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IT Home ( PP Assistant: iPhone security upgrade iMessage/FaceTime welcomes two-step verification

Recently, according to the British "Guardian" report, Apple has added a "two-step verification" mechanism for iMessage and FaceTime. After activating this feature, users will need to enter a verification code when they want to log in to iMessage or FaceTime, which can prevent users' communication and video chat services from being hacked.

(Figure 1: Apple adds two-step verification for iMessage/FaceTime)

Since the leak of nude photos of Hollywood actresses in September last year, the outside world has been hoping that Apple can take measures to protect the privacy and security of iPhone users. Just last month, some media reported that there are still many iPhone applications that are not covered by two-step verification. The report triggered reprints on many technology websites. This may be the reason why Apple brings security upgrades to iMessage and FaceTime. So, how to turn on two-step verification? Are there any corresponding protection methods for other applications that are not covered by two-step verification? The domestic professional iOS mobile assistant PP Assistant will show you.

How to enable two-step verification

1. Enter [], log in to Apple ID, select [Password and Account Security], answer the account security prompts and then [Start Settings] two-step verification;

2. Set up a trusted device And add the phone number, enter the verification code received to complete the phone number verification;

3, after the phone number verification is completed, Apple will provide a 14-character recovery key for the user to print or record. After the user saves the key, click Continue. Enter the recovery key to confirm identity;

4, accept the four conditions proposed by Apple to enable two-step verification and click [Enable Two-Step Verification] to complete;

(Figure 2: Turn on two-step verification)

Two-step verification does not cover How to protect the applications

Apple's two-step verification mechanism currently only provides additional protection for iCloud accounts, iMessage, and FaceTime. What about general messages, personal photo albums, and various private apps such as WeChat, QQ, and Momo? What about protection? A jailbroken iPhone can lock photos, text messages, and apps by installing the app lock plug-in Applocker to protect private information from being viewed.

1. Jailbreak the iPhone and search and install the [Applocker] plug-in through the Cydia jailbreak store;

2. Enter Applocker and open the [Enable] button, and then enter [General Options] to set it. [Delayed Lock] refers to the unlocked program on the phone. After locking the screen, you need to enter the password again. [Error Lock] means that the phone will automatically lock the screen after entering the wrong unlock password. [Password] is of course the password to unlock the program;

(Figure 3: Applocker settings)

3. Enter [Program Lock Options], just check the program you want to lock.

After returning to the desktop, you will find that you need to enter a password to unlock the programs that have been checked and locked, thus ensuring the security of private information.

(Figure 4: Locking program)

As more and more private information and important information are stored on mobile phones, how to ensure the security of mobile phone private information has also become a concern for users. Apple is currently continuously strengthening the protection of device security and iPhone privacy security. As the scope of two-step verification gradually expands, iPhone users’ mobile phone security is also constantly upgraded. PP Assistant will also continue to pay attention to the latest information about iPhone two-step verification.

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