Flour is a very good nutritional food that can be made into bread, cakes, steamed buns and other foods. So can pregnant women eat flour? What should pregnant women pay attention to when eating flour? What are the benefits of eating flour for pregnant women? Due to pregnancy react

Flour is a very good nutritious food that can be made into bread, cakes, steamed buns and other foods. So can pregnant women eat flour? What should pregnant women pay attention to when eating flour?

What are the benefits of eating flour for pregnant women?

Early pregnancy due to pregnancy Pregnant women often have poor appetite and are prone to symptoms such as partial eclipse and vomiting, which may lead to poor nutrient absorption. At this time, you can eat easily digestible flour foods to supplement protein and energy. The diet at this stage should be high in quality, high in protein, rich in nutrients, less greasy, and easy to digest and absorb.

Common flour-based foods include bread, noodles, fermented rice cakes, biscuits, Chinese pastries (steamed buns, steamed buns, flower rolls, dumplings, pancakes, etc.).

The benefit of pregnant women eating flour is to supplement protein and energy. The nutrients contained in flour are mainly starch, which can provide energy for pregnant women. Moreover, flour-based foods are easy to digest and have high calories. Eating more flour-based pasta during labor can replenish energy. Pasta also has the function of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, and has a health-care effect on those with weak spleen and stomach. When eating pasta, because it is easy to digest, less gastric acid is secreted and the stomach will not feel tired. Flour also contains protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, etc., which can provide other nutrients to pregnant women.

Pregnant women’s taboos on eating flour

The particularity of pregnancy determines that pregnant women need to pay more attention to their diet. Flour is a common food in life, and pregnant women also need to pay attention to it when eating it. In addition to pregnant women not being able to eat too much flour, there are also some foods made from flour that pregnant women should not eat or eat in excess. Pregnant mothers should be careful.

1. It is not advisable to eat more flour-based foods.

Expectant mothers need to supplement a large amount of vitamins and some minerals during pregnancy, and the main component of flour is starch, which cannot meet the nutritional needs during pregnancy. And because too much starch intake can cause pregnant women to be overweight during pregnancy, which will affect fetal development, pregnant women should not eat too much pasta. Pregnant women can add more types of other foods to supplement their nutrition while eating flour-based foods.

2. Can pregnant women eat alkaline noodles?

Alkaline noodles are one of the most common pastas. Alkali is added to the flour to remove the sour taste in the dough, making the noodles more enlarged, whiter and softer. Alkali is added to pasta in many places to improve the taste. However, for pregnant women, it is not advisable to eat too much alkaline water, but eating it once or twice occasionally will not affect the development and health of the fetus. From a physical and chemical point of view, alkali can neutralize folic acid, so eating a small amount of alkali-containing food can help pregnant women's gastrointestinal rest.

3. Can pregnant women eat fried flour?

Pregnant women can eat fried flour, but they should eat it in moderation. Because fried flour needs to be fried, it is very hot, which can easily cause pregnant women to get angry after eating, affecting their health.

4. Gluten allergy (gluten protein intolerance)

The so-called gluten, commonly known as gluten protein or gluten, mainly exists in the seeds of wheat cereals (such as wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc.) . The highest content is found in wheat. Flour is ground from wheat, and people with gluten allergies cannot eat flour.

Gluten allergy, also known as celiac disease, requires the immune system of the small intestine to be activated to digest wheat gluten, causing local inflammation in the small intestine. When flour-based foods enter the gastrointestinal tract, it causes an autoimmune reaction in the intestine, causing symptoms such as cramps, gastric acidity, and flatulence. This reaction can cause the destruction of small intestinal villi, leading to malabsorption of nutrients. If it is not paid attention to for a long time, anemia and malnutrition will easily occur, and the weight will continue to decrease in an unhealthy state.

For pregnant women with gluten allergy, this may cause you to have a spontaneous miscarriage, so do not eat common flour and its processed products on the market, and only buy flour that is anti-gluten allergy.

5, other disease allergens

Flour is also one of the allergens of allergic rhinitis. If allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergy to flour, you cannot eat flour.

How is it safe for pregnant women to eat flour?

1. The longer it is stored, the better it tastes.

Flour that has been stored for a longer period of time is of better quality than freshly ground flour. There is a saying among the people that "wheat is eaten when it is old and rice is new"; flour and rice Best eaten with it.

2, the healthiest mix-and-match style

Steamed buns, dumplings, and wontons are all specialty foods made with flour as the skin and supplemented with various fillings. They are examples of flour mixed with other foods. The skin of the buns is soft and elastic, and the taste is delicious; the dumplings contain almost all the nutrients needed by the human body; the skin of the wontons is thin and smooth. The nutritional content of the three foods varies greatly due to different fillings and cooking methods, but in general, the overall nutritional content of the three foods is reasonably matched, and they are all "perfect pyramid foods".

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