Dreaming about Bagan, in the coldness of 16 degrees, sitting in the darkness at the highest point of the temple, waiting for the sunrise, waiting for the hot air balloon to float slowly from the other side of the sky. The distance that I can't dream of is actually not that far aw

I dreamed of going to Bagan. In the coldness of 16 degrees, I sat in the darkness at the highest point of the temple, waiting for the sunrise. I waited for the hot air balloon to float slowly from the other side of the sky. The distance that I could not dream of was actually not that far away.

Bagan is located in the vast area east of the confluence of the Chindwin River and the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar. This area is fertile and rich in products. It was called the "Land of the Great Swamp" at that time.

The rulers of Bagan believed in Buddhism and built pagodas and temples extensively. Therefore, it is known as the "Pagoda Building Dynasty". The architecture of the pagoda is very majestic, reflecting the wisdom of the working people of the Bagan period and the brilliant achievements of architectural art and Buddhist culture.

The mysterious Bagan, the top of the pagoda, is known every morning. Every sunrise and every sunset is recorded. All the beautiful things I share can be shared in real time with you who are watching me.

Those things that make people feel warm inside when walking in Bagan. Strangers come from the smile and kindness deep in their hearts. They may not understand what I say, but they smile the most when they face the camera.

How I like Bagan’s sunset twice in two days. When I raised the camera, the hot air balloon slowly rose and then slowly disappeared into the distance. The loneliness was infinitely magnified, but it was also extremely warm because of the strength in my heart.

You must take a hot air balloon ride when you come to Bagan. Bagan's hot air balloon flight is quite famous and is known as the most beautiful hot air balloon flight in Asia. The Bagan hot air balloon is open from December to March every year and is not open during the rainy season, so you want to take a hot air balloon ride in Bagan. The balloon must be used during this time period.

Before the hot air balloon takes off, the pilot will explain to everyone the precautions during the flight. They are usually experienced foreign pilots to ensure everyone's safety to the greatest extent. They speak English. . It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, you can ask him to give you a paper Chinese translation. The flight takes about an hour, but the price is a bit expensive, more than 2,000 yuan.

As the hot air balloon continues to rise, you can overlook Wanta. The city is even more spectacular, and the beauty will definitely bring you an unforgettable experience.
