"The Analects", "Mencius", "The Book of Songs", "Tao Te Ching", "Shang Shu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Changes", "Xunzi", "Historical Records", "Spring and Autumn", "Yan Family Instructions", "Zi" Excerpts from classic Chinese classics such as "Zhi Tong Jian" and "Zhu Xi Yu Lei".

"The Analects", " Mencius ", "The Book of Songs", "Tao Te Ching" , " Shangshu ", " Book of Rites ", " Zhouyi ", "Xunzi", " Historical Records " , "Spring and Autumn", " Yan's Family Instructions ", " Zizhi Tongjian ", " Zhu Xi's Language Class " and other classic Chinese studies sentences.

Isn’t it true that when you learn something, you practice it? Have friends come from afar? People who don’t know are not surprised, isn’t a gentleman or ? ——"The Analects of Confucius · Learn and "

A gentleman should stick to his roots, and the Tao will be born from his roots. Being a filial brother is the foundation of benevolence! ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

clever words, fresh and benevolent. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

I have to examine myself three times every day: Are I being unfaithful to others? Make friends but don’t believe it? Are you not used to it? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

Disciples should be filial when they enter, and they should be younger when they leave, be sincere and trustworthy, love others and be kind. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

Master is gentle, kind, respectful, frugal and generous in order to get it. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

When it comes to etiquette, harmony is the most precious thing. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in. If he is sensitive to things and cautious in speaking, he will be righteous and righteous, and he can be said to be eager to learn. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

If you are not worried about others, you don't know them, and when you are worried, you don't know others. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

I have to examine myself three times every day: Are I being unfaithful to others? Make friends but don’t believe it? Are you not used to it? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

When making friends, keep your word. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

People cannot stand without faith. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Be true to your words and be resolute in your actions. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Zilu "

A wise man is as good as water, and the sea accepts all rivers; a benevolent man looks up to the mountains, and carries great virtues. ——"The Analects of Confucius"

Confucius said: "Government based on virtue is like Beichen, which lives in its place and is shared by all the stars." ——"The Analects of Confucius · For Politics "

Governance is based on the Tao, and punishment is used to harmonize the people, so that the people can be exempted. But there is no shame; the way is based on virtue, and the way is based on etiquette, there is shame and integrity. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

One can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

Practice what you say first. Follow it. ——"The Analects of Confucius · For Politics"

A gentleman will not compare himself with others. —— "The Analects of Confucius · For Politics"

Learning without thinking will lead to failure. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

Confucius said: "...Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, this is knowing. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

If you approach someone with dignity, you will be respectful; if you are filial and kind, you will be loyal; if you do good but cannot teach, then you will encourage. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

If a person has no faith, he does not know what he can do. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

Failure to do what is right is a lack of courage. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don't get it in the right way, they won't get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't get them in the right way, you won't get rid of them. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

Acting with interests in mind and complaining too much. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

The Master's way is only loyalty and forgiveness. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

A gentleman is known as righteousness, and a villain is known as benefit. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

When you see the virtuous, you think about them, and when you see the virtuous, you reflect inwardly. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

It is important to know the age of your parents. One is for joy, the other is for fear. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

Virtue is never isolated, it must have neighbors. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

At first I was with people, listening to their words and trusting their actions; now I am with people, listening to their words and watching their actions. ——"The Analects of Confucius · Gongye Chang "

He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions... ——"The Analects of Confucius · Gongye Chang"

The old will be at peace with it, the friends will trust it, and the young will cherish it. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Gongye Chang"

A benevolent man already wants to establish and establish others, and already wants to reach and reach others. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yong Ye"

Know it silently, be tireless in learning, and tireless in teaching... ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

Aim for Tao, base on virtue, rely on benevolence, and swim in art. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened, if you are not angry, you will not be angry. If you don't use three things to reflect on one corner, you will never recover. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

Eat sparingly and drink water, bend your arms and rest on them, and enjoy it. Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me.——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

A scholar cannot be without great perseverance, and the road ahead is long and arduous. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Tai Bo"

Zi Jue Four: no intention, no necessity, no solidity, no self. ——"The Analects of Confucius · Zihan"

The deceased is like a man! Don't give up day and night. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

How can we not care about French words? Change it to expensive. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the ambition. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

A knowledgeable person will not be confused, a benevolent person will not worry, and a brave person will not be afraid. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

Only unlimited wine is not as good as chaos. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Xiangdang"

Going too far is not enough. ——"The Analects·Advanced"

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

There is no guilt in introspection, why should I worry or be afraid? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Within the four seas, we are all brothers. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Death has occurred since ancient times, and people cannot stand without faith. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Live without fatigue and act with loyalty. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

The beauty of a gentleman is the beauty of being an adult, but the evil of being an adult is not. The villain is on the contrary. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Politicians are righteous. The commander-in-chief is righteous, who dares not to be righteous? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

A gentleman uses literature to make friends, and friends to support benevolence. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

There should be officials first, pardon small faults, and promote talents. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

If the name is not correct, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not smooth, the things will not be accomplished... -"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

If the person is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not follow the orders. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

No haste, no small gain. If you want haste, you will not achieve anything; if you see small gains, you will not achieve great things. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

What you say must be true, and your actions must be resolute... ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

The gentleman is harmonious but different, the villain is the same but not harmonious. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

A gentleman is arrogant but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not arrogant. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

... When you see benefit and think about righteousness, when you see danger, you give orders. If you don't forget the words of your life for a long time, you can become an adult. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his actions. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

Cultivation of oneself in order to respect others... Cultivation of oneself in order to bring peace to others... Cultivation of oneself in order to bring peace to the people... ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

A person with lofty ideals and a benevolent person will harm his benevolence without seeking life, and he will commit suicide. To become benevolent. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

If you are generous to yourself but do not blame others, you will be far away from resentment. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

A gentleman does not use words to promote others, and does not use people to waste words. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

clever words and bad morals. A small leak will sink a great ship. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

If everyone is evil, you will have to check it; if everyone is good, you will have to check it. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

People can promote Tao, but Tao cannot promote people. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

There is no distinction between education and distinction. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

A gentleman has nine thoughts: looking for wisdom, listening for intelligence, looking for warmth, looking for respect, speaking for loyalty, doing things with respect, doubting and questioning, thinking for anger and difficulty, and thinking for meaning. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Ji"

Gong, generosity, trust, sensitivity and benefit. Being respectful means not insulting, being lenient means being obedient, being trustworthy means being obedient, being sensitive means being meritorious, and being kind means being able to inspire others. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Yanghuo"

Listening to the Tao means abandoning virtue. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo"

Don't lower your ambitions, don't disgrace your body, Boyi , Shu Qi and! ——" The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zi "

Be knowledgeable and determined, ask questions and think deeply, and benevolence is in it. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Zi Zhang"

...The benevolent are invincible. ——"Mencius·King Hui of Liang 1"

I am old, I am old, , and I am old; I am young, and I am young, and I am young. ——"Mencius, King Hui of Liang"

Right, then you know the severity; degree, then you know the length. Everything is the same, but the mind is the same. ——"Mencius · King Hui of Liang, Part 1"

Those who enjoy the happiness of the people will also enjoy their happiness; those who worry about the people's worries, the people will also worry about their worries... ——"Mencius · King Hui of Liang, Part 2"

... …I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring spirit.——"Mencius·Gongsun Chou"

Zilu, if someone tells him that he has made a mistake, he will be happy. When Yu heard the good words, he worshiped them. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

Those who have gained the right will get many help, while those who have lost the right will get little help. When there is little help, relatives will be there; when there is much help, the world will follow. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chouxia"

The mistakes of ancient gentlemen are like the eclipses of the sun and the moon, which are seen by all the people; and their corrections are looked up to by the people. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

If there are good people at the top, there must be bad people at the bottom. The virtue of a gentleman is like the wind; the virtue of a villain is like the grass. The wind on the grass will die. ——" Mencius·Teng Wengong "

Civil affairs cannot be postponed. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

A wise king must be respectful, frugal and courteous to heaven, and take control of the people. ——"Mencius Teng Wen Gong"

Live widely in the world, establish the right position in the world, and walk the great road of the world. If you get the ambition, follow it with the people; if you don't have the ambition, go your own way. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

Wealth and honor cannot be immoral, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot be surrendered. This is called a true man. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

... Without rules, it is impossible to form a square circle;... Without six laws, it is impossible to correct the five tones;... Without benevolent government, the world cannot be governed peacefully. ——"Mencius·Li Loushang"

Three generations gained the world with benevolence, and lost the world with unkindness. The same is true for the reason why a country is destroyed and prospered. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

To love others without being close to them is against their benevolence; to treat others without treatment is against their wisdom; to be polite and not to respond to others is against their respect. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

The foundation of the world is the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is the body. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

Those who obey nature will survive, and those who defy nature will perish. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

There is a way to win the world: to win its people, you can win the world; to win its people, there is a way: to win their hearts, you can win the people; to win their hearts, there is a way: to gather with them wherever you want. , don't do what you want to do, that's right. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

Benevolence means a person's peaceful home; righteousness means a person's right path. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

A respectful person will not insult others, and a thrifty person will not take away from others. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

A king is benevolent, and no one is unkind; a king is righteous, and no one is unjust; a king is upright, and no one is unrighteous. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

The trouble with people is to be a teacher. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

Indecent etiquette and unjust meaning, adults should not do it. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

A gentleman will be ashamed of the voice he has heard of. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

Yu hated wine but loved good words. Tang Zhizhong, there is no way to establish talents. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

If Xizi is unclean, everyone will cover their noses and pass by; even if there are evil people, if they fast and bathe, they can worship God. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

The most important thing for a filial son is to respect his relatives; the most important thing to respect his relatives is to support him in the world. ——"Mencius·Wan Zhang I"

Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You can't have both, you have to sacrifice your life for righteousness. ——"Mencius·Gaozishang"

The organ of the heart is thinking, and thinking is what you get, and if you don't think, you can't get it. ——"Mencius Gaozi 1"

When Yi taught people to shoot, he must aspire to it, and scholars must also aspire to it; great craftsmen must teach people according to rules, and scholars must also follow rules. ——"Mencius · Gaozi 1"

When heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and disturb his actions. Therefore, if he is tempted to endure, he has Benefit from what it cannot do. ——"Mencius Gaozi Xia"

If you ask, you will get it, if you give it up, you will lose it. This is why seeking is beneficial to gaining, and seeking is mine. ——" Mencius·Dedicate yourself to "

All things are prepared for me. Reflexively and sincerely, there is no greater joy. Act with force and forgiveness, but don't get close to begging for kindness. ——"Mencius: Devotion to the Heart"

People cannot be shameless, shameless, shameless. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

People in ancient times, when they succeeded in their aspirations, benefited the people; If you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you are rich, you will be good for the world. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

Kind words are not as profound as the words of kindness, and good governance is not as popular as good teaching. Good governance will be feared by the people; good education will be loved by the people. Good governance wins people's wealth, and good education wins people's hearts.——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

There is nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, that's all. ——"Mencius: Devotion to the Heart"

A gentleman has three kinds of happiness... having parents and brothers without any reason is one kind of happiness; looking up to heaven and not being ashamed of others, not being humbled by others is the second kind of happiness; getting the world's talents and educating them is the third kind of happiness. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

Confucius Climb Dongshan and Xiaolu, climb Mount Tai and Xiaotian. ——"Mencius: Dedicate Your Heart"

Be kind to people and be kind to people , be kind to people and love things. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

If you don't believe in benevolence and virtue, the country will be empty; if you don't have etiquette and justice, there will be chaos up and down; if there is no political affairs, there will be insufficient finances. ——"Mencius · Trying My Heart"

The people are the most important, the country is the second, and the king is the least. ——"Mencius · Try Your Heart"

There are bandits and gentlemen who are like quarrels and discussions, like grinding and grinding. ——" Poetry·Wei Feng·Qi Ao "

The wife is harmonious, like a drum and a harp; the brothers are both in peace and harmony. ——"Poetry·Xiaoya.Tangdi"

Listen to his voice, and ask for his friend's voice. When we are in love with each other, we still seek a female voice; when we are in love with each other, we do not seek companionship? ——"Poetry·Xiaoya·Lumbering"

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. ——"Poem·Xiaoya·Crane"

My father gave birth to me, my mother bowed to me. Pick me up, feed me, grow me up and nurture me. Take care of me and return to me, enter and exit my belly. If you want to repay the virtue, Haotian will ignore it. ——"Poetry·Xiaoya·Polygonum"

Don't criticize the virtuous, and don't doubt the evil. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Don't listen to nonsense, and don't ask for advice. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

When a gentleman is in the opposition and a villain is in power, the people will abandon him and there will be no protection, and the blame will fall from heaven. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Fullness brings losses, modesty benefits. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Animation for the people will benefit them, and they will be cherished at dawn. ——"Shang Shu Gao Tao Mo"

The people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the country is peaceful. ——"Song of the Five Sons"

If you do evil in heaven, you can still violate it; if you do evil yourself, you can't do it. ——"Shang Shu·Taijia Zhong"

Officials should only be appointed by talented people, and only their left and right people should be appointed. ——"Shang Shu·Xian Youde"

Officials are not as good as private people, but they are capable; nobility is not as good as bad virtues, but they are virtuous. ——"Shang Shu·Shuo Fate"

Treat virtues and cultivate virtues, eliminate evils and serve the roots. ——"Shang Shu·Tai Shi Xia"

The ministers have the power to bring blessing, power and good food, which will harm their family and harm their country. ——" Shangshu·Hong Fan"

Playing with people loses morality, and playing with things loses one's morale. ——"Shang Shu·Lv Mastiff"

People are not in water prisons, they should be in civilian prisons. ——"Shang Shu·Jiu Gao"

Use the public to destroy private interests, and the people will accept it. ——"Shang Shu·Zhou Guan"

The merits are only the ambition, and the industry is widely promoted and diligent. ——"Shang Shu·Zhou Guan"

Having tolerance means great virtue. ——"Shang Shu·Jun Chen"

Ao cannot be long, desires cannot be followed, aspirations cannot be fulfilled, and happiness cannot be extreme. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang "

Don't be reluctant to get wealth when you are facing it, and don't be reluctant to avoid difficulties when you are faced with it. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

Reciprocity is the rule. It is impolite to go but not come; it is impolite to come but not go. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

A gentleman also loves others with virtue, and a gentle person also loves others with tolerance. ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Shang "

Life is beneficial to people, death does not harm people. ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Shang"

Harsh government is fiercer than a tiger! ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Xia"

If you don't have etiquette, loyalty, and sincerity, even if you consolidate it, the people will not understand it? ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Xia"

The journey of the great road is also the journey of the great road. The world is for the public, select the worthy and capable, maintain trust and cultivate harmony. ——"Book of Rites·Liyun"

If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool; if a person does not learn, he will not know. ——"Book of Rites·Xueji"

Although there are fine dishes, you don't know its purpose if you don't eat them; although there is a perfect way, you don't know its goodness if you don't study them. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

To study alone without friends is to be lonely and ignorant. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

A gentleman can be a teacher if he knows both the reason for the rise of teaching and the reason for its destruction. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

Great happiness must be easy, and great gifts must be simple. ——"The Book of Rites·The Book of Music"

If you live happily and have a clear moral code, your ears and eyes will be smart, your blood will be peaceful, if you change customs and customs, the world will be at peace. ——"Book of Rites.·Book of Music"

Do not speak evil words out of your mouth, and do not reflect back on yourself. ——"Book of Rites: Sacrifice for Righteousness"

A gentleman makes a promise, and a villain speaks first.——"Book of Rites·Fangji"

If you are good, you will be praised by others, if you are wrong, you will be praised by yourself, and if you are resentful, you will be destroyed. ——"Book of Rites·Fangji"

Conceal evil and promote good, hold both ends of it, and use it to serve the people. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Loyalty and forgiveness are not far away from the wrong path. If you do not want to be given to yourself, do not do it to others. ——"Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

When you are in a superior position, you do not support your superiors; when you are in a inferior position, you do not support your superiors; if you correct yourself and do not ask for others, you will have no resentment. Don't blame heaven when you are above, don't blame others when you are below. ——"Book of Rites.· Doctrine of the Mean"

The way of a gentleman is as follows: if you go far, you must be close to yourself, and if you climb high, you must humble yourself. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

To govern people, take people as their own bodies, cultivate one's moral character as the Tao, and cultivate the Tao as benevolence. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Being eager to learn is close to knowledge, practicing hard is close to benevolence, and knowing shame is close to courage. If you know these three things, you will know how to cultivate yourself... - "Book of Rites: Doctrine of the Mean"

Learn it extensively, examine it, think carefully, discern it clearly, and practice it diligently. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Being sincere and clear is called nature; being sincere and sincere is called teaching. If you are sincere, you will be clear; if you are clear, you will be sincere. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Honesty leads to form, form leads to action, action leads to clarity, clarity leads to movement, movement leads to change, and change leads to transformation. Only the most sincere in the world can transform. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

A gentleman respects virtue and pursues Taoism and knowledge, reaches the broadest yet reaches the subtleties, and is extremely wise while Taoism is the Doctrine of the Mean. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

Don't be arrogant when you are superior, and don't do twice as much as you are inferior. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

All things grow together without harming each other, and the Tao runs parallel without contradicting each other. The small rivers of virtue flow, and the great virtues are transformed. This is why this world is great. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

The way of a gentleman is light but not tiring, concise and written, gentle and reasonable. He knows the distance and the near, knows the wind and the wind, and knows the subtle manifestations, which can lead to virtue. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

A gentleman does not fall short of others, does not lose sight of others, and does not lose sight of others. ——"Book of Rites·Biaoji"

Benevolence is the watch of the world, and righteousness is the rule of the world. ——"Book of Rites·Biaoji"

The king relies on the people to survive, but also to destroy the people. ——"Book of Rites·缁衣"

Words have things and actions have rules. Therefore, ambition cannot be taken away in life, and reputation cannot be taken away in death. ——"Book of Rites·缁衣"

You must first believe what you say, and what you do must be upright. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

Gold and jade are not precious, but loyalty is considered a treasure. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

The body is at risk, but the ambition cannot be taken away. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

Internal address does not exclude relatives, external address does not exclude grievances. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

The way of a university lies in being clear and virtuous, being close to the people, and striving for perfection. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Everything has its beginning and end, and everything has its end. If you know the order of things, you will be able to take the shortcut. ——"Book of Rites·University"

After knowing things well, one can know sincerity in one's mind, sincerity can lead to a sincere heart, a right mind can lead to body cultivation, body cultivation can lead to a harmonious family, a harmonious family can lead to the rule of the country, and the rule of the country can lead to peace in the world. ——"Book of Rites·University"

A rich house, a rich body with virtue, a broad mind and a fat body, so a gentleman must be sincere in his intentions. ——"Book of Rites·University"

A gentleman appreciates his virtuous people and loves his relatives, while a villain takes pleasure in them and benefits them. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Gou is new every day, new every day, and new every day. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Those who love what the people love and hate what the people hate are called the parents of the people. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Virtue is the foundation; wealth is the end. ——"Book of Rites·University"

There is a way to make money. If there are many people to live with, few to eat, those to eat will be sick, and those who use them will be comfortable, then the wealth will be constant and sufficient. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Heaven is healthy , and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement. ——"Zhouyi·Qian Gua"

Knowing how to advance but not retreating, knowing how to survive but not knowing how to die, knowing how to gain but not knowing how to lose, are they the only saints? Is he the only one who knows how to advance, retreat and survive without losing his integrity? ——"Zhouyi·Qian Gua"

The terrain is Kun, and a gentleman carries everything with great virtue. ——"Zhouyi·Qian Gua"

A house that accumulates good deeds will have residual blessings; a house that accumulates bad deeds will have residual disasters. ——"Book of Changes·Qian Gua"

A gentleman will change when he sees good things, and correct when he has made mistakes. ——"Zhouyi Qian Gua"

If it is easy to be poor, it will change, if it is changed, it will be general, and if it is general, it will last. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

Without accumulation of good deeds, it is not enough to become famous; without accumulation of evil, it is not enough to destroy the body. ——"Zhouyi·Xici"

A gentleman is safe but does not forget danger, survives but does not forget death, governs but does not forget chaos, so that his body is safe and his country can be protected.——"Book of Changes·Xici Biography"

He has poor virtue but high status, he knows small things but plans big things, he has small power but heavy responsibilities, which is rare. ——"Book of Changes·Xici Biography"

A gentleman will not flatter others when he submits them to others, and he will not commit blasphemy when submitting others to others. ——"Book of Changes·Xici Xizhuan"

Green, taken from blue, is better than blue; ice, derived from water, is colder than water. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

When the accumulation of soil becomes a mountain, wind and rain will stir up it; when the accumulation of water becomes a abyss, a dragon will emerge; when the accumulation of good deeds becomes virtue, the gods will be satisfied and the holy heart will be ready. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

If you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

When you see good things, you must cultivate yourself to save yourself; when you see bad things, you are stunned and must reflect on yourself. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

If self-cultivation is the name of oneself, it is worthy of Yao and Shun. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

If people are rude, there will be no life; if things are rude, they will fail; if the country is rude, there will be no peace. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

Although the road is far away, it is not possible and cannot be reached. No matter how small it is, if you don't do it, it won't happen. He is a person who has a lot of free time, so he is not far away from others. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

A gentleman respects people's virtues and promotes their beauty, which is not flattery; justice is direct, and it is not a fault to criticize others. ——"Xunzi·BuGou"

Those who put righteousness first and then benefit will be honored; those who put benefit first and then righteousness will be disgraced. Those who are honored are always prosperous, and those who are humiliated are often poor. ——"Xunzi · Honor and Disgrace"

Justice is achieved but private affairs are blocked; justice is clear but private affairs are closed. ——"Xunzi: The Way of Kings"

The way of heaven is permanent, and it will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie. If you respond to it with governance, it will be good; if you respond with chaos, it will be bad. ——" Xunzi · Tian Lun "

If the territory is based and used sparingly, then the sky will not be poor; if it is nourished and moved, then the sky will not be sick; if it follows the Tao without hesitation, then the sky will not be able to cause disaster. ——"Xunzi·Tian Lun"

Thinking about the big sky, who can cut it with animals? If you praise it from heaven, who can use it to control the destiny of heaven? ——"Xunzi·Tian Lun"

The medlar wood will be straightened and then straightened by the yǐn and zhēng, and the blunt metal will be sharpened and sharpened by the lóng. Today's people are evil in nature, so they must wait for the teacher's teachings and then correct them, and they must learn etiquette and justice and then be cured. ——"Xunzi: Evil Nature"

There is no higher virtue than caring for people, and no higher virtue than being a good person for politics. ——"New Book·Correction"

The method of benevolence lies in loving others, not loving me; the method of righteousness lies in rectifying myself, not rectifying others. ——"Spring and Autumn Fanlu·Benevolence and Righteousness Law"

Human beings are transcendent and above all things, and they are the most noble in the world. ——"Spring and Autumn Dew·Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth"

Everyone is destined to die, which may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. ——" Bao Ren'an Shu"

When a person is one year old, he will plant it with grain; when he is ten years old, he will plant it with wood; when he is a hundred years old, he will be given virtue. Virtue is also called a character. ——"Historical Records·Biographies of Huo Zhi"

To learn to master, to think carefully, to make friends widely, to admire the reputation, to be tireless to the end, it can be said that you are eager to learn. ——"Fayan·Xuexing"

How to govern a country? Said: "Establishing the government." - "Fayan·Prophet"

What does it mean to teach? Those who teach are effective. The superiors do it and the inferiors follow it. ——"White Tiger Tongyi·Three Religions"

A wise man knows, he only sees what he has heard before, he is not confused about things, and he knows the smallest things. ——"White Tiger Tongyi·Xingqing"

