Kuaishou e-commerce announced! “In 2022, the platform will provide 23 billion+ bonus traffic to support Kuai brands.” With the release and dissemination of this Kuai brand support policy, we have become clearer about the future direction of Kuaishou e-commerce, that is, in 2022,

Kuaishou e-commerce announced!

"In 2022, the platform will provide 3 billion + bonus traffic to support Kuai brand."

With the release and dissemination of this Kuai brand support policy, we have become clearer about the future direction of Kuaishou e-commerce, which is in 2022." is launching the fast brand "!

Picture source Kuaishou

1, "Build a fast brand", Kuaishou strategic upgrade in 2022

Speaking of "Building a fast brand", some people will question what a "fast brand" is?

is officially explained as a group of new merchants that have grown up in the Kuaishou e-commerce ecosystem and value fan service. Based on their own brands and adhering to the business philosophy of "real people, real goods, and real prices", they serve fans in the live broadcast room. Provide cost-effective products and services.

It nourishes and strengthens the unique business ecosystem of Kuaishou e-commerce, and focuses on private domain and emphasizes cost-effectiveness. In addition, this is not a new term. As early as two years ago, Kuaishou launched the "Quick Brand" accelerated growth plan.

Picture source Kuaishou

This time Kuaishou e-commerce launched the "big promotion of Kuai brand", which is actually mainly based on Kuaishou e-commerce's strategic upgrade .

Kuaishou e-commerce has changed from its original state of extensive growth to an era of competitive strategic thinking and professional , systematic , and refined operations .

Since the release of the "Three Big Initiatives" strategy last year, the growth rate of data released by Kuaishou e-commerce can be seen. This layout and practice have achieved staged achievements..

Picture source Kuaishou Big Data Research Institute

At the end of last year, Kuaishou E-commerce held the "Wind Maker·2021 Kuaishou E-commerce Service Ecosystem Year-end Summit". At this conference, Xiao Gu, the head of Kuaishou E-commerce, said that after the first stage of the outbreak With growth and primitive accumulation, Kuaishou e-commerce has entered the era of professional, systematic and refined operations in 2021.

In addition, Xiaogu also announced that Kuaishou’s e-commerce strategy in 2022 will add a “big push for industrial belts” on the basis of the “three major campaigns” to support more merchants in the industrial belts and emerging brands relying on the industrial belts. .

and "Building Fast Brands" is an upgrade and enhancement of the "Building Industry Belt" strategy . The purpose is to find more good products and provide them to consumers, and to help businesses improve and create more Chinese products. The emerging brand is .

It is worth noting that the "real good stuff festival" launched by Kuaishou e-commerce is the actual carrier to help upgrade good stuff in the industry, and has created a landing scenario for Kuaishou brand merchants.

Image source Kuaishou

It takes "real people, real goods, real prices" as its concept, and subdivides themes into different seasonal consumption scenarios, aiming to help more cutting-edge merchants, new brands and small and medium-sized merchants complete the cold start. Create a real shopping festival for veterans. The

platform also unites Shishi anchors and Shishi brands through welfare subsidies to bring "real prices" and "real goods" to users. It is also a long-term shopping festival event IP created by Kuaishou e-commerce.

The reason why Kuaishou e-commerce has the confidence of "developing the Kuai brand" is because a number of Kuai brand benchmark merchants have already emerged.

2, the leading fast brand, leading the industry trend

Before the establishment of the "Quick Brand Support Plan", the performance of clothing brand Qianbainian was very impressive. After entering Kuaishou e-commerce in 2020, GMV exceeded million in just 5 months; in 2021, Kuaishou 616 Quality Shopping Festival achieved a year-on-year growth of GMV of 600%; in March 2022, Kuaishou e-commerce's "Super Women's Clothing Festival" Qianbainian’s GMV in a single game of increased by as much as 10 million + .

