Many people talk about cancer, but in life, cases of disability and death due to "stroke" are not uncommon. A stroke occurs in an instant. If treatment and recovery are not timely, it will cause endless troubles. Mr. Zhang, 60, woke up one morning and found that he could not move

Many people talk about cancer, but in life, cases of disability and death due to " stroke " are not uncommon. A stroke occurs in an instant. If treatment and recovery are not timely, it will cause endless troubles.

60-year-old Mr. Zhang got up one morning and found that he could not move his right hand or foot. Fortunately, his family found out in time and sent him to the hospital to save Mr. Zhang from the hands of death.

It is understood that stroke and ischemic heart disease became the leading causes of disease burden between 1990 and 2017.

Stroke is the “number one killer” of Chinese people and the main cause of disease burden!

So, what is a stroke?

"Stroke", also called " stroke ", is caused by sudden rupture and bleeding of blood vessels in the brain or cerebral ischemia and hypoxia caused by blood vessel blockage. It has the characteristics of acute onset, rapid onset, dangerous death, and changeable characteristics.

For people with stroke, the brain is time, and 3 hours is the golden period for treatment.

When a precursor to "stroke" is discovered, timely medical treatment is more important than anything else. Large hospitals usually have emergency channels for "stroke".

So, what are the general symptoms of a stroke?

1. The corners of the mouth are skewed and asymmetrical, and there is numbness, weakness, and drooling on one side of the face.

2. Two arms are raised in parallel, with unilateral weakness. In the early stages of stroke, numbness in the hands and feet is also often present. Sudden numbness in the upper and lower limbs is also common. In the early stage of stroke, numbness in the hands and feet is also often present.

3. Slurred speech, difficulty expressing speech, and sudden cognitive dysfunction are common symptoms of stroke, manifested by the inability to understand what others are saying.

4. Sudden dizziness, impaired vision, double vision, blurred vision or vision loss may be an early warning sign of stroke, resulting in temporary visual impairment.

5. Severe headache, symptoms gradually worsen and become persistent or accompanied by nausea, vomiting, etc.

6. Unsteady walking, sudden instability and loss of balance.

If you have the above symptoms, everyone must remember that "stroke" requires "early diagnosis and early treatment". If you suspect that has a stroke , you should call the emergency hotline as soon as possible, and do not take medicine on your own to avoid The best time for treatment is delayed.

Although 90% of strokes occur in middle-aged and elderly people over 40 years old, this does not mean that young people are "out of luck". Because in recent years, there has been a trend of "younger stroke".

As young people, we should have a better understanding of stroke-related knowledge, grasp the signs of stroke, grasp the golden first aid time of "stroke", and minimize the damage during the golden first aid time.

This can not only prevent the risk of illness in oneself, but also identify the precursors of stroke in elders as early as possible.