"A long time ago, Chaoshan boys were labeled as "macho". This label is as impressive as Chaoshan girls as "good wives and loving mothers" and Chaoshan snacks as "delicious on earth"!

What is it like to fall in love with a Chaoshan person?

Some people commented

"When you marry a Chaoshan girl, don't marry a Chaoshan man"

"Just have fun with Chaoshan boys when you fall in love!"

A long time ago, Chaoshan boys were labeled "big "Machoism" tag, this tag is as impressive as Chaoshan Girls "Good Wife and Mother" , Chaoshan Snacks "Human Delicious" !

Outside, whenever the sensitive topic of "falling in love with Chaoshan boys" is discussed, outsiders always seem to know it very well, but what they talk about is not praising for like Chaoshan women, but for Chaoshan boys convicted .

Chaoshan men, who are prone to black bodies, basically cannot escape the following crimes:

However, times are changing, and so are the new generation of Chaoshan boys! To this day, these one-sided legends still cling tightly to Chaoshan boys.

Because of the "regional blackness" of by outsiders in , how many high-quality Chaoshan boys in the new era have been delayed!

Today, I am not trying to whitewash the controversial Chaoshan boys, but I am telling you about the "Chaoshan boys in the new era" from the ordinary perspective of our Chaoshan girls and what we have seen and heard.

We are not the Chaoshan boys you imagined!


are all very chauvinistic?

In the last century, Chaoshan men generally went to Nanyang to do business. In the Chaoshan family structure, it is advocated that men are outside and women are included, which makes men have a higher status than women, and they are somewhat chauvinistic.

So they said

- "Don't marry a Chaoshan person when marrying" -

- "Marrying a Chaoshan person is equivalent to marrying a dictatorship" -

In fact

Nowadays, women in Chaoshan are basically not full-time housewives, so the status of men and women can be said It is equal to ! There is no such thing as male superiority and female inferiority in !

Also, Macho chauvinism is not disrespecting women, but another kind of pampering!

Chaoshan men in the new era are indeed a bit chauvinistic as the outside world says :

For example, when making important decisions, they will take the heavy responsibility on themselves

When going out to eat, they will actively give money, perhaps because of their dignity , it has become more of a habit.

They will hope that they work harder outside and you live a better life at home.

Chaoshan boys like someone who is so domineering. When they fall in love with you, they want to be like Youlemei. Hold you in the palm of my hand .


must have a son?

The Chaoshan people of the previous generations have made great achievements, so they all hope in their hearts that a man will inherit the family business and honor their ancestors.

So they said

-"Don't marry a Chaoshan person when you marry" -

-"I'm afraid I will have a football team" -

In fact

the Chaoshan boy who was rejected by you because of traditional concepts may himself be the only child .

The previous generations of Chaoshan people all wanted to have boys to carry on the family line. This is a true historical label. However, as long as you are a Chinese, you will have a complex about passing on incense in your heart..

As far as the current Chaoshan families are concerned, many people no longer pursue the number of children, but pay more attention to quality, advocating eugenics rather than multiple children . Many Chaoshan people around me are actually only children.

And fathers basically don't value their daughters anymore. They dote on their children equally, and even "raise" girls "richly" and "raise poor" boys . If you don't believe me, you can ask anyone who has a younger sister around you. Chaoshan boys!

Moreover, in terms of the current pressure of life, having more children means spending more money! If you forcefully say that Chaoshan boys want girls to give birth to boys, that is really unfair!

Do you think every Chaoshan family is rich?


is delicious and why not make it?

According to legend, Chaoshan boys are lazy and do not do housework.

So they said

-"Don't marry a Chaoshan person when marrying" -

-"Marrying a Chaoshan person means you have to serve him for the rest of your life" -

In fact

Looking across the country, many families have men outside and women inside, so they are not Chaoshan boys. They are mainly responsible for making Kung Fu tea, eating tea, talking, and entertaining guests.

Making Kung Fu tea is the racial talent of Chaoshan men. It can enhance relationships, talk about life, business, even quarrels and conflicts. There is nothing that cannot be resolved with a pot of Kung Fu tea...

The new generation Chaoshan boys are delicious, but they are not too lazy to cook it, they will take you to eat it!

Just as Cai Lan said, "Food is in Guangzhou, taste is in Chaoshan." Chaoshan cuisine is broad and profound, which has made Chaoshan boys tricky since childhood. It is even clear how long it takes to brush which part of the beef. in vain.

But if you fall in love with a Chaoshan boy and you get to know his heart over time, you will find that his love is not for the superficial, but for the subtleties of life.

He is tricky, but if you like to eat but he doesn't like it very much, he will be willing to eat with you several times a week.

He doesn’t know how to cook. If he is willing to learn to cook for you, it means that your status is greater than Beef rice noodles, Rice rolls , Shaolao, braised goose...


You have to do housework and worship God every day. ?

The previous Chaoshan family structure advocated that men should be outside and women should be inside. Chaoshan boys go out to work hard, and Chaoshan women should be good wives and mothers at home, educating children.

So they said

-"Don't marry a Chaoshan person when marrying" -

-"Marrying a Chaoshan person is equivalent to marrying the first or fifteenth day of the lunar month" -

In fact

It is undeniable that the traditional and old Chaoshan family structure seems very different. It is reasonable that women can easily lose their freedom.

