There is such a kind of relationship called "sincerity and sincerity". This kind of friendship is stronger than gold. This kind of relationship is a friendship worth maintaining for a lifetime! "Take care of your heart and your courage," this idiom comes from "Take care of your h

There is such a kind of relationship called "sincerity and sincerity". This kind of friendship is stronger than gold. This kind of relationship is a friendship worth maintaining for a lifetime!

"Take care of one's heart and one's courage," this idiom comes from "Take care of one's heart, one's courage, and longevity" in "Hou Xiaolu". It often refers to the deep friendship, closeness, and mutual support between people.

And this is indeed the case in our bodies. The liver and gallbladder are closely connected anatomically, and their physiological functions are also closely related. The liver and gallbladder are externally and internally related. The liver is located on the right rib, and the gallbladder is attached between the liver lobes.

What is the specific relationship between liver and gallbladder?

What is the specific relationship between liver and gallbladder? Mainly reflected in the following two aspects!

No. 1 In terms of digestive function

the liver governs catharsis and secretes bile; the gallbladder is attached to the liver and stores and excretes bile.

The liver and gallbladder work together to release bile into the large intestine to help the spleen and stomach digest food.

Therefore, only when the liver's excretory function is normal, the gallbladder can store and excrete bile normally.

Second: In terms of mental and emotional aspects,

liver regulates emotions, courage governs decision-making, and is related to people's courage and cowardice.

Some people are bold, while others are as timid as a mouse.

The liver and gallbladder cooperate with each other and serve each other, so that human spiritual consciousness and thinking activities can run normally.

It is said that "the gallbladder is attached to the liver and is related to the outside and the inside. Although the liver qi is strong, it is not continuous without the gallbladder. The liver and gallbladder complement each other, and courage is achieved."

The main manifestations of the disease process of the liver and gallbladder are: poor drainage of bile, and mental state. There are two aspects to ambition.

teaches you several ways to protect your liver and gallbladder!

The following imperial doctor sister will teach you several ways to protect the liver and gallbladder:

Take a good nap at noon first

Take a nap at noon, and you must fall asleep before noon, because the gallbladder meridian is most prosperous at noon, Liver meridian is most prosperous at ugliness, at this time Entering deep sleep can nourish yin and subdue yang, which is beneficial to liver regeneration, liver blood purification and bile metabolism.

Second, get up early in spring and don’t stay in bed. Chinese medicine believes that around five o’clock in the morning is the "waking of insects" of the day. At this time, people have to get up early and be active like insects during the waking of insects. Getting up too late is not conducive to the smooth flow of qi and blood.

Third, keep a calm mood

Because bad emotions may lead to abnormal liver function, anger can damage the liver, liver damage can lead to gallbladder failure, and over time, mental illnesses such as depression and insomnia can occur.

Fourth, eat some food and medicine that can replenish liver and gallbladder qi.

People with cold body and insufficient liver qi can eat brown sugar, donkey hide gelatin , angelica , royal jelly, etc. People with hyperactive liver yang can eat some vegetables with a neutral and cool nature, such as celery, spinach, mung bean sprouts, etc.

Fifth, moderate exercise

Moderate exercise can help the liver to relax and increase courage.

If there is something wrong with the liver and gallbladder, should it be removed directly?

If you have liver and gallbladder problems, don’t say “cut” easily!

Nowadays, many people suffer from cholecystitis, gallstones, gallbladder polyps and other diseases. Many times, doctors recommend to patients to remove the gallbladder for convenience.

Some people do not understand the significance of the existence of the gallbladder, so they think that "everything is over" to avoid recurrence in the future.

In fact, this idea is wrong. Once the gallbladder is removed, bile cannot be stored. Indigestion and even diarrhea will occur after eating fatty foods. Over time, people will gradually lose weight and their physical fitness will decline.

How to prevent fatty liver and gallstones?

The imperial physician sister reminds you that reducing the intake of fat and cholesterol can effectively prevent fatty liver and gallstones.

Have you ever met someone who shares your heart and soul with you? If so, please cherish him, because once you two are separated, you may not be able to "live well" with each other.

If you are willing to pay attention to me, "Tai Yi Tan" will become the friend who will treat you with sincerity!