Many lunatics are not just lunatics, but also many people with mental problems. Many people with psychological problems may often have brains that are smarter, more flexible, and wiser than ordinary people.

Yes, there is often only a thin line between genius and madman .

Many madmen, not just madmen, include many people with mental problems. Many people with psychological problems may often have brains that are smarter, more flexible, and wiser than ordinary people. Their imagination and creativity are likely to be far stronger than us.

A madman may not be a genius, but a true genius must be a madman in a certain sense.

Most artists see what others cannot see, and because they have no way of talking about it, they endure the loneliness that no one understands. Moreover, artistic creation is a process of constant self-denial and self-modification. Over time, one's own world is formed in self-denial and endless loneliness, which makes one look like a lunatic to outsiders.

"Black Swan" | A person's cannibalism

"I feel it, I feel it...perfection." A period of perfection achieved through obsession, which is both true and false, real and illusory. The film is filled with dark tones from beginning to end. It is very scary and depressing. Both the soundtrack and the photography are extremely attractive to the audience. Natalie Portman subverted the past and gave a wonderful performance.

Dancer Nina (played by Natalie Portman) is twenty-eight years old and has impeccable skills, but she can always only play second fiddle.

Her artistic director, French Thomas , told her, "For four years, every time you dance has been flawless, but I have never seen you lose control, never seen you release yourself."

So, although she finally She had the opportunity to play both the black and white swan roles in "Swan Lake", becoming the leading female role, but she was always uneasy.

Yes, the white swan's reserve, elegance and harmlessness are Nina's true nature, and there is no problem at all. But the key to the matter is how she transforms into the evil and coquettish black swan.

Nina, who plays two roles, is increasingly divided in reality.

It was difficult for her to break out of the role of "mother's little girl" for many years. Black Swan struggled to break out of the cocoon, but was suppressed several times.

The assignment Thomas assigned to her, "Touch yourself, touch yourself passionately," was never completed.

After that, the atmosphere of the movie tends to be scary. Nina is tortured by hallucinations and desires to the point of near madness. In my opinion, the state of

can basically be summed up in a Nietzschean term: ecstasy.

If the white swan represents the Apollonian spirit, which emphasizes moderation, moderation, virtue and elegance; then the Dionysian spirit represented by the black swan is more primitive and barbaric, but also closer to the essence. It pursues selflessness. The environment, dedicated to destroying the Sun-god rules and regulations, is the comprehensive integration of life and its essence.

Through this Dionysian ecstasy, life can reach a state of clarity in which the heart desires.

And this realm, Nina finally reached - paying the price with her life.

Such movies with crazy individual protagonists include "Quill", "The Aviator", "Perfume", "The Pianist" and "The Detective"