But no matter what, the deepest impression Trump left on the public is his identity as a businessman. You must know that he had no political experience at all before becoming president, and apart from money, he only had a lot of negative scandals. So how did he become President o

Do you still remember him?

The first businessman-turned-president in the history of the United States who brought us countless jokes, Trump .

I can probably tell more about his life in three days and three nights. Some people say that he is a "comedian president" and his actions make everyone laugh. Others say that he is a political genius and the world owes him a Nobel Peace Prize .

But no matter what, the deepest impression Trump left on the public is his identity as a businessman. You must know that he had no political experience at all before becoming president, and apart from money, he only had a lot of negative scandals.

So how did he become the President of the United States? Why would the American people abandon traditional senior politicians and give Trump a chance?

Today we will simply understand how Trump created a miracle and climbed from a businessman to the pinnacle of power in the United States.

In 1946, Trump was born into a wealthy businessman family in the United States. His father was a well-known real estate tycoon in New York and had a good social status.

Under the influence of his father, Trump also wanted to be a successful businessman when he was a child. As an adult, he imitated his father's business methods and made a lot of money.

However, Trump soon became tired of this boring life. He felt that the conventional methods of making money could not satisfy his appetite. He tried to find another way but could not find a way until a lawyer appeared and taught him a "unique skill". ".

In 1975, Trump’s real estate company was sued in court for racial discrimination, and a lawyer named “Roy” came forward to defend him.

But Roy did not collect evidence that Trump did not discriminate against race like an ordinary lawyer. Instead, he sued the government to add trumped-up charges to Trump and demanded that the government pay Trump $100 million in compensation.

There is no doubt that this wave of "666" operations shocked Trump, and the government seemed at a loss, and soon settled privately. Afterwards, Roy told Trump: When someone forces you, please change the subject; when someone sues you, file a countersuit. You don't need to explain anything to others, you just need to take the initiative to attack.

Trump immediately felt that he benefited a lot, took this sentence as his motto, and lived the rest of his life in this way, and his business empire was established in this way.

Compared with kneeling down to all the people, Zelensky, who was a comedian, the way Trump became president is equally astonishing.

In 1975, Trump was no longer satisfied with the wealth his father had built for himself. He used all his savings to buy a run-down hotel next to New York's Grand Central Station. He wanted to turn this hotel into a luxury hotel.

Obviously, this is an idea of ​​"a toad wants to eat swan meat", but Trump just did it.

In order to get preferential treatment from the government, he used the counter-attack skills he learned from Roy to constantly intimidate and induce politicians in New York City. In the end, he got a good reward. The government approved his construction plan and provided services for him. He has millions of dollars tax free.

Since then, Trump has used the same method to copy many fortunes, with a net worth of over 100 million, becoming a young and promising super-rich man in New York. He also met his first wife, Ivana, during this time.

With the joint efforts of the couple, Trump's business empire was quickly built. Casinos, manors and restaurants are all the most famous in New York. They were once hailed as a "model couple".

But everyone knows what happened later. There were rumors of an affair between Trump and his second wife Marla. Ivana not only took away the sky-high compensation, but also brought Trump into disrepute. His personal wealth dropped from overnight. 1.7 billion shrunk to 500 million.

It was at this time that Trump accepted an interview. The reporter asked him: If one day you really have nothing, what will you do?

Although Trump felt uncomfortable, he still used his innate sense of humor and replied: Be the president.

Maybe Trump was just talking casually at the time, but with the sudden rise of a friend, this idea became more and more firm to him.

In 1999, one of Trump's buddies, Jesse Ventura, unexpectedly became the governor of Minnesota. This man was a wrestler and won the support of the public with his innovative and unique campaign methods. Incredibly, he became governor.

A wrestler can become a governor, so why can't a businessman become the president of the United States?

The more Trump thought about it, the more excited he became. After relying on his father's strength to solve the business crisis, he set his sights on the pinnacle of power in the United States and began his political career.

Unlike many leaders, although Trump has the idea of ​​becoming president, he did not participate in the previous presidential elections and only released false news.

Although this will make people think he is funny, it will deepen people's impression of him.

In 2016, Trump, who felt that the time was ripe, decided to give it a go and participate in the US presidential election. In the eyes of many people, Trump, who has no political experience, should soon fail. However, Trump relied on the counterattack skills learned by Roy and created another miracle.

American politicians have always liked to paint a pie for voters. They have conceived too many unattainable dreams and used wild and extreme words to attract the attention of the people.

But Trump did the opposite. He pointed out that the United States was at the most dangerous edge at that time, with high unemployment, no development dividends for the middle class and low-income people, etc. These were topics that traditional politicians did not dare to mention. But Trump has turned it into his own sharp edge, making the public think that he is "reliable" and "real."

In addition, Trump’s son-in-law Kushner also helps his father-in-law with advice.

At that time, many people spent a lot of money on traditional media in order to promote themselves, but the effect was minimal. Kushner, on the other hand, has avoided the edge. He has established a digital analysis team of hundreds of people to analyze the characteristics of voters and send different advertisements according to the different requirements of voters. In addition, Kushner also prepared different speeches for Trump for different groups, which gave Trump the title of "God of Speech". Every speech of his can win people's hearts.

It is worth noting that Trump’s hobby of playing Twitter was also suggested by Kushner. This direct appeal and low-cost method is considered by many people to be “children’s play house”, but it can be used every day. Trump received tens of millions of traffic, making Trump’s name more popular.

In this way, with this series of efforts and publicity, Trump finally created a miracle as a dark horse, becoming the first businessman-born president in the history of the United States and climbing to the pinnacle of power.

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