Published more than 20 SCI articles in journals such as J Control Release, J Mol Med, Toxicol lett, J Minim Invasive Gynecol, etc., and hosted two National Natural Science Foundation projects.

The happy news came from newly married Ms. Ma’s home

The young couple welcomed the first love child in their lives

I came to the hospital happily and took the first “photo” of the baby

But I was told that I was still pregnant. Another "abnormality"...

Ms. Ma had a routine prenatal color ultrasound examination. The report sheet stated: Early pregnancy 14.1 weeks, right appendage mass, 6.7×4.7cm, consider Teratoma may be . The worried Ms. Ma was worried that the gradual increase in gestational age would affect the safety of the fetus, so after asking around, she came to the well-known expert clinic of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Hubei Aerospace Hospital to consult Professor Wang Shaoshuai.

Because the right appendage mass was too large, Professor Wang Shaoshuai suggested that ovarian cyst removal should be performed while ensuring the safety of the fetus, so as to avoid the later increase in gestational age, the difficulty of the operation, and the gradual increase of the teratoma, which may occur at any time. Pedicle torsion, degeneration and necrosis may occur, and if emergency surgery is performed at that time, premature birth of the newborn may occur. In the end, Ms. Ma and her family thought over and over again and decided to undergo surgery as soon as possible.

Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Qin Yikai admitted Ms. Ma to the hospital. Considering that the uterus was significantly enlarged after 18 weeks of pregnancy, approaching the level of the umbilicus, the laparoscopic operation was more difficult than when she was not pregnant. So I immediately contacted Wuhan Tongji Hospital Professor Wang Shaoshuai and Professor Liu Ronghua to formulate a surgical plan. The bedside doctor explained the condition and surgical risks in detail to Ms. Ma and her family. Ms. Ma expressed full trust in all the medical staff in the department.

html Thirteen days later, Professor Liu Ronghua and Director Qin Yikai participated in the operation. During the operation, it was seen that the uterus was enlarged to the size of the gestational age, and the right ovarian teratoma was about 7×7×6cm. During the teratoma removal process, Professor Liu Ronghua and Director Qin Yikai carried out the removal quickly and carefully, perfectly and cleverly avoiding the fertilized uterus. After complete removal, the right ovaryoplasty was performed immediately.

In just one hour of operation, relying on the two people’s meticulous and experienced suturing techniques, Ms. Ma’s uterus was not damaged, and there was no obvious bleeding or intraoperative complications. With the full cooperation of the hospital's obstetrics and gynecology medical staff, both the pregnant woman and the fetus were healthy. During the postoperative recovery period, Qin Yikai formulated a series of treatment plans such as anti-infection and suppression of uterine contractions, which helped Ms. Ma successfully overcome the difficulties.

With the careful care of all the medical staff in the obstetrics and gynecology department day after day, Ms. Ma and her family often hear the strong heartbeat of the baby in her belly through the Doppler fetal heart rate probe during ward rounds. He smiled broadly and expressed his high appreciation and recognition for the medical technology and services of the hospital's obstetrics and gynecology department.

What is pregnancy complicated with ovarian tumors?

Pregnancy complicated by ovarian tumors means that the patient also suffers from ovarian tumors during pregnancy. Ovarian tumors can be benign or malignant. The incidence rate of ovarian tumors during pregnancy is 0.15%~5.7%, which has been increasing in recent years. Mainly caused by endocrine factors, genetic and family factors, environmental factors, etc.

Ovarian teratoma is the most common benign tumor among ovarian germ cell tumors . Ovarian cystic teratoma, also known as mature cystic teratoma, is the most common type of teratoma. The contents of ovarian teratoma can be formed by 2-3 tissues of germ layer , including skin and its appendages, hair, teeth, nerves, fat, bones, etc.

How to prevent ovarian teratoma?

. Women should pay attention to their daily diet. Cigarettes and alcohol are extremely acidic substances. People who smoke and drink for a long time can easily lead to acidic constitution. Women should eat more light food, including lean meat, eggs, chicken and fish. Do not eat too much salty and spicy food, and do not eat food that is too hot, too cold, expired or spoiled.

. Maintain a good mood, relieve stress appropriately, balance work and rest, and avoid excessive fatigue.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that stress can lead to overwork and physical weakness, which can lead to decreased immune function, endocrine disorders, , and metabolic disorders in the body, leading to the deposition of acidic substances in the body. Stress can also cause mental stress, causing qi stagnation, blood stasis, , poisonous fire internalization, etc.

. Strengthening physical exercise and improving physical fitness can also prevent ovarian teratomas. Exercising more in the sun and sweating more can expel acidic substances from the body with sweat and avoid the formation of an acidic body.

