Previously in the third season of "Riding the Wind and Waves", Cyndi Wang teamed up with Cyndi Wang, Zhang Tianai, Gillian, Ah Sa, and Wu Jinyan to adapt Zheng Zhihua's classic song "Stars Light Up".

Recently, the controversy caused by the song has frequently triggered discussions on online platforms. Previously, an anchor was sued for compensation for singing a song in a live broadcast room. Later, Zheng Zhihua and Weibo posted a response to the adaptation. On July 3, Zheng Zhihua posted a response to the lyrics of his song " Star Lights " being randomly changed. He expressed: shocked, angry and regretful. Previously in the third season of "Riding the Wind and Waves", Cyndi Wang team Cyndi Wang, Zhang Tianai, Gillian, Ah Sa, Wu Jinyan adapted Zheng Zhihua's classic song "Stars Light".

The adaptation of "Stars Light Up" triggered aesthetic controversy

During the program, netizens noticed that the song's style and lyrics had changed after the adaptation. The inspirational, desolate, and sense of the times in the original song have been replaced with disco, Rap, and sweet girl group styles. With sweet music. The songs have also been slightly modified. For example, the first line at the beginning of the original song is: "The sky that raises your head is a sky for men." The first line of Sister Lang's stage sung by Gillian is "The sky that raises your head is our sky." In the second paragraph, the original lyrics are "The sky now is a dirty sky", while Cyndi Wang sings "The sky now is a sunny sky". The original lyrics "Stars are no longer visible in the civilized sky" were revised to "Stars are always visible in the civilized sky".

In 1993, Zheng Zhihua's name appeared in the sketch "Star Chasers" starring Zhao Lirong and Cai Ming. Guo Da said: With your historical answer, ask who is Zheng Chenggong ? The daughter played by Cai Ming answered: Zheng Zhihua’s younger brother. The star-chasing girl played by Cai Ming also sang two songs by Zheng Zhihua acapella on the stage, namely "Stars Light Up" and " sailor ". At that time, Zheng Zhihua's songs were very popular and almost everyone could sing them.

Zheng Zhihua suffered from polio when he was two years old, which caused leg diseases in the future. Incurable leg disease, middle-aged people are doomed to a life of stress and hard work, forming Zheng Zhihua's highly personalized label. "Stars Light Up", written and composed by Zheng Zhihua, is included in Zheng Zhihua's album of the same name "Stars Light Up" released in December 1992. "Stars light up my door" is a familiar lyric. Through his passionate singing, Zheng Zhihua has influenced many people with dreams and illuminated the struggles of many young people. He said that he wrote this song in the car, and the stars he saw in the car window were his inspiration for writing this song. It is inevitable that people will encounter times of discouragement, hesitation, and helplessness in their lives. I wrote this song in the hope that it can encourage others. For fans, as time passes, listening to this song again will bring different insights into life.

For many people who experienced their teenage years in the early 1990s, Zheng Zhihua was an indispensable part of their youth. Zheng Zhihua was a cultural symbol in the period when his young worldview was formed and emotions were budding - the rebellion in his works. , sadness, gray, self and resistance are all the sustenance and emotional outlet of young people.

As for the effect of the adaptation, some people find it refreshing, "The intention of "Riding the Wind and Waves" is to be positive. It is understandable to change the decadence into something more sunny. Zheng Zhihua was our favorite singer when we were in school. The times are different. Let's create diversified art again. The format is acceptable. "Some people feel that the original intention of the song has been changed. "You can't change everything to make it nondescript. Since it's inappropriate, just don't use this kind of song. Do you have to change it beyond recognition?"

Another netizen said, "It would be a bad thing to present it in a different style. Having said that, , I still feel that since the program team has arranged it this way, it should communicate with Teacher Zheng in advance and make arrangements after getting approval to show respect for the original singer. "The reporter contacted Zheng Zhihua, who has not yet been interviewed. The industry's biggest V, "Choreographer", said on Weibo, "It's a big deal, times have changed. The program uses CCTV's 2018 adapted version. Also, what's the point of not adapting the songs in the music variety show? This is routine. "Operation." Ge Xun,

lyricist and consultant to the Jiangsu Music and Literature Society, told reporters that he could understand Zheng Zhihua's feelings.When using music, the author's wishes should be respected, with a sense of reverence and legal awareness. "Although it is not in line with the times, for him, this masterpiece is a personalized life experience. The voice of struggle is vivid on the paper. It is his voice that can move people."

Singing in the live broadcast room cannot "sing whenever you want"

Recently, game anchor PDD sang " will borrow another five hundred years from the sky" in a live broadcast, and was sued by the original author for 100,000 yuan in compensation. It is reported that "Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years" is the theme song of the TV series "Kangxi Dynasty", sung by Han Lei , with lyrics written by Fan Xiaobin , and composed and arranged by Zhang Hongguang. The copyright of this song belongs to Beijing Four Seasons Guangguang Culture Media Co., Ltd. Zhang Hongguang is the company's artistic director and a national first-class composer. Zhang Hongguang responded to reporters: "The amount of the claim is not important. What is important is to call on all sectors of society to attach great importance to music copyright, so that more musicians can be rewarded for their hard work and encourage more creators to create more excellent works. .”

reporters saw that PDD posted two consecutive video apologies on the homepage of its personal account on the three-party video platform. He said in the video: "I improvised a song called "Borrow Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years" during a game live broadcast, and was sued by the copyright owner, demanding compensation of 100,000 yuan. This song has been very popular for more than ten years. He said frankly, "I will not sing casually in the future, and I also tell everyone that live broadcasts are commercial. You must obtain the permission of the copyright owner before singing. This is what the law stipulates. I hereby solemnly apologize and hope not to sue." "I really didn't want to use it for commercial purposes, and I didn't want to accumulate wealth through singing. If compensation is needed, I will actively cooperate." In fact, the matter did not end because of PDD's apology, and the other party is still in court with the game live broadcast platform. pre-negotiation.

Why will I be sued if I sing live? In online live broadcasts, anchors cannot sing whenever they want, otherwise it is easy to infringe on the copyright of others. Performers who use other people's works for performances should obtain permission from the copyright holder and pay remuneration. On June 1 last year, the new " Copyright Law " was officially implemented, which clarified that the copyright owner should be paid for the use of music in online live broadcasts. At the same time, by increasing the amount of statutory compensation and introducing the punitive compensation system , online live music music Authenticity gradually enters the transparent zone and becomes law-based. How to sing in the

live broadcast room? According to the copyright owner, two authorizations are required: one is the authorization for lyrics and music; the other is the authorization for public communication. When an anchor wants to sing on a certain platform, the platform official will provide a music library. The songs in the music library are all songs authorized by the platform in terms of lyrics and music. These platforms will pay a fee to the Recording Association every year. If you sing within the scope of the music library, or if you have obtained the authorization for a certain song individually, there will basically be no problems.

Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Nan

proofreading Sheng Yuanyuan