Today, Daqo Energy (688303) rose 5.76% and closed at 68.32 yuan. On April 22, 2022, Soochow Securities researchers Zeng Duohong, Chen Yao, and Guo Yanan released a research report on Daqo Energy "Commentary on Daqo Energy's 2022 First Quarter Report: Silicon Material Sales Increa

Daqo Energy (688303) rose 5.76% today, closing at 68.32 yuan.

On April 22, 2022, Soochow Securities researchers Zeng Duohong, Chen Yao, and Guo Yanan released a research report on Daqo Energy "Comments on Daqo Energy's 2022 First Quarter Report: Silicon material sales increased sharply, and net profit per ton reached a new high" , the research report gave a "buy" rating to Daqo Energy, believing that its target price is 63.8 yuan. The current price has exceeded analysts' estimates, with an increase of 7.08%. The research report predicts that the company's net profit attributable to the parent company from 2022 to 2024 will be 123/85/9.2 billion yuan (previous value 108/91/86 billion yuan), +114%/-31%/+7% year-on-year. We give 10xPE in 2022 with a target price of 63.8 yuan and maintain a "buy" rating. The Securities Star Data Center calculated based on the research report data released in the past three years that the accuracy of the profit forecast of the stock by the author of the research report was 70.54%.

Securities Star Data Center calculations show that the analyst team with a more accurate profit forecast for the stock is Shi Yan, Pang Junwen, and Zhou Miaoshun of Guotai Junan .

Daquan Energy (688303) individual stocks overview:

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