Heaven is selfless and moves in the four seasons; earth is selfless and all things are born; people are selfless and enjoy chastity. ——"The Book of Loyalty·Chapter of the Gods of Heaven and Earth"

If you seek to benefit the country, you will not care about yourself. ——"The Book of Loyalty·Chapter of the Gods of Heaven and Earth"

A gentleman's journey is to cultivate one's character with tranquility and cultivate one's virtue with frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no way to reach far. ——"Collection of Zhuge Liang·Book of Commandments"

Living with good people is like entering a house of orchids, which will smell fragrant for a long time; living with evil people is like entering a house of abalones, which will smell bad for a long time. ——"Yan Family Instructions: Muxian"

When you see people reading dozens of volumes of books, you will think you are superior, ignore your elders, and look down on your peers... It is worse than being uneducated. ——"Yan's Family Instructions Encouraging Learning"

Scholars are still planting trees. They play with their beauty in spring and grow in reality in autumn. Discourses and articles are like spring flowers; self-cultivation and good conduct are like autumn fruits. ——"Yan's Family Instructions: Encouraging Learning"

A scholar when he is young is like the light of the rising sun; when he is an old scholar, he is like walking at night holding a candle, just like a wise man who closes his eyes and has no vision. ——"Yan's Family Instructions Encouraging Learning"

Food is the destiny of the people, and the people cannot survive without food. Without grain for three days, father and son cannot coexist. ——"Yan Family Instructions: Involved Affairs"

A gentleman cannot act unbelieving words and dishonest orders.The minister said that all people have died since ancient times, and people cannot stand without faith. ——"New Book of Tang Wei Zheng Biography"

If a husband can leave his body behind, he can then be selfless. Be selfless, and then you can be impartial. Zhigong, then take the world as your heart, and the Tao will be feasible. ——"Zhongshuo·Wei Xiang"

A teacher is a person who preaches the truth, receives knowledge and solves doubts. People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you are confused and do not follow the teacher, you will never be able to understand the confusion. Those who were born before me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them; those born after me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them. ——"Mr. Chang Li's Collection·Teacher's Comments"

Proficiency comes from diligence and playfulness, success comes from thinking and failure from following. ——"Mr. Changli's Collection·Jinxuejie"

The heart of a saint must be based on the Tao, which is not based on gods but on people. ——"Liu Zongyuan Collection"

The reason why martyrs are different from ordinary people is that they fight for loyalty and die for friendship. ——" Liu Mengde's Collected Works "

The way of heaven is in the growth of plants, and it is used to deal with strength and weakness; the way of man is in the legal system, and it is used in right and wrong. ——"Liu Mengde's Collected Works·Heavenly Theory"

Worry about the world's worries first, and rejoice after the world's happiness. ——"Fan Wenzhenggong Collection·Yueyang Tower"

The ruler of the world lies in talents, the person who becomes the world's talented is in education, the person who is responsible for vocational education is Confucianism, the person who leads the people through macro-education is the person in the county. , and the source of education is in school. ——"History of the Song Dynasty·Biography of Hu Yuan"

Those who uphold morality and justice, those who act faithfully, and those who cherish honor and integrity. ——"Collected Works of Ouyang Wenzhong Gong·On Clique"

Saints adapt to the circumstances of the times, King Wen 's time is different from Duke Zhou , so King Wen changes according to his time, and Duke Zhou changes according to his time. ——" Li Gou Collection "

I only love the lotus that comes out of the mud but is not stained, and washes the water without being evil. The middle is straight and the outer is straight, without vines or branches. The fragrance becomes clearer from afar, and the pavilions and pavilions are clean and planted. You can look at them from a distance but don't play with them. ——"Zhou Lianxi Collection·Ai Lian Shuo"

The four elements of benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom are pure when movement, stillness, speech, appearance, sight and hearing are all in harmony. If the heart is pure, then the virtuous and talented will assist, and if the virtuous and talented will assist, the world will be governed. ——"Tongshu·Zhi"

Those who believe in their husbands are a great treasure for people. The country is protected by the people, and the people are protected by trust. Without faith, one cannot win over the people. ——"Zi Zhi Tong Jian"

Establish a mind for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the livelihood of the people, inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations. ——"The Complete Book of Zhang Zi"

The people are my compatriots; the things are with me... Respect the elderly, so they grow older, and be kind to the lonely and weak, so they are young. ——"Zhengmeng Qiansheng"

Being perfect is called virtue, and being obedient is called blessing. Virtue is the foundation of happiness, and happiness is the result of virtue. ——"Zhengmeng Qiansheng"

A gentleman knows himself and is confident, and he is clear and clear. ——"Hengqu Yishuo·Xici"

The way to govern is based on obeying the people's hearts, improving people's livelihood, and keeping peace without disturbing the people. ——"Er Cheng's Collected Works"

The world is governed by gaining the virtuous; the world is not governed by losing the virtuous. ——"Er Cheng's Collected Works"

A gentleman's learning must be updated day by day. Those who are new every day are those who are advancing day by day. Those who are not renewed every day will inevitably retreat. There is no one who cannot advance but not retreat. ——"Er Cheng Quotations"

Sincerity is the way of heaven; respect is the foundation of human affairs. Respect is sincerity. ——"Quotes from the Ming Dao"

Anyone can be a saint, but a gentleman must learn from a saint. Anyone who is not a saint will give up on himself. ——"Er Cheng Collection·The Pure Words of the Cheng Family in Henan"

People must first make a determination, and determination has a foundation. For example, a tree must first have a root, and then cultivate it to become a tree that can embrace each other. ——"Quotations from Shangcai"

This truth can only be understood by connecting with the wise men from all directions, observing the affairs of the four directions, observing the situation of the mountains and rivers, and observing the rise and fall of ancient and modern times. ——"Zhu Zi's Language"

If you deal with things according to the principles of the world, it will be public; if you deal with your own private thoughts, you will be private. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

It must be true both externally and internally, without any hypocrisy. Then there is a place to advance into virtue, and virtue will be new with each passing day. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

No official is big or small, everything is just an official. If it is public, it will be wonderful to do. Just like a small official, people are afraid of the wind. If it is unfair, even the prime minister will have nothing to do no matter what he does. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

The reason why ordinary people stand upright and respond to things is nothing more than sincerity and respect. Who is sincere? It is also called not to deceive oneself or to be arrogant. Who do you respect? It is also called not to be lazy and not to be dissolute. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

The foundation of living for the people is to have enough food first.Because of the pragmatic nature of the country, all prefectures and counties have their duty to encourage farmers. ——"The Complete Works of Zhu Xi"

The foundation of learning lies in practice. If a disciple knows but does not act, sincerity is the same as not learning. However, if you want to do something but don't understand the principles, then those who practice it will not know what the consequences will be. ——"The Complete Works of Zhu Xi·Reply to Cao Yuanke"

The key to doing things is: to correct one's friendship without seeking benefit, to understand one's way without considering merit. ——"The Complete Works of Zhu Zi. Tips from Bailudong Academy"

The key to self-cultivation: be loyal in words, reverent in deeds, punish anger and suffocating desires, and correct mistakes. ——"The Encyclopedia of Zhu Xi·White Deer Cave Academy Tips"

If a scholar continues to strive for self-improvement, he will accumulate less and make more. If you stop in the middle, all your previous efforts will be wasted. Whether it stops or goes, it's all about me and no one else. ——"Commentaries on the Four Books·Analects of Confucius"

There are no fleas in hearing the Tao, but there are difficulties in practicing the Tao. However, if you can continuously improve yourself, you will achieve one thing. ——"Annotations to the Four Books: Chapters and Sentences of the Doctrine of the Mean"

People only suffer from lack of ambition, and those who have ambitions cannot succeed. ——"The Collection of Lu Jiuyuan"

Do not abuse yourself, give up on yourself, or surrender to yourself. ——"Lu Jiuyuan Collection"

spreads out the four bodies, and knows whether they exist or not. Officials, people, farmers and merchants can each live in their own place and enjoy their lives. ——" Chen Liangji "

Books are more rigid and soft than puppets, music has sound instruments, etiquette has prestige, things have rules, things have degrees, and life and morality are independent without transcendent relics. ——"Shuixin Farewell"

Since ancient times, no one has died, and his heart is still clear. ——"The Complete Works of Mr. Wenshan. Crossing the Lingding Ocean"

Saving it day by day and changing it day by day is what is called daily renewal and renewal. ——"Study Cases in Caolu"

The sage learns from primary school to be enlightened, while the unsage abandons learning and becomes comatose. ——"Xunzhizhai Collection"

Since ancient times, there has never been anyone who did not follow the people's will and won the world. ——" Reading Record "

Thousands of hammers carved out the deep mountains, and the fire burned them as if it were easy. Don't be afraid of being shattered into pieces, you want to leave your innocence in the world. ——"Collection of Yu Zhongsu·Yin of Lime"

Without determination, it is like a boat without a ship or a horse without a title, drifting and running, where will it end up? ——" The Complete Works of Wang Yangming "

The ancient saints had many benefits, but they were just selfless. Without me, I can only be humble. The humble is the foundation of all good; the proud is the chief of all evil. ——"The Complete Works of Yangming·Zhuan Xilu"

If you can talk about something, you can do it; if you can do something, you can know something. This is called true knowledge. If you just talk but don't do it, you will always have secret confusion when encountering problems. ——"With Xue Juncai Er"

To settle down is to settle down the family, and the family is in order; to settle down is to secure the country, and the country is governed; to settle down is to secure the world, and the world is peaceful. ——"The Posthumous Collection of Mr. Wang Xinzhai"

If the spirit is high, everything will be useless, and if the spirit is slack, everything will be useless. ——"Moaning Language·Governing the Way"

The method passed down from Confucius in the past is one of which is to be cautious about being alone, and the other is to be cautious about being alone. ——"The Complete Book of Liu Zi·Human Spectrum Continued"

If you are sincere, you are a human being, if you are false, you are a beast. ——"Mencius said"

Those who protect the world are so humble as ordinary people, how can they be held responsible! ——" Ri Zhi Lu "

In the words of Tao, selecting and appointing talented people who can help the country is the public of the world. ——"Du Tongjian Lun"

Examine your personal mistakes first, and then your mental mistakes, regret your past mistakes, and cut off their follow-up, and hope that there will be no impure thoughts and no breath of relaxation. ——"Er Qu Ji"

When we try to correct our mistakes, no matter how big or small, we must do it with all our strength. ——"Records of Mr. Yan Xizhai's Words and Actions·Reason and Desire"

To benefit the country's life and death, how can we avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings? ——"The Collection of Lin Zexu·Showing family members at the gate on the way to the garrison"

Kyushu is angry and relying on wind and thunder, it is sad to see ,000 horses in silence . I urge God to revitalize and send talents of any kind. ——"The Complete Works of Gong Zizhen·Ji Hai's Miscellaneous Poems"

Why write this book? Said: It was done to attack the barbarians with the barbarians, and it was done to learn the skills of the barbarians so as to control the barbarians. ——"Wei Yuan Ji Preface to Haiguo Tuzhi"

He stayed in a corner and drew his own territory, not knowing that there was sky outside the wall and there was land outside the body. He was just like the frog in the well and the knowledge of the snail country, which was just in the small west. ——"Hai Guo Tu Zhi"

Establishing virtue, establishing merit, establishing words, and establishing integrity are called the four immortals. ——"Wei Yuan Ji·Mo Gu Shang"

People's temperament is difficult to change due to their innate nature. Only reading can change the temperament. ——"Book of Teachings of Zeng Guofan"

Looking at the trend of all nations, if it can change, it will be prosperous, if it does not change, it will perish. Total changes will make you stronger, small changes will still kill you.——"The Sixth Book of the Shangqing Emperor"

When the world goes back, it is called the king. When the world does not go back, the people all disperse, and it is called a common man. ——"Confucius' Reform Examination"

The ruler is at the end of his life, and the people are at the root of it. A king is someone who does things for the people; a minister is someone who helps people do things for the people. Taxation comes from the people, so it is the capital for civil affairs. In this way, things are not done, and things are not done but people are changed. This is also the universal meaning of the world. ——"The Complete Works of Tan Sitong"

What China is short of today is not wisdom but integrity, not power but integrity... Only the moral can win. ——Zhang Taiyan's "The Morality of Revolution"

Treat the home as the home, the township as the township, the country as the country, and the world as the world. ——"Guanzi·Herdsmen"

Never forgetting the country in the face of adversity is loyalty. ——"Zuo Zhuan, Year of Zhao Gong"

seeks only the benefit of the country, but does not seek wealth. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

The journey of the great road means that the world is public. ——"Book of Rites"

sacrificed his life to go to the national disaster, and regarded death as if he were returning home. ——Cao Zhi's "White Horse"

The patriotism of martyrs is also like home. ——Ge Hong's "Baopuzi·Waipian·Guangji"

Worry about the world's worries first, and rejoice after the world's happiness. ——Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower"

Even though I am humble, I dare not forget about my country. ——Lu You's "Sickness arose from the Book"

Chang Si worked hard and sacrificed himself for the country's needs regardless of his own safety. ——"Book of Han·Sima Qian's Biography"

Since ancient times, no one has died, leaving a loyal heart to illuminate history. ——Wen Tianxiang's "Crossing the Lingding Ocean"

Serve the country with loyalty. ——"History of the Song Dynasty: Biography of Yue Fei"

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. ——Gu Yanwu's "Rizhilu·Zhengshi"

Worrying about the country and forgetting about home, sacrificing one's life to help those in need is the ambition of a loyal minister. ——Cao Zhi's "Seeking Self-Sincerity"

No matter how big a country is, if it is warlike, it will perish; although the world is safe, if it forgets to fight, it will be in danger. ——"Sima Fa"

Scholars are committed to the Tao, but they are ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat badly, which is not enough to discuss. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

A scholar cannot be without great perseverance, and there is a long way to go. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Tai Bo"

Those who are not strong in ambition are not wise. ——"Mozi · Self-cultivation"

Aim high. ——"The Collection of Zhuge Liang·Book of Admonitions to Nephews"

Without indifference, there is no way to clear one's ambition, and without tranquility, there is no way to go far. ——"Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments""

Where there is a will, there is a way. ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Geng Yan"

If the ambition is small, it will be easy to stop, but if it is too small, there will be no progress. ——Zhang Zai's "Confucian Classics Liku·Xue Da Yuan Xia"

Those who accomplished great things in ancient times not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance and perseverance. ——Su Shi's "Chao Cuo Lun"

If you have ambitions, you will not grow old, but if you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain. ——Shi Chengjin, "Heirlooms·Proverbs and Herdsmen"

In ancient times, those who wanted to show virtue to the world first governed their country; those who wanted to govern their country, first organized their families; those who wanted to regulate their families, first cultivated their own bodies; To rectify one's body, one must first rectify one's mind; if one wants to rectify one's mind, one must first be sincere in one's mind; if one wants to be sincere in one's intention, one must first develop knowledge, and knowledge lies in observing things. After observing things, one will know, and after knowing one's thoughts, one will be sincere, one's mind will be sincere, then one's heart will be upright, one's heart will be right, then one will cultivate the body, if one cultivates one's body, then the family will be in order, if the family is in order, the country will be governed, and if the country is governed, then the world will be peaceful. ——"Book of Rites·University"

There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the clouds and sails will hang directly to help the sea. ——Li Bai's "Three Poems on a Difficult Journey"

The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the ambition. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

A person with lofty ideals and a benevolent person will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will kill himself to achieve benevolence. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

Don't lower your ambitions and don't disgrace your body. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zi"

Wealth and honor cannot be lascivious, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot bend. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

If you are poor, you can be good for yourself; if you are great, you can be good for the world. ——"Mencius: Devotion to the Heart"

Everyone is destined to die, which may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. ——Sima Qian's "Historical Records: Report to Ren An"

Don't betray for poverty, don't change your mind for lowliness. ——Huan Kuan's "Salt and Iron Theory·Guang Di"

It is better to have jade broken into pieces than to be completely tiled. ——"Book of Northern Qi·Biography of Yuan Jing'an"

It emerges from the mud but is not stained, and washes the clear ripples without being demonic. ——Zhou Dunyi's "Ai Lian Shuo"

When the time comes, we can see each other and draw pictures one by one. ——Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness"

Fame is more important than Mount Tai, while profit is less important than a feather. ——Yu Qian's "Untitled"

insists that the green mountains will not relax, and the roots are still in the broken rocks. It has endured countless blows but is still strong, regardless of the wind from the southeast or the northwest.——Zheng Xie (xiè) "Inscriptions on Bamboo and Stone"

When using figures, you must ask clearly. If you don't ask, it is stealing. ——"Disciple Regulations"

Heaven moves in good health, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement. ——"Book of Changes·Qian·Xiang"

He who conquers others is powerful, and he who conquers himself is strong. ——"Laozi" Chapter 33

Don't complain about heaven, don't blame others. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

When heaven is about to entrust a person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions. ——"Mencius Gaozi Xia"

Born in sorrow and died in happiness. ——"Mencius Gaozi Xia"

The road is far away, I will search up and down. ——Qu Yuan's "Li Sao"

If you cultivate yourself and strengthen yourself, you will be worthy of Yao and Yu. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

He who can defeat a strong enemy must first conquer himself. ——"The Book of Shang Jun·Painting Strategy"

The old man is full of ambitions and has great ambitions; the martyrs are ambitious in their old age. ——Cao Cao's "The Turtle Lives Longevity"

There are many difficulties in front of us. Since ancient times, men should strive for self-improvement. ——Li Xian's "Giving People Away"

Live as a hero, and die as a ghost. ——Li Qingzhao's "Wujiang"

Make further progress. ——Zhu Xi's "Reply to Gong Zhongzhi"

My fate is determined by me and not by God. ——Ge Hong's "Baopuzi Neipian"

I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after all the money I have spent. ——Li Bai's "Going into Wine"

There is no end to the road. ——"Surprise at the First Moment"

I believe that the reason why the heaven and the earth are endless, the reason why the country is established, and the reason why the virtues of the virtuous people can be great and long-lasting are all done sincerely. ——Zeng Guofan's "Fu He Couple Geng Zhongcheng"

Rhetoric establishes his sincerity. ——"Book of Changes·Qian·Classical Chinese"

If it is not refined and sincere, it cannot move people. ——"Zhuangzi·Father of Fish"

Breaking one's word and breaking one's promise. ——"Zuo Zhuan·The 22nd Year of Duke Xiang"

A light promise will lead to a low faith. ——"Laozi" Chapter 63

A promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold. ——"Historical Records·Biography of Ji Bu Luan Bu"

If you don't believe it enough, you can't believe it if you have it. ——Chapter 17 of Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

One's merits cannot be achieved in vain, and one's reputation cannot be falsely established. ——"Ban Gu's "Answering the Guest""

Words of faith are not beautiful, good words are not believed; good people do not argue, and debaters are not good; knowledgeable people do not know well, and knowledgeable people do not know. ——"Laozi Chapter 81"

If you accept someone with a letter, the world will trust you; if you don't accept someone with a letter, your wife will be suspicious of you. ——Yang Quan's "Theory of Physics"

When making a statement, faith comes first, deception and treachery are the only way to ridicule. ——"Disciple Rules"

There is no shame in doing what is right for oneself. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

Having no shame or disgust is not a human being. ——"Mencius·Gongsun Chou"

People must insult themselves, and then others will insult them. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

People cannot be shameless, shameless, shameless. ——"Mencius: Dedicate Your Heart"

Knowing shame is almost courageous. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

People must love themselves, and then others will love others; People must respect themselves, and then others will respect others. ——Yang Xiong's "Fayan·Junzi"

If a person has a sense of shame, he can refrain from doing anything. ——Zhu Xi's "Zhu Zi Yu Lei" Volume 13

If all scholars know that there is shame, then the country will never be shameless. ——Gong Zizhen, "Ming Liang Lun II"

If you see good things, move on, and if you make mistakes, change them. ——"Book of Changes·Yi·Xiang"

Don't hesitate to make corrections. ——"Shang Shu·Zhong Hui (huǐ)'s Edict"

If you don't seek preparation for others, if you fail to check yourself. ——"Shang Shu Yi Xun"

Who has no fault? There is no greater good than being able to correct the past. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Second Year of Xuangong"

To make mistakes without correcting them is to say that we have made mistakes. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

Using copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes; using ancient times as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs; using people as a mirror, you can know gains and losses. ——"Old Tang Book Biography of Wei Zheng"

Those who speak are not guilty, but those who hear are warned. ——Bai Juyi's "Nine Books of the Yuan Dynasty"

It is unwise to make mistakes without knowing them; it is not courageous to know but not be able to change them. ——Li Gou's "Book of Changes Ninth"

You will be happy when you have heard about it, you will not hide your mistakes when you know them, and you will not be afraid to correct them. ——Lu Jiuyuan "With Fu Quanmei"

If something is wrong, change it, if not, encourage it. ——Zhu Xi's "Annotations on Four Books"

It is not more valuable than having no mistakes, but more valuable than being able to correct them. ——"Wang Shouren's "Repair""

To correct one's faults and to do good ones is called "cultivation". ——Yan Yuan's "Records of the Words and Deeds of Mr. Yan Xizhai"

Good medicine is bitter in the mouth and good for the disease, and loyal words are unpleasant to the ears and good for action.——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Therefore, a gentleman should be careful about what he does not see and be afraid of what he does not hear. Don't see what's hidden, don't show what's subtle, so a gentleman should be cautious about being alone. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean"

It is difficult to have a full day without any intention. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo Chapter"

Who do you respect? It is also called not to be lazy and not to be dissolute. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

Insight into worldly affairs is knowledge, and understanding of human feelings is all articles. ——Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions Chapter 5"

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

If you are wide, you will win. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo"

Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

Don't hide people's goodness, don't talk about people's evil. ——"Warring States Policy·Wei Policy"

People are my compatriots; things are with me. ——Zhang Zai's "Zhengmeng Qiansheng"

Those who make good use of power will not be lightly angry, and those who make good use of kindness will not give it in vain. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi · Connecting Things"

You must leave room for things, and be strict with your responsibilities. ——Jin Ying's "Proverbs Lian Bi · Connecting Things"

When people are strong, I use softness to overcome them; when people use skills, I feel them with sincerity; when people use anger, I use reason to bend them. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi·Connecting Things"

Always think about your own mistakes while sitting quietly, and don't talk about others' faults in small talk. ——Jin Ying's "Proverbs Lian Bi·Connecting Things"

Treat villains with kindness, and guard against villains with strictness. ——Jin Ying's "Proverbs Lian Bi·Jie Wu Lei"

There is no evil greater than indulging one's own desires, and no disaster is greater than the fault of others. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi · Connecting Things"

Those who give little and have high expectations will not repay it, and those who are noble and forget the humble will soon be rewarded. ——"Su Shu·Zunyi"

If small achievements are not rewarded, great achievements will not be made; if small grievances are not forgiven, big grievances will inevitably arise. ——"Su Shu·Zunyi"

Only the benevolent can do good to others and do evil to others. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

If you love without the Tao, you will be harmed by it. ——Volume 96 of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"

Confucius said: "Virtue is never alone, it must have neighbors." - "The Analects of Confucius"

The wise enjoy water, the benevolent enjoy mountains; the wise are active, the benevolent are quiet; the wise are happy, and the benevolent live long. . ——"The Analects of Confucius"

The most important thing is to cultivate oneself with a pure heart, and the first thing to do when dealing with the world is to be cautious in speaking. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi·Jie Wu Lei"

Staying contented and living in poverty is so leisurely, but those who do good things tend to seek trouble; maintaining profits and maintaining peace, one must be patient, and those who rely on strength will bring about their own destruction. ——Wang Yongbin's "Night Talk Around the Fireplace"

