If you have questions about breeding, you can also send me a private message to answer and analyze more breeding worries for you. Breeding is not easy for us. If adenovirus appears, the gain outweighs the loss. Here Cui Cui recommends Wudu mixture, a bottle of 300 pounds of water

Click the follow button above to continuously update breeding knowledge. If you have questions about breeding, you can also send me a private message to answer and analyze more breeding worries for you. You are also welcome to leave a message below. I hope my article can help more friends who need to know more about breeding or poultry diseases

Homing pigeon "pancreatic virus" is well known, it is a new type of severe infectious disease, ranking second on the list of diseases. It has rapid onset, rapid spread and wide spread range.


Crop throwing, stagnant food intake, green watery stools, sticky black stools, and green pus stools. If effective treatment measures are not taken in time, death can occur. Fast forward more than ten years, and pigeon fanciers have gone from being infected with " adenovirus " to being infected every autumn competition, from panic at the beginning to numbness later. Some pigeon fanciers have found good ways and treatments for "adenovirus" through years of practice. In fact, "adenovirus" is not terrible. As long as we can find and grasp the pathogenesis and onset rules of this disease, we can prevent it and defeat it!

"Adenovirus" can be prevented, cured and cannot be ignored!

adenovirus has always been the number one killer of racing pigeons when it comes to competition. This is a highly contagious disease. Pigeons can easily cross-infect with . Especially when our pigeons are released following the car training of the pigeon club, even if your pigeons are very healthy, your pigeons may become sick after being released after the car training. That's how quickly it spreads. very fast. The mortality rate of sick pigeons is not low either. Once you encounter adenovirus, you must isolate and treat it. However, this issue is mainly about prevention. Let’s look at some prevention methods.

What should we do if the pigeons are already sick? The specific methods are as follows:
1. Isolate the sick pigeons and stop eating and drinking water for three days. Prepare drinking water according to the number of sick pigeons. Calculate 10 ml of water per pigeon, add 2 ml of liver essence solution, 2 g of active bacterial powder or 2 ml of aqueous solution, and 0.5 g of multidimensional electrolytes. After configuration, use a bottle with a plastic protective cover Use a 20 ml syringe, draw 15 ml and inject it into the crop, three times a day until improvement occurs. On the third day, feed less refined grains that are easy to digest. Note: do not feed to fullness. On the morning of the fourth day, the feces will change, the feeding will stop, and it can be returned to the greenhouse.
2. When the proportion of pigeons that refuse to eat is too large and cannot be isolated, the shed should be closed for three days and all pigeons should be fasted for three days. The pigeons should starve together) and the water should not be stopped. Add 10-15 ml of liver essence solution, 10 grams of active bacterial powder or 15 ml of liquid, and 2-3 grams of multidimensional electrolytes to 3000 ml of water until improvement occurs.

3. Feed less easily digestible fine grains on the night of the third day. Note: Do not feed them to fullness. On the morning of the fourth day, you can see that the stool has changed, the feeding will stop, and you can fly home in the afternoon.
4. After flying home in the afternoon of the fourth day, add some corn to the fine grains, and eat half full. After feeding, grab a few and touch the crop with your hands to know what to expect. The drinking water at this time can remove live bacteria and multi-dimensional electrolytes, and the liver essence water can be continued for three days. One is to continue to eliminate viruses, and the other is to adjust the pigeon's condition.
5. After entering the shed on the morning of the fifth day, first observe the feces and then the digestion status of the pigeons, and then make a decision whether to train on a short distance or fly home. At this time, some peas can be added to the mixed feed. In principle, the food intake should not be overfed. If the voluntary home flight lasts for more than 20 minutes, it means that the pigeon's body has fully recovered and the training race can proceed as usual.
6. From the beginning of training to the fasting period and then to the competition, you should frequently catch the pigeons and touch their crops to check their digestion status (in the past, catching pigeons frequently was called pigeon addiction, but now it has changed and if you don’t touch it frequently, you will not be able to Obtain first-hand information), only with first-hand information can we draw correct judgments.
7. If it is found that some pigeons are stagnant (food accumulation) without vomiting or passing green and loose stools, it means that the infection is mild. Isolate it as well and treat it according to the first method. If it occurs in old pigeons, one is overfeeding, and the other is crop inflammation.Some people think that after racing pigeons return home and eat two full crops, they will quickly recover their physical fitness. This is very dangerous (cropitis often occurs due to overfeeding).

8. If it is found that individual pigeons are obviously emaciated and stagnant, they should be isolated and stopped from all competition activities, and rest and treatment until they get better. This disease usually starts to cause weight loss in 5-7 days, and patients with obvious weight loss have been in the condition for more than 7 days. This method can be cured within 5 days.
9. Entering autumn training, you must get up early every morning and do not sleep in. Enter the pigeon loft while it is still dark to see if there is any food thrown out. If found, it should be cleaned up in time to prevent large-scale infection. Those lofts that deliberately allow their pigeons to become infected are the last resort and are not advisable.
10. If you let nature take its course, it will form a vicious cycle of eating, vomiting, and eating again. This will not only delay the disease and delay the treatment time, but also cause serious damage to the pigeon's body and internal organs, and even cause serious death. , I hope it can attract everyone’s attention!
11. Remember! ! ! Never use antibiotics (because it is an "adenovirus" and not a so-called inflammation. If it is inflammation, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs will definitely be effective. If it is not inflammation, it will naturally be ineffective). Otherwise, you will be the one who delays the disease and causes its death.
12. If you want to cure "adenovirus", you must first prevent " Newcastle disease ", and you must not let them co-infect and cause disease. Therefore, it is particularly important to vaccinate against Newcastle disease. "Adenovirus" should have a dedicated vaccine for homing pigeons just like "Newcastle disease". The young pigeons of that year should be vaccinated half a month before road training every year. Only in this way can we truly take precautions.

13. Currently, there is no real "adenovirus" vaccine in our country. All pigeon fanciers can do is passive treatment and unguaranteed defense, but they cannot truly prevent epidemics like "Newcastle Disease" . If the pigeons are well managed, the infection will be mild; if the pigeons are poorly managed, the infection will be serious.
14. Daily cleaning and regular disinfection during the infection period cannot be ignored. Clean twice a day. Disinfection originally scheduled once a week will be changed to once every other day. Use professional disinfectant mixed with water according to instructions to disinfect the shed and pigeons.
Note: Using garlic vinegar water to prevent "adenovirus", even if it cannot fundamentally achieve the purpose of preventing epidemics like a vaccine, it will never cause a major outbreak. Breeding is not easy for us. If adenovirus appears, the gain outweighs the loss. Here Cui Cui recommends Wudu mixture, a bottle of 300 pounds of water, concentrated drinking water for 2 hours, and combined with the prevention of green stools in the pigeons while controlling the adenovirus, and feed intake Symptoms such as decreased volume. One course of treatment is 4 days.

Click the follow button above to continuously update breeding knowledge. If you have questions about breeding, you can also send me a private message to answer and analyze more breeding worries for you. You are also welcome to leave a message below. I hope my article can help more friends who need to know more about breeding or poultry diseases