Recently, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Life Insurance Company"), under the guidance of the Insurance Association of China, has actively organized branches under the system around the theme of "Strive for a New Journey to Insurance to Protect S

Recently, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Life Insurance Company"), under the guidance of China Insurance Industry Association , has actively organized various activities under the jurisdiction of the system around the theme of "Enterprising New Journey Insurance to Protect Stable Happiness". Branch offices, combined with their own actual conditions and local conditions, carried out a series of "7.8 National Insurance Publicity Day " activities with rich content, diverse forms and novel experiences.

Branches at all levels of China Life Insurance Company attach great importance to the annual "7.8 National Insurance Publicity Day" activities, actively use the wisdom and strength of personnel, fully mobilize all kinds of resources, create a strong publicity atmosphere, and hang publicity banners and post publicity in the workplace. Posters, scrolling LED electronic screens , production and dissemination of Douyin videos, etc. can guide customers and the public to pay attention to the theme and concept of the event and enhance financial awareness. The system also takes advantage of the extensive and convenient communication advantages of new media to carry out extensive and continuous financial consumer education and publicity for business teams, customers and the public from the perspectives of knowledge popularization, risk warnings, service cases, consumer rights protection etc. , innovative ways to use diversified, interactive and interesting activities to increase the public's enthusiasm for participation, gain happiness, enhance knowledge and accept insurance in the activities.

In Fujian, branches of China Life Insurance Fuzhou, Xianyou and other branches have organized outdoor insurance public welfare walking activities with the theme of "promoting rural revitalization and serving the elderly". System employees across the province have responded positively and organized online Participate in it by taking physical walks, donating steps online, or gaining knowledge through knowledge. China Life Insurance Putian Branch held the "7.8 National Insurance Publicity Day" and the "Enjoy Sports and Walk the Future" China Life 700 Hiking Parent-child Fun Competition. 160 customers from 80 families participated in the event. In many physical sports games such as "Super League Relay", "Super Speed ​​Force" and "Escape from Meta-Gravity", parents and children transform into superheroes and work together to overcome difficulties and challenges, which not only enhances the relationship between enterprises and customers Communication also increases the exclusive time for customers to accompany their children, promotes "family culture" and jointly promotes "family harmony".

In Shandong, China Life Insurance Shandong Branch combined the current epidemic prevention and control situation and activity requirements, took the 7.8 theme event as an opportunity, and focused on the "Five Entries" to solidly carry out the "Insurance Technology & Happy Life" publicity activity, and organized employees While distributing anti-epidemic items, company professionals will popularize insurance knowledge to the public, leading the public to experience the convenience brought by technology, allowing the people to understand the nature and value of the insurance industry more directly and objectively. At the same time, the company actively carries out public welfare walking activities to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of customer employees for health exercises. It promotes positive interaction and deep integration between insurance and the public by promoting insurance knowledge and supporting public welfare donations. The Shandong Branch also actively responded to the requirements of the Shandong Insurance Industry Association and carried out the work of building a clean and honest culture. The company used the clean financial culture and national style series of WeChat emoticons to produce clean and honest culture exhibition boards and clean and honest culture walls, display clean and honest culture calligraphy works, and strengthen cleanliness in the new era. Cultural Construction.

In Shenzhen, China Life Insurance Shenzhen Branch makes full use of its own properties, business outlets, customer service counters and other places to play 7.8 Publicity Day theme posters and promotional videos on various LED screens, poster screens, and TV screens. . The coordinated publicity in multiple locations, channels, and screens effectively expanded the event’s publicity coverage and influence. At the same time, the Shenzhen branch actively invites customers into the company and regularly carries out health knowledge lectures, expert consultations and other activities, allowing customers to gain more scientific guidance and professional advice on health management while understanding their own health conditions. Focusing on the topic of "Standard Show Insurance", employees of the Shenzhen branch actively participated in the short video topic challenge activities, shooting and producing short videos that showed the optimistic spirit of insurance people in work and life, and popularized financial and insurance knowledge. Their excellent works were Included in the official WeChat public account of "China Insurance Association".

The Shenzhen Branch invites customers into the company to provide customers with health management services

In Tianjin, China Life Insurance Tianjin Branch organized its affiliated institutions to set up information desks near the business premises to provide drinking water and masks to people in need. , disinfection supplies and other convenient assistance, organize and promote the special work of "services suitable for aging", continuously improve the service level of elderly customers, and provide warm and suitable services for the elderly. Some institutions and local communities jointly carry out knowledge promotion activities to prevent elderly care fraud. Through vivid cases, they introduce the common methods and characteristics of fraud to the elderly, teach fraud prevention and identification skills, and play humorous educational videos to guide residents to identify fraud routines and protect them. Provide good people with "pension money" and effectively improve the awareness of financial risk prevention among the elderly.