When two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can break through metal. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

Being kind and kind to one's neighbors is a national treasure. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Yin Gong Sixth Year"

When it comes to rituals, harmony is the most valuable thing. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

A gentleman is harmonious but different, a villain is harmonious but not harmonious. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

A gentleman is harmonious but not fluent. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

The right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the right people. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

If a thousand people are of the same mind, they can gain thousands of manpower; if ten thousand people are of different minds, there will be no use for one person. ——"Huainanzi · Military Training"

A single person is easy to break, but a group of people is difficult to destroy. ——Cui Hong, "The Spring and Autumn Period of the Thirty Kingdoms·Western Qin Dynasty"

To treat others harmoniously, to be lenient to others, and to treat others with forgiveness, this is what a gentleman is. ——Lin Bu's "Saving Heart Record"

Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

The beauty of a gentleman is the beauty of an adult, but the evil of an adult is not. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship between villains is as sweet as wine. A gentleman is indifferent to intimacy, but a villain is willing to give up. ——"Zhuangzi·Shanmu"

If you are capable, don't be selfish. If others are capable, don't take it lightly. ——"Disciple Rules"

If the possessions are light, why should we complain? If we endure the words, we will let go of our anger. ——"Disciple Rules"

When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are careful, there will be no disciples. ——"The Book of Rites of Great Dai"

Reciprocity should be reciprocated. It is not polite to go back and forth. It is not polite to come but not go. ——"Book of Rites"

The couple will be harmonious and then the family will be successful. ——"Young School Qionglin Couple"

Brothers are harmonious and friends are honest. ——Chen Zi'ang's "Motto"

Don't forget the friendship between the poor and the humble, and the wife of the chaff will not go to court. ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Song Hong"

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, the son wants to be raised but the relatives do not wait. ——"Confucius' Family Sayings Volume 2: Thoughts 8"

I'm sorry for my parents, they gave birth to me. ——"The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Polygonum"

Parents should do their best.——"The Analects of Confucius·Xue Er"

A father is kind and teaches. ——"Zuo Zhuan·The 26th Year of Zhaogong"

Those who love their relatives dare not be evil to others; those who respect their relatives do not dare to be rude to others. ——"The Book of Filial Piety: The Son of Heaven"

Filial piety lies in substance, not in appearance. ——Huan Kuan's "Salt and Iron Theory: Filial Piety"

Whoever speaks from the heart will be rewarded with three rays of spring. ——"Meng Jiao's "Wandering Son's Song""

If the father is unkind, the son will be unfilial. ——Yan Zhitui's "Yan Family Instructions: Managing the Family"

There are thousands of classics, filial piety and brotherhood come first. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Sheep have the kindness of kneeling to breastfeed, and crows have the meaning of feeding back. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Parents must listen to their teachings; parents must obey their responsibilities. ——"Disciple Regulations"

If a person is unkind, how can he be polite? If people are not benevolent, what joy will there be? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Bayi (yì)"

If you love others with the same heart as you love yourself, you will be fully benevolent. ——Zhang Zai's "Zhengmeng·Zhongzheng"

Those who do too much injustice will surely die. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Yin Gong Year"

Righteousness brings profit, and profit enriches the people. ——"Guoyu·Jinyu"

Seeing benefits and thinking about meaning. ——"The Analects·Xianwen"

See the meaning. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Ji Shi"

Meaning, aspire to take the world as our blessing. ——"Mozi·Jingshuo 1"

Taking something out of something that does not exist is not righteous. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

Life is what I want, and righteousness is also what I want. You cannot have both, and you are willing to sacrifice life for righteousness. ——"Mencius Gaozi 1"

He who puts righteousness first and then benefit is honored; he who puts benefit first and then righteousness is disgraced. ——"Xunzi·Honor and Disgrace"

Never avoid difficulties. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

The law of righteousness lies in correcting myself, not in correcting others. ——Dong Zhongshu's "Spring and Autumn Fanlu·Benevolence and Righteousness Law"

Righteousness nourishes the heart; benefit nourishes the body. ——Dong Zhongshu "Spring and Autumn Blossoms·The nourishment of the body is more important than righteousness"

A gentleman regards righteousness as a quality, gains righteousness more seriously, loses righteousness less, takes righteousness as a source of honor, and betrays righteousness as a disgrace. ——Lu Jiuyuan "With Guo Bangyi"

regards death as home. ——"Guanzi·Xiaokuang"

Taking the lead in justice is courage. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Sixteenth Year of Duke Ai"

Failure to do what is right is a lack of courage. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

A benevolent person must be brave, but a brave person does not have to be benevolent. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

A benevolent person will not worry, a knowledgeable person will not be confused, and a brave person will not be afraid. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

The meaning of justice is not to lean on power and ignore its benefits. ——"Xunzi · Honor and Disgrace"

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Biography of Ban Chao"

Xiaoyong is what is done by blood; great courage is what is done by justice. ——Zhu Xi's "Annotations on Chapters and Sentences of the Four Books"

A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. ——Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

If a person does not learn, he is still standing on the wall. ——"Shang Shu"

If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool; if a person does not learn, he will not know. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

The tree of Hebao is born from the smallest grain; the nine-story platform starts from tired soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ——"Laozi" Chapter 64

Learn it extensively, interrogate it, think carefully, discern it clearly, and practice it diligently. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

If a person can do something with one thing, he can do it with a hundred things; if a person can do it with ten things, he can do it with a thousand things. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean"

If you don't learn enough, you are still afraid of losing it. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Taibo"

Reviewing the past and learning the new can become a teacher. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

Isn't it true that one should learn from time to time and practice it? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xue Er"

Learning without thinking is a waste, and thinking without learning is peril. ——"The Analects of Confucius: For Politics"

Be tireless in learning and tireless in teaching. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

is sensitive and eager to learn, and is not ashamed to ask questions. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Gongye Chang"

Believe in learning and stick to the good way. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Taibo"

I try not to eat all day long, stay up all night, thinking, it is useless, it is not as good as learning. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

Be knowledgeable and determined, ask questions carefully and think deeply. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zizhang"

When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

When you see the virtuous, you think about it, and when you see the virtuous, you have to introspect yourself. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

is eager to learn but not hesitant. ——"Zuo Zhuan"

explains it eruditely and in detail, and will talk about it in reverse. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

It is better to have no "Book" than to believe in the "Book". ——"Mencius: Try your best to learn"

Learn until you don't stop.——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

Learning is impossible. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

Know and be willing to ask questions, and then you can learn. ——"Xunzi"

A good scholar fakes others' strengths to make up for their shortcomings. ——"Lu's Spring and Autumn Period·Yongzhong"

Read more than ten thousand volumes, and write like a spirit. ——Du Fu's "Twenty-Two Rhymes Presented to Wei Zuocheng"

Actions are accomplished by thinking and destroyed by following. ——Han Yu's "Jinxuejie"

The sage's impermanence teacher. ——Han Yu's "Teacher's Theory"

Learning is as valuable as a teacher, and it is also valuable as a friend. ——Tang Zhen's "Qianshu·Lectures"

If a young man does not work hard, the old man will be sad. ——The ancient Yuefu poem of the Han Dynasty "Long Song Xing"

Read it a hundred times, and its meaning will become apparent. ——"Three Kingdoms·Wei Zhi"

Learning without converting is not learning. ——"Song Dynasty Yang Wanli"

Those who don't know enough are eager to learn, and those who are ashamed to ask are complacent. ——Lin Bu's "Records of Saving Hearts"

Learning without knowing is the same as not learning; knowing but not being able to do it is the same as not knowing. ——"Huang Jing"

Be knowledgeable and appreciative, accumulate thick and thin. ——Su Shi's "Jia Shuo Farewell to Zhang Hu"

Don't wait for a while. The young man's head has turned white, and he is full of sorrow. ——Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong · Writing Huai"

I am determined to learn when I am ten, stand up at thirty, have no doubts at forty, know the destiny of heaven at fifty, my ears are obedient at sixty, follow my heart's desires at seventy-two, and do not exceed the rules. ——"The Analects of Confucius"

I know it silently, I am not tired of learning, I am not tired of teaching others, what is it for me? ——"The Analects of Confucius"

There are three ways to read, namely, the heart, the eyes, and the mouth. ——Zhu Xi's "Xun Xue Zhai Gui"

He who knows and likes to ask is a sage, and he who is brave and likes to ask wins. ——"Word·Nature"

If you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become a river. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

When the book is used, it will be less regrettable. ——"Zeng Guang Xian Wen"

Diligence leads to excellence in work, but playfulness leads to waste. ——Han Yu's "Jinxuejie"

A good farmer will not cultivate because of floods and droughts, a good businessman will not do business if he is not doing business, and a gentleman will not neglect the Tao because of poverty. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

There are roads in the mountain of books and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work is the boat. ——"Han Yu"

It will be a good time next year, and I will watch your progress. ——Dao Qian's "Ci Yun Kong Tianrui's Letter to the Scholar"

The lights are on at three o'clock and the chicken is on at five o'clock. It's when men are studying. Black-haired people don't know how to study early, and white-haired people regret studying late. ——Yan Zhenqing's "Poems to Encourage Learning"

My life also has a limit, but my knowledge also has no limit. ——"Zhuangzi·Internal Chapter"

It is difficult for a young man to learn from an old man, and an inch of time cannot be taken lightly. I haven't noticed the dream of spring grass in the pond, but the phoenix leaves in front of the steps have already sounded in autumn. ——Zhu Xi's "Poems to Encourage Learning·Occurrence"

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly by. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Time passes by, and the seasons flow. ——Kong Rong's "On Prosperity and Filial Piety"

A hundred gold can buy a horse, a thousand gold can buy a beauty; ten thousand gold can buy a noble prince, but where can you buy youth. ——Qu Fu's "Accidental Works"

I advise you not to cherish your gold-threaded clothes, and I advise you to cherish your youth. Flowers are ready to be broken when they bloom, but don’t wait until there are no flowers left to break branches. ——Anonymous "Golden Thread Clothes"

The waves of the sky are easy to fade away, but the heat is hard to stay. ——"Wang Bo"

Don't eat enough to live the whole day, don't give up your efforts in an inch of yin. ——"Ge Hong"

Flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young. ——"Guan Hanqing's "The Injustice of Dou E""

When you are young, you should be in time, but if you waste time, you will grow old. ——"Han Yuefu·Midnight Song"

An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Don't take it easy. The young man's head has turned gray, and it is empty and sad. ——Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong·Writing Hues"

A year's plan begins in spring, and a day's plan begins in the morning. ——Xiao Yi's "Compilation"

Many things are always urgent; the world is turning and time is running out. ten thousand years is too long, fight for now. ——Mao Zedong's "Man Jiang Hong"

The prime years will never come again, and it will be difficult to morning again. Be encouraged in time, time waits for no one. ——Tao Yuanming's "Miscellaneous Poems"

html At the age of 0, the string is removed and the arrow is spitted out. ——"Meng Jiao"

Tomorrow comes tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows. If I wait for tomorrow, everything will be wasted. If the world is tired of tomorrow, spring will pass and autumn will come, and old age will come. ——Qian Fu's "Tomorrow's Song"

The moon cannot surpass the sun, the hour cannot surpass the moon, and the year cannot surpass the hour. ——"Xunzi·Strengthening the Country"

The east corner has passed away, and it is not too late to mulberry trees. ——Wang Bo's "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion"

The sun and the moon have passed away, and the years are not with me. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo"

A man with lofty ideals cherishes his years, a wise man cherishes his days, and a sage cherishes his time.——"Mo Gu·Xue Chapter"

A young man works hard all his life, and should not waste time and effort. ——Du Xunhe's "Inscription on My Brother and Nephew's Bookstore"

Ruthless hates the flowing water in the east, and secretly pursues the beauty of the years without returning it. ——Tang Yanqian's "Autumn Feelings"

Guests come and go every day, and flowers bloom and fall every year. ——Xu Bi's "Freehand Expression"

Abandoning jewelry in pursuit of shade. ——Zhao Ye's "The Spring and Autumn Period of Wu and Yue·The Biography of Gou Jian's Becoming a Minister"

It's a hundred years in life. It's a pity not to have it today. ——Wen Jia's "Today's Theory"

The sunlight outside the window flickered by, and the shadows of flowers moved between the seats in front of the banquet. ——"The Four Sages"

A foot of wave is easy to flow, but an inch of shade is difficult to protect. ——"New Book of Tang·Concubine"

He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. ——"Laozi" Chapter 33

Contentment will not disgrace, knowledge will not end. ——"Laozi" Chapter 44

Misfortunes lie on the back of blessings, and blessings lie on the backs of misfortunes. ——"Laozi" Chapter 58

The sage chooses what can be said before speaking, and chooses what is feasible before doing anything. ——"Guanzi·Situation Interpretation"

Think twice before you act. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Gongye Chang"

Haste makes waste, and small gains mean that big things will not happen. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

The embankment of a thousand feet collapsed with the holes of ants. ——"Han Feizi·Yu Lao"

It is not too late to make up for the lost sheep. ——"Warring States Policy·Chu Policy"

A difference of even a hair is a thousand miles away. ——"Book of Rites·Jingjing"

Everything will be established if it is forewarned, and it will be ruined if it is not forewarned. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

Only the Taoist can prepare for dangers before they arise. ——"Guanzi·Herdsmen"

Be prepared for danger when you are in times of peace, and you will be prepared if you are prepared. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Eleventh Year of Duke Xiang"

Never forget the past and be the guide for the future. ——"Warring States Policy·Zhao Ce"

The car in front is overturned, and the car behind is warned. ——"Book of Han Jia Yi Biography"

Pride cannot last long, desire cannot be indulged, ambition cannot be fulfilled, and happiness cannot be extreme. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

Good deeds cannot be said to be small and useless, and bad deeds cannot be said to be small and harmless. ——Jia Yi's "New Book·Review"

The decision is made within the curtain of planning, and the victory is won thousands of miles away. ——"Historical Records: The Chronicles of Emperor Gaozu"

Joy cannot be extreme, and extreme joy can lead to sorrow; desire cannot be indulged, and indulging in desire can lead to disaster. ——Wu Jing's "Zhenguan Politicians·Criminal Law"

Husband's misfortunes are often accumulated in the subtle, while wisdom and bravery are often trapped in the drowning. ——"New History of the Five Dynasties·Preface to the Biography of Ling Guan"

If you are careful to end as you began, you will never fail. ——"Laozi's "Tao Te Ching""

The auxiliary car depends on each other, and the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Fifth Year of Lu Xigong"

Soldiers have no constant momentum, and water has no constant shape. Those who can win due to changes in the enemy are called gods. ——"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Virtual Reality Chapter"

Work hard all day long and keep pace with the times. ——"Book of Changes, Qian Dynasty, Classical Chinese"

The daily innovation is called Shengde. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be general, and if you are general, you will be long-term. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

Virtue and dignity are renewed day by day. ——Volume 9 of Kang Youwei's "Analects of Confucius"

But progress means innovation every day. ——Liang Qichao's "Young China Theory"

Green is taken from blue and green comes from blue. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

A gentleman's learning must be updated day by day, and those who are updated day by day will make progress. Those who are not renewed every day will inevitably retreat. There is no one who cannot advance but not retreat. ——Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi's "Er Cheng Collection· The Posthumous Letters of the Cheng Family in Henan"

To learn, you must realize that what is right now is not what yesterday was, and that it is progress that changes with each passing day. ——Volume 8 of Zhu Xi's "Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to a higher level. ——Wang Zhihuan, "Climbing the Stork and Magpie Tower"

Thousands of sails passed by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of spring trees were in front of the diseased trees. ——Liu Yuxi "Rewarding Lotte at the First Banquet in Yangzhou"

A gentleman avoids difficulties with frugality. ——"Book of Changes·No"

A gentleman's journey is to cultivate one's character through tranquility and cultivate one's virtue through frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no far-reaching goal. ——Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments"

Be diligent in your country and frugal in your family. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Frugality is the common virtue; extravagance is the greatest evil. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Twenty-Four Years of Duke Zhuang"

People's livelihood depends on diligence, and diligence leads to failure. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Xuan Gong Twelve Years"

Frugality leads to prosperity, while immorality leads to death. ——"Mozi Ci Guo"

It is noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil. Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey. ——Li Shen's "Compassion for the Farmers"

Looking at the virtuous countries and families in the past, success was caused by diligence and frugality, and failure was caused by extravagance.——Li Shangyin's "Ode to History"

Worry and labor can rejuvenate a country, and leisure can perish. ——"New History of the Five Dynasties·Preface to the Biography of Lingguan"

It is easy to move from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to move from luxury to frugality. ——Sima Guang's "Xun Jian Shi Kang"

Take it in moderation and use it in an orderly manner, and you will always have enough. ——Volume 234 of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"

Only frugality can help integrity, but forgiveness can become a virtue. ——"History of the Song Dynasty·Biography of Fan Chunren"

A porridge and a meal, when thinking about the hard-won; half a thread, half a thread, constant thoughts on the difficulty of material resources. ——Zhu Bolu's "Motto of Managing a Family"

If you have time to live and use it without restraint, your material resources will be exhausted. In ancient times, the rule of the world was extremely delicate, so its accumulation was sufficient to rely on. ——"Book of Han"

According to the historical perspective, if there is a family and a country, what is gained is all due to frugality; what is lost is all due to luxury. ——"Essentials of the World"

Those who are extravagant are in ruins and those who are frugal are at peace. One evil and one good are in front of you. ——Bai Juyi's "The Vast Grass - Punishment for a Rich Burial"

Use the public to destroy private interests, and the people will accept it. ——"Shang Shu·Zhou Guan"

The righteousness destroys relatives. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Fourth Year of Yin Gong"

If you know the interests of the public, you should do everything you know and be loyal. ——"Zuo Zhuan·The Ninth Year of Xi Gong"

Gong produces light, but partial produces darkness. ——"Xunzi·BuGong"

The journey of the great road means that the world is for the common good. ——"Book of Rites·Liyun"

The country has forgotten its family, the public has forgotten its selfishness, and it is not only righteousness that only benefits are obtained, and harm is not done away with. ——Jia Yi's "New Book·Class"

When weighing the left and right, it is selfless, so it can be balanced; when it is weighed between the inside and outside, it is selfless, so it can be right. ——"Huainanzi·Zhushu Xun"

Being impartial and selfless, one word can bring peace to all people. ——"Huainanzi·Xiu Wu Xun"

Obeying the public is like the law of the upper and lower levels. ——"Historical Records·Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru"

Don't distinguish between relatives and strangers, no distinction between high and low, just stick to the law. ——"Historical Records·Tai Shi Gong's Preface"

There is nothing better than being honest when you are facing an official position, and nothing is better than being honest when you are facing wealth. ——Liu Xiang's "Shuo Yuan Zhengli"

The saint dare not abolish punishment because of the kindness of relatives, and dare not abolish celebration and reward because of the anger of resentment. ——Xu Qian's "Zhonglun·Reward and Punishment"

Work hard and die. ——Zhuge Liang's "Later's Discipline"

If there is a public heart, there must be justice, and if there is justice, there must be a metric system. ——Fu Xuan's "Fu Zi·Tongzhi"

If you have merit, you will be rewarded, if you are guilty, you will be punished. ——Sima Guang's "Notes on the Essentials of Learning to Govern the Country with Heart"

Only fairness will bring brilliance, and only integrity will bring authority. ——Shi Chengjin's "Heirloom·Shen Yu"

If everyone loves the public, the world will be peaceful; if everyone is selfish, the world will be in chaos. ——Liu E's "Lao Can's Travel Notes" Chapter 9

Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, this is knowing. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his actions. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

Although scholars have knowledge, their behavior is fundamental. ——"Mozi · Self-cultivation"

Although the way is far away, it cannot be done if it is impossible; although the thing is small, it cannot be done if it is not done. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

Those who are good at speaking about the past must have a sense of the present, and those who are good at speaking about heaven must have proof for others. ——"Xunzi: Evil Nature"

Be careful in your words and careful in your deeds. ——"Book of Rites·缁衣"

A gentleman learns hard and practices it. ——Yang Xiong's "Fayan·Cultivation of the Self"

Seek truth from facts. ——"Book of Han·The Biography of King Liu De in Hejian"

Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times. ——"Book of Han·Zhao Chongguo Biography"

If you are envious of fish in the abyss, it is better to retreat and build a net. ——"Book of Han·Biography of Dong Zhongshu"

A name must have reality, and a deed must have merit. ——Xun Yue's "Shenjian·Susuan"

Play a thousand tunes and then the dawn will sound, watch a thousand swords and then recognize the weapon. ——Liu Xie's "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons·Zhiyin"

After reading it on paper, I finally realize that it is shallow, and I definitely know that this matter must be carried out. ——Lu You's "Winter Night Reading Shows Ziyu"

Walk every day, don't be afraid of thousands of miles, do it often, don't be afraid of thousands of things. ——"Proverbs Lian Bi·Handling Things"

Difficult things in the world must be done in the easy way; great things in the world must be done in the details. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

If you see something that is not true, do not speak lightly; if you know something that is true, do not pass it lightly. ——"Disciple Rules"

Sitting on this mountain and looking at that mountain will accomplish nothing. ——Zeng Guofan's "Dedication and Joy of Industry"

Act according to your position and do not want to be outside of it. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

When the Lord is incompetent, he is respectful. ——"Er Cheng·Cui Yan"

Those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yong Ye"

Use your will without distinction, but focus on God.——"Zhuangzi Dasheng"

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. ——"Three Kingdoms·Book of Shu·Biography of the First Master"

A house that accumulates good deeds will surely be blessed; a house that accumulates bad deeds will surely have lingering disasters. ——"Zhouyi·Kun·Wenyan"

But do good deeds and don't ask about the future. ——"Zeng Guang's Essence of the Past"

To follow the good is like ascending, and to follow the evil is like falling down. ——"Guoyu·Zhou Yuxia"

Accumulate good deeds and become virtuous, and the gods will be satisfied. ——"Xunzi·Encouragement to Learning"

When you see people being kind, you think of them as equals. Even if you go far away, you will gradually get closer. ——"Disciple Rules"

A gentleman should always be kind to others. ——"Mencius·Gongsun Chou"

A good word with others is warmer than cloth; a word that hurts others is deeper than a spear or halberd. ——"Xunzi · Honor and Disgrace"

The best is like water, water is good for all things without dispute. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

There are three friends who benefit and three friends who harm. Friends who are straight, friends who are understanding, and friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial. If you have friends, you will be brave. If you are friendly, you will be gentle. If you have friends, you will be sycophantic, which is a loss. ——"The Analects of Confucius"

I am angry when I hear it, and I am happy when I hear the praise. It harms my friends but does not benefit my friends. ——"Disciple Regulations"

Everyone in the world knows that taking is taking, but no one knows that taking with it is taking. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty"

A gentleman values ​​others but despises himself, putting others before himself. ——"Book of Rites·Interview"

When encountering injustice on the road, draw your sword to help. ——Ma Zhiyuan's "Chen Qing Gao Lie"

The patient's illness is the worry of others. ——Bai Juyi's "Celin"

Whenever there is an emergency, put others before yourself. ——Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms·Shu"

Good things must be given to each other, and bad things must not be pushed away. ——Wang Fanzhi, "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty"

Although prosperity is destined, it also depends on hard work; although longevity and longevity are innate, it still accumulates many negative virtues. ——Wang Yongbin's "Night Talk around the Fireplace"

If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster. The virtue is weak but the position is high, the wisdom is small but the plan is big, the strength is small but the responsibility is heavy, it is rare to be inferior to it. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

modest benefits, full losses. ——"Shang Shu"

