Chinese Encyclopedia: Analysis of Commonly Used Idioms in Middle School Chinese Language Summer Accumulation Chapter Analysis of Commonly Used Idioms in Middle School Chinese Language 1. Analysis of Misuse of Common Idioms 1. Settlement and relocation: Nostalgic for the hometown

Chinese Encyclopedia: Analysis of commonly used idioms in middle school Chinese. Summer vacation accumulation

Analysis of commonly used idioms in middle school Chinese

1. Analysis of common idioms misuse

1. Relocation: is nostalgic for its homeland and refuses to move easily. It cannot be understood as "saying goodbye to hometown and settling down again".

2. Can’t bear to read: can’t bear to finish reading, mostly describes the article as tragic and moving. It cannot be used to describe poorly written articles.

3. Too much trouble: a derogatory term for , which means that you can't stand its troubles. It cannot be misused as "not tired of taking the trouble" (not tired of the cumbersomeness and trouble, describing patience).

4. Unlearned and incompetent: refers to having no knowledge or ability. Modifying words such as "all day" and "whole month" cannot be added in front of it. "Study" is a noun and cannot be used as a verb.

5. Disapproval: means not thinking it is right and expressing disagreement (mostly contemptuous). It is easy to be confused with "not taking it seriously" (meaning not to take it to heart, indicating that it does not take it seriously or does not matter).

6. Incomprehensible: does not know what is being said, describing the content of the speech as confusing or empty. It refers to the speaker. It cannot be understood as "the listener did not understand".

7. Look sideways: derogatory term, looking sideways, describing fear and resentment. It cannot be understood as "looking with disdain" or "respecting".

8. Once upon a time: means that time has not passed very long. It cannot be understood as "once" or "I don't know when".

9. Not satisfactory: is generally satisfactory. It cannot be understood as "unsatisfactory or less satisfactory".

10. Turn a deaf ear: blocks the ears and refuses to listen. Describes intentionally not listening to other people's opinions. It cannot be used to describe someone who is concentrating on something and not listening.

11. Calculation: a derogatory term for , calculating in every possible way. Easy to be confused with "exerting all one's energy and thinking" (exhausting one's energy and thinking).

12. Entering the hall: is a metaphor for learning or skills from shallow to deep, step by step, to reach a higher level. It cannot be understood as "entering".

13. Great help: respectful words refer to others' great help to oneself. It cannot be used to "help others by yourself".

14. Take care of yourself: means that if you can't be an official, you should improve your own self-cultivation. Nowadays, it also refers to only caring about oneself and lacking collective spirit.

15. Tell the truth: is a complimentary word, describing the earnest teachings of elders (used between elders and juniors, superiors and subordinates). It cannot be used as a derogatory term.

16. Guatianlixia: is a metaphor for a place that easily arouses suspicion, or refers to a situation that is more likely to arouse suspicion, make people misunderstand, and is difficult to argue with. It cannot be used to describe pastoral life.

17. Incredible craftsmanship: describes the exquisite (unnatural) skills of architecture, sculpture, etc. It cannot be used to describe natural landscapes. Synonymous with "ingenuity".

18. Sweaty cows fill a house: describes a large number of books (sweat cows: transported by cattle, and the cows are so tired that they sweat. Chungding: the house is filled with piles). It cannot be used to describe people. Similar to this is "voluminous" (describing a very rich literature, information, etc.).

19. There is no time to send: describes the extremely small distance between things, and also describes the extremely close distance between things and disasters, and the situation is extremely critical. It cannot be understood as "narrow gap".

20. Tried and tested: has been tried many times without any error (successful: error). It cannot be understood as "no success".

21. Beautiful: describes the new house as tall and beautiful, and also describes the decoration, layout, etc. as beautiful and beautiful (wheel: tall. Huan: numerous). It can only be used to describe buildings.

