From July 25th to 30th, the China Children and Teenagers' Fund held "Listen to the Voice of Blooming Flowers - Spring Bud Girls' Summer Camp" in Beijing. Peng Liyuan, special envoy of the Spring Bud Project to promote girls' education, attended the opening ceremony and presented

July 25-30, China Children and Teenagers' Fund held "Listen to the Voice of Blooming Flowers - Spring Bud Girls' Summer Camp" in Beijing. Spring Bud Project Special Envoy to Promote Girls' Education Peng Liyuan attended the opening ceremony and taught the summer camp flag, encouraging Chunlei girls to face difficulties, study hard, and become talented as soon as possible. Song Xiuyan, Chairman of the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation, and others attended the opening ceremony. A total of 100 Chunlei girls from various ethnic groups from Guangxi, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other provinces and regions participated in this summer camp. Among them, Guangxi campers include 6 students from Laibin City Rongshui County Feng Guixian and 1 leading teacher, a total of 9 people.

▲Peng Liyuan, Special Envoy of the Spring Bud Project to promote girls’ education, and Chairman of the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund took a group photo with the Spring Bud girls. Before the opening ceremony of

, Peng Liyuan visited the Chunlei girls’ growth example and talent exhibition. Among the 30 spring bud works recommended by Guangxi, there are 5 paintings and 1 painting including "Blue Sky Spring Buds", "Descendants of the Dragon", "Lotus Rhyme", "Hope, Future Earth", "Care for Girls, Happy Growth" The handmade work "Beautiful Countryside" was selected for the talent show.

▲ A girl from Guangxi Chunlei poses for a photo in front of the selected work "Lotus Rhyme". During the

summer camp, Zhang Shouliang, director of the Mass Liaison Bureau of the Political Work Department of the Air Force, held discussions with Chunlei girls who participated in the summer camp activities in Guangxi, Jiangxi, Tibet, and Qinghai funded by the Chinese Air Force. Student Lan Liya served as the Guangxi Blue Sky Chunlei Girls’ representatives spoke at the symposium. Chunlei girls also visited Peking University, the Great Wall, China Aviation Museum, and the National Museum, watched the flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square and the "Voice for Love - Music Master Class Charity Concert" at the Great Hall of the People, and also participated in activities aimed at cultivating team spirit. expansion training. Through a series of activities, we learned about the beautiful treasures of our country’s Chinese civilization and enhanced our patriotic sentiments.

▲Guangxi Chunlei girls participating in summer camp took a group photo in Jiayu Pass.

"Thank you so much, thank you Zhonger Foundation. I came to Beijing today, and I am so excited that I burst into tears. Thank you so much, thank you to the good uncle of the Air Force, for your great style of providing help in times of need, and showing true love in times of need!" July 30, in China At the Children's and Teenagers' Foundation's "Listen to the Voice of Blooming Flowers - Spring Bud Girls' Summer Camp" party, six outstanding student representatives from the Blue Sky Spring Bud Girls' Class in Xincheng County, Guangxi expressed their appreciation for the "Spring Bud" with a Zhuang folk song "Thank you so much". "Lei Project", thanks to the Air Force and caring people from all walks of life who sponsored them.

▲ Guangxi Chunlei girls performed the Zhuang folk song "Thank you so much" at the summer camp party.

At the closing ceremony on July 30, Zhu Xisheng, secretary-general of the China Children and Teenagers' Fund , delivered a closing speech. He pointed out that this Spring Bud Summer Camp activity was not only full of the cordial care of leaders at all levels, but also received full support from relevant departments of the Air Force, especially the Air Force Command College. More importantly, it inherited and carried forward the culture of caring for education, caring for girls, and advocating love. "Spring Bud Spirit", I hope that the Spring Bud girls will take this summer camp as a new starting point. In their future study and life, they will dare to dream, pursue their dreams, and be diligent in realizing their dreams. They will keep in mind the encouragement of Special Envoy Peng Liyuan and face difficulties. Go ahead, study hard, and become talented as soon as possible!

It is reported that the Spring Bud Project is a public welfare project for girls’ education initiated by the All-China Women’s Federation and implemented by the China Children and Teenagers’ Foundation. Since its launch in 1989, it has donated and built 1,402 Chun Bud schools and funded more than 3.3 million Chun Bud girls. Guangxi is one of the first provinces and regions in the country to open girls' classes. In September 1989, with the care and support of the education, women's federation and other departments, Baiyun Township, Rongshui Miao Autonomous County opened the first full-time Hongyao Chunlei in Guangxi. Girls’ class, it is also the first Spring Bud girls’ class in the country. For more than 20 years, Guangxi's "Spring Bud Project" has received response and support from caring people from all walks of life across the country and the region. It has built a total of 15 Chun Bud primary schools, held 272 Chun Bud girls' classes, and provided financial aid to more than 200,000 poor people. Girls return to school.

▲ Wang Sifen and Feng Guixian, girls from Guangxi Chunlei, took a group photo with Chunlei girls from Xincheng County.