He said: "To be honest, I am 57 years old. There are rumors on the Internet that I will no longer be able to watch Jacky Cheung's concerts. It will be one less concert to watch. I will dispel the rumors and I will continue to sing."

html According to news on January 8, the last stop of "Song God" Jacky Cheung 's two-year "A CLASSIC TOUR Jacky Cheung Classic" concert tour will be held at Hong Kong Coliseum . However, there are rumors recently that after this concert tour, Jacky Cheung will close the mic.

During the concert in Kaohsiung, Jacky Cheung denied the rumors of blocking the microphone. He said: "To be honest, I am 57 years old. There are rumors on the Internet that I will no longer be able to watch Jacky Cheung's concerts. It will be one less concert to watch. Let me refute the rumors. I will continue to sing. If I can continue to sing, I can Keep dancing, no matter if I am 60 or 70 years old!" And he promised that he will not drop the key when singing.

Jacky Cheung also said with a smile that after changing into new clothes, his pants were too tight, which made it impossible for him to perform one-on-one. However, he hopes that when he holds a concert again at the age of 60, he can still cheat for his fans.

What’s interesting is that Jacky Cheung’s concerts have frequently appeared on social media recently, because many criminals were arrested while watching Jacky Cheung’s concerts. According to statistics, since the first fugitive was arrested at Jacky Cheung's concert in April this year, the police have arrested nearly a hundred suspects or fugitives at or during Jacky Cheung's concert. Jacky Cheung has also been arrested. Netizens dubbed him the "fugitive nemesis", so some netizens joked: "Keep catching bad guys!" and "After all, helping to maintain social security is what a citizen should do."