22. Famous for a while: was very famous at the time. It cannot be used as a derogatory term.

23. Muwuquanniu: refers to a person's superb skills and ease of use. It describes that the skill has reached a very proficient level. It cannot be understood as "lack of overall concept".

24. To attract others' wise and mature opinions by using humble and immature opinions. Only for yourself.

25. Qiqiqianaiai: describes a person who stutters and repeats his words and does not speak fluently. It cannot be understood as "speaking hesitantly".

26. Seek perfection and blame: refers to demanding perfection on people and things (responsibility: requirements. Preparation: completeness). It cannot be followed by an object, similar to "indifferent".

27. As if sitting in the spring breeze: describes being taught and influenced by a good teacher. Synonymous with "like a spring breeze". It has nothing to do with "scenery".

28. Deeply popular: enjoys prestige among the masses, convinces everyone, and meets everyone's expectations (Fu: convinced). Synonymous with "living up to expectations". Easy to be confused with "disappointed" (failed to live up to everyone's expectations).

29. There is nothing extra about oneself: means there is nothing extra except oneself. Describes poverty. It cannot be used to describe having no special skills.

30. Teacher’s mind is for one’s own use: is stubborn and self-righteous (teacher’s mind: using one’s own ideas as a teacher, which means only believing in oneself). It cannot be understood as "being good at learning and using it for my own use".

31. Originator: generally refers to the originator of bad trends. Cannot be used as a compliment.

32. The first rat is at both ends: is hesitant or wavering (the first rat is hesitant). It cannot be understood as "inconsistent behavior".

33. Sit back and wait: a derogatory term for , which means not taking the initiative to work hard, but keeping a fluke mentality, hoping to get unexpected gains. It is also a metaphor for sticking to narrow experiences and not knowing how to adapt. It cannot be used to describe the resourcefulness of police officers.

34. The alleys are empty: People from every household are coming out of the alleys (to watch or participate in some big events, etc.). It is often used to describe grand occasions such as celebrations and welcomes. It cannot be understood as "the streets are empty".

35. Far behind: is far behind. It is easy to be confused with "beyond the reach of the whip" (meaning that the power cannot be reached).

36. omnipotent: refers to everything that can be done (used for bad things). Synonymous with "doing anything".

37. Respect each other as guests: describes husband and wife respecting each other like guests. It can only be used between husband and wife. Similar to this, there are "raising the case to bring eyebrows together" and "reunion after breaking the mirror".

38. Hot: a derogatory term for , describing arrogance and power. It cannot be understood as "popular" or "popular".

39. It’s hard to count: describes sins that are as numerous as hair and can’t be counted. Synonymous with "too many bamboos to write". It cannot be used to describe things that are too numerous to count.

40. The crime cannot be punished: The crime is so heinous that even death cannot compensate for it. Synonymous with "a worthy death". It cannot be understood as "the crime has not reached the level of being killed."

2. Analysis of easily confused idioms


Neither three nor four: When describes people, it mostly refers to people's bad conduct.

neither fish nor fowl: When describing people, mostly refers to people's inappropriate clothing.


looks like a fool: is a metaphor for using fake things to pass off as real things.

A mixed bag: is a metaphor for bad guys and good guys mixed together.


grand view: describes things that are numerous and colorful.

eloquent: describes articles or conversations that are rich in content and continuous. It also describes scale or grandeur.


Spring breeze turns into rain: is suitable for wind and rain for the growth of vegetation, which is a metaphor for good education.

The city is full of uproar: describes the matter spreading everywhere and being discussed everywhere. (Mostly refers to bad things)


Wasted time: Time passes in vain, referring to wasted time.

Extraordinary years: describes extraordinary years.


Talking eloquently: describes speaking confidently and calmly. (Praise)

Plausible: The reason for describing seems to be very sufficient, and I can go on and on. (Derogatory meaning)


Xuefuwuche: describes reading a lot and learning a lot (五车: 五车书).

is overwhelming: describes a lot of books. It cannot be used to describe people.


