Yushui Village won the title of "National Model Workers' Family" Recently, the trade union group of the catering department of Lijiang Yushui Village Scenic Area was awarded the honorary title of "National Model Workers' Family" by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. It is

Yushui Village was awarded the title of “National Model Small House for Employees”

Recently, the trade union group of the catering department of Lijiang Yushui Village Scenic Area was awarded the honorary title of “National Model Small House for Employees” by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. It was also the only company in Lijiang City to win this honor in 2015. Unions.

It is understood that the honorary title of "National Model Employee Family" was established by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. It is the highest honor given by the national trade union system to commend grassroots advanced collectives, and is also the country's highest praise for the work of grassroots trade unions. (Yunnan Daily)

From yesterday to this morning, there were heavy to heavy rains in most of the three counties in Jiangdong of our city.

According to the news from the Lijiang Meteorological Observatory, due to the influence of convergent airflow, showers or thunderstorms fell in most areas of our city from yesterday afternoon to this morning. Heavy or torrential rain fell in southern Ninglang County, Yongsheng County, and Huaping County.

From 8 o'clock yesterday to 8 o'clock this morning, the average cumulative precipitation of the city's 140 stations was 33.5 mm, including: 35 stations with 10-24.9 mm; 34 stations with 25-49.9 mm; and 34 stations with ≥50 mm. , the ones with larger precipitation are: Huaping Xinzhuang 118.6 mm, Wuping Reservoir 99.8 mm, County 92.5 mm, Hongdi 92 mm, Yongsheng Chaoyang 105.5 mm, Banqiao 99.5 mm, Ninglang Xinyingpan 100.2 mm; Lijiang City Xianghe The precipitation at the station is 13.2 mm.

According to the current meteorological information analysis, the city will be cloudy today, with light to moderate rain or showers in most areas, and localized heavy rain may occur.

htmlSeptember 8 It will be mostly cloudy and partly overcast in the city, with showers or thundershowers and some heavy rain.

htmlOn September 9-10, most of the city was cloudy with moderate to heavy rain, and some heavy rain.

html September 11-12 It will be mostly cloudy in the city, with showers or thundershowers and some moderate rain.

The Lijiang Branch of the Central Yunnan Water Diversion Construction Engineering Administration was established

A few days ago, the Lijiang Branch of the Central Yunnan Water Diversion Construction Engineering Administration was established in Yulong County.

It is understood that the main construction contents of the central Yunnan water diversion project involving Lijiang City include the Shigu Datong Water Source Project, the Jiuhe Xianglushan Tunnel (Lijiang Section 31.2 kilometers) and 7 construction branch tunnels, as well as the Yongsheng County Pianjiao in the water-receiving area There are 2 supporting projects in the township. The project involves five towns, Shigu Town, Shitou Township, Jiuhe Township, Tai'an Township, and Yongsheng County Pianjiao Township in Yulong County, with an estimated investment of about 8 billion yuan. (Yao Bifeng and Xingyun)

Yulong County: Open selection of teachers to teach in urban schools

Recently, Yulong County openly selected a group of primary and secondary school teachers from township central schools to teach in urban schools. It is understood that the scope of this open recruitment is 16 township central schools, and teachers with more than three years of teaching experience are openly selected. Twelve primary school teachers will be selected to teach in the primary department of Yulong Middle School, and 5 middle school teachers will be selected to teach in the junior department of Yulong County National Middle School.

It is understood that this exam is as strict as the college entrance examination. It uses a standard college entrance examination examination room, with security inspection and examination room monitoring. After the examination, the test papers are bound on site and sent to Kunming for review as soon as possible. They will be reviewed by the Yunnan Provincial Education Evaluation Center. The recruitment results will ultimately be determined based on test scores. (Yao Bifeng)

Today, everyone went to Yuhe Square to taste free Lijiang snacks

Lijiang Naxi Traditional Food Culture Festival officially started this morning. A total of ten kinds of Naxi traditional snacks are on display. They are freshly made and eaten. You can taste them for free. If you are not satisfied with the taste, you can also buy some.

In addition to tourists, there were also many local residents. This grandma who lives in Xinhua Street came to join in the fun with her wife. She was very happy and said: "This cold noodles is delicious. I can still participate when I am 80 years old." This kind of activity is so interesting!”

Visitors at the scene also said that holding such an activity is very meaningful. They not only tasted Lijiang’s special food, but also learned about Lijiang’s culture. This event will last until September 9th. Friends who missed it today can still go tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. (Reporter: Wang Lingmin)

The city's traffic police "competition", "catching up all traffic major events"

html On the morning of September 7, the Lijiang City Public Security Traffic Police System Traffic Safety Warning Education Courseware Speech Competition was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment. The logo The city's public security and traffic police system information comprehensive application competition officially kicked off.

Eight participating police officers from 8 traffic police brigades across the city launched a series of "Intelligent Transportation to Accompany You in Safe and Civilized Travel", "Safe Travel by Self-driving on Highways", "Traffic Safety" and "Understanding Drunk Driving" around traffic safety warning education. , "Improving the Traffic Safety Awareness of Agricultural Vehicle and Tractor Drivers" and other topics. The contestants used cases to explain the situation and the law to warn people, and their emotional speeches won warm applause from the audience.