If you are light, you will lose your roots; if you are impetuous, you will lose your authority. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

If you love too much, you will spend a lot of money; if you hide too much, you will perish. If you know what you are content with and don’t be disgraced, if you know how to stop without being lazy, you can last a long time. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

I have three treasures, which I hold on to and protect: the first is compassion, the second is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

If you don't see yourself, you will be enlightened; if you don't know yourself, you will be enlightened; if you don't cut yourself off, you will have merit; if you are not self-conscious, you will grow. The husband does not fight, so no one in the world can fight with him. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

A song is complete, a mistake is straight, a depression is full, a hole is new, a little is gain, and a lot is confusion. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

The sage knows himself but does not see himself, loves himself but does not value himself. ——Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching"

Born without being, doing without relying on it, achieving without living. ——Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching"

The strongest among the strongest is the strongest, so don't exaggerate in front of others. ——"Surprise at the First Moment"

You cannot use all your power, all your blessings, all your advantages, and all your wisdom. ——Feng Menglong's "Words of Caution to the World·Wang Anshi's Three Difficulties, Scholar Su"

When the sun is at its midpoint, it will be waning, and when the moon is waxing, it will be eclipsed. ——"Book of Changes·Feng"

The mountains never get too high, and the sea never gets too deep. ——Cao Cao's "Dan Ge Xing"

Be humble and gentle, and don't be pretentious about your talents and places. ——"Book of Jin·Zheng Mo Biography"

Being modest and prudent and being self-respecting is not wisdom, and the wisdom of being humble is great wisdom; being self-respecting is not courage, and being humble and courageous is great courage. ——"Proverbs of Disciples·Courtesy and Courtesy"

If the debauchery fails, the body will be in disaster if it is full. ——Zhang Yong's "Encouraging Learning"

Those who empty themselves are the foundation of virtue. ——Fang Xiaoru's "Miscellaneous Commandments"

The sea accepts all rivers, and tolerance is great; standing on a wall with thousands of feet, without desire is strong. ——"Lin Zexu"

The reason why Jianghai can be the king of hundreds of grains is because he is good at controlling it. Therefore, if a sage wants to lead the people, he must speak to the people; if he wants to precede the people, he must speak to the people behind him. Therefore, when a sage is at the top, the people do not take him seriously, and when he is at the front, the people do not harm him. Therefore, the world is happy to push forward without getting tired of it. Because he does not fight, no one in the world can fight with him. ——"Tao Te Ching · Mo Neng Yu Zheng"

A serious illness in life is just the word "arrogance". ——Wang Yangming's "Traditional Records"

The most stupid thing in life is that the evil has been heard, and the most evil thing in life is the good talk. ——Shen Juyun's "Xiyan's Words"

Don't abandon people's great beauty with small evils, and don't forget people's great kindness with small grudges. ——Shen Juyun's "Xiyan's Words"

If you are full, it is easy to cause disaster, but if you are modest, you will always be blessed.——Zhang Tingyu's "Miscellaneous Xing"

Reward those who are disobedient, and punish those who are unwilling to rebel. Rewards are for no merit, punishments are for those who are innocent. ——"Su Shu·Zunyi"

One cannot be judged as a gentleman by a moment of praise; a person cannot be judged as a villain by a moment of slander. ——"Jingshi Tongyan·Volume 4"

A gentleman must not neglect self-cultivation. If you want to cultivate yourself, you cannot avoid getting married. When you think about family affairs, you cannot ignore others. If you want to know people, you cannot know heaven. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean·Chapter 20"

If you correct yourself without asking for others, you will have no resentment. Don't blame heaven when you are above, don't blame others when you are below. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean·Chapter 14"

A gentleman's ears will not listen to obscene sounds, his eyes will not see evil colors, and his mouth will not utter evil words. ——"Xunzi·Music Theory"

Always think of the day when there is no day, and don't mistake the time for the time. ——"Zengguang Xianwen·Part 1"

The book is as sentimental as an old friend, and the joys and sorrows of the morning and dusk are every blind date. ——Yu Qian's "Guanshu"

Read old books without getting tired of reading them hundreds of times. If you read them carefully and think deeply, you will know yourself. ——Su Shi's "Send Off the Andun Scholars to Return to the West"

To establish oneself, one should first establish one's studies, and to establish one's studies, one should take reading as the basis. ——Ouyang Xiu, "Collected Works of Ouyang Wenzhong"

My husband's ambitions are all over the world, and he is still close to his neighbors thousands of miles away. ——Cao Zhi's "Giving the White Horse to Wang Biao"

It is better to be determined and think about true character, and to study hard. ——"Ruan Yuan"

Learning is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. ——"Zeng Guangxian Wen"

Without learning, you cannot expand your talents, and without ambition, you cannot achieve learning. ——Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments"

Extended reading:

"The Analects of Confucius"

"The Analects" is a collection of quotations compiled by the disciples and disciples of Confucius, a thinker and educator in the Spring and Autumn Period , who recorded the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. A collection of essays, written in the early period of the Warring States Period. The book has a total of 20 parts and 492 chapters, mainly in the form of quotations, supplemented by narratives. It embodies the political opinions, ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles of Confucius and the Confucian school. Most of the works are quotations, but the words are rich in meaning, and some sentences and chapters are vivid. Its main characteristics are that the language is concise, easy to understand, and the meaning is far-reaching. It has a graceful, gentle, and implicit style that can be used in simple conversations and conversations. Show characters in action.

"The Analects of Confucius" is one of the Confucian classics . It is a collection of quotation-style prose mainly in the form of quotations and dialogues. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples in the form of quotations and dialogues, and embodies Confucius's political, Value ideas such as aesthetics, moral ethics and utilitarianism.

The content of "The Analects of Confucius" covers politics, education, literature, philosophy, and principles of life and so on. As early as the period when Confucius set up a lecture forum in the late Spring and Autumn Period, its main content had been initially created; after Confucius's death, his disciples and re-disciples passed down his remarks from generation to generation, and gradually recorded these orally recited quotations, words and deeds. Therefore, It is called "Lun"; "The Analects" mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, so it is called "Yu". Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty explained: "The speaker is the language of the saints, and the commentator is the discussion of the Confucian scholars." In fact, "Lun" also means compilation. The so-called "The Analects" refers to the record of the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. Come down and compile it into a book.


Confucius (September 28, 551 BC to April 11, 479 BC), whose surname was Kong, whose given name was Qiu, and whose courtesy name was Zhongni, was born in Zou Yi (now Qufu City, Shandong Province) of the state of Lu. His ancestral home is Liyi of the Song Dynasty (now Xiayi County, Henan Province). He was a great thinker, politician, and educator in ancient China, the founder of the Confucian school, and the "Sage of Dacheng". [

Confucius created the style of private lectures and advocated benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust. He had three thousand disciples, including seventy-two sages. He once led some of his disciples to travel around the country for fourteen years, and revised the Six Classics (Poetry, Book, Rites, Music, Book of Changes, and Spring and Autumn Annals) in his later years. After his death, his disciples and subsequent disciples recorded the words, deeds, quotes and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples, and compiled them into The Analects of Confucius. The book is regarded as a Confucian classic.

Confucius was one of the most erudite scholars in society at that time. He was revered as the "Sage of Heaven" and "The Wooden Duo of Heaven" when he was still alive. He was also honored by the rulers of later generations as the Saint of Confucius, the Holy Saint, the Holy Teacher, and The supreme sage of Dacheng, King Wenxuan, was the forefather and the teacher for all generations.His thoughts have a profound impact on China and the world, and he is listed as the first among the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World". As the influence of Confucius expanded, the "Confucius Ceremony" to worship Confucius once became a ceremony on the same level as the Chinese ancestor gods.


"Mencius" is Confucian classic work , Mencius and his disciples Ten Thousand Chapters , Gongsun Chou and so on in the middle period of Warring States . It was first seen in Zhao Qi's "Mencius' Inscription": "This book was written by Mencius, so it is always called "Mencius"." "Mencius" was listed as one of the "Four Books" by Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty (the other three are "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean" and "The Analects of Confucius").


Mencius (approximately 372 BC - 289 BC), whose name is Ke and whose character is unknown (Ziyu, Ziju and other characters are all from forged books or made up by later generations), was born in Zou, Lu State (now Shandong) in the middle of the Warring States Period. Zoucheng native), not far from Qufu, the hometown of Confucius.

Mencius is a famous thinker, politician, educator, successor of Confucius' theory, and an important representative of Confucianism. According to legend, Mencius was a descendant of the Meng Sun family, a nobleman of the Lu State. He lost his father when he was young and his family was poor. He was once a disciple of Zi Si (Kong Ji, the grandson of Confucius). After completing his studies, he lobbied the princes as a scholar in an attempt to promote his political ideas and went to Liang (Wei), Qi, Song, Teng and Lu. At that time, several big countries were committed to enriching the country and strengthening the military, striving to achieve unification through force. He inherited Confucius's "benevolence" thought and developed it into the "benevolent government" thought, and was called the "Ya Sage".

Mencius was born about a hundred years after the death of Confucius (479 BC). Regarding his life experience, very little has been handed down. "Han Shi Wai Zhuan" contains the story of his mother's "broken weaving", and "Biography of Lienu" contains stories of his mother's "three moves" and "departure to Qi". It can be seen that He benefited a lot from his mother's education. According to "The Biography of Lienu" and Zhao Qi's "Mencius' Inscription", Mencius was taught by Confucius' grandson Zisi. But judging from the age, it seems unreliable. "Historical Records: Biography of Mencius and Xunqing" says that he was "a disciple of Zisi", which is possible. Whether he was a disciple of Zisi or a disciple of Zisi, Mencius's teachings were all influenced by Confucius' thoughts. Therefore, Xunzi listed Zisi and Mencius as the same school. This is what later generations called the Simeng school in Confucianism.

Like Confucius, Mencius also led students to travel to Wei, Qi, Song, Lu, Teng, Xue and other countries, and once served as a guest of King Xuan of Qi. Since his political ideas were not valued as much as those of Confucius, he returned to his hometown to gather disciples to give lectures, and wrote a book with his student Wan Zhang and others. "The Seven Chapters of Mencius" ("Historical Records: Biography of Mencius and Xunqing") The seven chapters of "Mencius" we have seen are divided into upper and lower chapters, with about 35,000 words, and a total of 260 chapters.


"Taodejing", the philosophical work of Laozi (Li Er) in the Spring and Autumn Period, also known as "Taodezhen", "Laozi", "Five Thousand Words", "Laozi's Five Thousand Essays", is an ancient Chinese A work written by the pre-Qin scholars before they split up, and is an important source of Taoist philosophical thought. The Tao Te Ching is divided into two parts. The original text is the first part "De Jing" and the second part "Tao Jing". They are not divided into chapters. Later, they were changed to "Tao Jing". Chapter 37 comes first, and after chapter 38, it is "De Jing" and divided into chapters. For 81 chapters.

The text of the "Tao Te Ching" takes "morality" in the philosophical sense as its outline, and discusses the ways of self-cultivation, governing the country, using military force, and maintaining health. Most of it takes politics as its purpose. It is the so-called "inner sage and outer king" study, and its literary meaning is profound. , inclusive and comprehensive, known as the king of scriptures.

"Tao Te Ching" is one of the greatest masterpieces in Chinese history, which has had a profound impact on traditional philosophy, science, politics, religion, etc. . According to statistics from UNESCO, the Tao Te Ching is the cultural classic that has been translated into most foreign languages ​​and published the most besides the Bible.


Laozi, whose surname is Li Ming'er, whose given name is Dan, whose first name is Boyang, or whose posthumous title is Boyang, was born in the late Spring and Autumn Period. His birth and death dates are unknown, and his place of birth is also controversial. "Historical Records" and other records record that Laozi was born in the state of Chu Or Chen Guo.An ancient Chinese thinker, philosopher, writer and historian, the founder and main representative of the Taoist school, and is also known as "Lao Zhuang" together with Zhuangzi. Later, he was revered as the ancestor by Taoism and was called "Tai Shang Lao Jun". In the Tang Dynasty, he was posthumously regarded as the ancestor of the surname Li. He was once listed as a world cultural celebrity and one of the world's 100 historical celebrities.

Laozi once served as the guardian of the Zhou Dynasty and was famous for his erudition. Confucius once visited the Zhou Dynasty to ask him for courtesy. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the world was in chaos. I wanted to abandon my official position and go into seclusion, so I rode a green ox to the west. When he arrived at Lingbao Hangu Pass, he was ordered by Yin Xizhi to write the Tao Te Ching.

Laozi's thought has a profound influence on the development of Chinese philosophy, and the core of his thought is simple dialectics. In politics, it advocates governing by doing nothing and teaching without speaking. In terms of power, we should pay attention to the principle that things must be reversed when they reach their extreme. In terms of self-cultivation, it pays attention to the practice of being humble and not competing with others. It is the ancestor of Taoist dual cultivation of life and life.

Laozi's handed down work "Tao Te Ching" (also known as "Laozi") is one of the most widely published works in the world.

"The Book of Songs"

"The Book of Songs" is the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry and the earliest collection of poetry. It collects poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (11th century BC to 6th century BC), with a total of 311 poems, including 6 poems. It is a Sheng poem, that is, it only has a title but no content. It is called the six Sheng poems ("Nanmei", "Baihua", "Huashui", "Yougeng", "Chongqiu" and "Youyi"), which reflect the poems from the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty. The social landscape during the late period of about 500 years.

The author of "The Book of Songs" is unknown, and most of it cannot be verified. It is said that it was collected by Yin Jifu and compiled by Confucius. The Book of Songs was called "The Book of Songs" in the pre-Qin period, or the whole number was called "The Three Hundred Poems". It was revered as a Confucian classic during the Western Han Dynasty and was first called the Book of Songs, which is still in use today. The Book of Songs is divided into three parts: "Wind", "Ya" and "Song". "Wind" is a ballad from various places in the Zhou Dynasty; "Ya" is a formal song of the Zhou people, and is divided into "Xiaoya" and "Daya"; "Song", "Song of Lu" and "Song of Shang".

Confucius once summarized the purpose of the Book of Songs as "innocence" and taught his disciples to read the Book of Songs as the standard for speech and action. Among the pre-Qin scholars, many quoted the Book of Songs. For example, Mencius, Xunzi, Mozi, Zhuangzi, Han Feizi, etc. often quoted sentences from the Book of Songs to enhance their persuasiveness when reasoning and demonstrating. By the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Book of Songs was regarded as a classic by Confucianists and became one of the Six Classics and the Five Classics.

The Book of Songs is rich in content, reflecting labor and love, war and corvee, oppression and resistance, customs and marriage, ancestor worship and banquets, and even celestial phenomena, landforms, animals, plants and other aspects. It is a mirror of social life in the Zhou Dynasty.


One of the five Confucian classics, the earliest book is called "Shu". It is a compilation of works that trace ancient deeds. It is divided into "Yu Shu", "Xia Shu", "Shang Shu" and "Zhou Shu". Because it is one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, it is also called the Book of Books. The commonly used version of Shangshu, the Commentary on the Thirteen Classics, is a joint edition of Jinwen Shangshu and the pseudo-Guwen Shangshu. Extant versions are of mixed authenticity.

Twenty-eight chapters of "Shang Shu" dictated by Fu Sheng, a scholar of the Western Han Dynasty, are the modern version of "Shang Shu". Another "Shang Shu" discovered by Liu Yu, King Gong of Lu in the Western Han Dynasty when he demolished a section of the wall of Confucius' former residence, is the ancient version of "Shang Shu". During the Yongjia period of the Western Jin Dynasty, war broke out, and all the modern and ancient "Shang Shu" were lost. At the beginning of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Yuzhang Neishi Meizu presented a "Shangshu" to the court, including 33 chapters of "Jinwen Shangshu" and 25 chapters of pseudo "Guwen Shangshu".

"Shangshu" is listed as one of the important core Confucian classics and the basic book for Confucian study in the past dynasties. "Shang" means "up", and "Shangshu" is an ancient book. It is the earliest collection of historical documents in my country. The traditional Shangshu (also known as Jinwen Shangshu) was handed down from Fu Sheng. The legend is that it is a legacy of the ancient culture "Three Tombs and Five Codes".

"Book of Rites"

"Book of Rites", also known as "Book of Rites of Xiao Dai" and "Ji of Xiao Dai", was written in the Han Dynasty and compiled by Dai Shengsuo, a ritual scholar of the Western Han Dynasty.

"The Book of Rites" is an important anthology of laws and regulations in ancient China, with a total of 20 volumes and 49 chapters . The content of the book mainly describes the etiquette system of the Pre-Qin Dynasty and embodies the philosophical thoughts of the Pre-Qin Confucians (such as the view of heaven and the world). , outlook on life), educational thoughts (such as personal self-cultivation, education system, teaching methods, school management), political thoughts (such as transforming politics through education, Datong society, etiquette and criminal law), aesthetic thoughts (such as the theory of things moving and the heart, etiquette and music Theory of Zhonghe), is an important material for the study of pre-Qin society , and is a compilation of materials on Confucianism .

"Book of Rites" has rigorous organization, vivid reflections, tactful words, echoes from front to back, and neat and changeable language. It is one of the "Three Rites", one of the "Five Classics", and one of the "Thirteen Classics". Since Zheng Xuan of the Eastern Han Dynasty made the "annotation", the status of "Book of Rites" has been rising day by day. By the Tang Dynasty, it was regarded as a "Classic". After the Song Dynasty, it ranked first among the "Three Rites".

The ancient cultural history knowledge and ideological doctrines recorded in the "Book of Rites" have an important impact on the inheritance of Confucian culture, contemporary cultural education and moral cultivation, and the construction of a harmonious socialist society.

"The Book of Changes"

"The Book of Changes" is the "Book of Changes", one of the "Three Book of Changes" (there is another view: the Book of Changes is the Three Book of Changes, not the Zhou Book of Changes). It is one of the traditional classics. According to legend, it was written by Jichang, King Wen of Zhou Dynasty. The content includes two parts: "Jing" and "Biography" . The "Jing" mainly consists of sixty-four hexagrams and three hundred and eighty-four lines. Each hexagram and line has its own explanation (hexagram words and line words), which are used for divination. "Zhuan" contains seven kinds of texts explaining hexagrams and line words, a total of ten chapters, collectively called "Ten Wings", and it is said to be written by Confucius.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, official schools began to gradually evolve into private schools. The study of Yi followed each other and developed gradually. With the rise of hundreds of schools of thought, the study of Yi diverged accordingly. Since Confucius praised the Yi, "The Book of Changes" has been regarded as the Confucian holy book and the first of the six classics by Confucianism. Outside of Confucianism, there are two branches of Yi that developed in parallel with the Confucian school of change: one is Zhishu Yi where the old forces still exist; the other is Lao Tzu's Taoist Yi, and Yi school began to be divided into three branches.

The "General Catalog of Sikuquanshu" divides the origins and changes of the history of Yixue into "two schools and six sects". The two sects are the Xiangmao sect and the Yili sect; there are six sects, one is the divination sect, the second is the Yuxiang sect, the third is the fortune sect, the fourth is the Lao Zhuang sect, the fifth is the Confucianism sect, and the sixth is the Shishi sect.

"The Book of Changes" is the theoretical root of natural philosophy and humanistic practice in traditional Chinese thought and culture. It is the crystallization of the thoughts and wisdom of the ancient Han nation and is known as the "source of the great road." The content is extremely rich and has had a profound impact on China's politics, economy, culture and other fields for thousands of years.


Xunzi (about 313 BC - 238 BC), whose surname was Kuang, also named Qing (it is said that people at that time respected each other and was called Qing), At the end of the Warring States Period, he was a native of Zhao State . During the Han Dynasty, he avoided the inquiry of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. The nickname is "Sun Qing", a famous thinker, philosopher, educator, representative of the Confucian school, and the culmination of a hundred schools of thought in the pre-Qin era.

Xunzi served as the sacrificial wine minister of Jixia Academy of Qi three times and the mausoleum of Chulan twice. In his later years, he lived in seclusion in Lanling County, wrote books, taught disciples, and stayed there until his death. He was called the "Later Sage". Xunzi critically accepted and creatively developed the orthodox thoughts and theories of Confucianism, advocating the combination of " etiquette and law" ; proposing the idea that man can conquer heaven by "controlling the destiny of heaven and using it"; opposing the superstition of ghosts and gods; proposing the theory of evil nature , attaches great importance to the influence of customs and education on people, and emphasizes the application of knowledge; his thoughts are concentrated in the book "Xunzi". Xunzi also compiled and inherited Confucian classics such as the Book of Songs, Shangshu, Rites, Yue, Yi, and Spring and Autumn, and made great contributions to the dissemination and preservation of Confucian thought and culture.

Xunzi summarized the theoretical results of the Contest of One Hundred Schools of Thought and his own academic thoughts, and created a complete system of simple materialist philosophy in the pre-Qin period. His thoughts exerted a subtle influence on the development of feudal society for more than two thousand years.


"Xunzi" is a philosophical work compiled or recorded by Xunzi and his disciples during the Warring States Period.

"Xunzi" has a total of 32 chapters, and its views are consistent with Xunzi's consistent opinions. Among the first 27 articles, there are also several articles, such as "Yi Bing" and "General Strategy", which may have been compiled by his students.

There are thirty-two chapters in "Xunzi". Except for a few chapters, most of them were written by him himself. His articles are good at reasoning, well-organized, thorough analysis, and good at drawing examples. He often uses parallelism to enhance the momentum of arguments. His language is rich in caution and has strong persuasiveness and appeal.

"Xunzi" is an important work of the Confucian school in the late Warring States Period. In addition to Tang Yang Liang's "Xunzi Commentary", its annotated editions include "Xunzi Collection" by Qing Wang Xianqian, which brings together the exegesis and textual research achievements of scholars in the Qing Dynasty and is rich in content; Liang Qixiong's "Xunzi Commentary" combines the results of various schools of interpretation. Particular emphasis is placed on "simplicity, conciseness, and conciseness"; there are also "Brief Commentary on Xunzi" written by Zhang Shitong, "Xunzi's Modern Commentary" by Xiong Gongzhe, etc.

"Historical Records"

"Historical Records", one of the Twenty-Four Histories, was originally called "Tai Shi Gong Shu" or "Tai Shi Gong Ji" or "Tai Shi Ji". It is a biographical history book written by Sima Qian, a historian in the Western Han Dynasty. It is one of the most important historical records in Chinese history. The first general history in the form of biographies records a history of more than 3,000 years, starting from the Huangdi era in ancient legends to the fourth year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In the first year of Taichu (104 BC), Sima Qian began the creation of "Tai Shi Gong Shu", which was later called "Historical Records". This work took 14 years to complete.

The "Historical Records" includes twelve books (recording the achievements of emperors of the past dynasties), thirty families (recording the rise and fall of vassal states and Han Dynasty princes, nobles and nobles), and seventy biographies (recording the words and deeds of important figures, mainly describing people and ministers, among which The last chapter is a self-preface), Ten Tables (chronology of major events), and Eight Books (recording various laws and regulations, etiquette, music, music, calendar, astronomy, Zen, water conservancy, and financial use). "Historical Records" has a total of 130 chapters and more than 526,500 words, which is more than 395,000 words more than "Huainanzi" and more than 288,000 words more than "Lu Shi Chunqiu" Character. "Historical Records" is huge in scale and has a complete system, and it has a profound influence on subsequent biographical history books. Official histories of all dynasties have been written in this style.

