Overnight, people all over the Internet, from amateurs to beauty bloggers, were applying fake makeup, which made me eager to try it! Her light hair color, tall roots, and three-dimensional facial features make her look very traditional European and American girls. .

The most popular makeup recently is none other than AB’s early mixed-race young model makeup!

Overnight, everyone on the Internet, from amateurs to beauty bloggers, were applying fake makeup, which made me eager to try it!

Even if you look at Angelababy’s makeup at that time more than ten years later, you will still be shocked ▼

When AB was a young model, she had a very conspicuous label, which was "mixed race".

With her light hair color, tall roots, and three-dimensional facial features, she looks like a traditional European and American girl.

At the same time, the thin eyebrows, not particularly deep eye sockets, sweet and cute smiling lips and plump soft tissue do not look 100% European.

This mixed-race face with both Eastern and Western facial features is like a strong Americano mixed with soda water, which is both mellow and warm, yet sweet and pleasant.

During this period, AB was considered by everyone to be the pinnacle of her appearance. Although she is still bright and attractive now, her previous mixed-race feeling has gradually disappeared.

Many netizens who originally disliked her appearance were accurately criticized by the photos of her when she was a young model.

At that time, the mixed-race model Angelababy, who wore full eyeliner and a sweet smile, almost dominated the covers of various gossip weeklies in Hong Kong, and set off a trend of young models.

Although it has been more than ten years since she became famous in Hong Kong, and the beauty and plastic surgery templates have changed from generation to generation, people's aesthetic preference for mixed-race faces has not changed much.

Nowadays, being praised as "you look so mixed-race" is still a rainbow fart that most people can't resist.

So why do we love mixed-race faces so much? How does AB create this sweet mixed-race makeup?

Don't worry, Ms. Bai has prepared the answers for you today.

Mixed-race face = synonymous with modern beauty?

I don’t know if you have noticed that female stars in the 1990s and before, regardless of their makeup or facial features, have relatively pure Asian looks:

Face shapes are quite diverse, including square faces, round faces, oval faces, and some like Zhong Chuhong The face is relatively small.

And modern female celebrities who are regarded as beautiful have more or less characteristics of mixed faces:

Faces are getting smaller and smaller, eyes are getting bigger, European-style double eyelids are more common, facial features are more three-dimensional, especially The nose becomes taller and narrower.

It is precisely because of the aesthetic preference for mixed-race faces that today’s mainstream aesthetic standards are also in line with European and American facial features, such as thick eyebrows, big eyes, high nose bridge and narrow nose wings, three-dimensional contours, etc.

Why has there been such a change in aesthetics?

In fact, the fundamental reason lies in the right to speak in aesthetic culture.

In the past 30 years, the West, represented by the United States, has been the main cultural exporting country, and " dominant culture" will shape aesthetics and change traditional to a certain extent. Their stereotypes of "beauty" have had a negative impact on Eastern countries such as China and South Korea. greater impact.

Before the 1990s, the public was generally exposed to Asian faces, so the beauty template at that time naturally had a look with a stronger oriental charm.

For people who have just come into contact with Western movies and television, it is actually difficult to accurately distinguish and remember the looks of these European and American people, let alone establish a concept of beauty and ugliness in Western faces.

However, with the development of globalization, American Hollywood began to reshuffle global value symbols at the end of the 20th century, exporting a large number of images with strong cultural colors to developing countries.

Not only have we passively accepted cultural output in a subtle and subtle way, but we have also been assimilated by this culture. The change in Asian aesthetic concepts is one of the by-products of assimilation.

In the end, not only did we gradually acquire the ability to appreciate Western faces, but our own aesthetic standards also changed -

Because a large amount of Western data was added to the Chinese face database, the reference frame was greatly broadened, Western faces Kong was also "averaged", so mixed race became synonymous with "beauty", while European facial features became a stereotyped symbol of "beauty".

Top: Tiffany Hsu

Bottom: "Olay Girl" Mandy Lieu

AB became popular during the period when mixed-race aesthetics were recognized by the Chinese people. At that time, Hong Kong's advertising industry was almost dominated by mixed-race models.

The first generation of "Olay Girls"Danielle Graham

The change in the aesthetic orientation of Chinese people not only had an immediate impact on the fashion, film and television industries, but also had an unexpected impact on the lives of ordinary people.

In recent years, China and South Korea have favored "European-style big double" and "European-style high nose" plastic surgery trends, which are one of the by-products of this aesthetic revolution.

Most of the "Internet celebrity faces" criticized by the public are the sequelae of the era of extreme pursuit of mixed-race faces.

In addition, people’s pursuit of mixed-race faces also has social psychological and aesthetic logic reasons.

