He suffered a sudden stroke at the age of 41. Fortunately, it was only a minor stroke and he fully recovered afterwards. He also wrote an article on self-media to share his stroke experience, which received nearly 20,000 likes and shares.

A doctor who specializes in treating stroke suffered a sudden stroke when he was only 41 years old. Fortunately, it was just a minor stroke and he fully recovered afterwards. He also wrote an article in the self-media to share his stroke experience. Nearly 20,000 people liked and shared it. Doctors' strokes are not isolated cases. In 2018 alone, hundreds of doctors across the country fell down due to strokes.

Stroke takes away nearly 12,000 precious lives every year.

Stroke is one of the major diseases that the whole nation needs to pay great attention to. It is divided into hemorrhagic stroke (accounting for 17%), ischemic stroke accounting for ( 83%) two kinds.

According to relevant statistics, statistics on the top ten causes of death in the country show that cerebrovascular disease ranks fourth among the top ten causes of death in the country, claiming a total of nearly 2 million precious lives. On average, one person dies from a stroke every 44 minutes.

Chinese people are no less afraid of stroke than cancer. In addition to the high mortality rate, the most worrying thing is the disability caused by stroke. According to relevant departments, the proportion of patients with first-time stroke who are disabled one month after the stroke It is 61.2%, three months is 55.58%, and half a year is 51.72%, which shows the serious damage of stroke to body functions.

Stroke High blood pressure Diabetes Heart disease Coronary heart disease

What is a minor stroke?

Doctors point out that anyone suffering from diabetes, heart disease or minor stroke (TIA, transient ischemic attack) must take precautions against stroke.

Among them, mini-stroke is obstruction of small blood vessels in the brain . It occurs for a very short time, lasting only about 5 to 20 minutes, and will recover within 24 hours, without causing permanent neurological damage. When time passes, the body will recover. will return to normal.

Another type of milder stroke is called lacunar infarcts (lacunar infarcts), which are embolisms that occur in the small blood vessels at the end of the brain, because they leave small holes less than 1.5 cm in diameter. It's called small hole cerebral infarction.

Stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, coronary heart disease

The 5 major signs of stroke should not be ignored

Although the symptoms of the two minor strokes mentioned above will disappear soon, they are a precursor to more serious strokes in the future. Doctors The risk of another stroke is estimated to be 4 to 5 times that of the average person, so you must pay close attention.

A survey by relevant departments showed that 11.6% of Chinese people over 65 years old were suspected of having suffered a minor stroke, and 3.41% of people aged 40 to 64 were suspected of having suffered a minor stroke. However, 37% of them did not undergo further examination.

Nearly 70% of people do not control their weight, which shows that people do not pay attention to the threat of minor strokes.

Stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, coronary heart disease

The five signs of stroke that need to be paid attention to are as follows:

1. Constant yawning:

Research shows that 80% of ischemic strokes will occur within 5 to 10 days before the attack. The phenomenon of frequent yawning occurs. When cerebral arteriosclerosis gradually worsens, the lumen becomes narrower and narrower, cerebral ischemia hypoxia worsens, and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, which will stimulate the respiratory center and continue to yawn. This is Important warning messages for stroke.

2. Drooling and aphasia:

Sudden uncontrollable drooling, slurred speech, aphasia, or inability to understand what others are saying may be symptoms of stroke.

Stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, coronary heart disease

3. Blurred vision in one eye or both eyes or temporary blindness:

Transient visual impairment or loss of visual field, sometimes temporary blurred vision in one eye , diplopia , or due to temporary ischemia of the retina, which causes the eyes to suddenly become black and unable to see, but to be able to see again after a short period of time, which is regarded as the earliest warning sign of stroke.

4. Unilateral numbness or weakness in hands and feet:

Suddenly feeling weakness or numbness in unilateral hand or foot, paralysis and complete inability to move are symptoms of stroke.

Stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, coronary heart disease

5. Unexplained headaches and dizziness:

Due to rupture, bleeding or blockage of blood vessels in the brain, the cranial nerves are compressed, causing headaches or dizziness, or loss of balance and body coordination, leading to walking. Leaning to one side or falling may also be a sign of stroke.

The medical community now generally believes that minor strokes and cerebral strokes should be treated equally, rather than separately.

Patients with minor strokes should be sent to the emergency room immediately and stay in the hospital for one to two days to undergo neuroimaging examinations, ultrasound examinations, and cardiac examinations to find out the cause and risk factors of the stroke, and Prevent the recurrence or worsening of minor strokes and provide early symptomatic treatment.

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