red Star News reporter discovered this morning that within 8 hours, Jay Chou sold millions of albums on QQ Music Migu Music and other platforms. Each digital album sold for 30 yuan, and the pre-sale amount exceeded 30 million yuan.

Not only are the songs in this album good to listen to, but the looks in this album are also very impressive. This is also Jay Chou’s 15th album. Have you decided which one to pre-order?