After more than two hours of fierce competition, in the end, policemen He Jinlong from the Traffic Police Brigade of Gucheng Public Security Bureau won the first place in this speech competition. Policeman Zhuang Guoxi from the City Traffic Police Brigade and He Lin, a policeman from the Traffic Police Brigade of Yongsheng County Public Security Bureau tied for the first place. Winning second place, policeman He Pengwei from the Traffic Police Brigade of Yulong County Public Security Bureau won third place. At this point, the traffic safety warning education courseware lecture competition of this information application competition has come to a successful conclusion. From September 7th to 10th, other sub-business competitions will be carried out as planned. (Reporter: He Xiaoli)

Lijiang held a commendation meeting for the 32nd Teachers' Day

html On the afternoon of September 7, Lijiang City celebrated the 32nd Teachers' Day and a commendation meeting was held in the multi-functional hall of Building 1 of Lijiang Hotel. Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee , Chang Jiang Yong of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting. The

meeting commended advanced individuals and advanced collectives: 6 units including Lijiang Special Education School were awarded the title of "Advanced Collective in Education", 21 teachers including He Xiangqun were awarded the title of "Excellent Teacher", and 12 teachers including Li Li were awarded the title of "Excellent Teacher". Won the title of "Excellent Educator". The

conference commended two top college entrance examination students (Yang Yuanyuan and Jian Yuanzhi) who were admitted to Peking University in 2016. The two students received an award of 80,000 yuan each; the training school of the two students (Lijiang No. 1 Middle School, Ninglang County) was commended. No. 1 Middle School), the two schools each received an award of 300,000 yuan.

The meeting also commended 4 advanced collectives of Huaping County No. 1 Middle School that achieved excellent results in the college entrance examination, and 10 schools including Lijiang Experimental School that achieved outstanding results in the 2016 junior high school academic proficiency test; finally, 9 schools including the Tai'an Township Central School in Yulong County were commended Schools that achieved outstanding results in the 2016 Youth Campus Football League Four Finals in Yunnan Province were commended. At the meeting, in addition to commending advanced individuals and collectives, Yulong County Kindergarten was also recognized as a first-class and third-class demonstration kindergarten in Yunnan Province and awarded a license.

The meeting proposed that it is hoped that the commended units and individuals will cherish their honors, make persistent efforts, give full play to their role as role models, and achieve new results in the reform and development of the city's education industry. (Reporter: Yao Xiaojuan)

The city’s education special project promotion meeting

html On September 7, the city’s education special project promotion meeting was held. Municipal government inspector Zhang Yinlin, Municipal Education Bureau Director Li Jinliang and other leaders attended the meeting. Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Audit Bureau, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and other relevant departments also participated in the meeting.

html In the past 2005 years, the city’s education system has united and cooperated closely in accordance with the unified deployment of party committees and governments at all levels, and has successively implemented major projects including primary and secondary school building safety projects, weak school renovations, and comprehensive improvement. The school security project alone has achieved investment 1.04 billion yuan, with an investment of 810 million yuan in the comprehensive improvement plan. The investment in fixed assets in the education system has grown rapidly, school running conditions have improved significantly, and the safety of school buildings has generally improved. This has promoted the rapid and healthy development of the city’s education industry. At the same time, it has also promoted the city’s targeted poverty alleviation through education. The work continues to advance.

At present, there are still problems in the city's education system such as "emphasis on hardware and lightness on software", low utilization of educational and teaching equipment, and campus layout adjustment planning. In response to this series of problems, Zhang Yinlin, the city government inspector, put forward opinions and emphasized many times. It is necessary to increase the intensity of accountability and effectively rectify the phenomenon of "accidental actions" and "inaction". (He Zhenyu)

Some villages and towns in Lijiang suffered from mudslides, and some villagers’ houses were washed away.

html From 5 pm on September 6 to 3 am on September 7, heavy rainfall occurred in Dongshan and Renhe, Yongsheng County, and the motherland was severely affected. The rainfall in the Chicken River Basin reached 282.4 millimeters, causing heavy rains in the upper reaches of the Hen River, causing the river water to surge. The river water overflowed the river embankment, and many villages along the river were flooded.According to preliminary statistics, as of the morning of September 7, Biquan, Chaoyang and other village committees in Renhe Town were severely affected. Some houses were washed away, more than 6,000 acres of farmland were affected, and direct economic losses reached more than 2 million yuan. As bridges and roads were washed away, many villages were besieged by floods and unable to communicate with the outside world, which also brought great difficulties to the rescue work.

This rainfall also caused power and communication interruptions in Dongshan Township, destroyed roads, and blocked traffic. Five village committees in the township were affected to varying degrees. Henjihe Power Plant, an important power source responsible for the power supply in Dongshan Township, was washed away.

After the disaster, the Yongsheng County Party Committee and the government attached great importance to it, quickly organized forces to rush to the disaster area, made every effort to evacuate the people, and relocated the affected people in a timely manner; comprehensively carried out flood relief and disaster relief work, guided and coordinated to help local organizations organize search and rescue, and ensure that it was scientific, safe, fast and effective. Carry out disaster relief; meteorological, land, water conservancy and other departments closely monitor the development of disasters, do a good job in forecasting and early warning, investigate and effectively eliminate hidden dangers of geological disasters, and effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property. (Correspondent: Liu Gao Picture source: Lijiang Power Supply)

Group version: Herun Huang

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