Some patients with lumbar disc herniation came to consult me ​​after learning that hanging the horizontal bar is helpful in treating lumbar disc herniation: "Can hanging the horizontal bar every day treat lumbar protrusion?"

Whether it is at the entrance of a community or a park, everyone can see the horizontal bar. Some patients with lumbar disc herniation came to consult me ​​after learning that hanging the horizontal bar is helpful in treating lumbar disc herniation: "Can hanging the horizontal bar treat lumbar protrusion if I insist on hanging the horizontal bar every day?" And "Can lumbar protrusion be cured by hanging the horizontal bar without medication? What should I pay attention to when hanging the horizontal bar?"

Regarding these two questions, let Dr. Li take everyone to understand the relationship between hanging horizontal bars and lumbar disc herniation, so as to better prevent and treat lumbar herniation.

(1) What is the relationship between the lumbar intervertebral disc and the horizontal bar?

Before understanding the relationship between hanging horizontal bars and lumbar disc herniation, let us first understand the pathogenesis of lower lumbar disc herniation.

Lumbar disc herniation is an orthopedic disease common in young and middle-aged people. Its causes are mostly related to long-term strain of the waist and sprains of the waist. The protruding part of most patients is located between the lumbar 4-5 or lumbar 5 and sacral 1 vertebrae in the lower waist. It is due to lumbar degeneration and annulus fibrosus rupture, resulting in nucleus pulposus tissue protruding and squeezing the waist. A syndrome manifested by nerves, combined with a series of inflammation and reaction stimulation in the lumbar spine.

teaches you how to self-assess the health of your lumbar spine in one minute:

① Pain in the waist can appear on one side or both sides, and the pain can radiate to the lower limbs and feet, accompanied by numbness, which is aggravated by coughing or exerting force.

②The lumbar spine repair ability is poor. After acute lumbar sprain, walking instability occurs.

③ When lying down, the pain in the lower back cannot be straightened. The pain is relieved when sleeping on your side, but you need support with your hands or pillows to make it less painful.

④ There is obvious pain when pressed at a point 1 finger across the left and right sides of the lower waist.

If you have any of the above 4 symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a CT examination, which can better display the lumbar stenosis and protrusion, and provide timely response and prevention. What is the relationship between hanging horizontal bars and lumbar intervertebral discs?

Hanging horizontal bar, is equivalent to a kind of traction treatment for patients with lumbar disc herniation.

Traction is an effective treatment method for lumbar disc herniation. Through the traction treatment of hanging horizontal bar, the intervertebral space can be enlarged, and the protruding intervertebral disc can be retracted, thereby relieving the compression on the nerve root , thereby alleviating or even eliminating related symptoms.

The principle of "hanging horizontal bar", in short, is to use the weight of the limbs below the waist to form a pulling force on the lumbar vertebrae under the influence of gravity, which acts as a simple lumbar traction treatment , and then to a certain extent. To the therapeutic effect on lumbar protrusion. At the same time, it can also give the lumbar spine a good rest, help intervertebral absorption and subside congestion and edema, and at the same time relieve spasm of lumbar muscles, thereby reducing the pressure on the lumbar spine.

Therefore, using the "hanging horizontal bar" method to exercise can play a certain traction role and relieve the discomfort of lumbar disc herniation. So can lumbar disc herniation be treated by hanging horizontal bars?

(2) Is hanging horizontal bar effective in treating lumbar disc herniation? Is the

hanging horizontal bar effective? You say it doesn't work, but some people do relieve their condition by hanging on the horizontal bar every day. You may say it works, but it is true that some people try it but it doesn’t work. Regarding whether hanging horizontal bars can cure lumbar protrusion, we need to analyze the specific issues in detail and treat rationally.

Regarding whether the hanging horizontal bar is effective, first of all, we need to understand the two shortcomings of the hanging horizontal bar.

1. The strength and direction of the horizontal bar are difficult to quantify and suitable for everyone.

Hanging horizontal bar is actually more of a self-weight traction. Because it is difficult to quantify, not everyone can achieve the therapeutic effect. Generally speaking, compared with mechanical traction treatment in hospitals, self-weight traction is difficult to control. However, the hanging horizontal bar also has a great advantage, that is, it is more affordable and easy to operate. If the condition allows and the exercise method is correct, it can be used as a daily auxiliary traction method.

