In the past two days, I have come across this song repeatedly while scrolling through the video screen. Many netizens have said that this song reflects the current situation of Tangshan. I did not expect that the lyrics are so consistent. In fact, this song also reflects the cont

"The sky now is a dirty sky. Stars can no longer be seen in the civilized sky. The sky is actually not high and the sea is not far away. The human heart is actually higher than the sky and farther away than the sea..."

These two I kept seeing this song on my TV screen every day. Many netizens said that this song reflects the current situation of and in Tangshan. I didn’t expect that the lyrics are so consistent. It just so happened that this year there was a beating incident at a barbecue restaurant in Tangshan, and more than ten real-name reports appeared later. It really stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, which shows how powerful the underworld in Tangshan is.

In fact, this song also reflects the contemporary life of all people, sings about the sadness of the people at the bottom, and sings about the current world. It used to sound like darkness was far away from us, but now I feel sad.

Maybe when we grow up, we realize that Zheng Zhihua is the real sober person in the world, and every one of his songs is very realistic. Although stars are rarely seen in the sky now, I want to say that the sky is not dirty. What is dirty is human beings. Society is very simple, but what is complicated is human beings.