"Historical Records" is listed as the first of the "Twenty-Four Histories", and together with "Hanshu", "Houhanshu" and "Three Kingdoms" are collectively called the "First Four Histories" , which has exerted a great influence on the development of historiography and literature in later generations. deep influence. His pioneering method of chronicling historiography was passed down by the "official histories" of subsequent dynasties. "Historical Records" is also considered an excellent literary work, playing an important role in the history of Chinese literature. It was praised by Lu Xun as "the swan song of historians, the unrhymed "Li Sao"" and has high literary value. Liu Xiang and others believe that this book is "good at explaining things, argumentative but not flashy, and qualitative but not slangy".

"Spring and Autumn"

"Spring and Autumn" is a literary work of ancient Chinese history. It is also called "Spring and Autumn Classic", "Lin Classic" or "Lin History", etc.

Later, many works appeared that supplemented, explained, and elucidated the history recorded in "Spring and Autumn", which were called "Zhuan". The representative works are "Zuo Zhuan", "Gongyang Zhuan" and "Gu Liang Zhuan", which are called "Three Biography of Spring and Autumn Period".

The language used to record events in "Spring and Autumn" is extremely concise, but almost every sentence has a connotation of praise and criticism, which is called "Spring and Autumn Writing Style" and "Small Words and Great Meanings" by later generations. It is one of the "Six Classics" of ancient Chinese Confucian classics. It is my country's first chronological history book and the national history of the State of Lu during the Zhou Dynasty. The existing version is said to have been revised by Confucius.

reported in February 2019 that more than 5,200 slips were unearthed from the tomb of Haihunhou. After interpretation by experts, they discovered Confucian classics including the Spring and Autumn Annals and their teachings.

——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

A scholar cannot be without great perseverance, and the road ahead is long and arduous. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Tai Bo"

Zi Jue Four: no intention, no necessity, no solidity, no self. ——"The Analects of Confucius · Zihan"

The deceased is like a man! Don't give up day and night. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

How can we not care about French words? Change it to expensive. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the ambition. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

A knowledgeable person will not be confused, a benevolent person will not worry, and a brave person will not be afraid. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

Only unlimited wine is not as good as chaos. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Xiangdang"

Going too far is not enough. ——"The Analects·Advanced"

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

There is no guilt in introspection, why should I worry or be afraid? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Within the four seas, we are all brothers. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Death has occurred since ancient times, and people cannot stand without faith. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Live without fatigue and act with loyalty. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

The beauty of a gentleman is the beauty of being an adult, but the evil of being an adult is not. The villain is on the contrary. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

Politicians are righteous. The commander-in-chief is righteous, who dares not to be righteous? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

A gentleman uses literature to make friends, and friends to support benevolence. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

There should be officials first, pardon small faults, and promote talents. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

If the name is not correct, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not smooth, the things will not be accomplished... -"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

If the person is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not follow the orders. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

No haste, no small gain. If you want haste, you will not achieve anything; if you see small gains, you will not achieve great things. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

What you say must be true, and your actions must be resolute... ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

The gentleman is harmonious but different, the villain is the same but not harmonious. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

A gentleman is arrogant but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not arrogant. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

... When you see benefit and think about righteousness, when you see danger, you give orders. If you don't forget the words of your life for a long time, you can become an adult. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his actions. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

Cultivation of oneself in order to respect others... Cultivation of oneself in order to bring peace to others... Cultivation of oneself in order to bring peace to the people... ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

A person with lofty ideals and a benevolent person will harm his benevolence without seeking life, and he will commit suicide. To become benevolent. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

If you are generous to yourself but do not blame others, you will be far away from resentment. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

A gentleman does not use words to promote others, and does not use people to waste words. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

clever words and bad morals. A small leak will sink a great ship. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

If everyone is evil, you will have to check it; if everyone is good, you will have to check it. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

People can promote Tao, but Tao cannot promote people. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

There is no distinction between education and distinction. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

A gentleman has nine thoughts: looking for wisdom, listening for intelligence, looking for warmth, looking for respect, speaking for loyalty, doing things with respect, doubting and questioning, thinking for anger and difficulty, and thinking for meaning. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Ji"

Gong, generosity, trust, sensitivity and benefit. Being respectful means not insulting, being lenient means being obedient, being trustworthy means being obedient, being sensitive means being meritorious, and being kind means being able to inspire others. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Yanghuo"

Listening to the Tao means abandoning virtue. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo"

Don't lower your ambitions, don't disgrace your body, Boyi , Shu Qi and! ——" The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zi "

Be knowledgeable and determined, ask questions and think deeply, and benevolence is in it. ——" The Analects of Confucius·Zi Zhang"

...The benevolent are invincible. ——"Mencius·King Hui of Liang 1"

I am old, I am old, , and I am old; I am young, and I am young, and I am young. ——"Mencius, King Hui of Liang"

Right, then you know the severity; degree, then you know the length. Everything is the same, but the mind is the same. ——"Mencius · King Hui of Liang, Part 1"

Those who enjoy the happiness of the people will also enjoy their happiness; those who worry about the people's worries, the people will also worry about their worries... ——"Mencius · King Hui of Liang, Part 2"

... …I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring spirit.——"Mencius·Gongsun Chou"

Zilu, if someone tells him that he has made a mistake, he will be happy. When Yu heard the good words, he worshiped them. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

Those who have gained the right will get many help, while those who have lost the right will get little help. When there is little help, relatives will be there; when there is much help, the world will follow. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chouxia"

The mistakes of ancient gentlemen are like the eclipses of the sun and the moon, which are seen by all the people; and their corrections are looked up to by the people. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

If there are good people at the top, there must be bad people at the bottom. The virtue of a gentleman is like the wind; the virtue of a villain is like the grass. The wind on the grass will die. ——" Mencius·Teng Wengong "

Civil affairs cannot be postponed. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

A wise king must be respectful, frugal and courteous to heaven, and take control of the people. ——"Mencius Teng Wen Gong"

Live widely in the world, establish the right position in the world, and walk the great road of the world. If you get the ambition, follow it with the people; if you don't have the ambition, go your own way. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

Wealth and honor cannot be immoral, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot be surrendered. This is called a true man. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

... Without rules, it is impossible to form a square circle;... Without six laws, it is impossible to correct the five tones;... Without benevolent government, the world cannot be governed peacefully. ——"Mencius·Li Loushang"

Three generations gained the world with benevolence, and lost the world with unkindness. The same is true for the reason why a country is destroyed and prospered. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

To love others without being close to them is against their benevolence; to treat others without treatment is against their wisdom; to be polite and not to respond to others is against their respect. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

The foundation of the world is the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is the body. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

Those who obey nature will survive, and those who defy nature will perish. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

There is a way to win the world: to win its people, you can win the world; to win its people, there is a way: to win their hearts, you can win the people; to win their hearts, there is a way: to gather with them wherever you want. , don't do what you want to do, that's right. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

Benevolence means a person's peaceful home; righteousness means a person's right path. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

A respectful person will not insult others, and a thrifty person will not take away from others. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

A king is benevolent, and no one is unkind; a king is righteous, and no one is unjust; a king is upright, and no one is unrighteous. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

The trouble with people is to be a teacher. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

Indecent etiquette and unjust meaning, adults should not do it. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

A gentleman will be ashamed of the voice he has heard of. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

Yu hated wine but loved good words. Tang Zhizhong, there is no way to establish talents. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

If Xizi is unclean, everyone will cover their noses and pass by; even if there are evil people, if they fast and bathe, they can worship God. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

The most important thing for a filial son is to respect his relatives; the most important thing to respect his relatives is to support him in the world. ——"Mencius·Wan Zhang I"

Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You can't have both, you have to sacrifice your life for righteousness. ——"Mencius·Gaozishang"

The organ of the heart is thinking, and thinking is what you get, and if you don't think, you can't get it. ——"Mencius Gaozi 1"

When Yi taught people to shoot, he must aspire to it, and scholars must also aspire to it; great craftsmen must teach people according to rules, and scholars must also follow rules. ——"Mencius · Gaozi 1"

When heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and disturb his actions. Therefore, if he is tempted to endure, he has Benefit from what it cannot do. ——"Mencius Gaozi Xia"

If you ask, you will get it, if you give it up, you will lose it. This is why seeking is beneficial to gaining, and seeking is mine. ——" Mencius·Dedicate yourself to "

All things are prepared for me. Reflexively and sincerely, there is no greater joy. Act with force and forgiveness, but don't get close to begging for kindness. ——"Mencius: Devotion to the Heart"

People cannot be shameless, shameless, shameless. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

People in ancient times, when they succeeded in their aspirations, benefited the people; If you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you are rich, you will be good for the world. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

Kind words are not as profound as the words of kindness, and good governance is not as popular as good teaching. Good governance will be feared by the people; good education will be loved by the people. Good governance wins people's wealth, and good education wins people's hearts.——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

There is nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to do, that's all. ——"Mencius: Devotion to the Heart"

A gentleman has three kinds of happiness... having parents and brothers without any reason is one kind of happiness; looking up to heaven and not being ashamed of others, not being humbled by others is the second kind of happiness; getting the world's talents and educating them is the third kind of happiness. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

Confucius Climb Dongshan and Xiaolu, climb Mount Tai and Xiaotian. ——"Mencius: Dedicate Your Heart"

Be kind to people and be kind to people , be kind to people and love things. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

If you don't believe in benevolence and virtue, the country will be empty; if you don't have etiquette and justice, there will be chaos up and down; if there is no political affairs, there will be insufficient finances. ——"Mencius · Trying My Heart"

The people are the most important, the country is the second, and the king is the least. ——"Mencius · Try Your Heart"

There are bandits and gentlemen who are like quarrels and discussions, like grinding and grinding. ——" Poetry·Wei Feng·Qi Ao "

The wife is harmonious, like a drum and a harp; the brothers are both in peace and harmony. ——"Poetry·Xiaoya.Tangdi"

Listen to his voice, and ask for his friend's voice. When we are in love with each other, we still seek a female voice; when we are in love with each other, we do not seek companionship? ——"Poetry·Xiaoya·Lumbering"

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. ——"Poem·Xiaoya·Crane"

My father gave birth to me, my mother bowed to me. Pick me up, feed me, grow me up and nurture me. Take care of me and return to me, enter and exit my belly. If you want to repay the virtue, Haotian will ignore it. ——"Poetry·Xiaoya·Polygonum"

Don't criticize the virtuous, and don't doubt the evil. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Don't listen to nonsense, and don't ask for advice. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

When a gentleman is in the opposition and a villain is in power, the people will abandon him and there will be no protection, and the blame will fall from heaven. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Fullness brings losses, modesty benefits. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Animation for the people will benefit them, and they will be cherished at dawn. ——"Shang Shu Gao Tao Mo"

The people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the country is peaceful. ——"Song of the Five Sons"

If you do evil in heaven, you can still violate it; if you do evil yourself, you can't do it. ——"Shang Shu·Taijia Zhong"

Officials should only be appointed by talented people, and only their left and right people should be appointed. ——"Shang Shu·Xian Youde"

Officials are not as good as private people, but they are capable; nobility is not as good as bad virtues, but they are virtuous. ——"Shang Shu·Shuo Fate"

Treat virtues and cultivate virtues, eliminate evils and serve the roots. ——"Shang Shu·Tai Shi Xia"

The ministers have the power to bring blessing, power and good food, which will harm their family and harm their country. ——" Shangshu·Hong Fan"

Playing with people loses morality, and playing with things loses one's morale. ——"Shang Shu·Lv Mastiff"

People are not in water prisons, they should be in civilian prisons. ——"Shang Shu·Jiu Gao"

Use the public to destroy private interests, and the people will accept it. ——"Shang Shu·Zhou Guan"

The merits are only the ambition, and the industry is widely promoted and diligent. ——"Shang Shu·Zhou Guan"

Having tolerance means great virtue. ——"Shang Shu·Jun Chen"

Ao cannot be long, desires cannot be followed, aspirations cannot be fulfilled, and happiness cannot be extreme. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang "

Don't be reluctant to get wealth when you are facing it, and don't be reluctant to avoid difficulties when you are faced with it. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

Reciprocity is the rule. It is impolite to go but not come; it is impolite to come but not go. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

A gentleman also loves others with virtue, and a gentle person also loves others with tolerance. ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Shang "

Life is beneficial to people, death does not harm people. ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Shang"

Harsh government is fiercer than a tiger! ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Xia"

If you don't have etiquette, loyalty, and sincerity, even if you consolidate it, the people will not understand it? ——"Book of Rites·Tan ​​Gong Xia"

The journey of the great road is also the journey of the great road. The world is for the public, select the worthy and capable, maintain trust and cultivate harmony. ——"Book of Rites·Liyun"

If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool; if a person does not learn, he will not know. ——"Book of Rites·Xueji"

Although there are fine dishes, you don't know its purpose if you don't eat them; although there is a perfect way, you don't know its goodness if you don't study them. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

To study alone without friends is to be lonely and ignorant. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

A gentleman can be a teacher if he knows both the reason for the rise of teaching and the reason for its destruction. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

Great happiness must be easy, and great gifts must be simple. ——"The Book of Rites·The Book of Music"

If you live happily and have a clear moral code, your ears and eyes will be smart, your blood will be peaceful, if you change customs and customs, the world will be at peace. ——"Book of Rites.·Book of Music"

Do not speak evil words out of your mouth, and do not reflect back on yourself. ——"Book of Rites: Sacrifice for Righteousness"

A gentleman makes a promise, and a villain speaks first.——"Book of Rites·Fangji"

If you are good, you will be praised by others, if you are wrong, you will be praised by yourself, and if you are resentful, you will be destroyed. ——"Book of Rites·Fangji"

Conceal evil and promote good, hold both ends of it, and use it to serve the people. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Loyalty and forgiveness are not far away from the wrong path. If you do not want to be given to yourself, do not do it to others. ——"Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

When you are in a superior position, you do not support your superiors; when you are in a inferior position, you do not support your superiors; if you correct yourself and do not ask for others, you will have no resentment. Don't blame heaven when you are above, don't blame others when you are below. ——"Book of Rites.· Doctrine of the Mean"

The way of a gentleman is as follows: if you go far, you must be close to yourself, and if you climb high, you must humble yourself. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

To govern people, take people as their own bodies, cultivate one's moral character as the Tao, and cultivate the Tao as benevolence. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Being eager to learn is close to knowledge, practicing hard is close to benevolence, and knowing shame is close to courage. If you know these three things, you will know how to cultivate yourself... - "Book of Rites: Doctrine of the Mean"

Learn it extensively, examine it, think carefully, discern it clearly, and practice it diligently. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Being sincere and clear is called nature; being sincere and sincere is called teaching. If you are sincere, you will be clear; if you are clear, you will be sincere. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

Honesty leads to form, form leads to action, action leads to clarity, clarity leads to movement, movement leads to change, and change leads to transformation. Only the most sincere in the world can transform. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

A gentleman respects virtue and pursues Taoism and knowledge, reaches the broadest yet reaches the subtleties, and is extremely wise while Taoism is the Doctrine of the Mean. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

Don't be arrogant when you are superior, and don't do twice as much as you are inferior. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

All things grow together without harming each other, and the Tao runs parallel without contradicting each other. The small rivers of virtue flow, and the great virtues are transformed. This is why this world is great. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

The way of a gentleman is light but not tiring, concise and written, gentle and reasonable. He knows the distance and the near, knows the wind and the wind, and knows the subtle manifestations, which can lead to virtue. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

A gentleman does not fall short of others, does not lose sight of others, and does not lose sight of others. ——"Book of Rites·Biaoji"

Benevolence is the watch of the world, and righteousness is the rule of the world. ——"Book of Rites·Biaoji"

The king relies on the people to survive, but also to destroy the people. ——"Book of Rites·缁衣"

Words have things and actions have rules. Therefore, ambition cannot be taken away in life, and reputation cannot be taken away in death. ——"Book of Rites·缁衣"

You must first believe what you say, and what you do must be upright. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

Gold and jade are not precious, but loyalty is considered a treasure. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

The body is at risk, but the ambition cannot be taken away. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

Internal address does not exclude relatives, external address does not exclude grievances. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

The way of a university lies in being clear and virtuous, being close to the people, and striving for perfection. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Everything has its beginning and end, and everything has its end. If you know the order of things, you will be able to take the shortcut. ——"Book of Rites·University"

After knowing things well, one can know sincerity in one's mind, sincerity can lead to a sincere heart, a right mind can lead to body cultivation, body cultivation can lead to a harmonious family, a harmonious family can lead to the rule of the country, and the rule of the country can lead to peace in the world. ——"Book of Rites·University"

A rich house, a rich body with virtue, a broad mind and a fat body, so a gentleman must be sincere in his intentions. ——"Book of Rites·University"

A gentleman appreciates his virtuous people and loves his relatives, while a villain takes pleasure in them and benefits them. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Gou is new every day, new every day, and new every day. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Those who love what the people love and hate what the people hate are called the parents of the people. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Virtue is the foundation; wealth is the end. ——"Book of Rites·University"

There is a way to make money. If there are many people to live with, few to eat, those to eat will be sick, and those who use them will be comfortable, then the wealth will be constant and sufficient. ——"Book of Rites·University"

Heaven is healthy , and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement. ——"Zhouyi·Qian Gua"

Knowing how to advance but not retreating, knowing how to survive but not knowing how to die, knowing how to gain but not knowing how to lose, are they the only saints? Is he the only one who knows how to advance, retreat and survive without losing his integrity? ——"Zhouyi·Qian Gua"

The terrain is Kun, and a gentleman carries everything with great virtue. ——"Zhouyi·Qian Gua"

A house that accumulates good deeds will have residual blessings; a house that accumulates bad deeds will have residual disasters. ——"Book of Changes·Qian Gua"

A gentleman will change when he sees good things, and correct when he has made mistakes. ——"Zhouyi Qian Gua"

If it is easy to be poor, it will change, if it is changed, it will be general, and if it is general, it will last. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

Without accumulation of good deeds, it is not enough to become famous; without accumulation of evil, it is not enough to destroy the body. ——"Zhouyi·Xici"

A gentleman is safe but does not forget danger, survives but does not forget death, governs but does not forget chaos, so that his body is safe and his country can be protected.——"Book of Changes·Xici Biography"

He has poor virtue but high status, he knows small things but plans big things, he has small power but heavy responsibilities, which is rare. ——"Book of Changes·Xici Biography"

A gentleman will not flatter others when he submits them to others, and he will not commit blasphemy when submitting others to others. ——"Book of Changes·Xici Xizhuan"

Green, taken from blue, is better than blue; ice, derived from water, is colder than water. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

When the accumulation of soil becomes a mountain, wind and rain will stir up it; when the accumulation of water becomes a abyss, a dragon will emerge; when the accumulation of good deeds becomes virtue, the gods will be satisfied and the holy heart will be ready. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

If you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

When you see good things, you must cultivate yourself to save yourself; when you see bad things, you are stunned and must reflect on yourself. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

If self-cultivation is the name of oneself, it is worthy of Yao and Shun. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

If people are rude, there will be no life; if things are rude, they will fail; if the country is rude, there will be no peace. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

Although the road is far away, it is not possible and cannot be reached. No matter how small it is, if you don't do it, it won't happen. He is a person who has a lot of free time, so he is not far away from others. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

A gentleman respects people's virtues and promotes their beauty, which is not flattery; justice is direct, and it is not a fault to criticize others. ——"Xunzi·BuGou"

Those who put righteousness first and then benefit will be honored; those who put benefit first and then righteousness will be disgraced. Those who are honored are always prosperous, and those who are humiliated are often poor. ——"Xunzi · Honor and Disgrace"

Justice is achieved but private affairs are blocked; justice is clear but private affairs are closed. ——"Xunzi: The Way of Kings"

The way of heaven is permanent, and it will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie. If you respond to it with governance, it will be good; if you respond with chaos, it will be bad. ——" Xunzi · Tian Lun "

If the territory is based and used sparingly, then the sky will not be poor; if it is nourished and moved, then the sky will not be sick; if it follows the Tao without hesitation, then the sky will not be able to cause disaster. ——"Xunzi·Tian Lun"

Thinking about the big sky, who can cut it with animals? If you praise it from heaven, who can use it to control the destiny of heaven? ——"Xunzi·Tian Lun"

The medlar wood will be straightened and then straightened by the yǐn and zhēng, and the blunt metal will be sharpened and sharpened by the lóng. Today's people are evil in nature, so they must wait for the teacher's teachings and then correct them, and they must learn etiquette and justice and then be cured. ——"Xunzi: Evil Nature"

There is no higher virtue than caring for people, and no higher virtue than being a good person for politics. ——"New Book·Correction"

The method of benevolence lies in loving others, not loving me; the method of righteousness lies in rectifying myself, not rectifying others. ——"Spring and Autumn Fanlu·Benevolence and Righteousness Law"

Human beings are transcendent and above all things, and they are the most noble in the world. ——"Spring and Autumn Dew·Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth"

Everyone is destined to die, which may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. ——" Bao Ren'an Shu"

When a person is one year old, he will plant it with grain; when he is ten years old, he will plant it with wood; when he is a hundred years old, he will be given virtue. Virtue is also called a character. ——"Historical Records·Biographies of Huo Zhi"

To learn to master, to think carefully, to make friends widely, to admire the reputation, to be tireless to the end, it can be said that you are eager to learn. ——"Fayan·Xuexing"

How to govern a country? Said: "Establishing the government." - "Fayan·Prophet"

What does it mean to teach? Those who teach are effective. The superiors do it and the inferiors follow it. ——"White Tiger Tongyi·Three Religions"

A wise man knows, he only sees what he has heard before, he is not confused about things, and he knows the smallest things. ——"White Tiger Tongyi·Xingqing"

Heaven is selfless and moves in the four seasons; earth is selfless and all things are born; people are selfless and enjoy chastity. ——"The Book of Loyalty·Chapter of the Gods of Heaven and Earth"

If you seek to benefit the country, you will not care about yourself. ——"The Book of Loyalty·Chapter of the Gods of Heaven and Earth"

A gentleman's journey is to cultivate one's character with tranquility and cultivate one's virtue with frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no way to reach far. ——"Collection of Zhuge Liang·Book of Commandments"

Living with good people is like entering a house of orchids, which will smell fragrant for a long time; living with evil people is like entering a house of abalones, which will smell bad for a long time. ——"Yan Family Instructions: Muxian"

When you see people reading dozens of volumes of books, you will think you are superior, ignore your elders, and look down on your peers... It is worse than being uneducated. ——"Yan's Family Instructions Encouraging Learning"

Scholars are still planting trees. They play with their beauty in spring and grow in reality in autumn. Discourses and articles are like spring flowers; self-cultivation and good conduct are like autumn fruits. ——"Yan's Family Instructions: Encouraging Learning"

A scholar when he is young is like the light of the rising sun; when he is an old scholar, he is like walking at night holding a candle, just like a wise man who closes his eyes and has no vision. ——"Yan's Family Instructions Encouraging Learning"

Food is the destiny of the people, and the people cannot survive without food. Without grain for three days, father and son cannot coexist. ——"Yan Family Instructions: Involved Affairs"

A gentleman cannot act unbelieving words and dishonest orders.The minister said that all people have died since ancient times, and people cannot stand without faith. ——"New Book of Tang Wei Zheng Biography"

If a husband can leave his body behind, he can then be selfless. Be selfless, and then you can be impartial. Zhigong, then take the world as your heart, and the Tao will be feasible. ——"Zhongshuo·Wei Xiang"

A teacher is a person who preaches the truth, receives knowledge and solves doubts. People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you are confused and do not follow the teacher, you will never be able to understand the confusion. Those who were born before me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them; those born after me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them. ——"Mr. Chang Li's Collection·Teacher's Comments"

Proficiency comes from diligence and playfulness, success comes from thinking and failure from following. ——"Mr. Changli's Collection·Jinxuejie"

The heart of a saint must be based on the Tao, which is not based on gods but on people. ——"Liu Zongyuan Collection"