Calm: Inner activities are not shown in tone and demeanor, describing a calm attitude.

is indifferent: is not moved at all; not moved at all.


is far behind: means catching up or comparable. (Mostly used in negatives)

is far behind: is described as falling far behind.


are closely related: describes closely related.

are closely related: are closely related to each other.


Lift the soup to stop it from boiling: Ladle up the boiling water in the pot and pour it back, trying to stop it from boiling. This is a metaphor that the method is wrong and cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

removes the firewood from under the cauldron: removes the firewood from under the cauldron, metaphorically solving the problem fundamentally.


is irreversible: Once the thing happened, it developed very smoothly and rapidly, and then maintained a state of continuous development. (Praise)

Out of control once it happens: means that once something happens, it is out of control, describing the situation that is difficult to control. (Derogatory meaning)

3. Analysis of idioms with similar meanings

1. [Sensational, appalling] has the meaning of shocking people after hearing it. The former refers to deliberately exaggerating or fabricating facts to shock the listener; the latter refers to the event itself making people feel surprised and frightened.

2. [Like a tiger to add wings to a tiger, to add wings to a tiger] The former means that the strong is stronger, and is generally used for people or organizations, with a complimentary meaning; it also means that the evil is more vicious, with a derogatory meaning. The latter is a metaphor for helping evil people and encouraging their power, with a derogatory connotation.

3. [Unbreakable, unbreakable] means that it will not be shaken. The former means that it is indestructible (mostly used for abstract things), while the latter means that it will not break no matter how hard it is beaten, and the metaphor will never be refuted or overturned (mostly refers to theories and principles).

4. [Omnipotent, omnipotent] The former is a complimentary term, which means that one can do anything; the latter is a derogatory term, which means that one can do all bad things.

5. [Meticulous and meticulous] The former is a complimentary word, describing treating people very carefully and thoughtfully; the latter is a derogatory word, referring to doing everything that can be done (used for bad things).

6. [Can’t wait, can’t wait] all means urgent and can’t wait. The former describes a very urgent mood; the latter describes an urgent matter (situation).

7. [Making the best of the situation and going with the flow] has the intention of adapting to the trend. The former is a complimentary term, focusing on guiding in a direction that is conducive to achieving the goal; the latter is a derogatory term, satirizing the behavior of not adhering to principles and going along with others' opinions.

8. [Be honest and sincere] all have the meaning of being sincere to others. The former focuses on sincere meetings and frank interactions between comrades, friends, or organizations; the latter focuses on personal loyalty to the collective, the motherland, the party, and the people.

9. [Appearances are similar, but souls are different, but they are in the same bed but have different dreams] are superficially closely related, but in reality they have two different intentions. The former can be used to express people or things, and when used for people, it mainly refers to "separation from morality"; the latter is used for people or countries, and it mainly refers to "each has its own plans."

10. [Look at it with new eyes, look at it with admiration] has the meaning of treating it in a special way. The former refers to looking at someone in a different light, often referring to paying special attention to a person, usually having a favorable impression; the latter refers to changing old views and looking at people with new eyes.

11. [Looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst and painting cakes to satisfy hunger] all refers to comforting oneself with fantasy. The former means waiting and dreaming without actual action; the latter means taking action but failing to solve the problem.

12. [Sharp in appearance, soft on the inside, strong on the outside but dry on the inside] all means that the appearance is strong but the essence is empty. The former is used in written language to refer to mental state; the latter is often used in spoken language to refer to strength.

13. [Fake it as it is and pretend it’s real] has the intention of confusing the real with the fake. The former can also refer to shoddy goods, used for people or things, and can also express self-effacement; the latter does not mean shoddy goods, and generally describes things, not people.

14. [Continuous stream, endless stream, coming in droves] has the meaning of continuity. Continuous flow: refers specifically to the coming and going of people, horses, cars, and boats, and also contains the meaning of "prosperity". Continuous flow: describes things as continuous as water flow. It cannot be used to describe water flow. Coming in droves: Describing the arrival of people one after another, it refers not only to people, but also to everything.

