"Internet celebrities" check in on the lawn. Xiadong Village Party Building Park. Business card Shuibu Town is located in the north of Taishan City. The town has a total area of ​​111 square kilometers. It has 20 administrative villages and 1 residential community in Shuibuwei, 2

"Internet celebrity" checks in on the lawn.

Xiadong Village Party Building Park.

Business card

Shuibu Town is located in the northern part of Taishan City, with a total area of ​​111 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 20 administrative villages and 1 residential community in Shuibuwei, 297 villager groups, and a total registered population of more than 46,000. The permanent population is more than 44,000, and there are more than 77,000 overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In recent years, Shuibu Town has increased its investment in people's livelihood and has successively won the titles of Guangdong Province Civilized Town, Guangdong Province Health Town, Guangdong Province Educational Powerful Town, National New Urbanization Standardization Pilot, and Guangdong Province New Urbanization Standardization Demonstration Site.

Town Street said

has obvious location advantages, good industrial foundation, and complete resource elements. Facing a new round of development opportunities, Shuibu Town has huge development potential. By gathering strength and working hard, we believe that Shuibu Town will win the development initiative through hard work and achieve leap-forward development.

As an important industrial town in Taishan, in recent years, Shuibu Town, under the guidance of party building, has made every effort to coordinate the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, vigorously promote urbanization, continuously accelerate the integration into the construction of the northern industry-city integration center, and build a modern industrial system. , promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and achieve good results in various key economic and social tasks. The long journey is in full swing, and we are ready to embark on a critical mission. Looking forward to the future, Shuibu Town will adhere to the development strategy of "an industrial town, a strong transportation town, a prosperous business town, and a beautiful rural town", forge ahead pragmatically, leapfrog and catch up, accelerate the construction of a beautiful, rich, happy, and harmonious new Shuibu town, and promote High-quality development achieves greater results.

Forge ahead and fulfill our original aspirations, the party flag is flying and the sails are strong

Walking into the Xiadong Village Party Building Park, a strong red atmosphere hit our faces. The villagers played and exercised in the park and inadvertently felt the influence of party building culture.

The creation of Xiadong Village Party Building Park is the epitome of Shuibu Town’s efforts to cultivate distinctive brands of party building in each village. Create a new position for party building and enhance political leadership. In recent years, Shuibu Town has continued to deepen and expand the achievements of grassroots party building demonstration villages, injecting red power into promoting the construction of beautiful villages. Currently, the town is accelerating the upgrading and renovation of a number of village-level party-mass service centers and the construction of village-level party-building parks, so that party-building culture can truly reach the masses.

In recent years, Shuibu Town has insisted on taking party building as the "first starting point" to promote rural revitalization, firmly grasping the key point of party building leading grassroots social governance, and vigorously promoting the town's economic development, urbanization and rural revitalization. Especially since last year, the town has actively implemented "peripheral projects", continuously promoted the standardization, programming and orderliness of rural grassroots work, and activated the " nerve endings " at the grassroots level to promote high-quality development.

In addition, Shuibu Town has deeply promoted the study and education of party history, taking "I do practical things for the masses" as the starting point and foothold of party history study and education, and continues to further promote the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses". Last year, Shuibu Town completed a total of 10 "I did practical things for the people" and 10 "minor practical things for people's livelihood", truly relieving the people's difficulties.

Strive to promote industrial revitalization and promote economic development

warm the economy, promote growth, and promote industrial development and prosperity. In recent years, Shuibu Town has insisted on taking development as its top priority, coordinating and promoting the normalization of enterprise development and epidemic prevention and control, and achieving stable and progressive economic development.

Last year, Shuibu Town’s general budget revenue was 105 million yuan, breaking the 100 million yuan mark for the first time, a year-on-year increase of 23.3%. At the same time, the town's 25 enterprises above designated size have achieved a total industrial output value of 3.05 billion yuan and a fixed asset investment of 51.1 billion yuan. There were 8 new industrial enterprises above designated size throughout the year, and the economic development momentum is strong.

In recent years, Shuibu Town has adhered to the leadership of science and technology. Based on the new industrial city, it will focus on the Greater Bay Area industry chain, targeting emerging industries such as 5G, integrated circuits, smart equipment and high-end medical equipment, vigorously carry out investment promotion, and introduce a Batch high-tech enterprises and create a new engine for industrial upgrading. Among them, Songtian Electric (Taishan) Co., Ltd., which settled in the town, won the special prize of the 10th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Guangdong·Jiangmen Division) and the 2021 Jiangmen City "Technology Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Growth Enterprise Group last year. , and received 1 million yuan in support funds.