2. Exercise rehabilitation treatment for lumbar disc herniation, cannot rely solely on traction .

Exercise rehabilitation treatment for lumbar disc herniation not only includes traction treatment, but also includes promoting lumbar spine flexibility through lumbar extension, increasing lumbar spine stability through muscle exercise, and reducing nerve sensitivity through nerve stretching. Only through comprehensive exercise can we better alleviate the condition and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

At the same time, for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, the treatment focus is different in different periods. For lumbar herniation in the acute stage, the main treatments are to eliminate inflammation, relieve pain, and relieve edema. It is recommended that bed rest and anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs be used to treat lumbar prolapse at this stage. When the symptoms of lumbar protrusion are relieved and the recovery stage is reached, daily reasonable exercise becomes the top priority.

In short, every treatment or exercise has its own suitable group. Whether hanging the horizontal bar is effective depends on the analysis based on the condition. After the acute stage of lumbar disc herniation, you can indeed exercise by hanging a horizontal bar on a daily basis. However, it should be noted that no matter what stage it is, lumbar disc herniation cannot be cured by hanging monoclonal antibody alone. Hanging horizontal bar cannot solve all lumbar spine problems, and other treatment methods cannot be ignored.

However, for patients with serious conditions and patients with unstable lumbar spine, it is not recommended to hang the horizontal bar. For patients with mild symptoms, they should also use the correct "hanging on the horizontal bar" method to relieve symptoms.

(3) How to effectively hang the horizontal bar?

Hanging on the horizontal bar does not mean you can get effective exercise by just hanging on it twice. When hanging the horizontal bar, you should also pay attention to the safety and effectiveness of the exercise.

First of all, as mentioned above, patients with lumbar protrusion in the acute stage should not hang on the horizontal bar. The symptoms in the acute stage are severe and it is difficult to get up and move around. Therefore, hanging on the horizontal bar can only be done with a weak heart. Therefore, bed rest is the first line of treatment.

As symptoms such as inflammation and pain subside, the condition is relieved. The patient can then start rehabilitation exercises, and at this time, he can choose to hang the horizontal bar in a timely manner.

Secondly, to hang the horizontal bar safely and effectively, you need to understand the following points:

  • Understand the condition - Patients with lumbar protrusion need to understand their specific condition and standardize diagnosis and treatment before hanging the horizontal bar. It is recommended that patients ask their attending doctor to analyze whether their condition makes it necessary to hang on the horizontal bar, and whether there are risks in hanging on the horizontal bar.

  • Pay attention to the method - Some people hang for a long time when hanging the horizontal bar. In fact, hanging for a long time is bad for health. Hanging on the horizontal bar for a long time puts the lumbar spine in a state of overstretching for a long time. Overstretching can easily cause muscle strain and a decrease in ligament elasticity, which is not conducive to the stability of the lumbar spine.

About the method of hanging the horizontal bar: It is recommended to hold the horizontal bar with both hands, relax the whole body and hang naturally along with the weight of the body, and hang for about 20 seconds. Then let go and rest, repeat 10 to 20 times, which can be completed during morning and evening exercises.

  • auxiliary exercise - Hanging horizontal bar exercise has certain limitations. Hanging horizontal bar mainly stretches the spine to increase the intervertebral space, thereby achieving traction. However, the muscle training provided by hanging the horizontal bar is limited. While hanging the horizontal bar, the patient must also have some auxiliary exercises for the waist and back muscles, so as to more effectively ensure the stability of the lumbar spine after stretching.

For common waist and abdominal exercises, you can also choose scissor legs. The scissor kick exercise method is relatively simple. Choose to lie on the bed or a yoga mat, spread your legs apart and move up and down alternately, and hold each time for 30 seconds. Do 20 sets of each for the right and left legs every day, 5 sets a day. Not only is it beneficial to slimming down the belly and waist, but it can also increase waist muscle strength.

  • Pay attention to safety - When hanging the horizontal bar, you must pay attention to your own safety. Especially when getting off the horizontal bar, the patient cannot choose to jump off directly to avoid falling due to unstable landing and damaging the lumbar spine. Therefore, patients with lumbar disc herniation must pay attention when hanging the horizontal bar.During the process of going up and down the bar, it is best to have someone to help you to avoid falling and getting injured.

is written at the end

. When you see this, you must have your own understanding of the horizontal bar. The horizontal bar hanging does have a certain effect on some patients with lumbar disc herniation, but the horizontal bar hanging may not be suitable for everyone. If your back feels uncomfortable when hanging the horizontal bar, you should stop the action in time. If the effect of hanging horizontal bars is good, it is recommended to persist for a long time, but pay attention to the amount of hanging horizontal bars should be moderate, and at the same time, it should be combined with other treatment methods, so as to better prevent and treat lumbar disc herniation.