Apple released the official version of iOS 13.3 early this morning. In this new version, Apple has made major improvements to the messaging function. There have been new changes to the messaging interface, and a new "spam filtering" function is designed to solve iMessage spam. iO

Apple released the official version of iOS 13.3 early this morning. In this new version, Apple has made major improvements to the messaging function. There have been new changes to the messaging interface, and a new "spam filtering" function has been added to solve iMessage spam messages.

iOS 13.3 New information interface

However, this function may cause "accidental damage" and affect some information normally sent by users.

If you try to send a message to someone and you see that the message has been delivered as spam, here are a few things you can try:

1. Ask the recipient of the message to add your phone number to their Contacts "middle.

2. Let the message recipient send you a message to start a conversation.

3. On your device, go to Settings - Messages - Send & Receive and make sure only your phone number is selected under "Start new conversations with." If your Apple ID is selected, the message will be delivered as spam.

4. If you are using an iPad or iPod touch, please turn on the "Message Forwarding" function on your iPhone: Go to iPhone "Settings" - "Messages" - "Message Forwarding" and select which devices can send and receive messages from your iPhone Information.