Today's real-time exchange rate of New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc (updated at 2016-02-12 07:13): Currency conversion 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 0.0295 Swiss Franc 1 Swiss Franc = 33.8983 New Taiwan Dollar New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc Exchange Rate Chart (One Week): 2016 On Febru

New Taiwan dollar to Swiss franc today's exchange rate real-time quotes (2016-02-12 07:13 update):

currency exchange

1 New Taiwan dollar = 0.0295 Swiss franc

1 Swiss franc = 33.8983 New Taiwan dollar

New Taiwan dollar to Swiss franc exchange rate trend chart (One week):

On February 12, 2016, the central parity rate of the Swiss franc in the interbank foreign exchange market was: 1 New Taiwan dollar to Swiss franc 0.0295 yuan, and 100 New Taiwan dollars to Swiss franc 2.95 yuan.

In its guidance on financial support for the construction of the Fujian Free Trade Zone, the Central Bank of China emphasized that it supports the pilot free trade zone in playing a pioneering and trial role in cross-strait financial cooperation. Qualified banking institutions are allowed to open New Taiwan Dollar accounts for overseas enterprises and individuals, financial institutions are allowed to open New Taiwan Dollar interbank current accounts with banks in Taiwan to handle various forms of settlement business, and regional New Taiwan Dollar interbank market transactions are piloted.

What impact will the depreciation of the RMB have on other currencies? A weaker yuan could force the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates lower for longer, which would keep the euro and yen range-bound against the dollar. The depreciation of the RMB also means that demand for commodities will further decrease and commodity prices will fall further, which will further weaken the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar and the Brazilian real. In addition, a weaker yuan could also cause competitive devaluations, meaning the Korean won, Taiwan dollar and Mexican peso would also remain low.

and above New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc exchange rate Relevant information about today's market is provided by CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of New Taiwan Dollar to Swiss Franc exchange rate, you can pay attention to CICC Finance News Channel Daily Financial Report.

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