Since the improvement of living standards, people have taken part of their time to maintain health. It is indeed necessary to maintain health. After all, the national health reports every year are very poor, the incidence of various diseases is increasing, and the mortality rate

Since the improvement of living standards, people have taken part of their time to maintain health. It is indeed necessary to maintain health. After all, the national health reports every year are very poor, the incidence of various diseases is rising, and the mortality rate is only increasing. , under such circumstances, if there is no awareness of health care, it means that you do not care enough about your own health, which may increase the risk of disease.

As the number of people maintaining health increases, the methods of maintaining health are also constantly updated, but exercise has always been recognized as a better way. However, there are many types of exercise, including aerobic and anaerobic, as well as equipment and resistance. The most popular ones are running and walking. Running can be divided into jogging and accelerated running, as well as super jogging . Walking can also be divided into fast and slow, as well as violent walking.

Today’s article is mainly about what changes will ultra-jogging and brisk walking bring to the body? Which approach would be a better choice?

What happens to the body of a person who insists on being violent?

There are still quite a lot of people who go berserk. Some people go berserk to show off their WeChat steps and satisfy their own superiority. Others go berserk for health care. No matter what the early purpose is, if you insist on going berserk for a long time, you may end up with it. Two broad categories of changes occur.

A type of change: Benefits

If you are losing weight and go on a rampage at this time, you can help lose weight. During the rampage, it can help consume the body's calories and reduce the accumulation of fat in the body. After a period of time, it will I noticed that my weight has changed a lot and my figure has become thinner.

If you are a depressed patient, the situation is not too bad and there is no need to take medicine. It will be recommended to adjust in life. Exercise is a way to improve. Some people will choose to go berserk. In the runaway, you can improve some problems. With a good mood , you can also make some new friends and come into contact with some new things, and your depressed mood will gradually improve.

went berserk, and even lost some people's insomnia . Insomnia is a troublesome thing. If you don't get enough sleep every day, no matter how good your body is, you can't bear it, and you will easily develop diseases. The key is that it will also have a negative impact on your mental health. If you can improve the insomnia problem as soon as possible, it would be better to solve it as soon as possible.

Some people heard that walking on a rampage can help improve sleep, so they started trying it. In the early days, they were not used to it, but gradually they were attracted by the scenery along the way, and it made feel better and relaxed their body., plus walking on a rampage Afterwards, my body felt tired, and it became easier to fall asleep. The quality of my sleep was still relatively high.

Type II changes: Disadvantages

Do not follow the actual situation.People who blindly go on a rampage can easily cause problems to the body. For example, people who have related diseases will blindly follow them after learning about the benefits of rampage. In the end, not only did I fail to get any benefits, I also damaged my knees, tendons, and joints.

Here we need to remind people with diabetes and bone, joint, and tendon related diseases that they are not suitable for long-term exercise. In addition, people who are too weak are not suitable for this exercise. Please understand it correctly before exercising reasonably. .

People who make mistakes in their rampage methods are also prone to physical problems. The most common mistakes in rampage are not doing what is within their capabilities , and movements are not standard, and the speed is not accurate, and the road conditions are relatively poor . In this case It would be strange if there was no damage to the body.

So, what about people who insist on ultra-jogging?

I often hear people jogging, but I have never heard of ultra jogging. In fact, ultra jogging has more advantages than jogging. It can bring many benefits to the body and is less likely to hurt the body. This is why more and more people like ultra jogging. Reasons for jogging.

Insisting on ultra-jogging can not only help consume calories but also not easily injure the knees , and can also protect the knees . This is the difference between it and running away. Why is it said that ultra jogging will not hurt your knees?

Because of super jogging, you run at a relatively slow speed. To put it simply, no matter how slow the speed is, both feet are off the ground for a moment. This action can reduce the pressure on the knees and is not easy to increase. As long as you can persevere, your body will benefit from the burden. You can warm up your body and expel the cold air from your body during ultra-jogging. This kind of warmth does not lead to heavy sweating, but slight sweating, so ultra jogging will be more suitable for aerobic exercise.

I just need to remind you that the speed of super jogging is extremely slow. At the beginning, you will be a little uncomfortable. My feet and legs are easily sore. The main reason is that I am not familiar with the speed. Once I am familiar with it, I will feel relaxed and slow. Be slow to reap the benefits.

In summary, both ultra-jogging and ultra-jogging have certain benefits, but there are still differences. Rampage has more disadvantages. Compared with ultra-jogging, there are still some shortcomings. If you want to maintain health through exercise, between ultra-jogging and ultra-jogging, there is still a difference. It is recommended to choose ultra-jogging, which is less likely to cause damage to the body and at the same time, you can enjoy some benefits. Rampage can easily lead to many uncertain factors and unknown problems.

Reference materials:

1. "Try super jogging for Sanjiu sugar lovers"·Health Times·2015.12.3

2. "Running away and losing insomnia"·Health Times·2009.4.9

3. "Running away, pain and happiness"·Health Times · 2013.7.22

4. "Never let your family members run away on the road. In addition to being unsafe, these reasons are even more terrifying!" · Health Times · 2017.7.18