In recent years, the selection of non-commissioned officers in the army has been fully transparent, fair and open; at the same time, the salary and benefits of non-commissioned officers have also been comprehensive. Nowadays, the army is becoming more and more formalized, and the

Time flies, years pass, and when a noncommissioned officer has completed his one-year service and is faced with leaving, should he leave or should he stay? In recent years, the selection of non-commissioned officers in the army has been fully transparent, fair, just and open; at the same time, the salary and benefits of non-commissioned officers have also been comprehensively improved, which also makes many squad leaders want to continue to serve in the army.

Well, since you want to stay, you need to consider a practical issue. Now the army is becoming more and more formalized, and the requirements for ability and quality are also getting higher and higher. Every year, non-commissioned officers who have completed their service period will undergo a comprehensive quality assessment and be discharged. Ranking, in this severe situation, are you strong enough? Are you the talent the company needs? This is what you should think about. The selection of non-commissioned officers can be said to be a process of going through five stages and killing six generals, going through untold hardships. Seeing this, readers may be a little confused. Isn’t it just a small selection test? Is it so difficult? The editor can tell you clearly that it is difficult!

1. My application

Regarding the selection of non-commissioned officers, I must submit a written application to the party branch of my unit before the selection process begins. Only in this way can you get the "ticket". You may not understand, but the inner struggle of a squad leader who is approaching the end of his term of service is between the prosperous world outside, family and friends, and his beloved army. Whether to leave or stay is a very painful journey of thinking. Many monitors miss the opportunity to submit applications because of their inner struggles.

2, grassroots recommendation

The military committee organizes a military meeting to conduct mass evaluation of the applicants in the form of secret ballot. This depends on the individual's daily performance. If you are a non-commissioned officer who treats his work negatively and does not take things seriously, well, you will definitely not be able to pass this level, and you will not want to think about it later; therefore, you must be a loyal person. Only those who are committed to their duties and work seriously will be conducive to their development in the army.

3. In the agency evaluation process

, units with the authority to select and approve candidates will work with relevant troops to select and evaluate the recommended candidates in accordance with relevant regulations, and select the best candidates to propose a list of candidates in advance. This level is the most difficult level. Many squad leaders who had the intention of staying in the team were eliminated at this level. The comprehensive quality assessment and rankings ensure that outstanding talents are retained and those with incompetent abilities are eliminated. Therefore, this level is also the same. The selection of non-commissioned officers is guaranteed to be transparent, open and fair. I still remember what an old squad leader said after he failed in the selection last year, "My skills are not as good as others. I only blame myself for not paying attention to physical fitness. I am convinced."

Although it is difficult to organize the non-commissioned officer assessment

levels, it is a kind of care for the atmosphere of the army, and it is also a kind of protection for outstanding talents. Letting capable people stay is of great significance for improving the combat effectiveness of the army. ; Only in this way can the party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era be achieved.

Planning | Yu Linfeng, Qiu Rongjie, Wang Xiaoxi

Author | Lai Kun

Picture | Fu Yicong

Editor | Zuo Hailiang, Jin Kui

Producer | Dai Feng