15. [Huanran is released, disappears into smoke, turns into nothing, turns into nothing] has the intention of disappearing. But they apply to different objects, which are "dissatisfaction or misunderstanding", "things or emotions", "specific things or ideas", and "hopes, plans or promises".

16.【Turn a blind eye, turn a blind eye】 has the same meaning as seeing but not seeing. The former refers to not paying attention, not paying attention, seeing as if you haven't seen it, or pretending not to see it; the latter refers to being indifferent to the things you care about, and has the meaning of "frequently seeing", which is deeper.

17. [Uneven good and bad] all means uneven. When used for people, the former refers to different levels or being very uneven, while the latter refers to the different natures of good and bad people. When used for things, the former refers to different levels of height and size, and the latter refers to the mixture of good and bad things.

18.【Spread like wildfire, disappear without a trace】 means that news (things) spread quickly without promotion. The latter can also refer to the sudden disappearance of something.

19. [It is difficult to walk, it is difficult to walk] means that it is very difficult to walk. The former is generally only used for sick people or the elderly, and also refers to the difficulties of starting a business; the latter can also be used to describe the difficulties in carrying out a certain job.

20. [experienced, weathered] can all refer to deep experience. The former describes experiencing many changes in the world, and the degree is deeper than the latter; the latter describes experiencing many hardships and hardships.

21. [Hearing and seeing, hearing and seeing] means hearing and seeing. The former emphasizes hearing with one's own ears and seeing with one's own eyes, highlighting the authenticity of things; the latter emphasizes that after seeing and hearing too much, it will be affected invisibly.

22. [Going in the opposite direction] has the opposite meaning to each other. The former means that the directions and purposes of different subjects are completely opposite to each other, which is a departure or opposite in subjective will; the latter refers to a departure or opposite between different subjects or different aspects of the same subject, which is not a departure in subjective will, but is caused by some kind of departure. caused by errors.

23. [Unthinkable, unimaginable] has an unimaginable meaning. The former means that it will develop to a very bad or dangerous situation; the latter means that it is unimaginable, incomprehensible, and contains mysterious meanings.

24. [Talk nonsense, talk nonsense] all means talking casually. The former has a heavier meaning, referring to talking nonsense or making rash comments regardless of the facts; the latter has a lighter meaning, meaning that the words are unfounded and unreliable.

25. [Finding a needle in a haystack, finding the moon in a haystack] has the meaning of wasted effort. The former is a metaphor that although the goal is difficult to achieve, it is still possible to achieve it; the latter is a metaphor that no matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve the goal and it is just a waste of effort.

26. [Work hard and considerately] means using all the thought. The former is mostly described as the hard work of career, work, literary and artistic creation, etc.; the latter emphasizes "premeditated for a long time" and refers to putting all the effort into doing bad things.

27. [Taking advantage of the situation and fishing in troubled waters] all have the intention of taking advantage of others' danger to gain illegitimate benefits. The former has a tendency to deceive, and generally refers to infringing on other people's rights and interests during times of tension and crisis; the latter is more direct, and refers to taking advantage of chaotic opportunities to gain benefits.

28.【Satisfaction, contentment】 all have the meaning of satisfaction. The former focuses on the satisfaction of the wishes involved; the latter focuses on the people, things and things involved meeting the wishes.

29. [Connecting the past and linking up the future] has the meaning of taking over the previous and leading to the following. The former focuses on inheriting the previous generation and inspiring future generations, and mostly refers to academic and career aspects; the latter focuses on the connection between superiors and subordinates, and mostly refers to the order in writing.

30. [Random thinking, wishful thinking] is unrealistic. The former refers to unfounded and unrealistic thinking; the latter refers to thinking about impossible things, and also refers to stupid and absurd ideas (with a derogatory meaning).

