Construction units are everywhere, and material dealers are rushing to provide services. Raising funds is not a big deal. So, the question is, what is the core competitiveness of leisure farms.

Are you still worried about creating the theme of your leisure farm?

It is easy to rent a piece of land. It is easy to find a planner and designer. Construction units are everywhere, and material dealers are rushing to provide services. Raising funds is not a big deal. So, the question is, what is ? What is the core competitiveness of leisure farms?

The first is to be distinctive, have a clear theme, and be differentiated.

The second is operational capabilities. Planning, design, and construction are not the end. On the contrary, everything has just begun.

The third is government protection and support.

How to create the theme that bears the brunt? Take a look at these six cases in Taiwan and you may be inspired.

Yilan County is an area with intensive leisure farms. Due to the tourism resources of Guishan Island and the fact that it is more than an hour's drive from Taipei City, it is a good place for short-distance leisure for Taipei citizens. Although there are many farms, they are by no means the same. Instead, each one is unique and has its own theme.

Tibetan Wine Leisure Farm

The theme feature of Tibetan Wine Leisure Farm is "wine". As soon as you enter the farm, you will see a lounge , and next to it is the farm's restaurant. Every dish is prepared with the element of wine. The beef brisket is soaked with wine, and the eight-treasure duck is also poured with wine. The fire was ignited, and the flames jumped up instantly. After a few seconds, the waiter put it out. In addition, the farm also provides wine tasting and brewing DIY experiences.

Beiguan Farm

Beiguan Farm specializes in "crabs". The boss even built his own "Crab Museum" to attract customers. Customers from Southeast Asia often come here. As soon as you enter, you can see the shapes of various crabs. The first floor of the Crab Museum is specimens, and the first floor is live display. The proprietress, Mrs. Li, said that the crabs on Guishan Island are unique, so we built such a museum. The skill of making crab specimens has become a unique skill of the farm to attract customers.

Guishan Island is an active volcano, which has created a peculiar underwater world. Among the crabs, there is a species unique to Guishan Island - the "strange turtle crab". It lives in the mouth of boiling hot springs, where the highest temperature can reach 140°C. In caves and crevices with high sulfur purity, it survives by eating plankton that has been scalded to death. It is an extremely rare ecosystem in the world. Mother Li said that the farm’s crab museum hopes that more people can learn about Guishan Island by displaying crab types.

Shengyang Aquatic Grass Leisure Farm

Shengyang Aquatic Grass Leisure Farm is expanding its aquatic plant DIY classroom. Due to too many tourists, the current classroom that can accommodate more than 20 people making aquatic plants is no longer enough. This farm, which specializes in "aquatic plants", used to be an authentic professional farmer.

During the boom period of fish farming in the 1970s and 1980s, this was a famous eel farm in Taiwan. After the 1990s, aquatic plant farming began to develop, and the business was spread throughout Taiwan and exported. "Although the sales volume is large, the unit price is low, and the business is gradually not easy to do." The owner Xu Zhixiong transformed into leisure and tourism in 2002. From the earliest there were only 20 or 30 kinds of aquatic plants, it has gradually increased to more than 400 kinds. At the end of 2008, he invested in rebuilding The aquatic plant-themed restaurant specializes in creative aquatic plant dishes, such as water perilla tomato salad, Houttuynia cordata chicken soup, etc.

The Aquatic Plant Cultural Center has become a popular science paradise. It makes hand-made aquatic plant bottles to convey ecological concepts. It uses aquatic plants, Hawaiian volcanic shrimps and digestive bacteria to form an ecological cycle structure. The aquatic plants can grow algae under photosynthesis to provide food for the shrimps, and the digestive bacteria can absorb the shrimp's food. The feces decomposes into nutrients for aquatic plants, forming a self-sufficient miniature world. The farm integrates production, life, and ecology, forming a cultural symbol of aquatic plants.

Miaoli Feiniu Ranch

Feiniu Ranch in Miaoli County was a dairy farm in the 1970s, but soon after it opened, it faced pressures such as the energy crisis and the liberalization of beef imports. Only Shi Shangbin and Wu Dunyao were left to continue operating, and later to Transformation of leisure and tourism.The current Feiniu Ranch can not only milk cows, make frozen milk, but also make biscuits and cakes.

Nantou Cingjing Farm

Cingjing Farm in Nantou County has also transformed from a traditional farm into a famous "European style" tourist farm in Taiwan. The long and beautiful pasture is the impression left on most tourists. Currently, the farm has a sheep area, There are cattle herding area, vegetable and fruit area and alpine flower area, as well as animal performances such as "Sheep's Strip Show".

The architecture of the farm pays attention to the coordination with the surrounding nature, such as the selection of wooden houses and the renovation of the original livestock houses to form unique features. Various trails close to mountains and water maintain the original ecological appearance, like a forest park.

Yilan Toucheng Farm

Toucheng Farm in Yilan is a paradise for farmers to grow. Children in the city can experience the fun of farm life such as transplanting rice seedlings, feeding sheep, picking oranges, etc. The main materials used for DIY T-shirts and reusable bags There are also leaves one by one.