Currently, Shuibu Town is continuing to promote the investment and construction of key projects, focusing on the construction tasks of key projects such as Fengrun Science and Technology Park, Pearl of West Africa, Sanqiang Industry, Yingrun Science and Technology Park, and Wanyu Furniture, and keeping a close eye on leading enterprises. , encourage leading companies such as Matsuda Electric and Hongte Precision to increase capital, expand production, become bigger and stronger, and promote companies such as Dachau and Tule to complete factory construction to provide strong support for economic development. In terms of park construction, Shuibu Town is actively revitalizing inefficient land, expanding industrial carriers, guiding enterprises such as Rongcheng Paper Company and Amida to carry out "three old" transformations, promoting the expansion of the southern group by 300 acres, and planning the development of the east group by 1,500 acres. . At the same time, we assisted the Industrial New City West Group to expand the park by 5,000 acres and build a professional industrial park for new metal materials and auto parts.

What is worth looking forward to is that as the comprehensive transportation system built by Shuibu Town gradually takes shape, the town's location advantage will be further highlighted and the town's development potential will be further stimulated. Currently, the town is accelerating the construction of key transportation projects, cooperating with the construction work of national highway G240, Taikai Expressway, provincial highway S273 Shuibu Avenue to Dongjiao section, etc., optimizing the Zhongkai Expressway and Anli, Shuibu and Hua'an. For the surrounding environment of each entrance and exit, we will accelerate the advancement of projects such as the reconstruction and expansion of Chen Yixi Road and the Dacheng Line. At the same time, we will upgrade and renovate the main roads in the town to open up the "capillaries" and improve the quality of the town.

Promote the construction of beautiful countryside and accelerate rural revitalization in an all-round way

Rural areas are the root of China and the foundation of the national building. In recent years, Shuibu Town has solidly promoted rural revitalization, vigorously developed modern agriculture, polished the tourism culture brand, built an ecological and livable town, implemented beautiful rural construction, and made every effort to follow the road of rural revitalization in the new era.

Take Caoping Village as an example. Since 2019, Shuibu Town has comprehensively built Caoping Village as a rural revitalization demonstration village. Through measures such as revitalizing characteristic buildings, improving supporting facilities, and optimizing the surrounding environment, it has created a beautiful ecological and natural landscape. At present, Caoping Village has become a key rural tourism village in the country and won the title of "Top Ten Internet Celebrity Villages" in Jiangmen City.

The popularity of Caoping Village is part of Shuibu Town's solid efforts to promote rural revitalization. In recent years, Shuibu Town has followed the "rural + cultural and creative + tourism" development model to promote the town's tourism resources to be connected into a chain, and strive to create a beautiful rural style belt. Currently, the town is continuously accelerating the quality improvement and optimization of a number of existing cultural tourism projects such as Qiaohuili, Tanjiang Ecological Agriculture Demonstration Park, Huiqu Modern Agricultural Ecological Park, and Xiuhuafang, and has launched the construction of the Jidong Reservoir tourism project, striving to create a Shankou The two intangible cultural heritage bases of Weishuibu Beef Festival and Baoxing Eel Rice are actively developing themed cultural tourism itineraries such as rural food tours, sightseeing tours, homestay tours, and study tours.

In addition, Shuibu Town has vigorously developed characteristic industries in recent years and strived to build a modern agricultural development system. Currently, the town is working hard to build a thousand-acre vegetable and fruit wholesale base in Jinggang and a high-quality rice planting base in Tanjiang area to make "Shuibu Dried Vegetables", "Shuibu Piggy Potatoes" and "Tanjiang Rice Industry" bigger and stronger. Agricultural product brands.

Promote the construction of small towns Improve the happiness of the masses

The country is people-oriented, and the country is also established for the people. In recent years, Shuibu Town has adhered to the people-centered development philosophy, taking improving people's well-being as the starting point and goal of development, and continuously enhancing the people's sense of happiness and gain in life.

Currently, Shuibu Town is taking the promotion of new urbanization standardization demonstration sites in Guangdong Province as the starting point, promoting the construction of small towns with a high starting point, high standards, and high patterns, and continuously improving the quality of towns. Since 2018, Shuibu Town has invested more than 160 million yuan in the construction of small towns. Among them, more than 8 million yuan was invested to upgrade County Road 531, more than 3 million yuan was invested to implement road reconstruction projects on the Liufu section of Shuibu Avenue and the Shuibuwei section of the old high-copper line, and more than 2 million yuan was invested to build the Youyi Bridge. 1.1 million yuan was spent to rebuild the Changtang Flood Drainage Bridge, and the township environment has been significantly improved.

At the same time, Shuibu Town continues to carry out improvement of the living environment. This year, the town will vigorously promote the construction of demonstration villages such as Xiadong Village, Caoping Village, etc., and promote more than 80% of the villages (communities) to meet the standards of beautiful and livable villages.At the same time, we will implement the five-year action to improve the rural living environment, focus on "corridor" improvement, carry out the toilet revolution, implement rural housing control and rural style improvement actions, and accelerate the pace of building beautiful villages.

Text: Luo Yunzi, Lin Jingwen

Plate maker: Dong Shuyun, Wang Juanjuan, Liu Cailin