When she was pregnant in October, what others saw was that her mother's figure was deformed, her belly became bigger, her butt became bigger, and her legs became thicker. What you can’t see is that the mother’s uterus is stretched to the limit, the blood in the body increases, th

When I was pregnant in October, what others saw was that my mother’s body shape was deformed, her belly became bigger, her buttocks became bigger, and her legs became thicker.

What you can’t see is that the mother’s uterus is stretched to the limit, the blood in the body increases, the pelvic floor muscles are compressed and become fragile, the elasticity becomes poor, the spine is forced to bulge forward, and the nerves are also affected, causing pain here and there.

These changes do not return to their original shape immediately after giving birth. Some of them can be recovered slowly during postpartum confinement, and some even require a longer period of time to recover.

The most critical time for postpartum recovery is 42 days after delivery, so we need confinement for 42 days after delivery.

During these 42 days, our reproductive system and most of the organs in the body will slowly return to their original shape.

The confinement period is 42 days after delivery. The absence of these five major symptoms means that the confinement period is very successful.

The first symptom: poor appetite.

The custom of confinement in Jing’s mother’s hometown is to kill one for the mother every one or two days. Chicken, cook that chicken into chicken soup, let the mother eat the chicken and drink the chicken soup.

Moreover, mothers cannot eat vegetables and fruits during the confinement period. Elderly people say that vegetables and fruits are too cold. Eating these cold foods is not conducive to postpartum recovery, and babies who drink breast milk are more likely to have green stools. It is not good for the mother or the child, so the mother eats a lot of fish and meat every day during the whole confinement period.

It is usually the mother-in-law who makes chicken soup. The mother-in-law will think that the layer of oil on top of the chicken soup is nutritious, so the top layer of oil is usually not set aside and poured directly to the mother. Tell the mother that these soups are very nutritious and she needs to drink more to produce milk.

The thick layer of oil on the chicken soup is actually the fat in the chicken dissolved into the soup. My mother drinks high-fat soup every day, which increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, during confinement, the amount of exercise is reduced, and fruits and vegetables are not allowed to be eaten, making it easier to feel unable to eat.

Eat a lot of protein and fat, but not too many vitamins and even less dietary fiber. It also causes constipation in the mother, which further affects the desire to eat, so the mother has a bad appetite.

How to improve:

Don’t eat more than half a catty of meat and more than one catty of vegetables every day. You can also eat about half a catty of fruits. When cooking, add some whole grains into it.

The second symptom: back pain

Back pain during confinement is likely to occur in the third trimester of pregnancy.

When the belly becomes bigger during pregnancy, it will pull our spine to bulge forward, and the mother's center of gravity will also move forward when walking. All of this will affect the muscles of the waist. In addition, the mother's need for calcium increases during pregnancy. If the calcium in the food Failure to meet the mother's needs will also lead to easy muscle soreness.

After giving birth, many mothers still have to put their children to sleep at night, change their diapers, and hold their children to breastfeed. If these knowledge are not appropriate, it will aggravate the symptoms of back pain.

How to improve:

Postpartum, the daily calcium requirement is more than 1,000 mg. You can meet the calcium demand by drinking milk or taking calcium tablets. When buying calcium tablets, buy ones with vitamin D, which can promote the absorption of calcium.

When changing diapers for children at home, try to buy a taller diaper table, mothers should not bend down too much.

If the child needs to be put to sleep at night, let the father come.

When breastfeeding, put a pillow behind your back to support your waist. If you are sitting on a stool, you can put a small low stool to cushion your feet. The mother's posture should be comfortable.

If mom wants to pick up something from the ground, don’t bend down, but squat down.

The third symptom: dizziness and fatigue

Although we don’t have menstruation when we are pregnant, the iron needed by the pregnant fetus comes from the mother. During childbirth, the mother will also lose a lot of blood and a lot of iron.

Many mothers will have symptoms of iron deficiency after childbirth. For example, they often feel dizzy, their world spins when they squat down and then stand up. For example, they feel that their memory is much worse. These may be caused by iron deficiency.

Some mothers may need to cook and take care of their children during the confinement period, resulting in insufficient sleep and fatigue.

How to improve:

Postpartum mothers should eat red meat every day, such as lean meat, beef, and mutton. These red meats can be a good source of iron.

Eat animal liver twice a week, 2 taels each time. Animal liver contains a high content of iron and has a high absorption rate, which can very well help mothers supplement the lack of iron.

Mothers should pay attention to eating fruits and vegetables. The absorption and utilization of iron requires vitamin C, and vitamin C is mainly found in fruits and vegetables.

Confinement period is very necessary for mother's physical recovery. It is recommended that mothers consider hiring a confinement nanny or going to a confinement center to prevent themselves from being overtired.

The fourth symptom: arm pain

In order to maintain the balance of the body when the uterus increases in late pregnancy, the spine will bulge forward, pulling the muscles of the neck forward, the shoulder blades will droop involuntarily, and the nerves in the hands will be pulled. . Causes hand pain.

This kind of nerve pain after childbirth may continue for a while. If the mother has to hold her baby to sleep every day, it may cause the hand pain to worsen.

How to improve:

Mothers should avoid holding their children for too long. This heavy work should be left to the father. He cannot just provide a sperm and then abandon it, he must have a baby!

The fifth symptom: The mother is irritable, irritable, and cannot sleep well.

Olympic champion Liu Xuan once mentioned that when she gave birth to her eldest son, he felt that it was annoying for the child to cry all day long, and she even wanted to throw the child away.

This is mainly because the mother's hormones drop sharply after giving birth, causing the mother to feel depressed and depressed.

How to improve:

The father-to-be should act as a psychological counselor at this time and find ways to make his mother happy.

Let dad take care of the unhappy things, and leave the happy things to mom.

If the mother feels really uncomfortable and cannot sleep well, she may consider seeking treatment from a psychologist.

The above five major symptoms are common to mothers during the confinement period. If the mother is in confinement 42 days after delivery and does not have the above symptoms, it means that the mother's confinement was successful and her body recovered well. Thank you to those who take care of us during confinement!

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