The reason why martyrs are different from ordinary people is that they fight for loyalty and die for friendship. ——" Liu Mengde's Collected Works "

The way of heaven is in the growth of plants, and it is used to deal with strength and weakness; the way of man is in the legal system, and it is used in right and wrong. ——"Liu Mengde's Collected Works·Heavenly Theory"

Worry about the world's worries first, and rejoice after the world's happiness. ——"Fan Wenzhenggong Collection·Yueyang Tower"

The ruler of the world lies in talents, the person who becomes the world's talented is in education, the person who is responsible for vocational education is Confucianism, the person who leads the people through macro-education is the person in the county. , and the source of education is in school. ——"History of the Song Dynasty·Biography of Hu Yuan"

Those who uphold morality and justice, those who act faithfully, and those who cherish honor and integrity. ——"Collected Works of Ouyang Wenzhong Gong·On Clique"

Saints adapt to the circumstances of the times, King Wen 's time is different from Duke Zhou , so King Wen changes according to his time, and Duke Zhou changes according to his time. ——" Li Gou Collection "

I only love the lotus that comes out of the mud but is not stained, and washes the water without being evil. The middle is straight and the outer is straight, without vines or branches. The fragrance becomes clearer from afar, and the pavilions and pavilions are clean and planted. You can look at them from a distance but don't play with them. ——"Zhou Lianxi Collection·Ai Lian Shuo"

The four elements of benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom are pure when movement, stillness, speech, appearance, sight and hearing are all in harmony. If the heart is pure, then the virtuous and talented will assist, and if the virtuous and talented will assist, the world will be governed. ——"Tongshu·Zhi"

Those who believe in their husbands are a great treasure for people. The country is protected by the people, and the people are protected by trust. Without faith, one cannot win over the people. ——"Zi Zhi Tong Jian"

Establish a mind for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the livelihood of the people, inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations. ——"The Complete Book of Zhang Zi"

The people are my compatriots; the things are with me... Respect the elderly, so they grow older, and be kind to the lonely and weak, so they are young. ——"Zhengmeng Qiansheng"

Being perfect is called virtue, and being obedient is called blessing. Virtue is the foundation of happiness, and happiness is the result of virtue. ——"Zhengmeng Qiansheng"

A gentleman knows himself and is confident, and he is clear and clear. ——"Hengqu Yishuo·Xici"

The way to govern is based on obeying the people's hearts, improving people's livelihood, and keeping peace without disturbing the people. ——"Er Cheng's Collected Works"

The world is governed by gaining the virtuous; the world is not governed by losing the virtuous. ——"Er Cheng's Collected Works"

A gentleman's learning must be updated day by day. Those who are new every day are those who are advancing day by day. Those who are not renewed every day will inevitably retreat. There is no one who cannot advance but not retreat. ——"Er Cheng Quotations"

Sincerity is the way of heaven; respect is the foundation of human affairs. Respect is sincerity. ——"Quotes from the Ming Dao"

Anyone can be a saint, but a gentleman must learn from a saint. Anyone who is not a saint will give up on himself. ——"Er Cheng Collection·The Pure Words of the Cheng Family in Henan"

People must first make a determination, and determination has a foundation. For example, a tree must first have a root, and then cultivate it to become a tree that can embrace each other. ——"Quotations from Shangcai"

This truth can only be understood by connecting with the wise men from all directions, observing the affairs of the four directions, observing the situation of the mountains and rivers, and observing the rise and fall of ancient and modern times. ——"Zhu Zi's Language"

If you deal with things according to the principles of the world, it will be public; if you deal with your own private thoughts, you will be private. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

It must be true both externally and internally, without any hypocrisy. Then there is a place to advance into virtue, and virtue will be new with each passing day. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

No official is big or small, everything is just an official. If it is public, it will be wonderful to do. Just like a small official, people are afraid of the wind. If it is unfair, even the prime minister will have nothing to do no matter what he does. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

The reason why ordinary people stand upright and respond to things is nothing more than sincerity and respect. Who is sincere? It is also called not to deceive oneself or to be arrogant. Who do you respect? It is also called not to be lazy and not to be dissolute. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

The foundation of living for the people is to have enough food first.Because of the pragmatic nature of the country, all prefectures and counties have their duty to encourage farmers. ——"The Complete Works of Zhu Xi"

The foundation of learning lies in practice. If a disciple knows but does not act, sincerity is the same as not learning. However, if you want to do something but don't understand the principles, then those who practice it will not know what the consequences will be. ——"The Complete Works of Zhu Xi·Reply to Cao Yuanke"

The key to doing things is: to correct one's friendship without seeking benefit, to understand one's way without considering merit. ——"The Complete Works of Zhu Zi. Tips from Bailudong Academy"

The key to self-cultivation: be loyal in words, reverent in deeds, punish anger and suffocating desires, and correct mistakes. ——"The Encyclopedia of Zhu Xi·White Deer Cave Academy Tips"

If a scholar continues to strive for self-improvement, he will accumulate less and make more. If you stop in the middle, all your previous efforts will be wasted. Whether it stops or goes, it's all about me and no one else. ——"Commentaries on the Four Books·Analects of Confucius"

There are no fleas in hearing the Tao, but there are difficulties in practicing the Tao. However, if you can continuously improve yourself, you will achieve one thing. ——"Annotations to the Four Books: Chapters and Sentences of the Doctrine of the Mean"

People only suffer from lack of ambition, and those who have ambitions cannot succeed. ——"The Collection of Lu Jiuyuan"

Do not abuse yourself, give up on yourself, or surrender to yourself. ——"Lu Jiuyuan Collection"

spreads out the four bodies, and knows whether they exist or not. Officials, people, farmers and merchants can each live in their own place and enjoy their lives. ——" Chen Liangji "

Books are more rigid and soft than puppets, music has sound instruments, etiquette has prestige, things have rules, things have degrees, and life and morality are independent without transcendent relics. ——"Shuixin Farewell"

Since ancient times, no one has died, and his heart is still clear. ——"The Complete Works of Mr. Wenshan. Crossing the Lingding Ocean"

Saving it day by day and changing it day by day is what is called daily renewal and renewal. ——"Study Cases in Caolu"

The sage learns from primary school to be enlightened, while the unsage abandons learning and becomes comatose. ——"Xunzhizhai Collection"

Since ancient times, there has never been anyone who did not follow the people's will and won the world. ——" Reading Record "

Thousands of hammers carved out the deep mountains, and the fire burned them as if it were easy. Don't be afraid of being shattered into pieces, you want to leave your innocence in the world. ——"Collection of Yu Zhongsu·Yin of Lime"

Without determination, it is like a boat without a ship or a horse without a title, drifting and running, where will it end up? ——" The Complete Works of Wang Yangming "

The ancient saints had many benefits, but they were just selfless. Without me, I can only be humble. The humble is the foundation of all good; the proud is the chief of all evil. ——"The Complete Works of Yangming·Zhuan Xilu"

If you can talk about something, you can do it; if you can do something, you can know something. This is called true knowledge. If you just talk but don't do it, you will always have secret confusion when encountering problems. ——"With Xue Juncai Er"

To settle down is to settle down the family, and the family is in order; to settle down is to secure the country, and the country is governed; to settle down is to secure the world, and the world is peaceful. ——"The Posthumous Collection of Mr. Wang Xinzhai"

If the spirit is high, everything will be useless, and if the spirit is slack, everything will be useless. ——"Moaning Language·Governing the Way"

The method passed down from Confucius in the past is one of which is to be cautious about being alone, and the other is to be cautious about being alone. ——"The Complete Book of Liu Zi·Human Spectrum Continued"

If you are sincere, you are a human being, if you are false, you are a beast. ——"Mencius said"

Those who protect the world are so humble as ordinary people, how can they be held responsible! ——" Ri Zhi Lu "

In the words of Tao, selecting and appointing talented people who can help the country is the public of the world. ——"Du Tongjian Lun"

Examine your personal mistakes first, and then your mental mistakes, regret your past mistakes, and cut off their follow-up, and hope that there will be no impure thoughts and no breath of relaxation. ——"Er Qu Ji"

When we try to correct our mistakes, no matter how big or small, we must do it with all our strength. ——"Records of Mr. Yan Xizhai's Words and Actions·Reason and Desire"

To benefit the country's life and death, how can we avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings? ——"The Collection of Lin Zexu·Showing family members at the gate on the way to the garrison"

Kyushu is angry and relying on wind and thunder, it is sad to see ,000 horses in silence . I urge God to revitalize and send talents of any kind. ——"The Complete Works of Gong Zizhen·Ji Hai's Miscellaneous Poems"

Why write this book? Said: It was done to attack the barbarians with the barbarians, and it was done to learn the skills of the barbarians so as to control the barbarians. ——"Wei Yuan Ji Preface to Haiguo Tuzhi"

He stayed in a corner and drew his own territory, not knowing that there was sky outside the wall and there was land outside the body. He was just like the frog in the well and the knowledge of the snail country, which was just in the small west. ——"Hai Guo Tu Zhi"

Establishing virtue, establishing merit, establishing words, and establishing integrity are called the four immortals. ——"Wei Yuan Ji·Mo Gu Shang"

People's temperament is difficult to change due to their innate nature. Only reading can change the temperament. ——"Book of Teachings of Zeng Guofan"

Looking at the trend of all nations, if it can change, it will be prosperous, if it does not change, it will perish. Total changes will make you stronger, small changes will still kill you.——"The Sixth Book of the Shangqing Emperor"

When the world goes back, it is called the king. When the world does not go back, the people all disperse, and it is called a common man. ——"Confucius' Reform Examination"

The ruler is at the end of his life, and the people are at the root of it. A king is someone who does things for the people; a minister is someone who helps people do things for the people. Taxation comes from the people, so it is the capital for civil affairs. In this way, things are not done, and things are not done but people are changed. This is also the universal meaning of the world. ——"The Complete Works of Tan Sitong"

What China is short of today is not wisdom but integrity, not power but integrity... Only the moral can win. ——Zhang Taiyan's "The Morality of Revolution"

Treat the home as the home, the township as the township, the country as the country, and the world as the world. ——"Guanzi·Herdsmen"

Never forgetting the country in the face of adversity is loyalty. ——"Zuo Zhuan, Year of Zhao Gong"

seeks only the benefit of the country, but does not seek wealth. ——"Book of Rites·Confucianism"

The journey of the great road means that the world is public. ——"Book of Rites"

sacrificed his life to go to the national disaster, and regarded death as if he were returning home. ——Cao Zhi's "White Horse"

The patriotism of martyrs is also like home. ——Ge Hong's "Baopuzi·Waipian·Guangji"

Worry about the world's worries first, and rejoice after the world's happiness. ——Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower"

Even though I am humble, I dare not forget about my country. ——Lu You's "Sickness arose from the Book"

Chang Si worked hard and sacrificed himself for the country's needs regardless of his own safety. ——"Book of Han·Sima Qian's Biography"

Since ancient times, no one has died, leaving a loyal heart to illuminate history. ——Wen Tianxiang's "Crossing the Lingding Ocean"

Serve the country with loyalty. ——"History of the Song Dynasty: Biography of Yue Fei"

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. ——Gu Yanwu's "Rizhilu·Zhengshi"

Worrying about the country and forgetting about home, sacrificing one's life to help those in need is the ambition of a loyal minister. ——Cao Zhi's "Seeking Self-Sincerity"

No matter how big a country is, if it is warlike, it will perish; although the world is safe, if it forgets to fight, it will be in danger. ——"Sima Fa"

Scholars are committed to the Tao, but they are ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat badly, which is not enough to discuss. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

A scholar cannot be without great perseverance, and there is a long way to go. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Tai Bo"

Those who are not strong in ambition are not wise. ——"Mozi · Self-cultivation"

Aim high. ——"The Collection of Zhuge Liang·Book of Admonitions to Nephews"

Without indifference, there is no way to clear one's ambition, and without tranquility, there is no way to go far. ——"Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments""

Where there is a will, there is a way. ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Geng Yan"

If the ambition is small, it will be easy to stop, but if it is too small, there will be no progress. ——Zhang Zai's "Confucian Classics Liku·Xue Da Yuan Xia"

Those who accomplished great things in ancient times not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance and perseverance. ——Su Shi's "Chao Cuo Lun"

If you have ambitions, you will not grow old, but if you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain. ——Shi Chengjin, "Heirlooms·Proverbs and Herdsmen"

In ancient times, those who wanted to show virtue to the world first governed their country; those who wanted to govern their country, first organized their families; those who wanted to regulate their families, first cultivated their own bodies; To rectify one's body, one must first rectify one's mind; if one wants to rectify one's mind, one must first be sincere in one's mind; if one wants to be sincere in one's intention, one must first develop knowledge, and knowledge lies in observing things. After observing things, one will know, and after knowing one's thoughts, one will be sincere, one's mind will be sincere, then one's heart will be upright, one's heart will be right, then one will cultivate the body, if one cultivates one's body, then the family will be in order, if the family is in order, the country will be governed, and if the country is governed, then the world will be peaceful. ——"Book of Rites·University"

There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the clouds and sails will hang directly to help the sea. ——Li Bai's "Three Poems on a Difficult Journey"

The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the ambition. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zihan"

A person with lofty ideals and a benevolent person will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will kill himself to achieve benevolence. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

Don't lower your ambitions and don't disgrace your body. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zi"

Wealth and honor cannot be lascivious, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot bend. ——"Mencius·Teng Wen Gong"

If you are poor, you can be good for yourself; if you are great, you can be good for the world. ——"Mencius: Devotion to the Heart"

Everyone is destined to die, which may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. ——Sima Qian's "Historical Records: Report to Ren An"

Don't betray for poverty, don't change your mind for lowliness. ——Huan Kuan's "Salt and Iron Theory·Guang Di"

It is better to have jade broken into pieces than to be completely tiled. ——"Book of Northern Qi·Biography of Yuan Jing'an"

It emerges from the mud but is not stained, and washes the clear ripples without being demonic. ——Zhou Dunyi's "Ai Lian Shuo"

When the time comes, we can see each other and draw pictures one by one. ——Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness"

Fame is more important than Mount Tai, while profit is less important than a feather. ——Yu Qian's "Untitled"

insists that the green mountains will not relax, and the roots are still in the broken rocks. It has endured countless blows but is still strong, regardless of the wind from the southeast or the northwest.——Zheng Xie (xiè) "Inscriptions on Bamboo and Stone"

When using figures, you must ask clearly. If you don't ask, it is stealing. ——"Disciple Regulations"

Heaven moves in good health, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement. ——"Book of Changes·Qian·Xiang"

He who conquers others is powerful, and he who conquers himself is strong. ——"Laozi" Chapter 33

Don't complain about heaven, don't blame others. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

When heaven is about to entrust a person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions. ——"Mencius Gaozi Xia"

Born in sorrow and died in happiness. ——"Mencius Gaozi Xia"

The road is far away, I will search up and down. ——Qu Yuan's "Li Sao"

If you cultivate yourself and strengthen yourself, you will be worthy of Yao and Yu. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

He who can defeat a strong enemy must first conquer himself. ——"The Book of Shang Jun·Painting Strategy"

The old man is full of ambitions and has great ambitions; the martyrs are ambitious in their old age. ——Cao Cao's "The Turtle Lives Longevity"

There are many difficulties in front of us. Since ancient times, men should strive for self-improvement. ——Li Xian's "Giving People Away"

Live as a hero, and die as a ghost. ——Li Qingzhao's "Wujiang"

Make further progress. ——Zhu Xi's "Reply to Gong Zhongzhi"

My fate is determined by me and not by God. ——Ge Hong's "Baopuzi Neipian"

I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after all the money I have spent. ——Li Bai's "Going into Wine"

There is no end to the road. ——"Surprise at the First Moment"

I believe that the reason why the heaven and the earth are endless, the reason why the country is established, and the reason why the virtues of the virtuous people can be great and long-lasting are all done sincerely. ——Zeng Guofan's "Fu He Couple Geng Zhongcheng"

Rhetoric establishes his sincerity. ——"Book of Changes·Qian·Classical Chinese"

If it is not refined and sincere, it cannot move people. ——"Zhuangzi·Father of Fish"

Breaking one's word and breaking one's promise. ——"Zuo Zhuan·The 22nd Year of Duke Xiang"

A light promise will lead to a low faith. ——"Laozi" Chapter 63

A promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold. ——"Historical Records·Biography of Ji Bu Luan Bu"

If you don't believe it enough, you can't believe it if you have it. ——Chapter 17 of Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

One's merits cannot be achieved in vain, and one's reputation cannot be falsely established. ——"Ban Gu's "Answering the Guest""

Words of faith are not beautiful, good words are not believed; good people do not argue, and debaters are not good; knowledgeable people do not know well, and knowledgeable people do not know. ——"Laozi Chapter 81"

If you accept someone with a letter, the world will trust you; if you don't accept someone with a letter, your wife will be suspicious of you. ——Yang Quan's "Theory of Physics"

When making a statement, faith comes first, deception and treachery are the only way to ridicule. ——"Disciple Rules"

There is no shame in doing what is right for oneself. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

Having no shame or disgust is not a human being. ——"Mencius·Gongsun Chou"

People must insult themselves, and then others will insult them. ——"Mencius Li Lou Shang"

People cannot be shameless, shameless, shameless. ——"Mencius: Dedicate Your Heart"

Knowing shame is almost courageous. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

People must love themselves, and then others will love others; People must respect themselves, and then others will respect others. ——Yang Xiong's "Fayan·Junzi"

If a person has a sense of shame, he can refrain from doing anything. ——Zhu Xi's "Zhu Zi Yu Lei" Volume 13

If all scholars know that there is shame, then the country will never be shameless. ——Gong Zizhen, "Ming Liang Lun II"

If you see good things, move on, and if you make mistakes, change them. ——"Book of Changes·Yi·Xiang"

Don't hesitate to make corrections. ——"Shang Shu·Zhong Hui (huǐ)'s Edict"

If you don't seek preparation for others, if you fail to check yourself. ——"Shang Shu Yi Xun"

Who has no fault? There is no greater good than being able to correct the past. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Second Year of Xuangong"

To make mistakes without correcting them is to say that we have made mistakes. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

Using copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes; using ancient times as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs; using people as a mirror, you can know gains and losses. ——"Old Tang Book Biography of Wei Zheng"

Those who speak are not guilty, but those who hear are warned. ——Bai Juyi's "Nine Books of the Yuan Dynasty"

It is unwise to make mistakes without knowing them; it is not courageous to know but not be able to change them. ——Li Gou's "Book of Changes Ninth"

You will be happy when you have heard about it, you will not hide your mistakes when you know them, and you will not be afraid to correct them. ——Lu Jiuyuan "With Fu Quanmei"

If something is wrong, change it, if not, encourage it. ——Zhu Xi's "Annotations on Four Books"

It is not more valuable than having no mistakes, but more valuable than being able to correct them. ——"Wang Shouren's "Repair""

To correct one's faults and to do good ones is called "cultivation". ——Yan Yuan's "Records of the Words and Deeds of Mr. Yan Xizhai"

Good medicine is bitter in the mouth and good for the disease, and loyal words are unpleasant to the ears and good for action.——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Therefore, a gentleman should be careful about what he does not see and be afraid of what he does not hear. Don't see what's hidden, don't show what's subtle, so a gentleman should be cautious about being alone. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean"

It is difficult to have a full day without any intention. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo Chapter"

Who do you respect? It is also called not to be lazy and not to be dissolute. ——"Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

Insight into worldly affairs is knowledge, and understanding of human feelings is all articles. ——Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions Chapter 5"

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

If you are wide, you will win. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo"

Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

Don't hide people's goodness, don't talk about people's evil. ——"Warring States Policy·Wei Policy"

People are my compatriots; things are with me. ——Zhang Zai's "Zhengmeng Qiansheng"

Those who make good use of power will not be lightly angry, and those who make good use of kindness will not give it in vain. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi · Connecting Things"

You must leave room for things, and be strict with your responsibilities. ——Jin Ying's "Proverbs Lian Bi · Connecting Things"

When people are strong, I use softness to overcome them; when people use skills, I feel them with sincerity; when people use anger, I use reason to bend them. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi·Connecting Things"

Always think about your own mistakes while sitting quietly, and don't talk about others' faults in small talk. ——Jin Ying's "Proverbs Lian Bi·Connecting Things"

Treat villains with kindness, and guard against villains with strictness. ——Jin Ying's "Proverbs Lian Bi·Jie Wu Lei"

There is no evil greater than indulging one's own desires, and no disaster is greater than the fault of others. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi · Connecting Things"

Those who give little and have high expectations will not repay it, and those who are noble and forget the humble will soon be rewarded. ——"Su Shu·Zunyi"

If small achievements are not rewarded, great achievements will not be made; if small grievances are not forgiven, big grievances will inevitably arise. ——"Su Shu·Zunyi"

Only the benevolent can do good to others and do evil to others. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

If you love without the Tao, you will be harmed by it. ——Volume 96 of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"

Confucius said: "Virtue is never alone, it must have neighbors." - "The Analects of Confucius"

The wise enjoy water, the benevolent enjoy mountains; the wise are active, the benevolent are quiet; the wise are happy, and the benevolent live long. . ——"The Analects of Confucius"

The most important thing is to cultivate oneself with a pure heart, and the first thing to do when dealing with the world is to be cautious in speaking. ——Jin Ying's "Motto Lian Bi·Jie Wu Lei"

Staying contented and living in poverty is so leisurely, but those who do good things tend to seek trouble; maintaining profits and maintaining peace, one must be patient, and those who rely on strength will bring about their own destruction. ——Wang Yongbin's "Night Talk Around the Fireplace"

When two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can break through metal. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

Being kind and kind to one's neighbors is a national treasure. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Yin Gong Sixth Year"

When it comes to rituals, harmony is the most valuable thing. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

A gentleman is harmonious but different, a villain is harmonious but not harmonious. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

A gentleman is harmonious but not fluent. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

The right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the right people. ——"Mencius Gongsun Chou"

If a thousand people are of the same mind, they can gain thousands of manpower; if ten thousand people are of different minds, there will be no use for one person. ——"Huainanzi · Military Training"

A single person is easy to break, but a group of people is difficult to destroy. ——Cui Hong, "The Spring and Autumn Period of the Thirty Kingdoms·Western Qin Dynasty"

To treat others harmoniously, to be lenient to others, and to treat others with forgiveness, this is what a gentleman is. ——Lin Bu's "Saving Heart Record"

Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer"

The beauty of a gentleman is the beauty of an adult, but the evil of an adult is not. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan"

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship between villains is as sweet as wine. A gentleman is indifferent to intimacy, but a villain is willing to give up. ——"Zhuangzi·Shanmu"

If you are capable, don't be selfish. If others are capable, don't take it lightly. ——"Disciple Rules"

If the possessions are light, why should we complain? If we endure the words, we will let go of our anger. ——"Disciple Rules"

When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are careful, there will be no disciples. ——"The Book of Rites of Great Dai"

Reciprocity should be reciprocated. It is not polite to go back and forth. It is not polite to come but not go. ——"Book of Rites"

The couple will be harmonious and then the family will be successful. ——"Young School Qionglin Couple"

Brothers are harmonious and friends are honest. ——Chen Zi'ang's "Motto"

Don't forget the friendship between the poor and the humble, and the wife of the chaff will not go to court. ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Song Hong"

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, the son wants to be raised but the relatives do not wait. ——"Confucius' Family Sayings Volume 2: Thoughts 8"

I'm sorry for my parents, they gave birth to me. ——"The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Polygonum"

Parents should do their best.——"The Analects of Confucius·Xue Er"

