Associated Press President Trump’s first wife Ivana Trump accepted an exclusive interview with the New York Post’s gossip column “Page 6” on the 21st, calling on Trump not to seek re-election, saying that being a president requires understanding too much.

President of the United States Trump . Associated Press

US President Trump’s first wife Ivana Trump (Ivana Trump) accepted an exclusive interview with the " New York Post " gossip column "Page Six" (Page Six) on the 21st, calling on Trump Pubie is seeking re-election, saying that being president requires knowing too much, so it is better to play golf and enjoy wealth and life.

Although not the first lady, Ivana has enjoyed media attention since the release of her autobiography "Raising Trump" last October; now, she has given an interview to her favorite New York tabloid for May 1 Promotion of the paperback version of "Raising Trump" that will be released today. She discussed her views on Trump's re-election in the interview, "I don't think it is necessary. He has had a great life and lacks everything. Donald (Trump) will be 73 or 74 years old when he runs for the next president. Maybe he should leave the White House and play golf and enjoy the wealth,” she added: “I think he probably misses the freedom, and I don’t think he knows how much dedication it takes to be president. You have to know the whole world, which is a lot. Message. "

During the promotion of her new book in October last year, Ivana once argued with Trump's current wife Melania about the title of "First Lady". But she clarified this time that she did not want to trade places with Melania. "Honestly, I prefer her in the White House. I want to do what I love and go wherever I want with anyone at any time," Ivana said, referring to the fact that the first lady has Secret Service everywhere she goes. Bureau agent escort.

Regarding Trump’s involvement in the porn star “Stormy Daniels” scandal, Ivana sympathized with Melania’s situation, but at the same time she also took the opportunity to criticize her. Ivana said: "I feel sorry for her (Melania) because I know I felt terrible at the time, and it was quite hurtful." Ivana, who has three children with Trump, found out about him in 1992 Pu divorced him after his affair, but stressed that the two were still close and "talked on the phone every month." However, Ivana emphasized that she is not the type to support cheating husbands. "I have self-respect, but many women in the world still live with their husbands despite knowing they are cheating on them." She later added diplomatically, "Everyone handles their situation in their own way."

Ivana believes that Melania is not someone who likes to speak publicly. She said: "I don't think it's her fault. I think if she was willing, she would quickly agree (to be interviewed). Unfortunately, she doesn't talk much, but the magazine wants to interview people who are willing to talk. You can talk to me freely. When I was young, I would talk a lot, but some people are quieter."

Ivana also talked about her eldest son Donald Trump Jr.'s marriage on the rocks in the interview, and even said that she called him in March. To Trump, inform his wife Vanessa Trump that she is filing for divorce. Ivana said: "Of course, Trump is not very happy." She claimed to be "sad" about her son's divorce, but believed that her son's conditions "will have no problem finding the next woman, but Vanessa, who has five children, may That's a bit of a problem. Who wants to date and marry a mother of five? Especially since she's still young (40 years old) and she might want more."

Rumor has it that Don Jr. and reality show star Aubrey O'Day. (Aubrey O'Day) has an underground affair; regarding this, Ivana believes that "many men cannot tighten their trousers."