Around 6:30 this evening, enthusiastic citizens broke the news to the Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News: The road in front of Hangzhou Caihe Middle School was full of water, with a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters. The reporter verified and learned that there was indeed a water pip

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News reporter Sheng Rui, Xie Chunhui, Huang Weifen

Today (July 23) at around 6:30 pm, enthusiastic citizens broke the news to the Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News: The road in front of Hangzhou Caihe Middle School is full of water, and the water depth is two meters deep. Thirty centimeters.

The reporter verified that there was indeed a water pipe break in the road section near Caihe Middle School , and water affairs staff are currently on scene to make repairs.

Firefighters also rushed to the scene to assist with the incident.

Firefighters at Hangzhou Fire Jingfang Station are preparing to pump water out of the waterlogged road section.

At 7:20 p.m., hourly news reporters learned from the Water Group that a cement pipe with a diameter of 1 meter broke on the road near Caihe Middle School. The staff initially determined that the cement pipe had burst naturally after being used for a long time. The specific cause is still being understood further, and repairs are currently underway. Will the water supply be cut off in the nearby communities of


"The 6th and 7th floors of nearby old communities may experience low water pressure and reduced water supply. There is no need to worry about high-rise communities. Basically there will be no impact." The person in charge of the site said, "We are contacting the community. If residents have water, If there is demand, water will be delivered as soon as possible. "

The impact of the water pipe burst is mainly in the Caihe area, and may involve parts of Jingfang. The water group is in contact with various communities and is ready to deliver water to communities in need at any time.

At 7:50 pm on July 23, hourly news reporters saw at the scene that Qiutao Road turned to the intersection of Caihe Road and the east-to-west lane was closed. There are traffic police at the scene directing traffic.

There are many emergency repair vehicles parked in the driveway.

A fire pump on the campus is still working hard to pump water out, and a group of construction workers are clearing the road mud at the school gate.

There was a big hole in the road opposite the school gate and near the flower bed, and the asphalt was thrown onto the sidewalk.

In Qingchun Community, east of Caihe Middle School, the reporter met Aunt Zhu, a resident of the community.

"The incident should have happened around 5 o'clock in the evening, almost 6 o'clock." At that time, Aunt Zhu went out to buy things for her daughter. When she walked to the gate of the community, she found water. "I saw water constantly coming out of Caihe's gate. , just like a small fountain, the water quickly filled up to the sidewalk. "

Aunt Zhu hurriedly went home and picked up two buckets of water.

An aunt who was watching on the side of the road told reporters that the water stopped briefly after dinner, but it was quickly restored. "The water came in half an hour to an hour." At around

20:08, hourly news reporters saw that construction workers opened a drain, placed warning roadblocks around it, and arranged for full-time personnel to remind pedestrians passing by to pay attention to safety.

After pumping for about two minutes, the road was covered with standing water.

Looking inside through the wall of Caihe Middle School, the school's basketball court is also full of signs of water accumulation. However, overall, the current water accumulation is only at the school entrance and on the roads outside the school.

called Aunt Zhu and showed reporters some photos of water accumulation in the afternoon taken on her mobile phone.

20:15, the excavator has arrived, and it seems that it is going to deal with the burst hole.

Rescue personnel set up tents on the sidewalk.

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