According to foreign media reports, a 26-year-old woman in the United States underwent surgery for a "tumor" in her brain. As a result, doctors discovered that her "tumor" turned out to be an underdeveloped embryo, which was the "twin" that the woman had in her mother's womb. son

According to foreign media reports, a 26-year-old woman in the United States underwent surgery for a "tumor" in her brain. As a result, the doctor discovered that her "tumor" turned out to be an underdeveloped embryo, which was the "tumor" that the woman had in her mother's womb. Twins".

According to reports, Callanan, a 26-year-old doctoral student in Indiana, USA, has had difficulties in reading and understanding since September last year. Neurologists and neurosurgeons are helpless. After examination, it was discovered that she had a "tumor" in her brain.

Callanan was initially afraid that the tumor in her brain was a malignant tumor. Fortunately, she met Sha Xuanen, a minimally invasive specialist. After careful examination, she discovered that the so-called tumor in her brain was actually the embryo of her twin brother or sister. Although the embryo is not fully developed, it does have hair, teeth and bones.

Sha Xuanen made a minimally invasive incision on Callanan’s head and took out the embryo. Callanan is expected to make a full recovery in three weeks. She joked that the "devil embryo" in her brain had tortured her for 26 years.

About teratoma:

1. What is teratoma?

The so-called "deformity" means unsightly appearance and strange shape; the so-called "fetus" means that it contains elements similar to those of a fetus. The source of the tumor is indeed the germ cells present in female ovaries or male testicles. However, it needs to be clarified that teratoma is not a tumor that develops after a woman becomes pregnant with a freak child. It has nothing to do with whether she is married or has a sexual life. .

We know that primordial germ cells mature into eggs, and after fertilization with sperm, they differentiate into embryos. The fertilized egg divides into two parts, two parts into four parts, four parts into eight parts... After gathering into a group to form an embryo, it initially differentiates into three major types of tissues: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, and then differentiates into corresponding organs. mature into a fetus.

In the absence of fertilization, the human body's primordial germ cells may also differentiate abnormally and differentiate into three types of tissues: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, but ultimately fail to differentiate into complete organs, thus forming tumors. This is a teratoma. Tumors may contain ectodermal components such as hair, grease, skin, teeth, and bone fragments, and may also contain mesodermal or endodermal tissue, such as muscle, gastrointestinal, and thyroid tissue.

2. Who will be affected by teratoma?

In terms of gender, teratomas are more common in women. Teratomas can also occur in men, but they are rare. In terms of location, the ovary is the most common site of occurrence. However, teratomas can also occur in the midline parts of the body, such as the mediastinum, front of the spine, pelvis, etc., although they are of course very rare. In terms of age, teratomas can occur in both young girls and older women, but most of them occur in women aged 20 to 30.

3. Are there good and bad teratomas?

Of course! About 97% of teratomas are benign teratomas. Benign teratomas that occur in the ovaries are mostly cystic, also known as dermoid cysts. The shape of the tumor is round or oval, with a smooth capsule on the outside. The most common things in the cyst cavity are hair masses and grease. Grease is liquid at human body temperature (there are also substances as thick as cheese), and soon after the tumor is cut off, it solidifies into a semi-solid at room temperature. Teeth and bone fragments are often found in tumors, and there can be dozens of teeth. There can also be a solid part within the tumor, which is called the scoliosis. The tissue differentiation within the tumor is very mature, so the tumor is benign. If differentiation is immature, it is malignant.

4. Will teratomas affect ovarian function?

Most ovarian tumors, including malignant tumors, have little impact on ovarian function. This is actually a reminder from the side that normal menstruation does not mean that there is no problem with the female reproductive system. Regular inspections are still needed. Teratomas usually do not affect ovarian function, so patients can conceive normally, and sometimes they become pregnant with tumors, and the tumors are not discovered until pregnancy tests. If the tumor is large, surgery is generally required between 14 and 16 weeks of pregnancy, because the risk of miscarriage is minimal at this time.

5. Will teratomas become malignant?

Yes, but the chance is very small, so young patients don’t need to worry too much. The malignant transformation rate of dermoid cysts is 1% to 3%, and the average age of malignant transformation is 51 years old.Teratomas often occur in young women, and this group is the main force in pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, benign ovarian tumors including teratomas will have a constant relationship with pregnancy and childbirth.

Expert's message:

Being young does not mean that you don't care about your health. Therefore, citizens should pay attention to their physical health, especially women, and conduct regular B-ultrasound examinations of the uterine appendage. From the current point of view, the vast majority of teratomas can be discovered through B-ultrasound. Once the presence of teratoma is discovered, it is necessary to go to the hospital for laparoscopic surgery in time.

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