Late yesterday, Rookie finally fulfilled her long-held promise - to live stream women's clothing. During the live broadcast, Rookie has been dressing up in women's clothing, and his girlfriend Xiaoyu has been directing Rookie to pose in various poses.

Late yesterday, Rookie finally fulfilled her long-held promise - to live stream women's clothing. The women's clothing directly made Rookie a hot search on Weibo.

During the live broadcast, Rookie has been dressing up in women's clothing, and his girlfriend Xiaoyu has been directing Rookie to pose in various poses.

Throughout the live broadcast, Rookie acted shy and kept emphasizing that this time the women's clothing was to fulfill the promise of winning the women's clothing live broadcast at the World Championships. At the same time, he also hoped that netizens would not take screenshots.

Even the official blog of the iG team released screenshots of Rookie women's clothing last night.

Some netizens said that Rookie women's clothing is like e-sports Song Hye Kyo.

and netizens are crazy @jackeylove.

In the end, Rookie said that wearing women's clothes made him lose the meaning of life. However, aren't shy "girls" what everyone likes? Moreover, the editor thinks that the statement that "women's clothing only has 0 and countless times" is quite reliable. After all, all the women's clothing tycoons have come here like this. So what do you think about this matter?