A father is kind and teaches. ——"Zuo Zhuan·The 26th Year of Zhaogong"

Those who love their relatives dare not be evil to others; those who respect their relatives do not dare to be rude to others. ——"The Book of Filial Piety: The Son of Heaven"

Filial piety lies in substance, not in appearance. ——Huan Kuan's "Salt and Iron Theory: Filial Piety"

Whoever speaks from the heart will be rewarded with three rays of spring. ——"Meng Jiao's "Wandering Son's Song""

If the father is unkind, the son will be unfilial. ——Yan Zhitui's "Yan Family Instructions: Managing the Family"

There are thousands of classics, filial piety and brotherhood come first. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Sheep have the kindness of kneeling to breastfeed, and crows have the meaning of feeding back. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Parents must listen to their teachings; parents must obey their responsibilities. ——"Disciple Regulations"

If a person is unkind, how can he be polite? If people are not benevolent, what joy will there be? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Bayi (yì)"

If you love others with the same heart as you love yourself, you will be fully benevolent. ——Zhang Zai's "Zhengmeng·Zhongzheng"

Those who do too much injustice will surely die. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Yin Gong Year"

Righteousness brings profit, and profit enriches the people. ——"Guoyu·Jinyu"

Seeing benefits and thinking about meaning. ——"The Analects·Xianwen"

See the meaning. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Ji Shi"

Meaning, aspire to take the world as our blessing. ——"Mozi·Jingshuo 1"

Taking something out of something that does not exist is not righteous. ——"Mencius: Devoting Your Heart"

Life is what I want, and righteousness is also what I want. You cannot have both, and you are willing to sacrifice life for righteousness. ——"Mencius Gaozi 1"

He who puts righteousness first and then benefit is honored; he who puts benefit first and then righteousness is disgraced. ——"Xunzi·Honor and Disgrace"

Never avoid difficulties. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

The law of righteousness lies in correcting myself, not in correcting others. ——Dong Zhongshu's "Spring and Autumn Fanlu·Benevolence and Righteousness Law"

Righteousness nourishes the heart; benefit nourishes the body. ——Dong Zhongshu "Spring and Autumn Blossoms·The nourishment of the body is more important than righteousness"

A gentleman regards righteousness as a quality, gains righteousness more seriously, loses righteousness less, takes righteousness as a source of honor, and betrays righteousness as a disgrace. ——Lu Jiuyuan "With Guo Bangyi"

regards death as home. ——"Guanzi·Xiaokuang"

Taking the lead in justice is courage. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Sixteenth Year of Duke Ai"

Failure to do what is right is a lack of courage. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

A benevolent person must be brave, but a brave person does not have to be benevolent. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

A benevolent person will not worry, a knowledgeable person will not be confused, and a brave person will not be afraid. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

The meaning of justice is not to lean on power and ignore its benefits. ——"Xunzi · Honor and Disgrace"

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Biography of Ban Chao"

Xiaoyong is what is done by blood; great courage is what is done by justice. ——Zhu Xi's "Annotations on Chapters and Sentences of the Four Books"

A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. ——Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

If a person does not learn, he is still standing on the wall. ——"Shang Shu"

If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool; if a person does not learn, he will not know. ——"Book of Rites·Xue Ji"

The tree of Hebao is born from the smallest grain; the nine-story platform starts from tired soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ——"Laozi" Chapter 64

Learn it extensively, interrogate it, think carefully, discern it clearly, and practice it diligently. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

If a person can do something with one thing, he can do it with a hundred things; if a person can do it with ten things, he can do it with a thousand things. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean"

If you don't learn enough, you are still afraid of losing it. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Taibo"

Reviewing the past and learning the new can become a teacher. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

Isn't it true that one should learn from time to time and practice it? ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xue Er"

Learning without thinking is a waste, and thinking without learning is peril. ——"The Analects of Confucius: For Politics"

Be tireless in learning and tireless in teaching. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

is sensitive and eager to learn, and is not ashamed to ask questions. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Gongye Chang"

Believe in learning and stick to the good way. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Taibo"

I try not to eat all day long, stay up all night, thinking, it is useless, it is not as good as learning. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

Be knowledgeable and determined, ask questions carefully and think deeply. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zizhang"

When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Shuer"

When you see the virtuous, you think about it, and when you see the virtuous, you have to introspect yourself. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren"

is eager to learn but not hesitant. ——"Zuo Zhuan"

explains it eruditely and in detail, and will talk about it in reverse. ——"Mencius Li Lou Xia"

It is better to have no "Book" than to believe in the "Book". ——"Mencius: Try your best to learn"

Learn until you don't stop.——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

Learning is impossible. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

Know and be willing to ask questions, and then you can learn. ——"Xunzi"

A good scholar fakes others' strengths to make up for their shortcomings. ——"Lu's Spring and Autumn Period·Yongzhong"

Read more than ten thousand volumes, and write like a spirit. ——Du Fu's "Twenty-Two Rhymes Presented to Wei Zuocheng"

Actions are accomplished by thinking and destroyed by following. ——Han Yu's "Jinxuejie"

The sage's impermanence teacher. ——Han Yu's "Teacher's Theory"

Learning is as valuable as a teacher, and it is also valuable as a friend. ——Tang Zhen's "Qianshu·Lectures"

If a young man does not work hard, the old man will be sad. ——The ancient Yuefu poem of the Han Dynasty "Long Song Xing"

Read it a hundred times, and its meaning will become apparent. ——"Three Kingdoms·Wei Zhi"

Learning without converting is not learning. ——"Song Dynasty Yang Wanli"

Those who don't know enough are eager to learn, and those who are ashamed to ask are complacent. ——Lin Bu's "Records of Saving Hearts"

Learning without knowing is the same as not learning; knowing but not being able to do it is the same as not knowing. ——"Huang Jing"

Be knowledgeable and appreciative, accumulate thick and thin. ——Su Shi's "Jia Shuo Farewell to Zhang Hu"

Don't wait for a while. The young man's head has turned white, and he is full of sorrow. ——Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong · Writing Huai"

I am determined to learn when I am ten, stand up at thirty, have no doubts at forty, know the destiny of heaven at fifty, my ears are obedient at sixty, follow my heart's desires at seventy-two, and do not exceed the rules. ——"The Analects of Confucius"

I know it silently, I am not tired of learning, I am not tired of teaching others, what is it for me? ——"The Analects of Confucius"

There are three ways to read, namely, the heart, the eyes, and the mouth. ——Zhu Xi's "Xun Xue Zhai Gui"

He who knows and likes to ask is a sage, and he who is brave and likes to ask wins. ——"Word·Nature"

If you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become a river. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

When the book is used, it will be less regrettable. ——"Zeng Guang Xian Wen"

Diligence leads to excellence in work, but playfulness leads to waste. ——Han Yu's "Jinxuejie"

A good farmer will not cultivate because of floods and droughts, a good businessman will not do business if he is not doing business, and a gentleman will not neglect the Tao because of poverty. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

There are roads in the mountain of books and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work is the boat. ——"Han Yu"

It will be a good time next year, and I will watch your progress. ——Dao Qian's "Ci Yun Kong Tianrui's Letter to the Scholar"

The lights are on at three o'clock and the chicken is on at five o'clock. It's when men are studying. Black-haired people don't know how to study early, and white-haired people regret studying late. ——Yan Zhenqing's "Poems to Encourage Learning"

My life also has a limit, but my knowledge also has no limit. ——"Zhuangzi·Internal Chapter"

It is difficult for a young man to learn from an old man, and an inch of time cannot be taken lightly. I haven't noticed the dream of spring grass in the pond, but the phoenix leaves in front of the steps have already sounded in autumn. ——Zhu Xi's "Poems to Encourage Learning·Occurrence"

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly by. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Time passes by, and the seasons flow. ——Kong Rong's "On Prosperity and Filial Piety"

A hundred gold can buy a horse, a thousand gold can buy a beauty; ten thousand gold can buy a noble prince, but where can you buy youth. ——Qu Fu's "Accidental Works"

I advise you not to cherish your gold-threaded clothes, and I advise you to cherish your youth. Flowers are ready to be broken when they bloom, but don’t wait until there are no flowers left to break branches. ——Anonymous "Golden Thread Clothes"

The waves of the sky are easy to fade away, but the heat is hard to stay. ——"Wang Bo"

Don't eat enough to live the whole day, don't give up your efforts in an inch of yin. ——"Ge Hong"

Flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young. ——"Guan Hanqing's "The Injustice of Dou E""

When you are young, you should be in time, but if you waste time, you will grow old. ——"Han Yuefu·Midnight Song"

An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Don't take it easy. The young man's head has turned gray, and it is empty and sad. ——Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong·Writing Hues"

A year's plan begins in spring, and a day's plan begins in the morning. ——Xiao Yi's "Compilation"

Many things are always urgent; the world is turning and time is running out. ten thousand years is too long, fight for now. ——Mao Zedong's "Man Jiang Hong"

The prime years will never come again, and it will be difficult to morning again. Be encouraged in time, time waits for no one. ——Tao Yuanming's "Miscellaneous Poems"

html At the age of 0, the string is removed and the arrow is spitted out. ——"Meng Jiao"

Tomorrow comes tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows. If I wait for tomorrow, everything will be wasted. If the world is tired of tomorrow, spring will pass and autumn will come, and old age will come. ——Qian Fu's "Tomorrow's Song"

The moon cannot surpass the sun, the hour cannot surpass the moon, and the year cannot surpass the hour. ——"Xunzi·Strengthening the Country"

The east corner has passed away, and it is not too late to mulberry trees. ——Wang Bo's "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion"

The sun and the moon have passed away, and the years are not with me. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yang Huo"

A man with lofty ideals cherishes his years, a wise man cherishes his days, and a sage cherishes his time.——"Mo Gu·Xue Chapter"

A young man works hard all his life, and should not waste time and effort. ——Du Xunhe's "Inscription on My Brother and Nephew's Bookstore"

Ruthless hates the flowing water in the east, and secretly pursues the beauty of the years without returning it. ——Tang Yanqian's "Autumn Feelings"

Guests come and go every day, and flowers bloom and fall every year. ——Xu Bi's "Freehand Expression"

Abandoning jewelry in pursuit of shade. ——Zhao Ye's "The Spring and Autumn Period of Wu and Yue·The Biography of Gou Jian's Becoming a Minister"

It's a hundred years in life. It's a pity not to have it today. ——Wen Jia's "Today's Theory"

The sunlight outside the window flickered by, and the shadows of flowers moved between the seats in front of the banquet. ——"The Four Sages"

A foot of wave is easy to flow, but an inch of shade is difficult to protect. ——"New Book of Tang·Concubine"

He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. ——"Laozi" Chapter 33

Contentment will not disgrace, knowledge will not end. ——"Laozi" Chapter 44

Misfortunes lie on the back of blessings, and blessings lie on the backs of misfortunes. ——"Laozi" Chapter 58

The sage chooses what can be said before speaking, and chooses what is feasible before doing anything. ——"Guanzi·Situation Interpretation"

Think twice before you act. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Gongye Chang"

Haste makes waste, and small gains mean that big things will not happen. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu"

People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Linggong"

The embankment of a thousand feet collapsed with the holes of ants. ——"Han Feizi·Yu Lao"

It is not too late to make up for the lost sheep. ——"Warring States Policy·Chu Policy"

A difference of even a hair is a thousand miles away. ——"Book of Rites·Jingjing"

Everything will be established if it is forewarned, and it will be ruined if it is not forewarned. ——"The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean"

Only the Taoist can prepare for dangers before they arise. ——"Guanzi·Herdsmen"

Be prepared for danger when you are in times of peace, and you will be prepared if you are prepared. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Eleventh Year of Duke Xiang"

Never forget the past and be the guide for the future. ——"Warring States Policy·Zhao Ce"

The car in front is overturned, and the car behind is warned. ——"Book of Han Jia Yi Biography"

Pride cannot last long, desire cannot be indulged, ambition cannot be fulfilled, and happiness cannot be extreme. ——"Book of Rites·Qu Lishang"

Good deeds cannot be said to be small and useless, and bad deeds cannot be said to be small and harmless. ——Jia Yi's "New Book·Review"

The decision is made within the curtain of planning, and the victory is won thousands of miles away. ——"Historical Records: The Chronicles of Emperor Gaozu"

Joy cannot be extreme, and extreme joy can lead to sorrow; desire cannot be indulged, and indulging in desire can lead to disaster. ——Wu Jing's "Zhenguan Politicians·Criminal Law"

Husband's misfortunes are often accumulated in the subtle, while wisdom and bravery are often trapped in the drowning. ——"New History of the Five Dynasties·Preface to the Biography of Ling Guan"

If you are careful to end as you began, you will never fail. ——"Laozi's "Tao Te Ching""

The auxiliary car depends on each other, and the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Fifth Year of Lu Xigong"

Soldiers have no constant momentum, and water has no constant shape. Those who can win due to changes in the enemy are called gods. ——"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Virtual Reality Chapter"

Work hard all day long and keep pace with the times. ——"Book of Changes, Qian Dynasty, Classical Chinese"

The daily innovation is called Shengde. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be general, and if you are general, you will be long-term. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

Virtue and dignity are renewed day by day. ——Volume 9 of Kang Youwei's "Analects of Confucius"

But progress means innovation every day. ——Liang Qichao's "Young China Theory"

Green is taken from blue and green comes from blue. ——"Xunzi Encouraging Learning"

A gentleman's learning must be updated day by day, and those who are updated day by day will make progress. Those who are not renewed every day will inevitably retreat. There is no one who cannot advance but not retreat. ——Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi's "Er Cheng Collection· The Posthumous Letters of the Cheng Family in Henan"

To learn, you must realize that what is right now is not what yesterday was, and that it is progress that changes with each passing day. ——Volume 8 of Zhu Xi's "Zhu Zi Yu Lei"

If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to a higher level. ——Wang Zhihuan, "Climbing the Stork and Magpie Tower"

Thousands of sails passed by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of spring trees were in front of the diseased trees. ——Liu Yuxi "Rewarding Lotte at the First Banquet in Yangzhou"

A gentleman avoids difficulties with frugality. ——"Book of Changes·No"

A gentleman's journey is to cultivate one's character through tranquility and cultivate one's virtue through frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no far-reaching goal. ——Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments"

Be diligent in your country and frugal in your family. ——"Shang Shu Dayu Mo"

Frugality is the common virtue; extravagance is the greatest evil. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Twenty-Four Years of Duke Zhuang"

People's livelihood depends on diligence, and diligence leads to failure. ——"Zuo Zhuan·Xuan Gong Twelve Years"

Frugality leads to prosperity, while immorality leads to death. ——"Mozi Ci Guo"

It is noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil. Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey. ——Li Shen's "Compassion for the Farmers"

Looking at the virtuous countries and families in the past, success was caused by diligence and frugality, and failure was caused by extravagance.——Li Shangyin's "Ode to History"

Worry and labor can rejuvenate a country, and leisure can perish. ——"New History of the Five Dynasties·Preface to the Biography of Lingguan"

It is easy to move from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to move from luxury to frugality. ——Sima Guang's "Xun Jian Shi Kang"

Take it in moderation and use it in an orderly manner, and you will always have enough. ——Volume 234 of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"

Only frugality can help integrity, but forgiveness can become a virtue. ——"History of the Song Dynasty·Biography of Fan Chunren"

A porridge and a meal, when thinking about the hard-won; half a thread, half a thread, constant thoughts on the difficulty of material resources. ——Zhu Bolu's "Motto of Managing a Family"

If you have time to live and use it without restraint, your material resources will be exhausted. In ancient times, the rule of the world was extremely delicate, so its accumulation was sufficient to rely on. ——"Book of Han"

According to the historical perspective, if there is a family and a country, what is gained is all due to frugality; what is lost is all due to luxury. ——"Essentials of the World"

Those who are extravagant are in ruins and those who are frugal are at peace. One evil and one good are in front of you. ——Bai Juyi's "The Vast Grass - Punishment for a Rich Burial"

Use the public to destroy private interests, and the people will accept it. ——"Shang Shu·Zhou Guan"

The righteousness destroys relatives. ——"Zuo Zhuan: The Fourth Year of Yin Gong"

If you know the interests of the public, you should do everything you know and be loyal. ——"Zuo Zhuan·The Ninth Year of Xi Gong"

Gong produces light, but partial produces darkness. ——"Xunzi·BuGong"

The journey of the great road means that the world is for the common good. ——"Book of Rites·Liyun"

The country has forgotten its family, the public has forgotten its selfishness, and it is not only righteousness that only benefits are obtained, and harm is not done away with. ——Jia Yi's "New Book·Class"

When weighing the left and right, it is selfless, so it can be balanced; when it is weighed between the inside and outside, it is selfless, so it can be right. ——"Huainanzi·Zhushu Xun"

Being impartial and selfless, one word can bring peace to all people. ——"Huainanzi·Xiu Wu Xun"

Obeying the public is like the law of the upper and lower levels. ——"Historical Records·Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru"

Don't distinguish between relatives and strangers, no distinction between high and low, just stick to the law. ——"Historical Records·Tai Shi Gong's Preface"

There is nothing better than being honest when you are facing an official position, and nothing is better than being honest when you are facing wealth. ——Liu Xiang's "Shuo Yuan Zhengli"

The saint dare not abolish punishment because of the kindness of relatives, and dare not abolish celebration and reward because of the anger of resentment. ——Xu Qian's "Zhonglun·Reward and Punishment"

Work hard and die. ——Zhuge Liang's "Later's Discipline"

If there is a public heart, there must be justice, and if there is justice, there must be a metric system. ——Fu Xuan's "Fu Zi·Tongzhi"

If you have merit, you will be rewarded, if you are guilty, you will be punished. ——Sima Guang's "Notes on the Essentials of Learning to Govern the Country with Heart"

Only fairness will bring brilliance, and only integrity will bring authority. ——Shi Chengjin's "Heirloom·Shen Yu"

If everyone loves the public, the world will be peaceful; if everyone is selfish, the world will be in chaos. ——Liu E's "Lao Can's Travel Notes" Chapter 9

Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, this is knowing. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng"

A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his actions. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen"

Although scholars have knowledge, their behavior is fundamental. ——"Mozi · Self-cultivation"

Although the way is far away, it cannot be done if it is impossible; although the thing is small, it cannot be done if it is not done. ——"Xunzi · Self-cultivation"

Those who are good at speaking about the past must have a sense of the present, and those who are good at speaking about heaven must have proof for others. ——"Xunzi: Evil Nature"

Be careful in your words and careful in your deeds. ——"Book of Rites·缁衣"

A gentleman learns hard and practices it. ——Yang Xiong's "Fayan·Cultivation of the Self"

Seek truth from facts. ——"Book of Han·The Biography of King Liu De in Hejian"

Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times. ——"Book of Han·Zhao Chongguo Biography"

If you are envious of fish in the abyss, it is better to retreat and build a net. ——"Book of Han·Biography of Dong Zhongshu"

A name must have reality, and a deed must have merit. ——Xun Yue's "Shenjian·Susuan"

Play a thousand tunes and then the dawn will sound, watch a thousand swords and then recognize the weapon. ——Liu Xie's "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons·Zhiyin"

After reading it on paper, I finally realize that it is shallow, and I definitely know that this matter must be carried out. ——Lu You's "Winter Night Reading Shows Ziyu"

Walk every day, don't be afraid of thousands of miles, do it often, don't be afraid of thousands of things. ——"Proverbs Lian Bi·Handling Things"

Difficult things in the world must be done in the easy way; great things in the world must be done in the details. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

If you see something that is not true, do not speak lightly; if you know something that is true, do not pass it lightly. ——"Disciple Rules"

Sitting on this mountain and looking at that mountain will accomplish nothing. ——Zeng Guofan's "Dedication and Joy of Industry"

Act according to your position and do not want to be outside of it. ——"Book of Rites· Doctrine of the Mean"

When the Lord is incompetent, he is respectful. ——"Er Cheng·Cui Yan"

Those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy. ——"The Analects of Confucius·Yong Ye"

Use your will without distinction, but focus on God.——"Zhuangzi Dasheng"

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. ——"Three Kingdoms·Book of Shu·Biography of the First Master"

A house that accumulates good deeds will surely be blessed; a house that accumulates bad deeds will surely have lingering disasters. ——"Zhouyi·Kun·Wenyan"

But do good deeds and don't ask about the future. ——"Zeng Guang's Essence of the Past"

To follow the good is like ascending, and to follow the evil is like falling down. ——"Guoyu·Zhou Yuxia"

Accumulate good deeds and become virtuous, and the gods will be satisfied. ——"Xunzi·Encouragement to Learning"

When you see people being kind, you think of them as equals. Even if you go far away, you will gradually get closer. ——"Disciple Rules"

A gentleman should always be kind to others. ——"Mencius·Gongsun Chou"

A good word with others is warmer than cloth; a word that hurts others is deeper than a spear or halberd. ——"Xunzi · Honor and Disgrace"

The best is like water, water is good for all things without dispute. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

There are three friends who benefit and three friends who harm. Friends who are straight, friends who are understanding, and friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial. If you have friends, you will be brave. If you are friendly, you will be gentle. If you have friends, you will be sycophantic, which is a loss. ——"The Analects of Confucius"

I am angry when I hear it, and I am happy when I hear the praise. It harms my friends but does not benefit my friends. ——"Disciple Regulations"

Everyone in the world knows that taking is taking, but no one knows that taking with it is taking. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty"

A gentleman values ​​others but despises himself, putting others before himself. ——"Book of Rites·Interview"

When encountering injustice on the road, draw your sword to help. ——Ma Zhiyuan's "Chen Qing Gao Lie"

The patient's illness is the worry of others. ——Bai Juyi's "Celin"

Whenever there is an emergency, put others before yourself. ——Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms·Shu"

Good things must be given to each other, and bad things must not be pushed away. ——Wang Fanzhi, "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty"

Although prosperity is destined, it also depends on hard work; although longevity and longevity are innate, it still accumulates many negative virtues. ——Wang Yongbin's "Night Talk around the Fireplace"

If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster. The virtue is weak but the position is high, the wisdom is small but the plan is big, the strength is small but the responsibility is heavy, it is rare to be inferior to it. ——"Book of Changes·Xici"

modest benefits, full losses. ——"Shang Shu"

If you are light, you will lose your roots; if you are impetuous, you will lose your authority. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

If you love too much, you will spend a lot of money; if you hide too much, you will perish. If you know what you are content with and don’t be disgraced, if you know how to stop without being lazy, you can last a long time. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

I have three treasures, which I hold on to and protect: the first is compassion, the second is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

If you don't see yourself, you will be enlightened; if you don't know yourself, you will be enlightened; if you don't cut yourself off, you will have merit; if you are not self-conscious, you will grow. The husband does not fight, so no one in the world can fight with him. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

A song is complete, a mistake is straight, a depression is full, a hole is new, a little is gain, and a lot is confusion. ——Laozi's "Tao Te Ching"

The sage knows himself but does not see himself, loves himself but does not value himself. ——Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching"

Born without being, doing without relying on it, achieving without living. ——Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching"

The strongest among the strongest is the strongest, so don't exaggerate in front of others. ——"Surprise at the First Moment"

You cannot use all your power, all your blessings, all your advantages, and all your wisdom. ——Feng Menglong's "Words of Caution to the World·Wang Anshi's Three Difficulties, Scholar Su"

When the sun is at its midpoint, it will be waning, and when the moon is waxing, it will be eclipsed. ——"Book of Changes·Feng"

The mountains never get too high, and the sea never gets too deep. ——Cao Cao's "Dan Ge Xing"

Be humble and gentle, and don't be pretentious about your talents and places. ——"Book of Jin·Zheng Mo Biography"