In fact, when people face the image of a foreign country that does not belong to their own ethnic group, they will have a tendency to beautify the other party's image.

For example, Gal Gadot and Natalie Portman, who are very popular in Europe and the United States, as Jews, are not actually the typical European and American white people with blond and blue eyes, but it is easier to stand out.

Orientals have the same preference for European and American faces. However, pure foreign faces are prone to face blindness , while exotic mixed-race faces are not.

This is why many Asians like mixed-race looks like AB and Mai.

Moreover, the mixed-race face blends different facial features to form a unique, strange and harmonious beauty.

In the Eastern representation system, it combines traditional and modern beauty, and is a high-level and accessible beauty.

Especially for a lightweight three-dimensional oriental face like AB, it is both deep and soft. It not only has a "pure lust" style, but also has the flavor of a hot girl.

The key point is that compared to the pure European and American face, this kind of light mixed-race appearance based on Asian faces is easier to create through makeup and styling.

So, let’s see how Kangkang can effectively create pure mixed-race makeup in the style of AB’s young model period~

How to create pure mixed-race makeup?

Eye makeup

Brown light pupils + full eyeliner + thick eyelashes

If you look closely at mixed-race faces, you will find that the eyebrows and eyes are the main source of the mixed-race look.

If you cover their eyebrows, you will find that the feeling of mixed race is instantly reduced a lot.

Many people will subconsciously believe that the soul of mixed-race makeup is the color contact lens that is highly similar to the iris color of foreigners.

is actually not the case. AB also wore colored contact lenses in his early days, but not only did they look abrupt and uncoordinated, they also didn’t add much to the mixed-race look.

gradually found her way out, switching to less exaggerated light brown contact lenses, paired with full-cover eyeliner and fan-shaped smoky makeup, giving her a stronger hybrid look.

In fact, the eyes of Europeans and Americans are almond-shaped eyes that are wider and narrower, rather than big round eyes. All-inclusive eyeliner can help modify the shape close to almond eyes.

AB Now the mixed-race look has become lighter, mainly because the full-coverage eyeliner has been removed, and the eyes look larger and have more whites (especially the lower corners of the eyes).

If you don’t want to wear full eyeliner, you can also use eyelashes instead. Thick black eyelashes also visually outline the eye shape.

Mai doesn’t often wear full-coverage eyeliner, but her lower eyelashes are long and thick, which can actually play the same role as eyeliner.

The operation is not difficult. For the eye shadow part, simply use the contouring color to simply outline the outline of the eye socket▼

cr: Bilibili@大face鱼tailVivian

Then use an eyeliner gel pen to outline the upper and lower eyeliners. Remember to connect the upper and lower eyeliners at the end of the eye. stand up.

cr: Bilibili@大面鱼tailVivian

However, drawing inner eyeliner can easily damage eye health. It is recommended that you avoid the inside of the eyelids and draw outer eyeliner.

cr: Bilibili@冰粉儿加醆醆

Postorbital placement

Let’s talk about how to enhance the three-dimensional effect.

Compared with Asians, Europeans and Americans with higher three-dimensionality have a plane where the eye sockets are obviously higher than the plane where the forehead and apple muscles are when viewed from the side, while Asians' side faces are shallower.

AB had a strong sense of mixed race in the early days. In addition to the eye makeup, the plump forehead and apple muscles also played a big role.

The idea for makeup is to use highlighter products to brighten the forehead, brow bone and apple area under the eyes, and use shadow to apply on the junction between the brow and the root of the eye and the small triangle area at the end of the eye to create the effect of sunken eye sockets

Lip makeup

Because of the eyebrow and eye area It is the part that best reflects the feeling of mixed race, so the lip makeup should not be too thick, otherwise it will shift the visual center of gravity downward and weaken the feeling of mixed race.

Light lip makeup VS thick lip makeup

Mai also often wears light lip makeup. The lipstick is mostly peach color, which is pink and tender, which makes her look brighter without taking away the limelight from her eyebrows.

Friends with thin lips can add lip gloss to create a pouty lip effect, which is both pure and lovely and allows you to have thick lips with your bare hands.

Here I would like to share with you the pouty lip painting method of my favorite blogger Ah K. It has a lot of useful information and is not difficult to operate. You can try it.

cr: Bilibili@vitaK

Well, I will share the content about the sense of mixed race here~

Finally, Ms. Bai would like to emphasize one more thing: aesthetics does not distinguish between high and low, no matter mixed race, European, American, Asian or any other ethnic group. All have their own aesthetic characteristics.

In the process of integrating different aesthetic cultures, I hope that we can all face each aesthetic with a peaceful, rational and open mind. It is always good for us. ‍‍

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Picture / Network

Responsible Editor / Ms. Bai

Editor / Chicken Lotus

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