First wife: Ivana Marie Zelnikova. First wife: Ivana Marie Zelnikova, born on February 20, 1949.

Author: Li Qiaoer

You must know that the wife of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, is Melania, the 45th First Lady of the United States, right?

Then, most of Melania’s various interactions with Trump in public, captured by the media, were either embarrassing or full of resentment, and she would even throw away Trump’s hand-holding gesture with a black look on her face. Well, Melania’s posture at this moment is absolutely cool.

All viewers will definitely say that this shows that Trump and Melania are a couple with benefits. There is no love at all, so it’s not surprising.

However, when Trump chased Melania, he had to use all his strength to catch her.

And if a man is willing to go all out to pursue a woman, it at least shows that he likes her from the bottom of his heart.

There is a saying in China: "Put the tofu in brine, and one thing will be reduced."

all say that when a man likes a woman, he has his own specific aesthetics.

Ordinary men probably wouldn’t even dare to have the slightest idea of ​​dating a woman like Melania, who has a stunning face and a great body, but Trump was so attracted to her that he even pursued her.
Regarding the argument in this regard,

we can know by looking at the two wives before Trump.

The first wife: Ivana · Marie Zelnickova

The first wife:

Ivana Marie Zelnickova (Ivana Marie Zelnickova), born on February 20, 1949 day.

Mrs. Trump’s term of office: 1977-1992. She has two sons and one daughter.

Ivana is a Czech and a woman who knows how to love herself very well.

Childhood She was born in a small town in Prague.

Girls' Generation , she is a skiing Olympian from Prague.

In her youth , she had a master's degree in psychology education and linguistics, and then bravely entered the modeling world and became a supermodel.

In her middle age and old age, , even though she was already a wealthy woman, she still worked hard, created her own brand, wrote best-selling novels, served as a columnist, and was the U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic.

In terms of love and marriage:

After she divorced her first husband, she went to the United States as a supermodel, met Trump in a bar, and fell in love with Trump at first sight among many beauties, and then got married again. With her own Smart and capable, she and Trump work together to create a career map. Senior New Yorkers all say: Without Ivana, Trump would not be where he is today.

After learning that Trump had Marla, she used all her strength to fight a divorce lawsuit for 13 months. In the context of having signed a prenuptial agreement with Trump, she won 25 million US dollars for herself. Divorce breakup fees.

After the divorce, Ivana also lived a glorious life. Not only did she maintain a good relationship with Trump, but she also married two other men. Trump also lent her his luxurious villa to hold a wedding.

During Trump’s term as president, he became the U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic due to his role as an excellent “ex-wife” and a Czech.

As for the daughter Ivanka she had with Trump, she is not only one of Trump’s favorite children, but also the beautiful and awesome Ivanka who is widely known to the public.

You can imagine how powerful Ivana's mind is, and she also lives a very willful and individual life.

The second wife: Myra Maples

The second wife:

Myra Maples, born on October 27, 1963.

Mrs. Trump’s term of office: 1993-1998. She has a daughter.

Marla is an American, a former beauty queen from Georgia, a supermodel, a film and television actress, and the trigger for the divorce of Trump and Ivana.

Marla’s social and business skills are obviously a dozen steps ahead of Ivana, but she has an advantage over Ivana in terms of age and is more scheming. Most men like young and beautiful women, so the last marriage is the first. Marla, who was pregnant, successfully became Trump's second wife, but she was unwilling to be lonely during the marriage and had an affair with a bodyguard. Trump divorced in anger.

Although Marla wanted to receive more than 20 million US dollars in divorce and break-up fees like Ivana, Trump only gave Mara 1 million US dollars in divorce and break-up fees.

The third wife: Melania

The third wife :

Melania, born on April 26, 1970.
Mrs. Trump’s term of office: 2005-present, has one son.

Trump’s third wife is now known as the first lady of the United States, Melania.

Melania was born in a small country in Europe: Republic of Slovenia , and entered the modeling world at the age of 16.

(Melania’s parents)

(Melania and sister)

Although Melania looks like a vase standing next to Trump, she is the most protective of her privacy among Trump’s three wives. A woman with personality.

(Melania’s girlhood)

In 1996, when she went to New York from her hometown as a supermodel, she was already 26 years old. Her age and Xijing’s personality made her career not make much progress, but her agent was a social media Daren, when Melania was 28 years old, her agent invited Trump to a party.

Trump, who was separated from his second wife at the time, fell in love with Melania at first sight among many model beauties, and left all the contact information he could find with Melania.

Later, Melania’s life and career were put on hold, and the struggling economy and career improved. It is undeniable that Trump contributed to this.

However, Melania does not have much ambition for her career, and her personality has not improved much. Especially after becoming the first lady, she is not like those previous first ladies who participated in various activities to expose themselves, and in Show your love as a couple in front of the camera.

More often than not, Melania is captured by the media with a tough look, a look that is not like Trump, a look that says, "That's it, sister, whether you love me or not, I don't care." I don’t care, because I know what I want and what I can get.”

However, Qiaoer discovered that Melania only showed a rare smile from the heart when she was with her son.

Many viewers believe that Melania will divorce Trump once Trump loses power.

Yes, Melania clearly knows that Trump married her because of her youth, beauty, and personality, but she knows better what she needs and what Trump can give her.

Qiaoer believes that judging from Melania’s performance under various media lenses, she should be the kind of woman who has a stubborn family concept, doesn’t like to show off, and is actually a homebody. As long as Trump can continue to give her With a stable and prosperous family environment for her son, she would not be so anxious to abandon the family and her husband when Trump loses power.

Ivana, Mara, and Melania, the three wives Trump married, are all supermodels with blond hair, hot bodies, and slightly tough faces, and Trump’s favorite eldest daughter Ivan Ka, is also this type of woman.

Don’t look at Trump’s constant scandals when he was young and middle-aged. On the international stage, he made a presence all over the world like a funny man. He is a performer with an extreme personality. He is a funny man who is ridiculed by people of all countries on the international stage from time to time. But it's obvious that he has a very clear mind when choosing a partner around him, and he only loves beautiful and smart women.

The way a couple gets along determines their respective roles in the family relationship.

Ivana made Trump’s youth and career possible, Mara eased Trump’s midlife crisis, and Melania’s unique personality refreshed Trump’s later life.

The other half of a man is a woman. The other half of a woman is a man.

For a man, marrying a capable woman as his wife can give him some structure and momentum for his life and career, with little effort but great potential. And for a smart woman who is both beautiful and talented, isn't that true?

Therefore, whether it is a couple who each takes advantage of what they need, or a couple who seem incompatible in the eyes of outsiders, they all have reasons for existing in their own world.