I believe this problem must have troubled many people, because most people’s PPTs look like this: they don’t feel classy at all. But as long as you read this article carefully, understand some of the principles and put them into practice.

Someone asked two days ago, how to make a high-end PPT?

I believe this problem must have troubled many people, because most people's PPTs look like this:

There is no sense of elegance at all.

But as long as you read this article carefully, understand some of the principles and put them into practice. I believe you can also make the following high-end PPT:

Why can I say this? In fact, if you want to make a high-end PPT, there are certain routines to follow. You just start from these three aspects:

This article will talk to you about how to make a high-end PPT from these three angles. PPT.

Without further ado, let’s get straight to the point!

1. Content

1. Cover title

At the end of the year, everyone in the company needs to make a year-end work summary report. This is the time to show personal strength. The cover title is the core theme of your entire speech. If your title is like the following:

Year-end work summary report

Personal work report

Such a title will be difficult to arouse the audience's interest, because before you take the stage to speak, They already know the type of presentation you give.

You can try to replace the above title with some slogans with a strong sense of substitution, such as:

New starting point·New journey

Lay a solid foundation and move forward

This way, you can create a good atmosphere at the beginning.

Or use question sentences to arouse the curiosity of the audience and make them want to listen further.

What have I done in the past few months?

Therefore, the title of the cover should be as interesting and eye-catching as possible, so as to make people want to watch it!

2. The content page title

is different from the cover title. The content page title shows the core point of a single page. I believe that most people will write the title as a general phrase, such as the following:

Market analysis

Field research

It is difficult for the audience to quickly understand the point of view expressed on this page.

Would it be much better if we directly replaced the title with the conclusion?

So, in order to let the audience quickly understand the point you want to express, we can directly use the conclusion title!

3. Text content

Try to avoid large paragraphs of text.

In the design of PPT, we should try to avoid large paragraphs of text content. If you use PPT as Word, why do you have to give a speech?

Therefore, we need to refine the content so that the important information can be displayed directly in front of the audience.

For example, the page below is an introduction to a new power generation system. Once a paragraph is placed on the page, the audience may not be able to understand what it means after reading it.

By refining and deleting some irrelevant information, the audience can quickly grasp the key points of the page.

Of course, I believe that when most people encounter PPT, for various reasons, the content on the page cannot be deleted.

What should we do?

Similarly, what we need to do is to highlight the key information. For other information that cannot be deleted, we can just weaken it.

For example, the following example:

This page is an introduction to Huawei.

By reading, we filter out key information.

Then use color blocks, font size, and font color to emphasize key information.

and above are in terms of content. To sum up, we need to pay attention to the content:

PPT cover title is important to catch the audience's attention. For content page titles, you can try using conclusion titles.Avoid long paragraphs in the main text, and refine the content well.

Next, let’s look at the second part:

2. Design

Design, to a large extent, determines whether your PPT is high-end or not. However, for many of us, it is very difficult to improve design capabilities suddenly. Various The operation is comparable to that of PS, but it is too difficult to understand and difficult to master instantly.

But did you know? In fact, many times, PPT page design does not require so much technology. You only need to master the basic design principles.

I have done a lot of PPT myself and have read a lot of related design books. Here, I would like to share with you the principles that need to be followed in PPT design. If you can master it, there is no problem in making a PPT design with a score of 80 points. .

1. The four principles in design

contrast, repetition, alignment, and intimacy. All excellent design works of will use the four major design principles.

So how to use the four design principles in PPT?

Below I will use some cases to deepen your understanding of these principles.

A. Compare

Avoid elements on the page that are too similar and make them different. The advantage of this is that it allows the audience to quickly find the key points.

For example, the thickness and size comparison between the cover title and subtitle.

Comparison between the subtitles and the main text in the text page.

B. Repeat

simply means to make the elements in the design appear repeatedly, so that the page and even the entire set of slides can ensure uniformity. For example, we can repeat fonts, colors, color blocks, position relationships, etc.

Let’s give a simple example. What are the repeated elements in this page?

The title repeats the thicker font, the body text repeats the thinner font, the filled icon is repeated, the spacing of each paragraph is repeated, and the left alignment method is repeated.

Of course, in a set of slides, we can also reuse the same layout for pages with similar content to achieve overall unity.

C. Alignment

No element in the page is placed randomly. Alignment is to make the elements in the page form some kind of visual connection.

Let’s give a simple example, such as the cover page below.

constructs an invisible line segment through left alignment, connecting the title, subtitle, logo and time in series to form a very stable sense of order.

If you are a beginner, then I suggest that when making PPT, try to ensure that the page only uses one alignment method, because only in this way will there be no big mistakes!

For example, on this page, either align everything to the left:

or use center alignment:

. This way the page will appear very standardized and easier to read.

D. Intimacy

distances different elements on the page, puts the same elements together, and divides the element information on the page through position. What does


Here is a simple example. For example, when we see the page below, we will feel that there are four single elements in the page.

If we differentiate the positions of elements on the page, you will now feel that there are two parts of content on the page.