. Live a regular life. People with irregular living habits, staying up late and other irregular lifestyles will aggravate the acidification of the body and easily cause ovarian cysts.

. Conduct regular censuses, early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment. If ovarian abnormalities are found but cannot be diagnosed, regular follow-up is required. Once the diagnosis is clear, surgery should be performed as soon as possible.

Expert Introduction

Wu Mingfu

Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Deputy Director of Gynecology Specialist, Wuhan Tongji Hospital

Consultation time: every Sunday morning

Member of the Standing Committee of the Gynecological Disease Prevention and Treatment Committee of the Hubei Provincial Prevention Society, Pelvic Floor of the Women and Children's Branch of the Chinese Association for Medical Promotion Deputy leader of the health management group, member of the Standing Committee of the Scientific and Technological Innovation and Organ Restoration Branch of the China Plastic Surgery Association, and expert in technical identification of medical accidents in Hubei Province and Wuhan.

Specializes in gynecological malignant tumors (cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer) , pelvic floor dysfunction, uterine diseases and their endometriosis and other gynecological difficult diseases and minimally invasive (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic ) surgery, especially for the pelvic cavity (ovary) Cysts, uterine (adeno) fibroids, severe and recurrent pelvic organ (uterine) prolapse and stress urinary incontinence, complications related to pelvic floor surgery, etc. Minimally invasive surgery is used to preserve the uterus, protect fertility, and restore pelvic floor function, etc. Has extensive clinical experience. His research interests include molecular targeted therapy of gynecological malignant tumors and basic and clinical research on pelvic floor diseases.

presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China , 4 provincial and ministerial level projects, 1 Wuhan key project, participated in 17 National Natural Science Foundation projects, and published more than 50 papers in authoritative domestic and foreign journals, including Cancer Letters, Proteomics , Front Chem., Adv Healthc Mater., Chem Commun (Camb)., Sci Rep. and other magazines published 24 SCI papers. The projects he participated in won the first prize of the China Medical Science and Technology Award, the second prize of the Natural Science and Technology Award of the Ministry of Education, and the third prize of the China Medical Science and Technology Award.

Liu Ronghua

Deputy chief physician, associate professor, master's tutor

Assistant director of the Department of Gynecology, Wuhan Tongji Hospital

Consultation time: every Saturday morning

Member and Office Director of Hubei Provincial Female Pelvic Floor Reproductive Health Quality Control Center, Science and Technology Innovation and Organs of China Plastic Surgery Association Director of the Plastic Surgery Branch, member of the Tumor Microenvironment Special Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, member of the Gynecological Tumor Markers Special Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, and an expert in technical identification of medical accidents in Hubei Province and Wuhan.

has been engaged in clinical teaching and scientific research in obstetrics and gynecology for more than 10 years. Specialized in laparoscopic or open radical cervical cancer surgery, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer surgery, vulvar cancer laparoscopic inguinal lymph node dissection, endometriosis (including deep infiltrating endometriosis) surgery, muscle Tumor, adenomyoma surgery (uterine preservation), incisional pregnancy, intrauterine adhesions , uterine prolapse surgery and genital malformation surgery. He has been engaged in research on targeted diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors.

published more than 20 SCI articles in J Control Release, J Mol Med, Toxicol lett, J Minim Invasive Gynecol and other magazines, and hosted two National Natural Science Foundation projects. Participated in many other research projects ("973", "863" and many other National Natural Science Foundation of China).

Wang Shaoshuai

Deputy chief physician, associate professor, master's tutor

Deputy director of the obstetrics department of Wuhan Tongji Hospital

Consultation time: every Saturday morning

Member of the Maternal and Fetal Medicine Branch of the Chinese Maternal and Child Health Association, Standing Committee of the Reproductive Tract Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Branch of the Chinese Eugenics Science Association, Chinese Medicine Member of the Labor Room Safety and Midwifery Group of the Perinatal Medicine Branch of the Society, Youth Member of the Bleeding Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Research Hospitals, Standing Member of the Fetal Health Education Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Education Association, Expert of the Fourth Medical Accident Technical Appraisal Database of the Wuhan Medical Association, National Resident physician standardized training Completion assessment question bank construction expert

has been working in obstetrics and gynecology for more than 10 years and has rich experience in the treatment of common obstetrics and gynecology diseases and obstetric critical illness.

presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation project, 2 Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation projects, 2 National Key R&D Project sub-topics during the 13th Five-Year Plan, participated in many projects such as National Natural Science Foundation, 973, Ministry of Science and Technology, and the 13th Five-Year Plan, and published 30 professional papers. The remaining articles. Participated in the compilation of 5 monographs on obstetrics and gynecology.

Text: Ding Lin

Picture: Chen Yao