31.【Regroup and make a comeback】 has the meaning of regaining strength after setbacks. The former is a metaphor for re-gathering strength after a setback or failure and preparing to do it again; the latter is a metaphor for regaining power after a failure.

32. [Inhumane, cruel] can be described as very vicious and cruel.The former refers to inhumane and cruel things; the latter has a heavier meaning and describes the serious and tragic consequences of torture, massacre, etc.

33. [Careless, careless] means not being serious and careful in doing things. The former refers to doing things sloppily; it also means not thinking carefully or being rigorous when encountering problems. The latter refers to a brief summary of words or words; it also describes a person who is not meticulous and does things without thinking.

34. [With great fanfare and resoluteness] can be used to describe the momentum. The former is mostly used to build momentum and describe large-scale movements and activities; the latter is mostly used to implement, describing strict style and quick action.

35. [It is my duty to do my duty] means not to give in or shirk when it comes to justice. The former means that when you encounter something that should be done, you should take the initiative to do it without giving in; the latter means that you are not allowed to refuse morally, that is, you should accept it as a matter of course.

36. [Treat all the same, treat all the same] all mean to treat... equally. The former mostly means treating people the same, regardless of their thickness; the latter means treating things that are different (used in negative sentences) equally.

37. [Resurrection, comeback] has the intention of coming back again. The former is a metaphor for things that have ceased activity (mostly bad things) becoming active again; the latter is a metaphor for a person regaining his position after losing power, and also refers to taking up an important position again after retiring.

38. [New and unique] has a unique meaning. The former usually refers to proposing new ideas, insights or creating novel styles, and also describes deliberately showing oneself to be different; the latter is a metaphor for being in a league of its own.

39. [It’s getting worse, the river is getting worse] has the intention of getting worse and worse. The former focuses on "getting worse", which mostly refers to the situation, and the situation is getting worse and worse; the latter focuses on "going down", which mostly refers to the situation of the country, things, and scenery getting worse day by day, and the meaning is more important.

40. [Earth-shaking, earth-shaking] means huge changes. The former describes changes that are huge and thorough, and also describes things as being very troublesome; the latter describes fundamental changes, and also describes chaos.

41. [calm and smooth sailing] The former refers to the absence of wind and waves, which is a metaphor for calmness and peace. The latter refers to a ship sailing downwind with full sail. The metaphor goes very smoothly without any hindrance.

42. [Glimpses, quick glances] all means a rough observation. The former means that the impression is not deep and emphasizes the results; the latter emphasizes the process (with a derogatory meaning, referring to going through the motions).

43. [Drunken life, dreaming of death, living and drinking] is used to describe a corrupt and depraved life. The former focuses on describing lethargy and decadence, mostly referring to people; the latter focuses on describing debauchery and corruption, mostly referring to life.

44.【lifelike, colorful】 all describe speaking vividly. The former mostly describes narratives and descriptions that are vivid and lifelike; the latter mostly describes excellent performance (practice).

45. [Being distraught, destitute] all describe being greatly shocked and losing their normalcy. The former describes extreme panic, emotion, inability to control oneself, and also refers to death; the latter often describes panic, worry, uneasiness, abnormal behavior, etc.

46. [Smiling and joyful] all have joy on their faces. The former focuses on facial expressions, which may appear to be the same as the inside, or may be different from the outside for some purpose; the latter is the joy from the heart and shown on the face, which is the same as the outside.

47. [Fantasy, whimsical] means that the ideas cannot be realized and are unrealistic. The former focuses on random thoughts and has no merit; the latter focuses on describing some strange ideas.

48.【Outstanding, different, outstanding, standing out from the crowd】 all have the meaning of being outstanding and extraordinary. Outstanding: refers to talents and virtues that are extraordinary and unique, focusing on a person's talent. Distinctive: describes being outstanding and different from everyone else. Outstanding: refers to the ability and strength that are much higher than those of the same kind and is outstanding, mostly refers to a person's moral ability. Standing out from the crowd: It is a metaphor for a person whose talent or appearance is outstanding.