Source: Wenzhou News Network Meituan’s takeaway boy Mr. Luo tastes “half-price dishes” at Tianye Chinese Restaurant. Photo by Wenying Wenzhou Net News "A portion of pork with dried plums and vegetables and stir-fried pumpkin costs only 11 yuan." At 7:30 pm on August 16, Mr. Luo,

Source: Wenzhou News Network

Mr. Luo, the Meituan delivery boy, tastes "half-price dishes" at Tianye Chinese Restaurant. Photo by Wenying

Wenzhou Net News “A portion of pork with dried plums and stir-fried pumpkin costs only 11 yuan.” At 7:30 pm on August 16, Mr. Luo, the Meituan takeaway guy, arrived at the restaurant on Danan Road in the city on time. Buy "half-price dishes" at Tianye Chinese Restaurant Yintai Branch. Recently, the "half-price dishes" launched by Tianyezhong restaurant chain during the off-peak dining period have received good response.

Zhejiang Ye Ye Catering Management Chain Co., Ltd. is a Chinese fast food chain enterprise that currently has 26 directly operated stores in Wenzhou. In order to reduce kitchen waste, prevent food waste and allow citizens to enjoy benefits, the company has launched a half-price discount on all dishes after 13:30 for lunch and 19:30 for dinner in various chain stores.

At 1:40 noon the day before yesterday, the Xiechixiang store in Tianyezhong entered the half-price menu period. There were a variety of meat and vegetable dishes on the food supply table. Ms. Lin, the owner of the surrounding shops, was having lunch with her colleagues. That day they ordered two meat dishes and one vegetarian dish for only 25 yuan. Ms. Lin said that "half-price dishes" not only reduce waste, but also enjoy benefits, which is the best of both worlds.

At 8 o'clock that night, Mr. Liu, the errand boy, came to the Yintai store for dinner. In order to save money, he often went to the roadside snack bar. When he heard that Tianye Chinese Restaurant was offering half-price dishes, he came to eat at a specific time almost every day because "the dining environment is good and the food is delicious and affordable." Kong Meichu, operations manager of

company, said that although the "half-price dishes" are launched during the low dining period, the quality of the food is not compromised, ensuring the supply of eight meat and eight vegetarian dishes. At present, the main customer groups are online ride-hailing drivers, takeaway guys, shop employees, etc. "The restaurant does not sell the second meal and has to throw away the remaining food after the meal. Since the launch of 'half-price dishes', the amount of kitchen waste has increased significantly. Taking the Xiechi Lane store as an example, the daily average of food waste has been reduced from one bucket to half a bucket. At the same time, the average number of visitors during the half-price period has reached about 200 people, and the turnover has increased by 3,000-4,000 yuan. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone. The half-price dish activity not only allows citizens to enjoy benefits, but also greatly reduces food waste in restaurants. It is indeed a new trend in Wenzhou’s catering consumption,” Wu Jie, secretary-general of the Municipal Hotel Catering and Cooking Industry Association, said that catering companies in our city have spared no effort to respond to the opposition. In response to the call for catering waste, last year after the Municipal Civilization Office issued the action initiative of "Enforce economy and reject catering waste", the association joined hands with representatives of 100 catering companies and promised to jointly carry out the "CD-ROM Action" and launch "small size dishes" and "half-portion dishes". There are clever tricks such as "Eat multiple dishes with one dish" and "Disk courtesy". The "half-price dishes" innovative initiative of Tianye Chinese Restaurant is a precedent in Wenzhou and is worthy of promotion.

This article comes from [Wenzhou News Network] and represents only the author’s views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.
