Speaking of Ni Ping, I believe everyone is familiar with it. She has hosted the Spring Festival Gala 13 times in a row and was once the "No. 1 Sister of CCTV". He can host programs, act in movies, such as "Beautiful Big Feet", and has also published books, including "Days".

Speaking of Ni Ping, I believe everyone is familiar with it. She has hosted the Spring Festival Gala 13 times in a row and was once the "No. 1 Sister of CCTV".

She was born in 1959, graduated from Shandong Art Institute, and is now rated as a national second-level actor.

can host programs, act in movies, such as "Beautiful Big Feet", and has also published books, including "Days".

is a versatile woman. When she was young, she was the goddess in the hearts of many people. For example, Zhao Benshan publicly stated that the lover of his dreams was Ni Ping.

She is intellectual, generous and gentle, and the programs she hosts are sensational, lively and touching, but her own love life is a mess.

She had relationships with five men, had three marriages and two children, and only found the right person when she was still in her old age.

can’t help but sigh that beauties have a bad life and the road to beauties is bumpy.

The author will tell you in detail what happened to this beautiful woman who is shining brightly in the spotlight, but is a bit shabby in her love life.

first husband.

She met her first husband when she was studying in Shandong. There is very little information about him. It is said that he is a son of a high-ranking official, and they have a daughter.

Due to job transfer, this relationship ended when she left Shandong and went to Beijing to develop, and her daughter stayed with her husband.

After being transferred to Beijing, her career developed very smoothly. In 1991, she hosted the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. Later, she partnered with Zhao Zhongxiang to host many Spring Festival Gala programs. I believe many viewers got to know her through the CCTV stage.

As a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, Guo Da and are also the same. As we all know, Guo Da's sketches are very exciting.

The first skit he performed on the Spring Festival Gala was in 1987. From then on, he began to perform in the Spring Festival Gala one after another. This period lasted for more than 20 years, bringing everyone a lot of joy.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala not only fulfilled Guo's dream, but also brought him an unforgettable love affair. Fate arranged that he and Ni Ping met and fell in love.

The two fell in love at first sight and quietly fell in love, even to the point of discussing marriage.

Ni Ping and Guo Da both came from single-parent families, and their respective mothers raised them with hardships.

Ni Ping is Guo Da's first girlfriend, and the two cherish this relationship. However, they are opposed by their families and refuse to interact with each other.

It turns out that Ni Ping's family felt that Guo Da was just a little actor with little ability and was not worthy of their daughter.

Guo Da’s family believes that Ni Ping is a divorced woman and not worthy of her son.

In the end, the two of them listened to their family members and broke up, which is a pity to say the least.

Terrible Boyfriend Chen Kaige .

After that, she had a relationship with Chen Kaige, but it was also a relationship that she hated, and she even gave up her dignity for it.

They met in 1991. At that time, Chen Kaige had just divorced Hong Huang, and Ni Ping was determined to win this relationship.

Ni Ping is a young and beautiful host, and Chen Kaige is a talented director. The two had a good impression of each other, quickly fell in love, and began living together.

Ni Ping took good care of Chen Kaige's sick father, and lived with Chen Kaige like a virtuous wife.

She went to visit Chen Kaige during filming. Chen Kaige's father passed away due to illness. She went there dressed in black to help with the funeral arrangements.

The two have been in love for eight years and have lived together for six years. Their lives are unclear and they have even lost their dignity.

Almost everyone thought that it was just a matter of time before she would marry Chen Kaige, but she couldn't wait for Chen Kaige's engagement.

The proud Ni Ping never said the words: "Marry me." She just firmly believed that the two of them would get together.

never thought that while she was still struggling, a sexist woman stole her boyfriend away, and she had to retain her last arrogance and choose to quit.

Chen Kaige chose the younger and more beautiful Chen Hong, and the wedding was held after only one year of acquaintance.

It is said that Chen Hong became pregnant out of wedlock and used this to blackmail Chen Kaige into marrying her. Some people also say that it was Chen Hong's passion that moved Chen Kaige.

Chen Hong later mocked Ni Ping, saying that it was Ni Ping's lack of charm that made Chen Kaige fall in love with her.

In 1996, Ni Ping and Chen Kaige broke up and had no choice but to withdraw from this battlefield without smoke.

’s second husband Wang Wenlan.

After she left Chen Kaige heartbroken, she was introduced by a friend to journalist and photographer Wang Wenlan.

He likes photography very much and is a member of Chinese Photographers Association.

With his company, Ni Ping got out of the shadow of failed love affair, and the two chose to get married in 1997.

Wang Wenlan has a hobby of photographing various bicycles, and Ni Ping is also very interested.

The two people who hit it off hit it off and published a book called "Bicycle Days". One was responsible for taking pictures and the other was responsible for the text content.

That period was the sweetest moment for Ni Ping, and the two were known as a loving couple in the entertainment industry.

Soon she became pregnant. The 39-year-old Ni Ping took the risk to give birth to a child for him. She thought that all the hardships would be rewarded, but the child was diagnosed Had congenital cataract.

In order to provide for her son, she ran around looking for a way to treat her son's disease. After a lot of trouble, due to the limited medical level in China at that time, she finally decided to go to the United States for treatment.

The high cost of treatment once overwhelmed her. Women are weak, but mothers are strong.

For this child, she began to work harder. As long as the income from domestic work was greater than the cost of international flights, she would accept it.

In order to pay for her son's treatment, she began to make movies. In 2004, she filmed the movie "Beautiful Big Feet" and resigned from her position as a host. She focused all her body and mind on making money and treating her son.

It was also because of this child that the couple was exhausted mentally and physically, and there was also an emotional crisis.

In 2005, this marriage of only 8 years came to an end.

After the divorce, Ni Ping took her children alone to focus on medical treatment. She worked hard day and night. She was under double pressure both mentally and in life, and became increasingly haggard.

experienced love betrayal and marriage failure, which also overdrawn Ni Ping's health and caused her to age rapidly.

The third husband Yang Asia .

Fortunately, she finally met the right person in her life. He took special care of Ni Ping and treated Ni Ping's children as his own. This made Ni Ping very happy. Soon the two got married in a low-key manner in their hometown.

This person has known Ni Ping for a long time. He is the director Yang Yazhou, and he helped Ni Ping get out of the predicament in her career.

With the help of Yang Yazhou, she successively filmed movies such as "Snowflakes Gone with the Wind" and " Loach Is Also a Fish ", which effectively alleviated the financial pressure.

The movie "Snowflakes Gone with the Wind" also won her the Best Actress Award at the 30th Montreal International Film Festival.

’s son Huzi also fully recovered after many treatments.

In 2014, 55-year-old Ni Ping returned to the CCTV stage and picked up a familiar microphone to host the charity missing person program "Waiting for me ".

Four years later, due to physical reasons and various reasons, she left the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Ni Ping was even called a "stupid pig" because of her figure, which deeply affected her. When

and others appeared again, she began to host the variety show "New World Over Flowers". Under the guidance of a nutritionist, she successfully lost weight and became much healthier. She did not need support when walking.

After Ni Ping lost 20 pounds, netizens exclaimed that she has changed from an aunt to a sister, and she has also learned from the youth of today, actively accepts new things, wears fashionable clothes, regained the beautiful and confident self of the past, and reopened own life.


Today, Ni Ping is 61 years old. He and Yang Yazhou have spent 14 years together and have always been in love.

Chen Kaige has also entered his old age and is considered happy to have his own life and family.

I hope those beautiful or painful memories can be blown away by the wind!