After roughly understanding the meaning of intimacy, let’s look at the following case. Can you find the problem?

is actually very simple. This page does not put the same elements together, causing the information presented on the page to be very confusing. How to modify


According to the principle of intimacy, the title and the body are two parts of content, so we need to distinguish the body and the title through position. means that the spacing between the main text is smaller than the spacing between the title and the main text.

is like this:

2. Choose appropriate fonts

Choosing fonts is like wearing clothes. You should have appropriate clothes for different occasions. If you go to an important interview and you end up wearing pajamas, this is obviously inappropriate. The same goes for fonts. We can choose the appropriate font according to the temperament of the font.

The most commonly used fonts are actually these three types, bold , Song font , and calligraphy fonts.

A. Bold

has horizontal and vertical strokes and consistent thickness. It is my most commonly used font type. Bold fonts with thick strokes are suitable for titles, while bold fonts with thin strokes are suitable for content page text. is very suitable for business PPT.

B. Song style

strokes vary in thickness, and are generally thin horizontally and thick vertically, with decorative parts at the ends. Generally applied to the title of PPT.

Because Song font itself has a unique cultural temperament, it is very suitable for Chinese-style PPT.

Of course, it is also very good to use party and government style PPT.

C. The calligraphy font

can give people a bold and heroic feeling. Because it is not very convenient to read, it is suitable for pages with less text, such as the title of the cover.

or the title of the last page.

or some pages with golden sentences.

Finally, I would like to recommend a few fonts to you, some fonts that I usually use.

3. Make good use of pictures

pictures are elements that we often use when making slideshows, because they can quickly improve the expressiveness of the page. When used as a background, they can enhance the sense of substitution.

gives two examples. No background image is used here, but a simple solid color background.

is boring, right? Let’s take a look at

plus the background image. Is the visual effect of the

page improved a lot?

Of course, in addition to improving the expressiveness of the page, we can also use the trend of pictures to layout text, such as the common timeline.

So, where to find large high-resolution images?

I have recommended some useful picture websites before. If you still don’t know where to find high-quality picture materials, you can check out my previous article "Recommended 6 Free and Commercial Picture Websites!" No more worrying about matching PPT pictures for the rest of your life! 》!

4. A sense of consistency in slides

Only a set of slides with a unified style can give people a comfortable viewing experience. Ensure that fonts, colors, and layouts continue to be used in slides. This makes it easy to convey a sense of consistency across the page.

is like the following sets of slides, you can feel it.

and the case mentioned at the beginning of the article.

5. Techniques for improving the sense of page design

According to the above design, you can basically make a good PPT, but it is still a little short of a high-end PPT. Here are a few tips that I commonly use to improve the sense of page design. Although the skills are small, they can greatly improve the style of PPT!

A. Use gradient colors

Gradient colors have become very popular in recent years.

is like UI design .

web design.

Even many mobile phone manufacturers use gradient colors for their mobile phone casings.

In PPT, using gradient colors can easily show a sense of high-end and make the page more dynamic.

Give a few examples:

B. Interspersed effect

Interspersed effect is a commonly used technique in graphic design works. Just like the following:

Using this effect can well establish the positional relationship between pictures and text, and create a sense of space. We applied this technique to PPT, and the sense of design came out immediately.

is used for example on the cover page.

or on the content page.

works very well.

And many press conference PPTs will use this technique.

3. Improve your own aesthetic

Above, we understand some basic methods of making PPT. By applying these methods, it is actually very simple to make a high-end PPT.

But, you know what? Many times you can't make good-looking PPT, not because you don't know certain techniques, but more importantly because of your aesthetics. Your vision determines your work. If you lack aesthetic ability, how can you make a high-end PPT?

Therefore, it is very necessary to read more excellent design works, broaden your horizons, and improve your own aesthetics.

So where should you go to see excellent design works?

Here, I will share with you a few design websites that I often visit:


A foreign image collection website. I often look for inspiration on this website. There is a lot of content on the website, and the waterfall flow display format is very convenient.


is a well-known design website. I believe most people know that it has graphics, illustrations, interfaces, and industrial designs. It can be said to be an inspiration library for designers. However, after Pinterest, it cannot be logged in in China.


After Pinterest and Behance were "dead", a foreign design website is still strong and "alive", and the works on it are also very good.


is similar to Pinterest, a domestic picture collection website with a lot of content, and there are also some works of poor quality, which requires you to have a certain screening ability.


is a comprehensive "designer community" that gathers most of the designers in China. In addition to having a large number of excellent works, there are also many high-quality tutorials.

UI China

is a professional user experience design platform with a large number of UI designs for reference.

I sincerely hope that you can check out these websites more when you have nothing to do, and develop a good habit. If you want to make a high-end PPT, you must first read good things, right?


this article is very long, let me summarize the key points:

1. Content

1.PPT The importance of the cover title, to catch the audience's attention

2. Content page title, you can try to use the conclusion title

3 .Avoid long paragraphs in the text, and refine the content

2. Design

1. Four major design principles

2. Use appropriate fonts

3. Make good use of pictures

4. Use some tips to enhance the page design

3. Improvement Aesthetic

Okay, that’s all. It took me two weeks to write this article. On the one hand, I wanted to sort out my PPT knowledge system, and on the other hand, I also wanted to determine a complete PPT learning framework for everyone.

will continue to share more tips on PPT production in the future! I hope you can support me more!