So while everyone is still crowded in Longquan, Qingbaijiang, Dayi and other places, the editor has quietly discovered an excellent niche for flower viewing. ✅You don’t have to go out of Chengdu, you can get there directly by bus and subway, which is very convenient;

I don’t know if you have noticed, but the flowering period is very early this year.

Hydrangea and Yellow Flower Campanula , which only opened in April last year, are all now open!

So while everyone is still crowded in Longquan, Qingbaijiang, Dayi and other places, the editor has quietly discovered an excellent niche flower viewing secret place.

✅You don’t have to go out of Chengdu, bus and subway can go directly to , which is very convenient;

The garden is full of hydrangeas, they are blooming in clusters, easy to take photos and stroll around;

Hundred acres of yellow-flowered wind bell trees The flowering season is in full swing , if you miss it, you have to wait another year;

✅ Enjoy many flowers in one place, and get beautiful photos and taste delicious food!

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What we are talking about today is Wenjiang!

This is a treasure trove of spring outing experience ceiling within the greater Chengdu area.

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After skipping work yesterday to go to a dumpster, my actual thoughts are: If I don’t come to Wenjiang in the spring, I will lose my blood!

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Wenjiang is full of life in spring, decorated with all kinds of lush flowers and leaves.

Walking through the colorful gardening grounds of Wanchun, I was dazzled by the bright appearance of wisteria,wood hydrangea,camellia, and yellow-flowered campanula.

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Chinese wood hydrangea

Wenjiang red maple base

The most popular hydrangea viewing place recently mentioned in a book is probably Wenjiang's red maple base.

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The biggest advantages are its large area, dense clusters of flowers, rich check-in points, many flower varieties, and high film production rate.

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But the disadvantage is... there are a little more people

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The first thing that catches your eye upon entering the park islarge red maple leaves. A straight road is lined with maple trees.

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March is the season when new buds appear. This is the best time to watch red maples. The maple leaves will slowly turn green when the weather gets hot.

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When Tuzi went there yesterday, the maple forest was already light green and dark red. It is estimated that it will be completely green in a few days. If you want to check out the red maples, hurry up.

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Go straight ahead along the straight road, turn left at the first fork in the road and go straight, you will see clusters of pure white hydrangeas.

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The spherical flower clusters are as eye-catching as snowballs, falling among the green ink branches. The green and beautiful posture is natural, even if you look at it from a distance, it is enough to make people feel relaxed and happy.

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The hydrangeas at the base of the red maple are in full bloom. The light green color when they first bloomed has faded, and the petals are all spread out, and the color is extremely white.

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Although there are a lot of tourists enjoying the flowers, due to the large area of ​​ and the large number of hydrangeas, it is still easy to find a photo spot.

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Flower paths, under hydrangea trees, beside chairs, on steps... are all places where you can concave shapes at will.

I'm tired of taking pictures of hydrangeas, but there are also large areas of green woods that I can take pictures of.The screen is full of greenery, and the freshness of summer can be achieved in minutes~

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base also has camellia, wisteria , American maple leaf , etc. Let me tell you, the 20 yuan ticket is still worth it!

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Address: Wenjiang Red Maple Base

Ticket: 0 yuan/person


① The flowering period of hydrangeas lasts for more than January, and it is now in the middle. In view of the climate this year, the flowering period is too short, so it is recommended to go early and go early shoot!

② There is no canteen in the base, and there is relatively little food nearby. It is recommended to fill your stomach in advance, or bring your own food before going.

Huimei Huajing

Huimei Huajing , about 500m away from the red maple base, is simply a large garden.

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is divided into two parts: the park store and the flower border area. The store area contains potted plants and green plants of various categories. The prices are relatively affordable. You can take away whatever you like.

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The flower border area is an excellent filming location, with green lawns, pink and tender cherry blossoms , pure white and clean hydrangea, and eye-catching winter jasmine ... Inside, you feel like you are in a French-style manor.

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The most surprising thing is that there are two Hobbit huts on the grassy slope. The dugout and wooden roof hidden under the lawn make you instantly transported to New Zealand!

Picture source: @金文江

However, entry to the Huajing District requires a ticket of 50 yuan per person. , you can just look around in the store area. It is still a bit expensive if you just take pictures. (Although the production rate is high...)

Address: Huimei Huajing

fee reference: store area can be entered free of charge, while the flower border area requires 50 yuan/person.

Wanchun Huangshi Gardening

In Wanchun, Wenjiang, red maple bases are not the only places with large hydrangeas. There are also large hydrangeas in Wanchun Huangshi Gardening not far from Huangshi subway station on line 417.

Although it is not as large as the hydrangea area of ​​the red maple base, it is better because there are fewer people, it is closer to the subway station, and the transportation is more convenient.

Hydrangeas are also in full bloom in the garden, but they are still a little green. Most of the hydrangeas are light green. I guess they will bloom better on weekends.

There are many garden gravel paths with tight clusters of hydrangeas on both sides. Walking along them is like walking through a sea of ​​flowers.

There are several camellias that are about to wither in the innermost part. The red camellias and white hydrangeas are paired with the gray walls, making the picture very beautiful.

There is also an oversized hydrangea at the door, several meters high, surrounded by white hydrangeas.

Standing under the tree, behind him is a naturally formed hydrangea wall, with a waterfall of white flowers pouring down, the scene is very spectacular.

However, the entrance fee is still 20 yuan. The garden area, flower field area, and number of flower varieties are not as good as those of the Red Maple Base.

The biggest advantage is that there are fewer people and it is close to the subway station.