However, behind every successful man there is an excellent woman. In the social environment at that time, Chaoshan women played such a role.

However, the family structure of Chaoshan in the new era has changed! Chaoshan women also have their own careers, so they don’t have to do housework and worship God at home all day long!

Moreover, worshiping ancestors has been a custom in Chaoshan since ancient times, and it is understandable that the custom is passed on. Worship the masterFor Chaoshan people, it is not a superstition, but more of a belief, worshiping ancestors and praying for the family.

But in the new era, basically many Chaoshan families simplify the tedious process of worshiping gods. More pursue sincerity rather than formality .


loves to cling to groups and is very exclusive?

Many Chaoshan people went to Nanyang to do business successfully, which was indispensable for Chaoshan people to help each other. A place with water and soil supports a person. Since ancient times, Chaoshan people have been brought together in Chaoshan area because of ancestral halls and so on. Love to stick together is not a fault, but more of a kind of unity.

So they said

-"Don't marry Chaoshan people when marrying" -

-"Chaoshan families do not accept foreign girls" -


people always say that Chaoshan people are very xenophobic because they love to stick together, but other places are not xenophobic. ?

Many of the older generation of Chaoshan people can only speak Chaoshan dialect and not Mandarin. It is difficult for them to communicate with each other. If you think about it from another person’s perspective, it will be difficult for others to understand you.

Anyway, except for Shenzhen, an inclusive city, no one is qualified to say that Chaoshan is xenophobic. There will be some kind of hometown association in every place. It is normal for Chaoshan people to have their own hometown association and love to cuddle together!

Chaoshan people are very united and don’t have any big feelings at home. Many Chaoshan girls at the university said they were really moved to tears by this group of Chaoshan boys !

Military training gives herbal tea

Dragon Boat Festival gives rice dumplings

Mid-Autumn Festival gives mooncakes

New Year's Day gives glutinous rice balls


I think it is a bit unfair to single out Chaoshan family xenophobia .

The point is! Chaoshan boys are so labeled that they can only find local ones! Can you understand?


Don’t even study to start a business?

Chaoshan, a place with outstanding people and outstanding people, has produced talents in large numbers since ancient times, including wealthy businessmen. Chaoshan people are called "Oriental Jews", Li Ka-shing, Ma Huateng and other successful businessmen are all from Chaoshan.

So they said

-"Don't marry Chaoshan people when marrying" -

-"Most Chaoshan people have low levels of education" -

In fact

many Chaoshan people started businesses. That was because Chaoshan area was located in a barbarian land. In Nanyang, starting a business has become a livelihood for Chaoshan people to make money and support their families.

It is true that Chaoshan boys love to work hard, and it is also true that they dare to start a business. However, Chaoshan boys are not "born to do business". They are more down-to-earth and start from the bottom.

Many new generation Chaoshan boys have also taken the path of entrepreneurship, but their literacy is not low! Take a look at the well-known universities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. There are shadows of Chaoshan boys everywhere, and you can meet "Jiaojiren" on the road.

In the history of Guangdong, the Pearl River Delta ranks first in the number of Jinshi, and Chaoshan ranks second. The number of academicians of the two academies is also the largest in the Pearl River Delta, and Chaoshan ranks second.

The new generation of Chaoshan boys not only love entrepreneurship, but also have culture. Those who complain about the low level of education of Chaoshan people are probably envious of the handsomeness of Chaoshan boys?

The divorce rate in Chaoshan is the lowest in the country

The boys in Chaoshan are somewhat chauvinistic, which is the result of the atmosphere in which they have grown up over the years.

However, under the halo of machismo, what is more reflected is boys' sense of responsibility, carefulness, consideration, consideration for you and sense of security . Love is not sweet words, but daily necessities.

Chaoshan boys have the lowest divorce rate, but Chaoshan boys are still very good!

Falling in love with a person, falling in love with a city

For the impression of a regional group, you might as well go to this place Customs and customs :

Chaoshan customs There are many: Camping the master , worshiping the master, watching lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, and burning towers , English singing and dancing...

There are many Chaoshan snacks : beef balls, rice rolls, various kinds of rice cakes, goose meat, dried meat, fried pork knuckles, pig trotters ...

These customs, these Chaoshan delicacies are mysterious and Charming , if you want to fall in love with a Chaoshan boy, please be fully prepared:

Chaoshan boys will take you to join in the fun, will let you delve into Chaoshan customs, Chaoshan boys will also help you gain weight, will let you appreciate the authentic delicious food .

To be fair, in fact, the older generation of Chaoshan people still think is more feudal than .

However, most of the new generation of Chaoshan boys have received higher education. Chaoshan boys are no longer the Chaoshan boys you call them!

If you meet a Chaoshan boy, but he is nothing like what I call a new era Chaoshan boy, maybe you haven’t met a Chaoshan boy who likes you very much.

written at the end

I also want to say that you don’t have to fall in love with a Chaoshan boy, but please don’t reject a Chaoshan boy when you don’t know him well enough.

If you meet a Chaoshan boy who you like, please try to put aside "I heard about Chaoshan boys...". Understanding is far more important than hearing about it:

Because "Chaoshan boys..." "When you are gentle, you look like a little puppy" Why haven't you heard this sentence?

After all, it would be too boring if you didn't meet a Chaoshan boy who looks like a domineering president but takes care of you everywhere!

When you are in love, please don’t be “regional black”, okay?