The person in charge of Qian Bainian was once asked about the secret of running Kuaishou e-commerce. He responded this way: "I think the goods must be good and don't lie to me. We have put up three banners in the company. The goods are genuine and real. Good things are the secret.”

Qianbai Nian’s sales logic is very consistent with Kuaishou e-commerce’s platform mentality of “ real people , real goods , real prices ”.

Qian Bai Nian (Preferred) Happy Matching Video Screenshot

Since starting the live e-commerce road in Kuaishou, Qian Bai Nian has focused on high-quality cashmere, luxury wool coats, down jackets, silk and other products, and has only sold its own brands and brought discounts to users. business philosophy.

Qian Bai Nian (Preferred) Happy Matching Live Broadcast Room Screenshot

In fact, Qian Bai Nian can choose to help other brands bring goods to expand their economic sources. However, the person in charge of Qian Bainian said that if wants to bring real benefits to "old irons", then only he can control the pricing power.

"My own products are mainly under my own brand, so I feel confident that I can sell them because I know my own stuff."

This short sentence reflects Qian Bainian's sincerity to consumers and once again highlights Kuaishou e-commerce. The declaration of “real people, real goods, real price”.

Qianbai Nian (Preferred) Happy Matching Home Page Screenshot

Regarding Kuaishou E-commerce’s role as a platform throughout, the person in charge of Qianbianbai said frankly: “ The outstanding advantage of Kuaishou E-commerce is that it only needs to maintain a good customer base, and the repurchase rate The popularity of the live broadcast room will naturally increase." Only when merchants provide customers with adequate benefits and after-sales services and build a mutual trusting relationship with customers can a win-win model be achieved.

From traditional factories and offline entities to live broadcasting e-commerce, from men's clothing background to user positioning as a professional woman, from the confusion when first entering live broadcasting to now strategizing, every step of Qian Bai Nian's life has been steady and steady.

However, its ambitions do not stop there. It has set a goal of daily GMV of 5 million , and strives to attack Kuaishou's title of " the fastest brand ".

Model merchants like Qian Bainian have come one after another in the development wave of Kuaishou e-commerce.

3, Kuaishou e-commerce supports 5 dimensions to comprehensively help

Today’s market environment is fiercely competitive, and the fact that these new merchants can emerge and grow in Kuaishou e-commerce is enough to prove that Kuaishou e-commerce’s operation strategy can help them break through .

In order to help more fast brands, Kuaishou e-commerce has invested tens of billions of traffic and plans to support 00 fast brands . There are also relevant policies for new merchants, industrial belts and silent merchants. This is undoubtedly good news for some small and medium-sized businesses.

Picture source Kuaishou

It is reported that this is also a support plan specially launched by Kuaishou e-commerce to help Kuaishou merchants alleviate the impact of the epidemic, help merchants stabilize their operations, and seize the business growth points of emerging channels.

As for the implementation of specific measures, Kuaishou e-commerce mainly focuses on five aspects: : traffic bonus, cold start benefits, product privileges, marketing activities, and exclusive services.

Picture source Kuaishou

Under the Kuaishou ecosystem, many private brands that value fan operations still have huge room for growth. For this reason, Kuaishou e-commerce is also continuing to continue to explore effective methodologies and support more in the future. How fast brand.

Through typical cases like Qian Bainian, we can see that more merchants have achieved efficient growth in Kuaishou e-commerce. According to Feigua Data, today’s Kuaishou e-commerce ecosystem is more inclusive and innovative, and is enough to provide more new merchants with better resources, not only the traffic support of the market but also the sophisticated private domain operations. can provide stable and accurate support standards.

Picture source Kuaishou

And in the 022 Kuaishou E-commerce Attraction Conference to be held on 13 , more Kuaishou brand policy dividends will be announced. Feigua Data will look forward to seeing the emergence of more new business benchmarks under the fast brand policy of real people, real goods and real prices.

image source Kuaishou