Being modest and prudent and being self-respecting is not wisdom, and the wisdom of being humble is great wisdom; being self-respecting is not courage, and being humble and courageous is great courage. ——"Proverbs of Disciples·Courtesy and Courtesy"

If the debauchery fails, the body will be in disaster if it is full. ——Zhang Yong's "Encouraging Learning"

Those who empty themselves are the foundation of virtue. ——Fang Xiaoru's "Miscellaneous Commandments"

The sea accepts all rivers, and tolerance is great; standing on a wall with thousands of feet, without desire is strong. ——"Lin Zexu"

The reason why Jianghai can be the king of hundreds of grains is because he is good at controlling it. Therefore, if a sage wants to lead the people, he must speak to the people; if he wants to precede the people, he must speak to the people behind him. Therefore, when a sage is at the top, the people do not take him seriously, and when he is at the front, the people do not harm him. Therefore, the world is happy to push forward without getting tired of it. Because he does not fight, no one in the world can fight with him. ——"Tao Te Ching · Mo Neng Yu Zheng"

A serious illness in life is just the word "arrogance". ——Wang Yangming's "Traditional Records"

The most stupid thing in life is that the evil has been heard, and the most evil thing in life is the good talk. ——Shen Juyun's "Xiyan's Words"

Don't abandon people's great beauty with small evils, and don't forget people's great kindness with small grudges. ——Shen Juyun's "Xiyan's Words"

If you are full, it is easy to cause disaster, but if you are modest, you will always be blessed.——Zhang Tingyu's "Miscellaneous Xing"

Reward those who are disobedient, and punish those who are unwilling to rebel. Rewards are for no merit, punishments are for those who are innocent. ——"Su Shu·Zunyi"

One cannot be judged as a gentleman by a moment of praise; a person cannot be judged as a villain by a moment of slander. ——"Jingshi Tongyan·Volume 4"

A gentleman must not neglect self-cultivation. If you want to cultivate yourself, you cannot avoid getting married. When you think about family affairs, you cannot ignore others. If you want to know people, you cannot know heaven. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean·Chapter 20"

If you correct yourself without asking for others, you will have no resentment. Don't blame heaven when you are above, don't blame others when you are below. ——"The Doctrine of the Mean·Chapter 14"

A gentleman's ears will not listen to obscene sounds, his eyes will not see evil colors, and his mouth will not utter evil words. ——"Xunzi·Music Theory"

Always think of the day when there is no day, and don't mistake the time for the time. ——"Zengguang Xianwen·Part 1"

The book is as sentimental as an old friend, and the joys and sorrows of the morning and dusk are every blind date. ——Yu Qian's "Guanshu"

Read old books without getting tired of reading them hundreds of times. If you read them carefully and think deeply, you will know yourself. ——Su Shi's "Send Off the Andun Scholars to Return to the West"

To establish oneself, one should first establish one's studies, and to establish one's studies, one should take reading as the basis. ——Ouyang Xiu, "Collected Works of Ouyang Wenzhong"

My husband's ambitions are all over the world, and he is still close to his neighbors thousands of miles away. ——Cao Zhi's "Giving the White Horse to Wang Biao"

It is better to be determined and think about true character, and to study hard. ——"Ruan Yuan"

Learning is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. ——"Zeng Guangxian Wen"

Without learning, you cannot expand your talents, and without ambition, you cannot achieve learning. ——Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments"

Extended reading:

"The Analects of Confucius"

"The Analects" is a collection of quotations compiled by the disciples and disciples of Confucius, a thinker and educator in the Spring and Autumn Period , who recorded the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. A collection of essays, written in the early period of the Warring States Period. The book has a total of 20 parts and 492 chapters, mainly in the form of quotations, supplemented by narratives. It embodies the political opinions, ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles of Confucius and the Confucian school. Most of the works are quotations, but the words are rich in meaning, and some sentences and chapters are vivid. Its main characteristics are that the language is concise, easy to understand, and the meaning is far-reaching. It has a graceful, gentle, and implicit style that can be used in simple conversations and conversations. Show characters in action.

"The Analects of Confucius" is one of the Confucian classics . It is a collection of quotation-style prose mainly in the form of quotations and dialogues. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples in the form of quotations and dialogues, and embodies Confucius's political, Value ideas such as aesthetics, moral ethics and utilitarianism.

The content of "The Analects of Confucius" covers politics, education, literature, philosophy, and principles of life and so on. As early as the period when Confucius set up a lecture forum in the late Spring and Autumn Period, its main content had been initially created; after Confucius's death, his disciples and re-disciples passed down his remarks from generation to generation, and gradually recorded these orally recited quotations, words and deeds. Therefore, It is called "Lun"; "The Analects" mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, so it is called "Yu". Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty explained: "The speaker is the language of the saints, and the commentator is the discussion of the Confucian scholars." In fact, "Lun" also means compilation. The so-called "The Analects" refers to the record of the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. Come down and compile it into a book.


Confucius (September 28, 551 BC to April 11, 479 BC), whose surname was Kong, whose given name was Qiu, and whose courtesy name was Zhongni, was born in Zou Yi (now Qufu City, Shandong Province) of the state of Lu. His ancestral home is Liyi of the Song Dynasty (now Xiayi County, Henan Province). He was a great thinker, politician, and educator in ancient China, the founder of the Confucian school, and the "Sage of Dacheng". [

Confucius created the style of private lectures and advocated benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust. He had three thousand disciples, including seventy-two sages. He once led some of his disciples to travel around the country for fourteen years, and revised the Six Classics (Poetry, Book, Rites, Music, Book of Changes, and Spring and Autumn Annals) in his later years. After his death, his disciples and subsequent disciples recorded the words, deeds, quotes and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples, and compiled them into The Analects of Confucius. The book is regarded as a Confucian classic.

Confucius was one of the most erudite scholars in society at that time. He was revered as the "Sage of Heaven" and "The Wooden Duo of Heaven" when he was still alive. He was also honored by the rulers of later generations as the Saint of Confucius, the Holy Saint, the Holy Teacher, and The supreme sage of Dacheng, King Wenxuan, was the forefather and the teacher for all generations.His thoughts have a profound impact on China and the world, and he is listed as the first among the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World". As the influence of Confucius expanded, the "Confucius Ceremony" to worship Confucius once became a ceremony on the same level as the Chinese ancestor gods.


"Mencius" is Confucian classic work , Mencius and his disciples Ten Thousand Chapters , Gongsun Chou and so on in the middle period of Warring States . It was first seen in Zhao Qi's "Mencius' Inscription": "This book was written by Mencius, so it is always called "Mencius"." "Mencius" was listed as one of the "Four Books" by Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty (the other three are "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean" and "The Analects of Confucius").


Mencius (approximately 372 BC - 289 BC), whose name is Ke and whose character is unknown (Ziyu, Ziju and other characters are all from forged books or made up by later generations), was born in Zou, Lu State (now Shandong) in the middle of the Warring States Period. Zoucheng native), not far from Qufu, the hometown of Confucius.

Mencius is a famous thinker, politician, educator, successor of Confucius' theory, and an important representative of Confucianism. According to legend, Mencius was a descendant of the Meng Sun family, a nobleman of the Lu State. He lost his father when he was young and his family was poor. He was once a disciple of Zi Si (Kong Ji, the grandson of Confucius). After completing his studies, he lobbied the princes as a scholar in an attempt to promote his political ideas and went to Liang (Wei), Qi, Song, Teng and Lu. At that time, several big countries were committed to enriching the country and strengthening the military, striving to achieve unification through force. He inherited Confucius's "benevolence" thought and developed it into the "benevolent government" thought, and was called the "Ya Sage".

Mencius was born about a hundred years after the death of Confucius (479 BC). Regarding his life experience, very little has been handed down. "Han Shi Wai Zhuan" contains the story of his mother's "broken weaving", and "Biography of Lienu" contains stories of his mother's "three moves" and "departure to Qi". It can be seen that He benefited a lot from his mother's education. According to "The Biography of Lienu" and Zhao Qi's "Mencius' Inscription", Mencius was taught by Confucius' grandson Zisi. But judging from the age, it seems unreliable. "Historical Records: Biography of Mencius and Xunqing" says that he was "a disciple of Zisi", which is possible. Whether he was a disciple of Zisi or a disciple of Zisi, Mencius's teachings were all influenced by Confucius' thoughts. Therefore, Xunzi listed Zisi and Mencius as the same school. This is what later generations called the Simeng school in Confucianism.

Like Confucius, Mencius also led students to travel to Wei, Qi, Song, Lu, Teng, Xue and other countries, and once served as a guest of King Xuan of Qi. Since his political ideas were not valued as much as those of Confucius, he returned to his hometown to gather disciples to give lectures, and wrote a book with his student Wan Zhang and others. "The Seven Chapters of Mencius" ("Historical Records: Biography of Mencius and Xunqing") The seven chapters of "Mencius" we have seen are divided into upper and lower chapters, with about 35,000 words, and a total of 260 chapters.


"Taodejing", the philosophical work of Laozi (Li Er) in the Spring and Autumn Period, also known as "Taodezhen", "Laozi", "Five Thousand Words", "Laozi's Five Thousand Essays", is an ancient Chinese A work written by the pre-Qin scholars before they split up, and is an important source of Taoist philosophical thought. The Tao Te Ching is divided into two parts. The original text is the first part "De Jing" and the second part "Tao Jing". They are not divided into chapters. Later, they were changed to "Tao Jing". Chapter 37 comes first, and after chapter 38, it is "De Jing" and divided into chapters. For 81 chapters.

The text of the "Tao Te Ching" takes "morality" in the philosophical sense as its outline, and discusses the ways of self-cultivation, governing the country, using military force, and maintaining health. Most of it takes politics as its purpose. It is the so-called "inner sage and outer king" study, and its literary meaning is profound. , inclusive and comprehensive, known as the king of scriptures.

"Tao Te Ching" is one of the greatest masterpieces in Chinese history, which has had a profound impact on traditional philosophy, science, politics, religion, etc. . According to statistics from UNESCO, the Tao Te Ching is the cultural classic that has been translated into most foreign languages ​​and published the most besides the Bible.


Laozi, whose surname is Li Ming'er, whose given name is Dan, whose first name is Boyang, or whose posthumous title is Boyang, was born in the late Spring and Autumn Period. His birth and death dates are unknown, and his place of birth is also controversial. "Historical Records" and other records record that Laozi was born in the state of Chu Or Chen Guo.An ancient Chinese thinker, philosopher, writer and historian, the founder and main representative of the Taoist school, and is also known as "Lao Zhuang" together with Zhuangzi. Later, he was revered as the ancestor by Taoism and was called "Tai Shang Lao Jun". In the Tang Dynasty, he was posthumously regarded as the ancestor of the surname Li. He was once listed as a world cultural celebrity and one of the world's 100 historical celebrities.

Laozi once served as the guardian of the Zhou Dynasty and was famous for his erudition. Confucius once visited the Zhou Dynasty to ask him for courtesy. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the world was in chaos. I wanted to abandon my official position and go into seclusion, so I rode a green ox to the west. When he arrived at Lingbao Hangu Pass, he was ordered by Yin Xizhi to write the Tao Te Ching.

Laozi's thought has a profound influence on the development of Chinese philosophy, and the core of his thought is simple dialectics. In politics, it advocates governing by doing nothing and teaching without speaking. In terms of power, we should pay attention to the principle that things must be reversed when they reach their extreme. In terms of self-cultivation, it pays attention to the practice of being humble and not competing with others. It is the ancestor of Taoist dual cultivation of life and life.

Laozi's handed down work "Tao Te Ching" (also known as "Laozi") is one of the most widely published works in the world.

"The Book of Songs"

"The Book of Songs" is the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry and the earliest collection of poetry. It collects poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (11th century BC to 6th century BC), with a total of 311 poems, including 6 poems. It is a Sheng poem, that is, it only has a title but no content. It is called the six Sheng poems ("Nanmei", "Baihua", "Huashui", "Yougeng", "Chongqiu" and "Youyi"), which reflect the poems from the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty. The social landscape during the late period of about 500 years.

The author of "The Book of Songs" is unknown, and most of it cannot be verified. It is said that it was collected by Yin Jifu and compiled by Confucius. The Book of Songs was called "The Book of Songs" in the pre-Qin period, or the whole number was called "The Three Hundred Poems". It was revered as a Confucian classic during the Western Han Dynasty and was first called the Book of Songs, which is still in use today. The Book of Songs is divided into three parts: "Wind", "Ya" and "Song". "Wind" is a ballad from various places in the Zhou Dynasty; "Ya" is a formal song of the Zhou people, and is divided into "Xiaoya" and "Daya"; "Song", "Song of Lu" and "Song of Shang".

Confucius once summarized the purpose of the Book of Songs as "innocence" and taught his disciples to read the Book of Songs as the standard for speech and action. Among the pre-Qin scholars, many quoted the Book of Songs. For example, Mencius, Xunzi, Mozi, Zhuangzi, Han Feizi, etc. often quoted sentences from the Book of Songs to enhance their persuasiveness when reasoning and demonstrating. By the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Book of Songs was regarded as a classic by Confucianists and became one of the Six Classics and the Five Classics.

The Book of Songs is rich in content, reflecting labor and love, war and corvee, oppression and resistance, customs and marriage, ancestor worship and banquets, and even celestial phenomena, landforms, animals, plants and other aspects. It is a mirror of social life in the Zhou Dynasty.


One of the five Confucian classics, the earliest book is called "Shu". It is a compilation of works that trace ancient deeds. It is divided into "Yu Shu", "Xia Shu", "Shang Shu" and "Zhou Shu". Because it is one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, it is also called the Book of Books. The commonly used version of Shangshu, the Commentary on the Thirteen Classics, is a joint edition of Jinwen Shangshu and the pseudo-Guwen Shangshu. Extant versions are of mixed authenticity.

Twenty-eight chapters of "Shang Shu" dictated by Fu Sheng, a scholar of the Western Han Dynasty, are the modern version of "Shang Shu". Another "Shang Shu" discovered by Liu Yu, King Gong of Lu in the Western Han Dynasty when he demolished a section of the wall of Confucius' former residence, is the ancient version of "Shang Shu". During the Yongjia period of the Western Jin Dynasty, war broke out, and all the modern and ancient "Shang Shu" were lost. At the beginning of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Yuzhang Neishi Meizu presented a "Shangshu" to the court, including 33 chapters of "Jinwen Shangshu" and 25 chapters of pseudo "Guwen Shangshu".

"Shangshu" is listed as one of the important core Confucian classics and the basic book for Confucian study in the past dynasties. "Shang" means "up", and "Shangshu" is an ancient book. It is the earliest collection of historical documents in my country. The traditional Shangshu (also known as Jinwen Shangshu) was handed down from Fu Sheng. The legend is that it is a legacy of the ancient culture "Three Tombs and Five Codes".

"Book of Rites"

"Book of Rites", also known as "Book of Rites of Xiao Dai" and "Ji of Xiao Dai", was written in the Han Dynasty and compiled by Dai Shengsuo, a ritual scholar of the Western Han Dynasty.

"The Book of Rites" is an important anthology of laws and regulations in ancient China, with a total of 20 volumes and 49 chapters . The content of the book mainly describes the etiquette system of the Pre-Qin Dynasty and embodies the philosophical thoughts of the Pre-Qin Confucians (such as the view of heaven and the world). , outlook on life), educational thoughts (such as personal self-cultivation, education system, teaching methods, school management), political thoughts (such as transforming politics through education, Datong society, etiquette and criminal law), aesthetic thoughts (such as the theory of things moving and the heart, etiquette and music Theory of Zhonghe), is an important material for the study of pre-Qin society , and is a compilation of materials on Confucianism .

"Book of Rites" has rigorous organization, vivid reflections, tactful words, echoes from front to back, and neat and changeable language. It is one of the "Three Rites", one of the "Five Classics", and one of the "Thirteen Classics". Since Zheng Xuan of the Eastern Han Dynasty made the "annotation", the status of "Book of Rites" has been rising day by day. By the Tang Dynasty, it was regarded as a "Classic". After the Song Dynasty, it ranked first among the "Three Rites".

The ancient cultural history knowledge and ideological doctrines recorded in the "Book of Rites" have an important impact on the inheritance of Confucian culture, contemporary cultural education and moral cultivation, and the construction of a harmonious socialist society.

"The Book of Changes"

"The Book of Changes" is the "Book of Changes", one of the "Three Book of Changes" (there is another view: the Book of Changes is the Three Book of Changes, not the Zhou Book of Changes). It is one of the traditional classics. According to legend, it was written by Jichang, King Wen of Zhou Dynasty. The content includes two parts: "Jing" and "Biography" . The "Jing" mainly consists of sixty-four hexagrams and three hundred and eighty-four lines. Each hexagram and line has its own explanation (hexagram words and line words), which are used for divination. "Zhuan" contains seven kinds of texts explaining hexagrams and line words, a total of ten chapters, collectively called "Ten Wings", and it is said to be written by Confucius.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, official schools began to gradually evolve into private schools. The study of Yi followed each other and developed gradually. With the rise of hundreds of schools of thought, the study of Yi diverged accordingly. Since Confucius praised the Yi, "The Book of Changes" has been regarded as the Confucian holy book and the first of the six classics by Confucianism. Outside of Confucianism, there are two branches of Yi that developed in parallel with the Confucian school of change: one is Zhishu Yi where the old forces still exist; the other is Lao Tzu's Taoist Yi, and Yi school began to be divided into three branches.

The "General Catalog of Sikuquanshu" divides the origins and changes of the history of Yixue into "two schools and six sects". The two sects are the Xiangmao sect and the Yili sect; there are six sects, one is the divination sect, the second is the Yuxiang sect, the third is the fortune sect, the fourth is the Lao Zhuang sect, the fifth is the Confucianism sect, and the sixth is the Shishi sect.

"The Book of Changes" is the theoretical root of natural philosophy and humanistic practice in traditional Chinese thought and culture. It is the crystallization of the thoughts and wisdom of the ancient Han nation and is known as the "source of the great road." The content is extremely rich and has had a profound impact on China's politics, economy, culture and other fields for thousands of years.


Xunzi (about 313 BC - 238 BC), whose surname was Kuang, also named Qing (it is said that people at that time respected each other and was called Qing), At the end of the Warring States Period, he was a native of Zhao State . During the Han Dynasty, he avoided the inquiry of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. The nickname is "Sun Qing", a famous thinker, philosopher, educator, representative of the Confucian school, and the culmination of a hundred schools of thought in the pre-Qin era.

Xunzi served as the sacrificial wine minister of Jixia Academy of Qi three times and the mausoleum of Chulan twice. In his later years, he lived in seclusion in Lanling County, wrote books, taught disciples, and stayed there until his death. He was called the "Later Sage". Xunzi critically accepted and creatively developed the orthodox thoughts and theories of Confucianism, advocating the combination of " etiquette and law" ; proposing the idea that man can conquer heaven by "controlling the destiny of heaven and using it"; opposing the superstition of ghosts and gods; proposing the theory of evil nature , attaches great importance to the influence of customs and education on people, and emphasizes the application of knowledge; his thoughts are concentrated in the book "Xunzi". Xunzi also compiled and inherited Confucian classics such as the Book of Songs, Shangshu, Rites, Yue, Yi, and Spring and Autumn, and made great contributions to the dissemination and preservation of Confucian thought and culture.

Xunzi summarized the theoretical results of the Contest of One Hundred Schools of Thought and his own academic thoughts, and created a complete system of simple materialist philosophy in the pre-Qin period. His thoughts exerted a subtle influence on the development of feudal society for more than two thousand years.


"Xunzi" is a philosophical work compiled or recorded by Xunzi and his disciples during the Warring States Period.

"Xunzi" has a total of 32 chapters, and its views are consistent with Xunzi's consistent opinions. Among the first 27 articles, there are also several articles, such as "Yi Bing" and "General Strategy", which may have been compiled by his students.

There are thirty-two chapters in "Xunzi". Except for a few chapters, most of them were written by him himself. His articles are good at reasoning, well-organized, thorough analysis, and good at drawing examples. He often uses parallelism to enhance the momentum of arguments. His language is rich in caution and has strong persuasiveness and appeal.

"Xunzi" is an important work of the Confucian school in the late Warring States Period. In addition to Tang Yang Liang's "Xunzi Commentary", its annotated editions include "Xunzi Collection" by Qing Wang Xianqian, which brings together the exegesis and textual research achievements of scholars in the Qing Dynasty and is rich in content; Liang Qixiong's "Xunzi Commentary" combines the results of various schools of interpretation. Particular emphasis is placed on "simplicity, conciseness, and conciseness"; there are also "Brief Commentary on Xunzi" written by Zhang Shitong, "Xunzi's Modern Commentary" by Xiong Gongzhe, etc.

"Historical Records"

"Historical Records", one of the Twenty-Four Histories, was originally called "Tai Shi Gong Shu" or "Tai Shi Gong Ji" or "Tai Shi Ji". It is a biographical history book written by Sima Qian, a historian in the Western Han Dynasty. It is one of the most important historical records in Chinese history. The first general history in the form of biographies records a history of more than 3,000 years, starting from the Huangdi era in ancient legends to the fourth year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In the first year of Taichu (104 BC), Sima Qian began the creation of "Tai Shi Gong Shu", which was later called "Historical Records". This work took 14 years to complete.

The "Historical Records" includes twelve books (recording the achievements of emperors of the past dynasties), thirty families (recording the rise and fall of vassal states and Han Dynasty princes, nobles and nobles), and seventy biographies (recording the words and deeds of important figures, mainly describing people and ministers, among which The last chapter is a self-preface), Ten Tables (chronology of major events), and Eight Books (recording various laws and regulations, etiquette, music, music, calendar, astronomy, Zen, water conservancy, and financial use). "Historical Records" has a total of 130 chapters and more than 526,500 words, which is more than 395,000 words more than "Huainanzi" and more than 288,000 words more than "Lu Shi Chunqiu" Character. "Historical Records" is huge in scale and has a complete system, and it has a profound influence on subsequent biographical history books. Official histories of all dynasties have been written in this style.

"Historical Records" is listed as the first of the "Twenty-Four Histories", and together with "Hanshu", "Houhanshu" and "Three Kingdoms" are collectively called the "First Four Histories" , which has exerted a great influence on the development of historiography and literature in later generations. deep influence. His pioneering method of chronicling historiography was passed down by the "official histories" of subsequent dynasties. "Historical Records" is also considered an excellent literary work, playing an important role in the history of Chinese literature. It was praised by Lu Xun as "the swan song of historians, the unrhymed "Li Sao"" and has high literary value. Liu Xiang and others believe that this book is "good at explaining things, argumentative but not flashy, and qualitative but not slangy".

"Spring and Autumn"

"Spring and Autumn" is a literary work of ancient Chinese history. It is also called "Spring and Autumn Classic", "Lin Classic" or "Lin History", etc.

Later, many works appeared that supplemented, explained, and elucidated the history recorded in "Spring and Autumn", which were called "Zhuan". The representative works are "Zuo Zhuan", "Gongyang Zhuan" and "Gu Liang Zhuan", which are called "Three Biography of Spring and Autumn Period".

The language used to record events in "Spring and Autumn" is extremely concise, but almost every sentence has a connotation of praise and criticism, which is called "Spring and Autumn Writing Style" and "Small Words and Great Meanings" by later generations. It is one of the "Six Classics" of ancient Chinese Confucian classics. It is my country's first chronological history book and the national history of the State of Lu during the Zhou Dynasty. The existing version is said to have been revised by Confucius.

reported in February 2019 that more than 5,200 slips were unearthed from the tomb of Haihunhou. After interpretation by experts, they discovered Confucian classics including the Spring and Autumn Annals and their teachings.