There are many diseases, and just hearing the name is very scary. For example, when you hear the name of ovarian teratoma, you feel like you are pregnant with something bad, like a freak.

There are many diseases, and just hearing the names is very scary. For example, when you hear the name of ovarian teratoma, you feel like you are pregnant with something bad, like a freak. In fact, ovarian teratoma is just a kind of tumor, and it is also a relatively common gynecological disease. What is ovarian teratoma? It’s not that the woman is pregnant with a freak.

Ovarian teratoma is a common type of ovarian germ cell tumor. It does not evolve after women become pregnant with freaks, but is caused by abnormal proliferation of germ cells. It is a type of tumor that grows in ovarian tissue and is caused by germ cells. Tumors formed by abnormal proliferation and aggregation of cells. Because germ cells contain three tissue components: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, the tumor will contain ectodermal tissue such as hair, oil, skin, teeth, and bone fragments, and may also contain mesoderm or endoderm. Endodermal tissues such as muscle, gastrointestinal, thyroid tissue, etc.

The cause of ovarian teratoma is unknown, and there are several types, including mature teratoma and immature teratoma. 97% of them are mature teratomas, also called dermoid cysts . Dermoid cysts are one of the most common types, accounting for 10%-20% of all ovarian tumors and 85%-97% of germ cell tumors. Because it has nothing to do with pregnancy, ovarian teratoma can occur at any age. Newborns, teenagers, middle-aged or elderly people can suffer from this disease, but 80%-90% are women in the reproductive period between 20 and 40 years old. Approximately 1/4-1/3 of cancer patients.

Ovarian teratomas are generally asymptomatic clinically, but may cause abdominal distension, mild abdominal pain and compression when they grow up. Clinically, it is also common for abdominal pain to be discovered only after surgery due to tumor torsion.

When and how old is the best treatment for ovarian teratoma? Ovarian teratomas, regardless of size, should be treated as soon as possible once discovered, in principle, to avoid malignant transformation of benign teratomas, and to prevent complications such as tumor torsion, infection, rupture, and bleeding.

The key point of surgery for ovarian teratoma is to completely remove the tumor without laparotomy and treat it with laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery.

There are many diseases, and just hearing the names is very scary. For example, when you hear the name of ovarian teratoma, you feel like you are pregnant with something bad, like a freak. In fact, ovarian teratoma is just a kind of tumor, and it is also a relatively common gynecological disease. What is ovarian teratoma? It’s not that the woman is pregnant with a freak.