Tianjin Branch carries out outdoor publicity of 7.8 insurance

in Chongqing, Anhui and Gansu. Through innovative and meaningful forms of publicity, China Life Insurance Chongqing Branch entered the Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport and broadcast "Strive for a New Journey, Insurance Guards Stable Happiness" on the LED display screen in the VIP hall of T3 Terminal. The themed posters interpret the high-spirited spirit of China's insurance industry, popularize insurance knowledge to passengers on the Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway, and enhance the public's awareness of insurance protection. The insurance special issue jointly launched by Gansu Branch and Reader magazine interprets the meaning and function of insurance with the unique depth and affection of " reader ". A total of 43,280 copies of the magazine were given to customers. The Anhui Provincial Branch actively participated in the "Strive for a New Journey - Insurers' Three-Line Love Poems" event organized by the Anhui Provincial Insurance Industry Association. The works of the Tongling Branch and Chuzhou Mingguang Company were displayed on the official account of the Anhui Provincial Insurance Association.

In Yunnan, China Life Insurance Yunnan Branch called on all insurance sales channels to go to schools, rural areas, communities, government agencies, and enterprises to promote insurance knowledge during the insurance publicity day, and conduct training on the functions and operations of the China Life Insurance APP. Special training allows people to truly feel the heart-warming services empowered by technological innovation and insurance. The Yunnan Provincial Branch also organized and carried out illegal fund-raising publicity activities with the theme of "Keep the Money Bag, Protect the Happy Home", and hung the slogan "Keep the Money Bag, Protect the Happy Home" on the outer walls of the business halls of companies at all levels. It is not difficult to prevent pension fraud. Don’t be greedy, don’t be fooled, don’t be greedy for cheap, be wary of promotional banners such as “senior care trap”, set up promotional counters, and arrange for specialized personnel to distribute illegal fund-raising brochures to customers.

In Shaanxi, China Life Insurance Shaanxi Branch has fully launched the "China Life Service Season - Love into Ten Thousands of Homes" customer service activities, organizing system business personnel across the city to provide customers with "help a helping hand, do a publicity, and do a good job." Through the five-one service activities of "a physical examination, a talk about rights and interests, and a favorable comment", we organize insurance policies and test risk insurance amounts for our customers, and provide customers with preservation services, direct payment of claims, and through a combination of online and offline methods. Immersive services such as electronic preference selection. Xi'an, Baoji , Hanzhong and other branches respectively took the theme of "enjoying the future of sports and hiking" and organized customer representatives to participate in colorful bubbles, sky-exploding balloons, shuttlecock experiences, pot throwing games, live broadcasts and other rich content and forms. Various theme activities not only advocate healthy life, but also add fashionable and dynamic experience links, leaving a warm and happy time for customers and guests present, demonstrating the brand charm and strength of China Life .

The Shaanxi Provincial Branch organized the "Enjoy the Future of Sports and Hiking" activity

In Guizhou, China Life Insurance Guizhou Provincial Branch combined the "Safety Production Publicity Week" activity with the "7.8 National Insurance Publicity Day" and specially invited Instructors from the Xingyi National Fire Safety Center of Guizhou Province conducted fire safety training for all employees of the branch and invited customers through on-site and video formats.The Anshun Branch of Guizhou Province focuses on the special group of the elderly. It has specially equipped wheelchairs, emergency medical kits, magnifying glasses, reading glasses, , etc. in front of the publicity stand for the elderly. It has set up a special rest area for the elderly on site and arranged for dedicated personnel to provide care for the elderly throughout the process. One-on-one explanations, "serving the elderly" permeate into every link, and effectively solve the problem of the elderly's difficulty in getting things done.

During the promotion days, all branches of China Life Insurance carried out various activities in Hebei, Henan, Guangxi, Xinjiang, Jilin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shanxi, Ningbo ... China Life Insurance Company stated that the company will always bear in mind the insurance mission of "Enter a new journey of insurance to protect stable happiness", deeply implement the social responsibilities of the industry, carry out insurance promotion activities in various forms, popularize the functions and values ​​of insurance, and provide benefits to the public and the public. Provide consumers with quality products and services, and use the power of insurance to protect the people's better life. (Contributed by China Life Hainan Branch)