Comparatively speaking, maybe the Red Maple Base 20 yuan is more cost-effective.

Address: Wenjiang Wanchun Huangshi Gardening

Fee reference: 0 yuan/person

Yellow flower camphor tree

Wenjiang Orchid Expo Garden

Every April, Wenjiang Orchid Expo Park

Jiangdu is a treasure place for viewing yellow-flowered campanula trees in Chengdu, and Wenjiang Orchid Expo Park It is a niche secret that was only discovered this year!

Before I reached the door, I was attracted by clusters of , like yellow-flowered wind bells with golden paint.

No leaves were seen, only large yellow flowers swaying in the wind, growing towards the sun, as beautiful as an oil painting.

No tickets are required, the car can be parked in the open space, and you can own this sea of ​​yellow flowers.

However, in , the yellow-flowered campanula trees are relatively tall, so they are only suitable for shooting scenery, not very suitable for portraits. In , only a few lower branches of the branches can be taken for close-ups.

However, when is shot from above, with the sea of ​​yellow flowers as the background , the effect is also good.

On weekends, the whole family can bring a picnic mat and spread it under the tree, while eating, drinking and chatting, looking up at the yellow flowers, blue sky and white clouds, which is very comfortable.

Address: Wenjiang Orchid Expo Park

Fee reference: free


① It is not far from the Red Maple Base and Huimei Flower Garden. It is recommended that the three places be checked together

② The trees are too high, even if you bring a small bench, stand on it Not very useful.

Wenjiangnan Maple Garden

Wenjiangnan Maple Garden is a relatively classic base for viewing yellow flowers and wind bells. It is large in area and close to Chengdu.

The flowering period around Qingming Festival in April every year has been advanced by half a month this year. is now a golden ocean, with a sea of ​​flowers looking up.

Real shots from the past

Compared with the first two, the best thing about South Maple Garden is that there is a second-floor observation deck with an unparalleled view.


Not only can you stand on the ground and take photos from above, you can also overlook it from the observation deck, giving you a variety of visual enjoyment at once.


The only drawback is that there is a fee to enter. Although it only costs 10 yuan, it is still more delicious if it is free!

Address: 50 meters west of Guanwen Road, Wenjiang District

Charge reference: 0 yuan/person

In addition to going to Wanchun to enjoy flowers, there are many places in Wenjiang in spring that are perfect for outings! A perfect weekend day trip~

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Lujiatan "Looking at the Sea"

It is no exaggeration to say that Lujiatan is definitely the first choice for people in Wenjiang to travel on weekends, especially in the spring. It's just so peaceful here.

Picture source: Jinwen River

Next to Jinma River , when the sun shines on the river, there are ripples and dots of waves. Walking on the road along the river next to it, you still have the feeling of being in a coastal city..

Picture source: Jin Wenjiang@xiangshi

Cycling, strolling, picnicking, taking photos... You can do it all here!

Address: Directly navigate to "Lujiatan Wetland Park"

Fee reference: Free

Drinking tea in Wangjiawan

Not far from Lujiatan Wetland, Wangjiawan Flower Sea is also a good place to visit. , in early spring, rapeseed flowers bloom into a sea, and flowers are blooming everywhere. It is a beautiful scene every step of the way, very romantic.

After some time, Gesang flowers will also bloom in sequence. A huge sea of ​​rose-pink flowers will be stunning from a distance, and each one will be beautiful up close!

was drinking tea and admiring the flowers. The environment was so nice!

Address: Wangjiawan Community, Wenjiang District, Chengdu

Charge reference: Free

To be honest, no foodie leaves Wenjiang without holding his stomach full!

ranging from restaurants to roadside stalls, you will definitely not be able to find anything dissatisfying~

✔God bless you, Wanchun Laolu

When you are enjoying the flowers in Wanchun, you can’t go without eating a plate of Wanchun Lucai , this You can only get 50 points for a trip.

Tianyouxiang Wanchunlaolu is the classic old store that Rabbit keeps repurchasing! This braised dish has always maintained the traditional braised food, and the taste is very mellow.

The most comfortable one is . They have a wide variety of braised vegetables . As long as you can think of it, there is nothing they can’t braise. There are both meat and vegetables, and there is a wide range of choices!

However, there will be a lot of people on weekends, so it is recommended to avoid the peak dining period!

Address: No. 1, No. 113, Wanchun East Road, Wenjiang (God bless you, Wanchun Laolu)

Fee reference: around 50 per capita

✔ Sister Zhao’s pig ears

I heard that no pig can leave Wenjiang with its ears, Wenjiang is also famous for its pig ears!

Among them, the most worthy old store is Sister Zhao’s Pig Ears . From the beginning of the fly restaurant to now, it has opened branches, and the repeat rate is 100%!

Their special dish is the ears . The ears are cut very thin, covered with celery and various seasonings, and then topped with a big scoop of garlic and paired with their own spicy red oil. The taste is unique.

Address: No. 200 Yufu Road, Wenjiang District (near Xinxi Guosetianxiang Park)

Recommended items: Red oil ear slices Mixed pig mouth

Per capita: 5 yuan/person

At the end of the day, the editor keeps sighing Wenjiang is a great place! There are endless treasures, endless delicious food, and everything is available.

As a Chengdu-qualified artist, what is your first impression of Wenjiang? Let’s talk about it in the comment area~

ps: The flowering period of hydrangea is one month, and the flowering period of goldenrod is about 10 days. If you want to check in the peak flowering period, these days are the best. If you miss it, wait for another year, hurry up!

(tour around Chengdu)