This means that another traditional sport is deeply involved in e-sports projects. For traditional fans and e-sports players, in the future, they will have the possibility to watch the same event together.

On July 5th, MLB Major League Baseball announced on Weibo that it will launch MLB’s first e-sports league in China - MLB China eSports League. This means that another traditional sports is deeply involved in e-sports projects, which will be a great opportunity for traditional fans and e-sports fans. For players, it will be possible for the two to watch the same event together in the future.

The MLB China eSports League organized by MLB will launch a three-month competition through the MLB authorized game "MLB the show". This event will span Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, and Beijing , Hangzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai, different MLB e-sports competitions will be staged in the 7 cities.

Although the linkage between cities and e-sports is not uncommon, by linking the attributes of the city with traditional sports and e-sports events, the MLB China eSports League will start a three-way linkage event. Through this e-sports event organized by Major League Baseball, I believe that traditional fans of MLB games will see a step in its development across the times. I believe that through the development of this e-sports event, it will attract more young groups. Join.

revealed through MLB’s Weibo that in future e-sports events, MLB will link up with eight top traditional e-sports clubs. For e-sports players, traditional e-sports The joining of competitive clubs will undoubtedly attract their attention. Of course, in addition to this, MLB will provide more players with opportunities to participate.

Currently, MLB has opened an e-sports player recruitment channel on Weibo. Players can register by scanning the QR code. For players with e-sports dreams, this is undoubtedly a time to get closer to the e-sports stage. Opportunities for distance contact. In this e-sports event and e-sports carnival, MLB will prepare rich event bonuses for participating players. MLB China eSports League will be divided into regular season and playoffs . The regular season It will be held in Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Beijing, Hangzhou and Suzhou, while the playoffs will be held in Shanghai. Players who achieve outstanding results in the regular season will compete in Shanghai for the e-sports glory of the MLB China eSports League and rich event prizes.

Of course, in addition to e-sports events, the MLB Experience Baseball Carnival, which has been fully upgraded from Baseball Park, will also be held simultaneously. If players are unable to participate in e-sports events, they can also participate in the MLB Experience Baseball Carnival to experience a different kind of experience. The charm of e-sports.

mentioned the MLB Experience Baseball Carnival. In this carnival, many mysterious traditional e-sports clubs and e-sports stars will be present. They will interact with fans in the carnival activities and experience the uniqueness of the MLB Experience Baseball Carnival. Style.

MLB China eSports League and MLB Experience Baseball Carnival will be held first in the mountainous city of Chongqing. When urban culture meets traditional sports and e-sports culture, let us look forward to what kind of sparks the three will collide with.