What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——"The Story of Yingying" The past cannot be recalled, and the future cannot be determined. Only the present is in our own hands

2024/06/2309:44:32 entertainment 1783

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

What is the way to abandon today? At that time, I would do it myself. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——" Yingying Zhuan "

The past cannot be recalled, and the future cannot be determined. is only in our own hands now. Therefore, for each of us, the most correct thing to do is to do good things now and cherish the people in front of us.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

Having a successful career, a loving wife by your side, healthy children, and a happy family, I think this should be what most men want in their hearts. Tao Zhe has all the enviable things, but he doesn't seem to cherish them much.

High-profile career

Tao Zhe actually spent his childhood in Taipei, Taiwan, China. After graduating from Gongguan Bethany American School in Taipei, he went to study at the University of California, Los Angeles, majoring in psychology and minoring in film.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

After graduation, Tao Zhe worked all over the United States in various industries until he met music producer Wang Zhiping in a record store in Los Angeles. The two hit it off and chatted happily. Tao Zhe directly accepted his invitation and returned to Taiwan, China, to develop.

After returning to Taiwan, Tao Zhe officially launched his music career. When first started, he was involved in music production behind the scenes. He has composed songs for Zhang Xinzhe , Sun Yaowei , Cheng Zhongji , Tao Jingying ... many people.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

html In 2097, Tao Zhe decided to switch from behind the scenes to the stage, and joined Xiake Records in the same year. Since then, our "godfather of music" who is popular all over the country has officially started his "glory era".

We have to admit that Tao Zhe is really talented. 's first album "David Tao" was shortlisted for five major awards including the Best Composer Award and the Best Record Producer Award at the 9th Taiwan Golden Melody Awards. In the end, he won the Best Newcomer Award and the Best Record Award in one fell swoop. Producer Award.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

This is already a very good result for a newcomer. Maybe there are many people who have been making music their whole life and it is nothing more than this. However, this is just the beginning for Tao Zhe.

In the following years, Tao Zhe composed and sang countless golden songs, and won many awards. His songs were really popular all over the country. At that time, everyone was familiar with them, such as " Small Town Girl " and "Today You Will Marry Me"...

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

In Taiwan at that time, Tao Zhe's His musical talent and attainments can be said to be unparalleled. , at least in the field of music, has reached its peak. Therefore, people even gave him the title "Godfather of Music".

A low-key marriage

In addition to being a "music genius", our "music godfather" is also a "love genius". Speaking of Tao Zhe, his musical achievements are indeed very high, but what is even more worth mentioning is his rather lively private life.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

We can say that since Tao Zhe returned to China, there have been no end to the scandals about him. When it comes to falling in love, our "music godfather" is extremely talented. His romance rumors have never stopped, and his relationship status has always been in a seamless state. There has never been a so-called " window ".

It is said that during this period, there were also girls who wanted to get married to Tao Zhe, and there were also good family women among them. But our "playboy" Tao Zhe was not tempted at all.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

After the introduction of Tao Zhe's mother, "Bai Fumei" Jiang Peirong and Tao Zhe met. The two hit it off and fell in love quickly, and their relationship was quickly established.

Perhaps because he really likes Jiang Peirong, or because of his mother’s introduction, Tao Zhe dated for two years and finally got married in 2014.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

Eye-catching extramarital affairs

Everyone says that "a prodigal son never changes his fortune". I thought that Tao Zhe belonged to this kind of person, but the reality is not like this. After getting married for less than a year, the romantic Tao Zhe started having fun outside.

He and female star Yang Ziqing went to KTV to sing, and were even photographed by the media holding hands and going home. Later Tao Zhe also admitted the incident generously. To this end, he also held a special press conference to respond to this incident.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

He also specially made a ppt, and then confessed everything about Yang Ziqing in the form of ppt. includes the time, place and what happened, and in the ppt, Tao Zhe also has his thoughts and summary. I have to say that this way of apologizing is really unique and jaw-dropping.

If it is understandable if you make a mistake once, what should you say if you make it a second time? Later, Tao Zhe was photographed going to a KTV with three women. Afterwards, he sent one of the women home and stayed downstairs for a long time.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

For a man with a family, a wife and children, a sense of responsibility is the most important thing. You have to know that you are carrying a family on your shoulders. "Cheating" is disrespectful to your wife and disrespectful to your family.

No matter who you are, you must consider the consequences before doing something, and don't wait for it to happen before saying it is impulsive. If your happiness is based on the pain of your family, then your happiness is too selfish, right?

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——

Now, in the latest news about Tao Zhe, Tao Zhe celebrated his 53rd birthday, and his little wife Jiang Peirong carefully prepared a birthday surprise for him. In the photo, the whole family is smiling and looks very happy and sweet.

Regarding this, we have to sigh, Tao Zhe really married a good woman. If it were anyone else, they might have already gotten divorced. Jiang Peirong not only didn't, but also treated Tao Zhe as always without asking for anything in return.

What's the point of abandoning the present? I'll take care of myself at that time. Retain the old thoughts and take pity on the people in front of you. ——


In any case, we all sincerely hope that today's Tao Zhe is truly the "prodigal son turning back". People can make mistakes, but if they are willing to change, we should also give them a chance and not kill them with a stick. Give him a chance and give yourself a chance. Don't be too humble, but don't be too unreasonable either.

I think that for Tao Zhe, or people like Tao Zhe, we need to learn the words "cherish the people in front of you." Cherish the people in front of you, cherish the present, and don't wantonly consume other people's love and enthusiasm , otherwise it will be useless to regret it when something really happens. In short, just one sentence: do it and cherish it.

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